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Orbituary , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin avatar

Most sane people hate him. That’s why we will lose the election to Trump.

snekerpimp , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

“Putin, what is your idea of a perfect Sunday?”

Custoslibera ,

“Well are we going to have a serious conversation? Because firstly I need to tell you about the 1647 agreement between the ethnic Russians located in the western Donbas who sent a letter signed gestures off screen to aide here see these letters, completely legitimate. Completely. They say that Ukraine belongs to Russia for ever and ever and they are Nazis because in 1806 the countries border was changed in the Crimean-Polish revolutionary conflict led by the Tsar of Russia.”

eighthourlunch , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin avatar

The only way I'd watch Tucker Carlson on purpose is in a cage fight with Mike Tyson. Pay-per-view is fine, but I'll travel if I have to.

thefartographer ,

Unlikely to happen considering Mike Tyson’s relationship with Alex Jones.

lurch ,

What about Holyfield tho? 😈

thefartographer ,

I fucking hate making fun of that horrible incident, I can’t imagine it’s easy for him to constantly be reminded about his ear being bitten on live tv.

That being said, AJ’s sheer shock when Tyson handed him a mushroom gummy and Alex thought it was an ear and initially didn’t know how to react was pretty fucking funny.

But fuck all these grifters.

Cinner Bot ,

Alex is an unhinged junkie grifter, but Tucker is an evil arrogant pseudochristian grifter propagandist with a much larger fan base.

killeronthecorner , avatar

“Mike, we need you to take the tongue this time”

Immersive_Matthew , (edited ) to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin


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  • thefartographer ,

    I shouldn’t have read this full comment during work. Now my coworkers are going to smell stupid all over me because of how contagiously idiotic that was.

    dangblingus ,

    I’d say that an AI must have wrote this, but even LLMs are more eloquent and coherent.

    ZapBeebz_ , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

    “Sooner or later this will end in agreement,” was Putin’s message, arguing that Nato was coming to realise that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be impossible.

    Does Putin realize that NATO is effectively fighting Russia with both arms tied behind it’s back right now? We’re funding Ukraine (who are doing a phenomenal job, fwiw), but we’re not even giving them the top of the line hardware. If the US actually got involved, Russia would pretty much instantly lose any glimmer of air superiority they have, and Ukraine could advance all the way to Moscow under NATO air cover. Like, the only reason Russia still exists is because NATO hasn’t even tried to fight Russia on the battlefield yet.

    NOT_RICK , avatar

    My guess is is does, but he wants the US to lose interest and move on so coloring this as an exercise in futility helps further that goal.

    SinningStromgald ,

    And it’s great propaganda! Unless you are a smart Russian and realize he’ll sacrifice as many Russian citizens as necessary to keep up the hoax.

    brothershamus , avatar

    Propaganda works. Period.

    snooggums , avatar

    NATO isn't even fighting. NATO gave Ukraine their old boxing gloves and some advice.

    Wogi ,

    And we’re learning that a teenager with a drone can be hilariously effective against modern weapons.

    So is Russia. Except Russia is learning how to combat the kids with drones too. They’re gaining invaluable battlefield experience that NATO troops simply aren’t.

    Reports vary from side to side, from showing that Russians are curb stomping Ukraine to Ukraine is holding it’s own. So, sure, NATO tossing the kid gloves to Ukraine and putting up a fight is comforting, but it isn’t the whole picture. Russia wins a war of attrition. NATO is made up of democracies and war fatigue sets in fast when it’s someone else’s war. Russia is a de facto fascist dictatorship with deep oil pockets. The only thing that turns their troops around is the head of state dying, or a massive coup. Reports of ether being imminent seem to be rather premature.

    Poach ,

    How do you feel about Russia’s deep oil pockets now that Ukraine is going after their refineries and porta? Do you think Russia can continue to advance or hold ground while also defending large swaths of the western part of Russia? Genuinely curious

    Tja ,

    War attrition sets in much slower when you’re not at war.

    Yes, my government is sending some old equipment and dedicating 10% of the military budget (which is like 2% of the total spending) to help Ukraine.

    That is much less shocking than “Dave from school came back without a leg, and my cousin John didn’t come back at all”.

    rammer , avatar

    They’re gaining invaluable battlefield experience that NATO troops simply aren’t.

    Oh, yes they are. Ukraine is in close contact with NATO countries and sharing intel. NATO countries are also buying drones in bulk right now. And developing ones that Russia will not see until they try to pick a fight with NATO.

    Snowpix , avatar

    NATO is Doc and Ukraine is Little Mac. Vodka Drunkinski doesn’t stand a chance.

    LordOfLocksley ,

    If the US actually got involved air superiority would be the least of our worries. The minute any major NATO nation gets properly involved, the war goes nuclear very soon after

    NoIWontPickaName ,


    xmunk ,

    Press (formally Twitter) to doubt.

    Jaysyn , avatar

    I'm betting there are a lot of people under Putin that don't want to die for his stupidity.

    MrSpArkle ,

    There are people over Putin too. No ruler can rule alone and without consent, his rich oligarch buddies don’t want to cruise their yachts during nuclear winter.

    Tangent5280 ,

    Really dampens the mood. Not even the model-prostitutes will want to fuck in such dreary weather. Not that their consent matters to the oligarch.

    Asafum ,

    Mutually assured destruction is pretty much why no one will ever actually go through with that if their target also has nukes or is protected by a country that has them. It’s one of the major reasons no country that has nukes wants to disarm.

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    Ask Libya and Ukraine how that worked out

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Sorry… do you think Libya with nuclear weapons under Gaddafi would have been a good idea?

    52fighters ,

    Gaddafi would still be alive. Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival. Look for the world to get real crazy real fast.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    There are 57 dictatorships in the world. Almost none of them have nuclear weapons.

    52fighters ,

    You realize Muammar Gaddafi only died 12 years ago and Russia only invaded Ukraine two years ago? Nuclear weapon programs take at least that long to develop. Ukraine and Libya had programs (Ukraine actually had weapons) and abandoned them, much to their demise. If they kept their programs, they wouldn’t have had these problems.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Okay, but that’s not what you said before. You claimed, and as I pasted: “Dictators now need nuclear weapons to assure survival.”

    Please explain how the vast majority of dictatorships are surviving without them. Or do all 57 have nuclear weapons?

    52fighters ,

    Many of them will lack the lasting power of North Korea.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Please provide evidence for this claim. An age of dictatorships chart will do.

    You aren’t just making that up, right? You do have the data, don’t you?

    52fighters ,

    The key word in my comment is “will.” That’s a prediction. You can ping me in 25 years to see if this works out. In the mean time, people are taking this prediction seriously (it isn’t only my prediction) when discussing global politics.

    NoIWontPickaName ,

    I was thinking of South Africa and I was wrong.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    No worries. Libya did give up its nuclear program as well, but it was because all the countries that invaded Afghanistan in 2001 said, “do it or you’re next.”

    ghostdoggtv ,

    They should have thought of that before co-signing the Budapest accords. At least two NATO countries are already involved.

    The last time Russian units engaged Americans in combat they were so outmatched that the Russian chain of command disavowed their own guys and pretended not to know them. Nuclear conflagration would be a much better death by comparison.

    TokenBoomer ,

    Remember when NATO beat Vietnam 🇻🇳 by using a nuclear bomb?

    Dkarma ,

    Yeah Russia doesn’t stand a chance in Ukraine do they?

    LarmyOfLone ,

    Yeah right, NATO commands far more nuclear warheads than Russia! They’d definitely loose in a thermonuclear exchange!

    LiamMayfair ,

    If the nuke comes out, it won’t make an ounce of a difference who has more of them: if only each side can manage to land a small handful, everyone is equally and utterly fucked.

    This principle alone is why NATO has not engaged Russia more directly.

    LarmyOfLone ,

    Yeah but they’d loose too! :D

    I wonder if people forgot, or maybe gen Z and millenials never really know how bad nuclear weapons are. Even a regional nuclear exchange would probably lead to a nuclear winter and then a nuclear summer, completely fucking the climate. As long as we have them, it’s inevitable that we’ll eventually use them. Just the law of large numbers / Murphey’s law. The wars climate change will cause will make that even more likely. But hey, lets keep playing stupid games.

    ZapBeebz_ ,

    At the same time, the world can’t just roll over and let every tin pot dictator do whatever they want just because they have a nuke.

    LarmyOfLone ,

    Yeah, why take Russia seriously at all? :D

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    Does Putin realize it? Yes.

    Does Putin want the people who watch Tucker to realize it? No.

    Dio , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin avatar

    Not American. Most of you should quit bitching about things you lot know nothing about but pretending that you do.

    Ukraine is horrible. Have a nice day.

    NOT_RICK , avatar

    You seem awfully happy to talk about domestic American politics. Maybe you should take your own advice and shut the fuck up.

    Fiivemacs ,

    He can’t, he needs the money

    Aurenkin ,

    I’ll take “people who should take their own advice” for $500, Alex.

    AbidanYre ,

    Just block the troll and move on everybody.

    otp ,

    Russia should end its unjust invasion and leave Ukraine alone.

    BrokenGlepnir ,

    I know that it was a mistake to let nazi germany have the sudetenland without a fight.

    SkyezOpen ,

    Do go on, I’m sure your explanation will be insightful.

    soggy_kitty , (edited )

    It of interest, why has this been moderated and what rules did this comment break?

    I understand why people disagree with it and how it could upset them but I’m doubting whether it breaks any rules

    rab , avatar

    Mods just delete what offends them. The worst flaw of lemmy compared to reddit.

    soggy_kitty ,

    That’s really sad if true. Mods feelings should be separate from the community rules they are volunteering to enforce.

    I’m the kind of guy who plays devil’s advocate but unfortunately I feel like I could get moderated or banned for even this commemnt (although I have not broken any rules)

    rab , avatar

    I’ve had comments that were deleted with no cited reason.

    Stamets , avatar
    rab , avatar
    Stamets , avatar

    If you would check my screenshot you would also see that your post was reinstated and then removed again, this time with the proper explanation. You violated Rule 7.

    rab , avatar

    That wasn’t clear until I saw your screenshot. Do you think it’s ok to show my moderation history publicly like this btw? I don’t personally care, but someone might get butthurt over this.

    Stamets , avatar

    Everyones moderation history is public by default. You can check mine too like you can check anyone elses.

    rab , avatar

    I actually didn’t know that. I should have probably appealed that transphobic one then because it was just poor judgement by that mod.

    Candelestine , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

    Tucker is our most famous right-winger. That’s basically it. He can say whatever the hell he wants, due to our first amendment, which protects both freedom of speech and freedom of the press. This includes a freedom to willfully lie, unfortunately, unless one has been placed under oath.

    SinningStromgald ,

    But it shouldn’t allow him to call what he does “news” or “journalism”. Him, and others like him, should have bumpers before and after every segment that says “the views expressed are purely the opinion of the host and do not necessarily reflect reality or facts” and not at the breakneck speed they used to do those car dealer and drug commercial disclaimers.

    Tom_Hanx_Hail_Satan , avatar

    That actually existed until Reagan repealed it. That paved the way for Rush Limbaugh and the rest snowballed.

    Jaysyn , avatar

    Only covered public airwaves, not private CATV networks.

    Would fix AM Radio, but not FOX.

    ChicoSuave ,

    Let’s amend the whole damn system.

    Jaysyn , avatar

    Hopefully it won't protect this propagandist from Ukrainian drones.

    originalucifer , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin avatar

    The American had touted his sit-down with Putin as a triumph for free speech, asserting that he was heading where no Western news outlets dared to tread.

    its amazing that carlson points out his own purpose here is not 'news'.

    xor ,

    Amusingly, even the russian government corrected him on that too - to paraphrase, “we have lots of requests to interview Putin, he just doesn’t want to do it”

    Hyperreality ,

    “we have lots of requests to interview Putin, he just doesn’t want to do it”

    Because they're actual journalists who would ask serious questions.

    Quacksalber ,

    The even more amazing part is that the Kremlin debunked him. They said they constantly get interview requests from journalists. They just never accept them.

    Edit: Just saw this posted as a response already.

    Aurenkin ,

    That’s ok, now I can upvote it twice

    autotldr Bot , to world in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

    This is the best summary I could come up with:

    The American had touted his sit-down with Putin as a triumph for free speech, asserting that he was heading where no Western news outlets dared to tread.

    Carlson’s claim also ignored the fact that Russia’s president has spent the past two decades in power systematically stamping out free speech at home.

    He talked about a Russian “patriot” who had “eliminated a bandit” in a European capital, seeming to confirm previous reports that Russia is demanding a prisoner swap with Vadim Krasikov.

    It’s all part of how Putin justified his full-scale invasion, almost two years ago - along with “de-Nazifying” Ukraine, which he claimed is still a work in progress.

    “Sooner or later this will end in agreement,” was Putin’s message, arguing that Nato was coming to realise that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be impossible.

    The American did not push Putin at all on political repression at home, which includes locking up vocal opponents of the war in jail.

    The original article contains 999 words, the summary contains 160 words. Saved 84%. I’m a bot and I’m open source!

    Neato , to news in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin avatar

    Can we just, cancel Tucker’s passport so he can’t return? Pretend we aren’t home and turn all the lights off?

    SamsonSeinfelder , to news in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

    Russian propaganda molded a big part of a nation and some of its media into a submissive lab dog. Amazing that it became the Republican Party cozening up to Russia and making this 180° turn of it previous stance without losing the empty mind of their followers, as Russia transformed themself closer to the republican extreme it is today creating a match made in hell. Brother in heart, cruel, authoritarian, corrupt, brass, lying, projecting, and slaying anyone who falls out of line. And in the End of all the politics Bowtie-Tucky sits on Putins lab, panting, drooling, like the spineless overbred dog he is.

    Carlson is a millionaire funded by billionaires (Rutger Bregman).

    sonori , avatar

    I don’t see the contradiction, Russia went from the center of a nominally socialist union to a hypercapitalist libertarian dictatorship, of course the Republicans are going to try and support it.

    spider , (edited )


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  • limelight79 ,

    It’s so crazy how true that is.

    If you follow politics, the recent deal between Biden, Democrats, and the Republicans gave Republicans everything they supposedly wanted for border security. They aren’t voting for it because Trump wants to keep hitting Biden on that issue during the election. It’s fucking insane.

    firstofus ,

    Is this true?

    limelight79 ,

    It is, but I’m the guy that originally said it, so you shouldn’t trust me. Here’s an article about it, and another article here.

    sxan , avatar

    It almost makes me wish for the good oa’ days of McCarthyism, just to see the shocked Pikachu faces. And, boy, Julius & Ethel were lightweights compared to today’s traitors; the electric chair would be going nonstop for a long while until the House was truly cleaned out.

    spider , (edited )


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  • sxan , avatar

    Yup. Super dark period in US history, and a tragic couple, regardless of their crimes. Not a good look for us.

    Zworf ,

    Yeah I don’t know what’s worse, cozying up to dictators or looking for ‘commies’ behind every curtain.

    sxan , avatar

    Both stink. Fascists, either way.

    autotldr Bot , to news in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

    🤖 I’m a bot that provides automatic summaries for articles:

    Click here to see the summaryThe American had touted his sit-down with Putin as a triumph for free speech, asserting that he was heading where no Western news outlets dared to tread. Carlson’s claim also ignored the fact that Russia’s president has spent the past two decades in power systematically stamping out free speech at home. He talked about a Russian “patriot” who had “eliminated a bandit” in a European capital, seeming to confirm previous reports that Russia is demanding a prisoner swap with Vadim Krasikov. It’s all part of how Putin justified his full-scale invasion, almost two years ago - along with “de-Nazifying” Ukraine, which he claimed is still a work in progress. “Sooner or later this will end in agreement,” was Putin’s message, arguing that Nato was coming to realise that defeating Russia on the battlefield would be impossible. The American did not push Putin at all on political repression at home, which includes locking up vocal opponents of the war in jail. — Saved 84% of original text.

    bedrooms OP , to news in Tucker Carlson: Putin takes charge as TV host gives free rein to Kremlin

    Putin wrote a long essay before the war that denied Ukraine's existence as a sovereign state. He now appears to have learned it by heart.

    I mean, that's the job of a body double. He's right there in the picture.

    jbk , to worldnews in King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says
    UmeU , to worldnews in King Charles III diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace says

    Abolish the monarchy!

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