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Dieal , to books in What did everyone read in June?

Animal Farm and 1984 by George Orwell. They both describe, in a very creative way, the totalitarian regimes of the '40s, especially the soviet one. They give you an insight of what freedom should be, and what are the systems used by dictators to control the popultation: poverty, ignorance, fear, etc.

Worth reading!

Knoll0114 OP ,

I’ve read both but Animal Farm was for school so naturally I didn’t like it. 1984 was great not just as an interesting read but to understand all of the cultural (and culture war) references to it.

daykee , to books in What did everyone read in June? avatar

Hopped around a few different genres but really enjoyed all the books I read in June:

  • The Ashes and the Star-Cursed King by Carissa Broadbent
  • The Strange by Nathan Ballingrud
  • On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
  • Between Two Fires by Christopher Buehlman
OceanSoap ,

I read the Broadbent one! How did you like the second book compared to the first? I feel like the one thing that kinda fell flat is that every fight was described as the hardest fight ever, so when the last battle came the author was just rehashing those same descriptions.

Still, I enjoyed the story, and those books were far more well-written than most in the Romantacy genre.

daykee , avatar

I really enjoyed it! I’m not sure I liked it as much as the first one, I think the pacing in that one for me was a little bit better, but am excited to see what Broadbent writes next in that world. I’m newer to the Romantacy genre (have only read the ACOTAR series and Fourth Wing) but have already had a lot of fun with the books I’ve read so far.

accideath , to android in Recommend any OFFLINE Android Games with no ads?

Can recommend Oxenfree and Kentucky Route Zero. They are tied to a Netflix subscription on mobile though (on the other hand, if you already have Netflix, they’re free).

Besides that, Monument Valley 1 and 2 are amazing games. And The Room series is also very entertaining.

I also would recommend Broken age and Life is Strange but they seem to not be on the Google Play Store anymore…

loonix , to linux in Switch to Linux phone?

Why would you want a Linux phone. Linux, especially on phones is insecure! Go with an Android phone

ReakDuck , (edited )

Why is it insecure? The only part about insecurity and Linux was only X11. We have Wayland now which is more secure than Android and Windows afaik.

loonix ,

People dislike my comment and providing no arguments. Here explained why Linux is insecure:…/1180064036609826821and

ReakDuck ,

Twitter link is broken or smth can’t see it. Its hard to trust this page, especially because I don’t know what they mean with “data”, which data do they mean? And especially because they never mentioned wayland I dont see this as the newest security analysis.

I don’t want to say that Linux Desktop is secure, but I don’t know how secure it is with wayland.

Generally the way you get the Software makes Linux in practice by accident more secure as no users manages to get insecure packages through official repositories or other sources except tarballs not from github. Even tho github can also be insecure but its still more security compared to an random .exe or unsecure Edge browser.

pruwybn , to nostupidquestions in How do I use Mastodon? avatar

I just googled the people I follow on Twitter to see if they’re on Mastodon.

Reliant1087 , to nostupidquestions in What are the reasons to think we are living in a simulation?

For a slightly different take, a simulation and reality are not that fundamentally different given how both are perceived by senses in a similar way. Like how a VR headset uses the same sense that you use to see real objects.

They start to diverge in a way when you start encountering edge phenomenon that are beyond the scope of the simulation, like how a game would glitch. So far, however much we zoom in or zoom out, reality works consistently. So it is less likely that we’re in a simulation.

Dfc09 ,

It depends how you define reality working consistently. Dark matter was first theorized by observing how galaxies and star clusters etc don’t seem to have enough mass to produce the gravitational footprint that holds them together. So dark matter was theorized to account for it. Invisible, intangible matter that only interacts with “normal” matter through gravity. Kinda strange 🤔

Reliant1087 ,

I mean we knew that gravity as we understood in terms of GR is not a full picture. As people figured out that the expansion of the universe was accelerating, which would be impossible if gravity was simply attractive. So I don’t think of dark matter as a glitch. It’s more like a placeholder we don’t understand yet.

Something that seems like a glitch to me is speed of light being a hard limit, but when you really dig into it you realize that certain limits determine the nature of the reality and they need to have some fixed value like the speed of light went Planck’s constant.

AradFort , to world in Palestine-Israel Mega Thread | June 25, 2023 - July 4, 2023 avatar

LIVE BLOG | Jenin Under Massive Israeli Attack, Many Killed, Wounded:…

ram , to android in What phone are you using? avatar

Samsung S21+ 5G

andromedusgalacticus , to nostupidquestions in When we go swimming and spend extended time in water, do the little bugs who live on our skin suffocate and die? avatar

Here’s what Chatgpt/google bard have to say:

The answer is: not necessarily. Most of the bacteria on our skin are adapted to living in wet environments, so they will not suffocate. However, some bacteria may be washed away or killed by the chlorine in the pool.

CineMaddie ,

Why are we relying on language models to answer questions. These things don’t really “know” anything right?

Sethayy ,

No one knows anything get over yourself buddy - it gave a correct answer way more polite than I ever could so who’s gonna complain

jscummy ,

Don’t they pull from online sources? So it’s basically googling with extra steps and an unpredictable middleman

CineMaddie ,

That would be right if they understood/knew what they were talking about. It’s more akin to really advanced autocorrect that sounds/reads like something the ai was trained on. So it sounds correct but really has 0 basis on truth other than “the model predicts a human would say X next”. Truth is rarely the goal of any of these machine learning language models afaik.

Catoblepas ,

They don’t, and people are way too blasé about how “oh it’s actually the same as googling because it’s just taking from sources online anyway,” when in reality it does nothing to “keep” the knowledge it gets from those sites and is just stringing together words that often go together. It’s like thinking your phone’s predictive text can answer your questions, if your phone also invented quotes and sources (this has already been an issue with journalists and lawyers using ChatGPT to “research”).

CineMaddie ,

Thank god someone who understands. I hated how towards the end reddit was so full of misinformation and people talking out of their ass with confidence. Hope Lemmy can steer away from those tendencies. It’s okay if we don’t have the answer sometimes.

reclipse , avatar

People are downvoting because of the first line.

andromedusgalacticus , (edited ) avatar

Yeah, I’m aware. There were like 10 comments with no replies, so I thought it’d be fun to see what the Chatbot would say. I didn’t take its answer too seriously, but I knew people might be sensitive to the answer. It would have been unfair of me to not say that it was though. Now people can at least decide whether or not to discard the information by providing a “source”.

kingmongoose7877 , to moviesandtv in Indiana Jones and Flash flopped hard. Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films? avatar

Could this be the beginning of the end for franchise films?

We can only hope.

‘The Flash’ and Other Mediocre Movies Won’t Stop Superhero Fatigue - Variety. Fifteen years (since Iron Man), for the love of Stan! As Scorsese said, “…that’s not cinema…the closest I can think of them…is theme parks.”

Fun fact: did you know that the (then) new distribution strategy invented for the iconic film The Godfather gave rise of the Blockbuster (and thus “franchise movies”) and the near-death of auteur cinema?


Prouvaire ,

@kingmongoose7877 Of course Scorsese's mastery, knowledge and love of movies is matched by few and surpassed by none. But I do find it amusing that the he criticises lowbrow superhero genre movies when every third film he makes has a bunch of Irish or Italian guys telling each other to fuhgeddaboudit, then shooting each other in the head. (Yes, I'm exaggerating, but not by that much.)

My point? There are bad, mediocre and good superhero movies, just as there are bad, mediocre and good gangster movies. And every so often there are great genre movies, like The Godfather, or - for my money - Logan (which I think deserved Oscar nominations for picture, director, adapted screenplay, actor, supporting actor and supporting actress).

And, basically, you just need a lot of movies to be made before a masterpiece is produced. For how many decades were westerns a popular genre? Were directors complaining about the guns'n'horses theme parks in the 1950s? Most westerns that were made over that time have been forgotten, but the great ones like Shane or Unforgiven live on. In fifty years most superheroes will have been forgotten, but a handful will live on.

To address @chickenwing 's post more directly: I remember reading articles a few years ago about how the age of the movie star was dead (Tom Cruise being cited as one of a few exceptions), and that the age of the franchise/brand (Marvel, Star Wars, Pixar) had arrived. If the age of the franchise is dying, what will rise to take its place?

rikudou ,

If the age of the franchise is dying, what will rise to take its place?

The age of good writing! Or am I too optimistic?

Victor , to fedditnu in Nybörjarguide: till dig som är ny på Fediverset

Hej på er alla glada!

Nybörjare här som migrerat från reddit. Hoppas det är ok att man nyttjar den här tråden till att ställa frågor. Det är en fråga som potentiellt är intressant för andra nykomlingar.

Använde din guide för att subba till: !warhammer40k

Jag hittade communityt och lyckades prenumerera men kan inte se några trådar, kommentarer eller nått mer än bannern och info rutan till höger via Googlar man bara på samma så kommer man till sidan via och då är det fullt med trådar osv.

Någon mer insatt som vet vad som kan ha blivit fel här?

Andreas , avatar

Hej, hoppas det är okej att jag svarar från mitt, jag märkte inte att jag postade originalet från

När vår instans kopplar till en extern gemenskap för första gången hämtas i regel inte innehållet som skapades förrän prenumerationen går igenom. Det är till att förhindra överbelastning på mindre instanser som vill koppla till en stor gemenskap.

(Det finns den här biten mellan två av bilderna i inlägget som förklara detta)

Märk att inläggen som nyss hämtats är flera dagar gamla och har varken kommentarer eller uppröster. Det är för att hämtar innehållet på en extern gemenskap från och med tidspunkten den får sin första prenumerant.

Victor ,

Ok va nog jag som va otålig då helt enkelt. Har sett att det börjar dyka upp lite trådar här för mig nu så antar det löser sig med tiden.

Tack för tålmodigt svar trots att min läsförmåga uppenbarligen lämnade lite att önska…

Andreas , avatar

Inget problem, det är bara att komma ihåg att inte kommer hämta hela historiken från /c/[email protected], bara de senaste inläggen som visas på första sidan utan uppröster eller kommentarer.

Coelacanth , avatar

Jag tror att det problemet är en av sakerna Kbin försöker åtgärda med sin “boost”-funktion som fungerar som någon sorts retweet om jag förstår det rätt?

Andreas , avatar är (som namnet antyder) inte en Kbin-instans, och oförmågan att synkronisera tidigare innehåll är inte en bugg utan en del av mjukvaran. Föreställ dig någon från som prenumererar på en jättegemenskap med flera miljoner inlägg och blockerar alla andra uppdateringar på i flera dagar om hela historiken måste hämtas!

Problemet som Kbin försöker åtgärda är att uppröster inte synkas mellan Kbin och Lemmy. Som du säger knyter Lemmy uppröster till protokollet ActivityPubs likes (“favorite” på Mastodon) medan Kbin använder ActivityPubs boost (“repost” på Mastodon). Kbins utvecklare planerar att ändra systemet så att uppröster på Kbin registreras som likes också, vilket tillåter den att ta emot uppröster från Lemmy-användare.

Coelacanth , avatar

Jag är rätt säker på att den förändringen redan implementerades i förra uppdateringen, men absolut. Vad jag menade dock var att om någon från Kbin “boostar” (retweetar) ett inlägg så skickas det ut igen till alla följare (om jag fattat rätt) vilket skulle kunna distribuera ut gammalt innehåll till instanser som synkats efter att den boostade tråden skapades. Jag kan ha fattat fel dock. Och det skulle oavsett bara fungera inom Kbin-instanser då man inte kan följa personer på Lemmy.

Andreas , avatar

Ah, det där är en uppdateringsfunktion som fungerar på både Lemmy och Kbin. När du interagerar (upprösta eller kommentera) med ett gammalt inlägg skickar du en begäran till fjärrinstansen att uppdatera inlägget. När fjärrinstansen tar emot en ny åtgärd skickar instansen till alla prenumeranter det nya innehållet samt alla befintliga kommentarer och uppröster på inlägget om de saknas. Det kan se ut som distribuering av gammalt innehåll.

Coelacanth , avatar

Gotcha, tack för förklaringen! Jag trodde det var en ny funktion Kbin hade. Deras kombo av linkaggregering och microbloggande är fortfarande lite förvirrande för mig. Jag gillar att man kan följa individer dock och inte bara gemenskaper. Men terminologin de använder är väldigt förvirrande tycker jag.

V4uban , to fediverse in Suggestion and comments regarding the influx of troublesome users due to the current Reddit and Twitter issues.

Interesting perspective

bulwark , to selfhosted in Your RSS feeds avatar

I think everyone that selfhost their RSS-feeds have at one point or another thought “now what?”.

I have 3 recommendations that might help get you started:

  • feedspot is a great place to start to just discover what’s out there.
  • GitHub releases can be followed as RSS (atom) feeds. This is a great way to keep up with changelogs for services that you selfhost. For example, here is the RSS/Atom feed for Jellyfin: link
  • Do you listen to podcasts? These can usually be found as RSS-feeds and is a great way to get your daily dose of news on your morning commute.
CriticalMiss OP ,

This is great advice, I was able to find some niches I enjoy on feedspot & subbed to my favorite FOSS project release changelogs. Podcasts - not so much, I usually stick to just music.

bulwark , avatar

Glad I could help!

aciDC14 , to fediverse in Elon doesn't want you browsing Twitter

Maybe Elon is playing 4D Chess and trying to stop people from turning into Terminally Online Twitter Radicals.

mojo , to piracy in What streaming services do you pay for?

Just Spotify, they haven’t ruined their service yet. I will never be one of those boomers who manually download all their mp3s and think normal people want to transfer files around between devices.

Aikawa ,

I will never be one of those boomers who manually download all their mp3s (…)

I take it as a personal insult, and wish you to step barefoot on a Lego!

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