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Broken_Monitor , to world in Radioactivity detected in Fukushima worker's nose

Man thats fucking vague click bait headline. What isotope? How much activity? What was in the water? Nah lets not talk relevant details, lets just spread uninformed fear of the nuclear industry instead.

Diplomjodler ,

The clean-up operation is expected to take decades, with the most dangerous part — removing radioactive fuel and rubble from three stricken reactors — yet to begin.

Nothing to see here, people. We have everything under control. Like, we totally know what we’re doing.

Bipta ,

Still safer than fossil fuels.

Everythingispenguins ,

And less radioactive

Diplomjodler ,

Tell that to the tens of thousands of people that were displaced. And the alternative to nukes is obviously not fossil fuels but renewable energy.

Ucalegon ,

The Three Gorges dam displaced an approximate 1.3 million people, is of questionable structural integrity because of rushed construction, has had a huge impact on its immediate environment and in the event of a breach endangers 400 million people. While that monstrosity is an outlier, in most instances the construction of a dam will displace a lot of people and carries a sizable risk of breach if the construction isn’t carried out properly. Should or shouldn’t hydroelectric be considered environmentally friendly?

Deceptichum , avatar

Hydro is the 70s idea of green.

See how people usually only talk about wind/solar rather than suggest building more dams?

If anything places are starting to dismantle dams to restore ecosystems.

TunaLobster ,

Wind and solar have relatively short material lifespans that are expensive or impossible to recycle. It’s all a double edged sword. There is no single solution that will work everywhere on this planet.

leaskovski , avatar

Nukes? I'm sorry, but what?

dalekcaan ,

Nuclear power as seen by someone who has no idea what nuclear power is.

leaskovski , avatar

I know what nuclear power is, I'm just confused as to why someone would use the word nukes, which is clearly associated with the ammunitions.

Nuclear power has its place in the energy generation system alongside natural energy sources.

dalekcaan ,

Sorry if I was vague, I meant the person you were replying to doesn’t know what nuclear power is, which is why they use a fear mongering term like “nukes” to describe nuclear power.

leaskovski , avatar

Ah, gotcha!

dangblingus ,

Your house is on fire, but the good news is I just saved a lot of money on my car insurance.

The lesser of 2 evils is not a compelling argument for energy consumption when the Earth is dying.

Apollo ,

This is a piss poor take.

c0mbatbag3l , avatar

Yeah, you’re right. It’s not that they’re trying to be careful and prevent more damage, it’s going to take that long because they’re stupid. /s

Diplomjodler ,

Nobody knows how long they’re going to take because they still don’t have a fucking clue about how they’re going to do it. I’m not blaming the people working on this stuff, my point is that this technology is still uncontrollable despite what all the apologists keep trying to tell us.

dangblingus ,

It’s more than apologists. For a number of years now, across most social networks, the nuclear lobby has planted astroturfers. You can’t get humans to agree on shit, yet anyone touting nuclear power as the savior of humanity in the face of climate change is a transparently obvious corpo plant with all of the same talking points as each other. It was just a matter of time before the propaganda took organic roots in real people.

Let’s never explore wind/solar/hydro power. Only nuclear.

A7thStone ,

How about we explore all of them instead of shutting down nuclear and replacing them with natural gas. Like they did in New York after Cuomo said nuclear was a part of New York State’s green energy plan. Am I a corpo plant now? No corporation is pushing nuclear right now. It’s too expensive and has way too long of a ROI.

dangblingus ,

While you’re right about the nitty gritty specifics of the case, the nuclear industry needs no help spreading fear of itself. Fukushima happened 13 years ago. Not exactly ancient history. Worst nuclear disaster of all time.

ArtVandelay , avatar

Unless there’s some data I’m missing, I would think Chernobyl was much, much worse

Rooskie91 ,

Yeah, Fukushima was almost as bad as climate change! Good thing we phased out nuclear to focus on fossil fuels!

felykiosa ,

Never said that I m actually pro nuclear but I had to say that Fukushima wasn’t the worst nuclear accident

felykiosa ,

“Worst” you just forgot Chernobyl and Maya but ok

CoriolisSTORM88 , (edited )

For those of you who were confused by Maya, like me, it is the Mayak or Kyshtyn accident.

That being said, I don’t think the nuclear industry of today should be hamstrung by Soviet incompetence and corruption from the 1950s. I mean these guys at this location were running open loop cooling circuits into the lake and river. We know better than this nowadays.

Scubus ,

And has since been learned from. That reactor design is no longer used, specifically because of that. It would take more than just negligence to get a modern reactor to fail. Spreading fear of nuclear benefits no one and harms everyone.

gregorum , to world in Radioactivity detected in Fukushima worker's nose

Shugo has been sniffing the uranium again…

Cap , to world in Tokyo zoo probes suspected mass squirrel poisoning after 31 die

Damn the zoo killed all of them by accident. How sad.

JoeKrogan , to world in Tokyo zoo probes suspected mass squirrel poisoning after 31 die avatar


DaMonsterKnees , to world in Tokyo zoo probes suspected mass squirrel poisoning after 31 die

Who tf?! Damn bird ayatollahs consolidating their power again, I bet.

yogthos , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says avatar

Yeah, think of Hong Kong, horrible things like reducing wait times for public housing could happen in Taiwan too…/hong-kong-cuts-public-housing-wai…

Nimux , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says

“Look at Ukraine when you vote, do you want to end like them ?”

yogthos , avatar

Shocking that people would prefer to end up like Hong Kong rather than ending up like Ukraine. Absolutely incomprehensible to the liberal mind.

redcalcium , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says

KMT presidential candidate Hou Yu-ih said on Saturday that a vote for the DPP was equivalent to “sending everyone out to the battlefield” because supporting Taiwan independence would touch off a war.

What’s happening in Taiwan? Why did a presidential candidate said something like this? In another country, a presidential candidate telling people to not supporting their own country’s sovereignty would be a political suicide.

Joncash2 ,

Because things aren’t black and white and reality is all sorts of shades of gray. Most Taiwanese don’t care one way or the other, they just want to live in peace. You constantly see this in the polls and the votes. If the Taiwanese people’s priority was independence, then the vote wouldn’t be so split. This is the reason the DPP hasn’t declared independence, it’s simply not what most Taiwanese people want.

Surprisingly, most Taiwanese are interested in their own well being. This is why the KMT won so many seats last election. This is why Tsai is stepping down. When they threaten Taiwanese people’s well being, shockingly the Taiwanese vote against them. Again, they neither want independence nor submission to China.

Thus, we see the votes EXACTLY AS WE WOULD EXPECT CONSIDERING THE SITUATION. They keep splitting the parties so neither side can make a declaration one way or the other.

As an outside observer, I ask one simple question. Why is it so hard for you to realize that what I said is the truth and not what western media parrots. Why do you believe the black and white issues that your propaganda keeps claiming even in the face of irrefutable evidence.

redcalcium ,

As an outside observer, I ask one simple question. Why is it so hard for you to realize that what I said is the truth and not what western media parrots. Why do you believe the black and white issues that your propaganda keeps claiming even in the face of irrefutable evidence.

Hmm, did you reply to the wrong comment? Anyway, I’m not aware of current political situation in Taiwan and was really surprised by that presidential candidate’s statement. Are you telling me that this is considered a normal statement for political opposition on Taiwan?

Joncash2 , (edited )

Yes, it is. It’s been like this for decades now. So the fact that it’s surprising and used in a way to shock western audiences tells you a lot does it not?

*Edit: Mind you, I’m not for Taiwan being absorbed into China nor am I strong on Taiwan’s independence. I just want to point out the way western propaganda works to manipulate people.

*Edit 2: Essentially, if the KMT has been talking like that for decades and the Taiwanese still vote for them in large enough numbers to win them most of the seats last election, what does that tell you about the Taiwanese people’s desire for independence? How does the media report on that? Why are these two pieces of information so conflicting.

ArthurParkerhouse ,

Believe it or not, a lot of younger Taiwanese people want to rejoin the mainland. Not exactly a majority yet, but it’s getting pretty close.

SomeGuyNamedPaul ,

Foreign influence operations exist because they work.

Omega_Haxors ,

That’s a dogwater (approaching racist) argument and you know it.

blindsight ,

I’m not parent poster, but I didn’t read that at all. International propaganda works, and has the potential to destroy democracy in America (and lots of other countries, too.)

What am I missing?

Omega_Haxors , (edited )

They’re implying that the people who live there can’t make a decision for themselves, in other words a white guy overseas with zero stake in the matters thinks they know more about the reality than the people who actually live there, which is a very disrespectful prospective.

The racism comes from the long history of white people doing this to peoples who choose for themselves in ways that they don’t agree with. It’s never that they chose for themselves but always that someone else (usually malicious) came in and made the decision for them.

inverted_deflector ,

Wouldnt the foreign influencer in the context of this comment tree be china though?

Omega_Haxors ,

Yeah but there’s no doubt in my mind they were running the “vassal state chooses to align with enemy state” script.

yogthos , avatar

That’s the reason US spends billions on shit like NED, USAID, and other programs to interfere in countries around the world.

concrete_baby ,


ylph ,

What is your source for this ? Recent polls show reunification support is still <2%, with about 6% open to reunification eventually but not now.

In 2018, before the crackdown in HK, the reunification support was 3%, with 13% open to it eventually - the events in HK have definitely significantly eroded support for reunification in Taiwan.

I have family in Taiwan and literally don’t know a single Taiwanese person that wants reunification with the PRC.

ILikeBoobies ,

Taiwan knows they will lose

There are people who would rather just join CCP so they don’t die

queermunist , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says avatar

Hong Kong is fine 🙄

Cockmaster6000 ,

“Hong Kong is fine” says the white western woman, between sips of kombucha. She clicks the “buy now” button on Amazon… this “eat the rich” bumper sticker will look great on her Yaris.

queermunist , avatar

That booch shit is gross dude 😒

ArthurParkerhouse ,

It’s a damn shame that so many right-wingers have flooded Lenny over the last year.

explodicle ,

Typical leftists, editing the “my” out of Lemmy.

Omega_Haxors ,

Nah it’s just a few shit instances that are the problem. Lemmy World and Feddit De immediately come to mind as other shit instances that never have anything to say. Last update added instance blocking for posts but IMO there needs to be a blocklist for commenters too.

Cockmaster6000 ,

It’s not that bad

jaybone ,

It tastes good, just don’t smell it.

Omega_Haxors ,

petition to rename you guys sh.itholefor.nazis

yogthos , avatar

But have you considered that Hong Kong is now administered by yellow savages as opposed to being a proper and civilized British colony.

lowleveldata , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says

Yo we’re still alive

little_hermit , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says

What does mainland Taiwan think of all this?

TigrisMorte ,

"Oh, bother.", Xi

toasteecup ,

Aah yes Taiwan and West Taiwan

OsrsNeedsF2P , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says

The fundamental problem in Taiwanese democracy is if the opposition wins one election, they merge with the mainland - it means the ruling party can do whatever they want and still get votes.

_edge ,

Or maybe Taiwan needs a better opposition.

OsrsNeedsF2P ,

Better opposition would split the vote and give the pro-mainland party a win

IWantToFuckSpez ,

I doubt the US would allow a merger. TSMC is too important to fall into CCP’s hands. Not to mention the amount of US ordnances that stored in Taiwan.

TigrisMorte ,

Shockingly, the US would not be given a say and would be left to react. Which means the entire thing becomes a blood bath if the US doesn't prevent it prior.

YaBoyMax ,

The US wields immense geopolitical power; of course they get a say. That’s not to say that it could prevent an annexation if the CCP wanted it badly enough, but Washington has no shortage of levers to pull to make it as unattractive an option as possible.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

Are we going to sit here pretending that the US doesn’t interfere in their elections orrrrr?

TigrisMorte ,

And yet another unsubstantiated claim, hmmmm.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

It’s absolutely unsubstantiated. I’m just aware that the US does that quite a lot, especially to proxies such as Taiwan. They’re a strategic trading partner. So I’d be surprised if the US wasn’t involved in getting that party elected somehow.

TigrisMorte ,

Doubles down upon unsubstantiated claim when called out.
Such an easy script to follow.

CleoTheWizard , avatar

Zero reason to be toxic about the comment I made.

Edit: Your post history is the toxic waste suspected, it’s clear a bunch of people think you’re unreasonable.

TigrisMorte ,

Whines and claims to have been attacked and makes another unsubstantiated claim to back up the pretense.
Keep on following it. Surely some folk have not caught on yet!

Are you going to take part of a comment out of context and act all offended next ?

Aurenkin , to worldnews in Think of Hong Kong when you vote, Taiwan president says

Fuck the CCP

BrandoGil , to worldnews in Amazon rainforest destruction slows sharply year to date, report says

If I have 100 acres of land and cut down 66 acres last year, this year my maximum output is 50% of last year’s output but 100% is still going to be gone.

Wilzax , to worldnews in Amazon rainforest destruction slows sharply year to date, report says

Orphan crushing machine slowed 55%, hooray!

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