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FergleFFergleson , to asklemmy in How to deal with exhaustion?

Something to consider when we talk about disconnecting and “touching grass”… it’s not an immediate thing. You need to be vacation for several days before you can genuinely begin to relax and feel and positive effects. So this idea that we can just nip out for 20 minutes and leave our phone behind for serious benefit is pretty much worthless.

So if you’re “disconnecting” and you spend the first few days just sleeping or staring at the TV, that’s pretty understandable. You’re paying off a fair bit of “rest debt”.

WRT your update: That’s great that you’re getting professional help. Make sure (if you aren’t already) that the feels you’re sharing here are being thoroughly conveyed to your doctor. Medication can be fantastic, but you may benefit more from a different medication. All good things to bring up with your professional.

Good luck!

sudo , (edited ) to memes in Onion in shame at what reality produces...

If this confuses you then you are extremely misinformed and operating on the ignorant notion that “radical Islamist” = “terrorist”. The Taliban never embraced terrorism as a tactic. Unless you’re so brainwashed that you think IEDs are terrorism. Islamic terrorism has almost exclusively been the domain of Wahhabists like Al-Queada and Islamic State

The Taliban is currently fighting Islamic State Khorasan Province, which is largely constituted of former collaborators of the coalition government. Everyone in the region would much rather have the Taliban as a neighbor than those genocidal freaks.

x0x7 ,

Exactly. And you aren’t a terrorist after you win your country back. That’s like the British partnering with America to fight terrorism being ironic because of George Washington. Different era is different era. Whether people like it or not the Taliban run an actual government.

RangerJosie ,

It’s that Bush Era understanding of “terrorism”

If they’re brown and wear a turban or headscarf. Terrorist. Done and dusted. Time for a drone strike.

daniskarma ,

I’m operating on the not so ignorant notion than the Taliban supported Al-Qaeda and its ways for decades, becoming a safe haven for Bin Laden and other terrorists.

They had no issues with terrorism and supported the use of terrorism against the infidels.

Being also targeted by other islamist terrorists doesn’t clean their history with support of international terrorism.

sudo ,

The Taliban never support Wahhabism and only tolerated Al-Queada. They offered to hand Bin Laden over to us immediately after 9/11 and we refused.

daniskarma ,

Not really.

Firstly they never said that they would turn him to the US. They said that they would turn him to a third country. And only if irrefutable evidence of his guilt were to be provided. And they said that the only would turn Bin Laden, not any other AlQaeda members.

Algo this happened after they US started the bombings. Before the US attacked the Talibans refused to even talk about it. And they would probably just tried to make time to start a truce until Bin Laden left the country.

So it was actually a fake proposal and only after their previous refusal started the bombings on Afghanistan.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Firstly they never said that they would turn him to the US.

The Taliban government in Afghanistan offered to present Osama bin Laden for a trial long before the attacks of September 11, 2001, but the US government showed no interest, according to a senior aide to the Taliban leader, Mullah Omar.

Wakil Ahmad Muttawakil, Taliban’s last foreign minister, told Al Jazeera in an exclusive interview that his government had made several proposals to the United States to present the al-Qaeda leader, considered the mastermind of the 2001 attacks, for trial for his involvement in plots targeting US facilities during the 1990s.

Robert Grenier, the CIA station chief in Pakistan at the time of 9/11, confirmed that such proposals had been made to US officials.

Grenier said the US considered the offers to bring in Bin Laden to trial a “ploy”.

Subsequent to the 1998 US embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania, as US pressure grew, the Taliban insisted on a procedure under the supervision of OIC because it considered it a “neutral international organisation”.

The OIC is a Saudi Arabia-based organisation representing 56 Muslim nations. Al Jazeera contacted the OIC, but nobody was available for comment.

Muttawakil, who now lives in Kabul and advises an Islamic educational foundation, reportedly tried to negotiate a ceasefire in the days after the US launched operations in the country in 2001 by seeking to convince Mullah Omar, the Taliban leader, to part ways with bin Laden.

He was taken into US custody in the notorious Bagram prison early in 2002. After months of detention, he was released under house arrest in Kandahar and then moved to Kabul.

So hey, in fairness, maybe the guy we illegally tortured for years at Bagram may have stretched the truth. But it appears the US CIA station chief simply didn’t trust the Taliban in the run up to 9/11 and decided it wasn’t worth the trouble to negotiate.

daniskarma ,

As said by Taliban minister.

Take its veracity with a grain of salt.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

I guess I should trust the CIA more?

daniskarma ,

You should trust information that has verificable independent source.

It’s not like in order not to like CIA you have to become a Taliban sympathizer.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Islamic terrorism has almost exclusively been the domain of Wahhabists like Al-Queada and Islamic State

And, you know… some other guys…

Also, uh… some people closer to home

And lest they be forgotten

There’s an old joke about the Anti-American Terrorist and the Pro-American Freedom Fighter being the same dude pointed in different directions. The Taliban, being once again in control of the Afghani government, isn’t going to see itself as a “terrorist organization” any more than the Philadelphia PD bombing your house would.

The Taliban is currently fighting Islamic State Khorasan Province, which is largely constituted of former collaborators of the coalition government.

The Moderate Rebels! Easy to forget that ISIS used to be an ally of

  • Israel
  • Syria
  • Turkey
  • Saudi Arabia
  • Qatar
  • United States

By turns. I’m sure that, while folks on CNN clutch their pearls and cry to the heavens about the horrors perpetuated by the Taliban on women, LGBTQ groups, minority religions, cough drug traffickers cough, and American business interests in the region, we’re going to hear very little about the politics of this particular incarnation of the Islamic State.

sudo ,

I specified “Islamic terrorists” for a reason but go off.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

If the CIA sends aid to the Islamic State, what do we call that?

sudo ,

I said “Islamic terrorism is almost exclusively the domain of wahhabi’s” and you’re argueing, “what if the CIA funded the wahhabi’s?” as though that contradicts my point.

I don’t know what the disagreement is. Its always the wahhabi’s executing the actual terrorism. If you want to lump in their sponsors, like is said, “go off”. But you’re framing it like I’m ignorant of that which I’m not.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

and you’re argueing, “what if the CIA funded the wahhabi’s?” as though that contradicts my point.

Is the CIA Wahhabist?

sudo ,

No. And no patience for the semantic argument you’re wasting my time with when we both agree on the material reality

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

no patience for the semantic argument

I don’t think I’d call arming a terrorist group sementics

OttoVonNoob OP ,…/afghan-women-protest-against-rece…

Literally attacked for protesting, the use of violence for political means by a illegitimate government…

sudo ,

Pull your head out of your ass. Assaulting protestors is something every government does, legitimate or not. How many countries can you name that haven’t assaulted protestors? Even Jefferson’s “watering the tree of liberty” quote is about murdering protestors.

Now if you actually read into the article you posted, the Hazari women were protesting the Taliban’s lack of response to an actual terrorist suicide bombing by ISKP. The Islamic State has been aggressively massacring Hazari’s ever since the US left. That said, its not like the Taliban are the friends of Hazari’s, they just aren’t massacring them.

EndlessApollo ,

You’re seriously fucking pathetic. How utterly goddamn evil do you have to be to put this much effort into defending the literal fucking taliban? You like women having no rights?

sazey ,

But I thought anything I don’t like is terrorism and they only hate us for our freedoms?

Joking aside, I find it hard to debate someone seriously when they still greedily lap up horseshit like that.

iAvicenna , (edited ) avatar

they already do a fantastic job of “terrorising” their own local populace, burning food aid, banning forms of art (paintings, photography, music and what not), banning girls from most social and work life, getting money from drugs, kidnapping and extortion.

We can discuss the formal definition of terrorism for pages but I am pretty convinced the meme has a valid point. Sure it is also a government now, so superficially it might make sense to partner with a government to fight local terrorism but when the government is the main source of domestic terrorism, then yea this meme is still funny.

And if they hadn’t secured some deal with the USA and were not in power right now, I doubt they would forever shy away from suicide bombing the fuck out of that place.

Finally anyone who has a grain’s worth of intuition about the world’s politics would know that what Russia calls “a partnership against terrorism” is a cover up for continuing to meddle in affairs of middle eastern countries like many other major players (USA or NATO would call it bringing down dictators for instance). Though this is admittedly separate from what is being discussed here, I was compelled to make this point too.

ka1dezee , to linuxmemes in type the distro you use and is and let your keyboard finish it avatar

Gentoo, what in the portage are those auto corrections/suggestions

FergleFFergleson , to nostupidquestions in Is linux actually gaming ready or is it just not for me?

As with most things in life, it’s probably a combination of factors. But please don’t beat yourself up over it.

There’s a lot of good advice already in this thread; no reason to repeat it. One thing you might look at the Proton Github issues list. Occasionally, when a game otherwise has a gold rating but I have problems with it, I can find some interesting corner-case details here. Here’s a link that you could use to find Anno 1404 issue, as an example:…

The other thing I would suggest is that you be more verbose when describing problems. You did a great job sharing the high-level issue and your system’s details, but what do you mean by “didn’t work”? Does it fail to launch? Does it launch but not do X? Those details can go a long way towards troubleshooting (though I do understand that your post was meant to not be game-specific).

Oh, and stay away from Cracks. Unless you’re VERY sure about what you’re doing, it’s just inviting trouble.

Mandy OP ,

thank you for your own detailed response

when i say didnt work, it usually means two things, it either:

  1. didnt launch at all, no window, no nothing no error message
  2. window does open and it shows a error message/only shows an error message
kurcatovium ,

When either of those things happen it is a good idea to run steam (lutris, bottles) from terminal to see what it’s trying to do while “not working”. Helped me couple times.

jordanlund , to asklemmy in What's the easiest way to update bios on my Ubuntu laptop without a USB? avatar

I just did this for the motherboard on my desktop PC (thanks Intel and your CPU update!) and it requires a clean boot device of some kind to boot into UEFI. It has nothing to do with the OS of the device.

In my case, yeah, I did it from a thumb drive, but I could see making a boot CD that has the bios files on it as well.

OTOH if you have the capability of burning and booting a boot CD it’s probably way easier to just use a thumb drive.

One thing I’ll note, on my motherboard, only using the keyboard to navigate the UEFI menu failed to update. :( I had to connect a physical mouse to run the menus.

shotgun_crab , to unixporn in Linux is Teal

Best color of all

will_a113 , to retrogaming in [Official Art] Super Smash Bros. Japanese Box Art

I love how all of the characters are scowling and have their game faces on… and then there’s Kirby, who’s like “Hi there! I’m gonna eat you and extract your power!”

ChicoSuave ,

Kirby has fought wizards that split space time to summon extra dimensional dragons. Which he ate. He is unfazed by anything because he has seen true cosmic horror that warps anything it touches and found it delicious.

rickyrigatoni ,

This is what we should do when we find aliens.

BuckWylde , to lemmyshitpost in Regain Control in my ass avatar

The Yawning Abyss of Madness in my ass

Dr_Box , to retrogaming in [Official Art] Super Smash Bros. Japanese Box Art

I dont know kanji but it looks like dk is saying a slur

Someonelol , avatar

It translates to “Nintendo all stars!”.

Arbiter ,

I can’t believe he would say that.


RootBeerGuy , avatar

Yeah, we don’t call them that anymore! Get with the times!

Soulg ,

Also not even Kanji

Frostbeard , to cat in Someone dumped her, soaking wet, in the lobby of a restaurant today

Make sure she has no illnesses she can transfer to Nini before you let them permanently together

herrvogel , to nostupidquestions in How many squirrels do you think you could take in a fight to the death?

You said no weapons, but no mention of armor.

Wrap me in some chain mail or kevlar or whatever, and set me loose. I will rain down an ungodly firestorm upon any number of squirrels. They’re gonna have to call the United Nations and get a binding resolution to keep me from destroying them. I will massacre them. I will fuck them up.

Slovene , to science_memes in BBC Science

Yeah, he thought it was a different kind of BBC notifications. ಠ⁠◡⁠ಠ

hakunawazo ,

Big black co… corporation?

Bennettiquette , to nostupidquestions in Why is waking up when my alarm goes off so difficult and unpleasant yet "sleeping in" does feel good and isn't satisfying?

my sleep routine has become one of if not the most important routine. i dealt with insomnia for years, which always spirals into poor appetite, ever-decreasing functioning and bad decisions. i understand now that maintaining a routine is critical for me, and i have added tools for falling asleep, staying asleep, and waking well-rested.

  • i picked up a good sleep mask, one that blocks absolutely all light and allows unobstructed blinking. even more so than the functional aspect of blocking light, the sensation of wearing the sleep mask has helped program my brain into quickly recognizing sleeptime on-demand.
  • a minimally-intrusive sleep aid. i started with melatonin but eventually switched to D8/D9 gummies and never looked back. within 45m of taking a gummy i feel the heaviness in my limbs and easily succumb to sleep. this is likely not necessary for everyone but i consider the reliable effectiveness to be an effective insurance.
  • ensuring proper sleep posture. i overlooked this one for a long time, thinking that stacking pillows under my head and around my body was as good as it could get. but i would wake up every morning with neck and back pain, grumpy and frustrated. after learning about traditional asian pillows it clicked together that the intent of a head rest is neck support. on a whim i picked up a buckwheat hull neck roll and it has absolutely changed my life. first time i used it, flat on my back with it under my neck, my legs tingled from the relief of tension in my body. the moral here is to assess for sources of discomfort in your sleeping posture and find ways to improve it so you are not wasting time and effort trying to get comfortable.
  • consider breaking up your sleep hours. I started an unconventional routine last year and it has been very helpful for me in waking refreshed. i set my first alarm for 2.5-3 hours before i want to be fully awake. when that goes off i manage to drag myself out of bed, have a light breakfast and move myself to a recliner in the living room where i gently doze off for another hour/hour and a half, with a few extra minutes on both sides. initially it was not super easy to fall back asleep quickly, but now that it’s routine and with the help of the weighted sleep mask, it happens in minutes. by the time my second alarm goes off, if i’m not already beginning to stir, i open my eyes and am absolutely ready to go. knowing that i can doze off again makes getting up and relocating on that first alarm much much easier, and i have come to deeply enjoy the dedicated peace and quiet of that early morning nap; no expectations weighing on me first thing, just focusing on my breathing and relaxing my body. the downside is now that i’m used to this pattern, my body expects that morning nap and i absolutely have to be up early enough to allow time for it.

i’m certain that a persons ideal sleep routine is extremely subjective and unique to that individual, so these tips may not all be helpful for you, but hopefully they give you some ideas of new strategies to try.

some_guy ,

by the time my second alarm goes off, if i’m not already beginning to stir, i open my eyes and am absolutely ready to go. knowing that i can doze off again makes getting up and relocating on that first alarm much much easier, and i have come to deeply enjoy the dedicated peace and quiet of that early morning nap

I also have issues with insomnia (due to bi-polar) and frequently wake in the early morning and relocate to the sofa. I don’t know why this is helpful in getting back to sleep, but changing the venue, so to speak, helps me instantly fall back asleep.

Bennettiquette ,

100%. i’m rocking AuDHD, that perpetual struggle between need routine and must have novelty lol. interesting to hear that the ‘mid-show venue switch’ is helpful for someone else. feels like a hack somehow.

UnrepentantAlgebra ,

I remember hearing somewhere (probably some podcast) that it used to be normal for people to sleep for 3-4 hours, then wake up and do stuff for an hour or so, then go back to sleep for 3-4 hours again. Maybe to help keep watch while you sleep or something similar?

It’s about 50/50 for me. Sometimes getting up and reading for an hour or so will let me fall back to sleep instantly, other times I’m just wide awake at 2AM and then magically get sleepy at 6:30 right before work.

NutWrench , to lemmyshitpost in Regain Control in my ass avatar

Shock The Monkey In My Ass.

xyzzy , to retrogaming in [Official Art] Super Smash Bros. Japanese Box Art

Reminds me of the commercial with the Turtles song

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