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yianiris , to linux avatar

Corporate Spam Bot

is a booster-bot not really of linux, I would say ANTI-LINUX, and promotes constantly marketing by 3-4 corporations that seek to dominate linux and displace all alternatives.


Portrays as linux the products of IBM (systemd, Qt-corporation) and the distros that promote them by prohibiting alternatives.

BAN the corporate spam bot from all servers!

yianiris OP , avatar

And they have made money not by sharing but by monopolizing and selling, which makes them who they are.

You are a foul if you think a for profit (even non-profit) corporation will have an interest advancing Open and Free software. They are there to OWN code and trade names, MARKET trade names, to defeat alternatives that lack corporate/banking funding.


yianiris OP , avatar

You mean it is a community that exclusively publishes corporate products as linux making no acknowledgement that alternatives exist?


yianiris OP , avatar

Qt's late licensing is more insulting and provocative than MS Oracel IBM Google Facebook put together.

It probably took a 5story legal firm to disect through GPL licensing to figure out a way they can sell and not be open unless you pay


yianiris OP , avatar

RedHat is/was to IBM what Qt is to Oracle, vehicles of domination into the open free ecosystem. Marketing dictates what "free" code to use.

Show me 1 ONE article in phoronics that "mentions" alternatives to systemd, and I will not speak of linux or foss ever again!

That would be etc.

@Rustmilian Now that is not

yianiris OP , avatar

Init is just one process, 98% of systemd is its logind, or its isolated fork called elogind, and its multilayered dbus labyrinth, which all those mentioned use. Running gnome and its applications without it is nearly impossible

The one article almost literally says if you don't like systemd go to F**BSD and away from linux!

But yes, there are those irrelevant 3 mentions in a site as old as systemd itself.

yianiris OP , avatar

I am clearly speaking of the @linux bot constantly pumping systemd only distros, gnome, kde plasma, chrome, qt and other corporate trash that ubuntu mint manjaro debian have embraced as their devs are on the corporate payroll


yianiris OP , avatar

The majority of people speak of junk/fast food 3 brands of soda, 2, 3 brands of coffee/tea, 2 brnands of tropical fruit ,3 brands of power-drinks, 3 brands of beer,
as nutrition, 2 brands of phone OSs, and it is all crap if not bad for you.

So what is your point?

What is popular is what has been marketed, and it is usually both dominant and a very poor alternative to what it sells for.


yianiris , avatar

Arch (arch based x86_64)
Download and install

or cd /tmp
mkdir libw
cd libw


sudo pacman -U x86_64.pkg.tar.

firejail librewolf

@pineapplelover @catloaf

yianiris , avatar

In all the years I've used the AUR I only heard of one pkg violating security, it was recognized pretty fast and was removed within hours from going up. AUR pkgs have history/track/votes on them, with thousands using them it is just as likely an official pkg having rogue code as an aur pkg.

Also, aur pkg are not really software written for the aur, it is software packaged for the arch ecosystem, and several other distros are using them.

@constantokra @pineapplelover

yianiris , avatar

1 If you take an average AUR pkg and read its content (PKGBUILD) the procedure of building an arch like pkg is not very much unlike the practice of building and installing from source as in the old days. The difference is that when a new revision or need for patch, or rebuild due to fresh libraries/dependencies is necessary through your AUR helper you will be notified.


yianiris , avatar

2 Do you honestly think one can just make a fake account up, register, and publish an AUR pkg with rogue code that easy? There are checks for code whether it is safe or not, whether it is asking for right elevation, altering the filesystem's rights, etc.
You are making it sound like registering for X and publishing a tweet.

3 The most dangerous software I see on AUR is browser bins by the BIG NAMES not the little script stuff.
People are afraid of people instead of large corps

yianiris , avatar

One out of five pkgs in AUR are so unmaintained they don't even build anymore.

Clieaning up junk is more urgent than screening what comes on.

[SOLVED] I can't change my /home location, and it's driving me mad

For the past week, I’ve been trying to switch my /home partition from my 500GB nvme to my 1TB sata ssd. I’ve been asking and receiving help from people in my previous post, but I keep hitting wall after wall in making it work and I seem to be missing a step....

yianiris , avatar

The home directory of the user is defined in /etc/passwd

Make sure it is the same as the one you have.

% sudo grpck
will check your group shadow gshadow passwd files for conflicts, it will tell you what you need to fix or if it is simple it will fix it for you.
If you get no output everything is OK

@kbal @pixelscript @NateSwift @Doctor_Rex

yianiris , avatar

You can use sshd/sshfs to transfer files from a vm to another system, or even another vm.

You can shrink the installations partition to 90-95% used space, unmount the target, use dd --> tar.xz/lz/gz then the reverse to a new slightly larger partition, check enlarge whatever, configure, even the UUID of the partition transfers, so even grub.cfg/limine.cfg/lilo/syslinux all work just install in MBR or efi and reboot.

@d3Xt3r @governorkeagan

yianiris , avatar

Non-sense, any linux, even the most wasteful in resources, ubuntu, mint, manjaro, debian, fedora, gnome plasma DE, uses a fraction of resources to start and execute whatever. I have 2-3 friends running daily on early/mid 2core intel/amd machines where w10/11 wouldn't even boot!

@Suspiciousbrowsing @somethingsomethingidk

yianiris , avatar

Can containers boot on their own? Then they are hosts, if not they are guests.
Unless there is some kind of mutual 50/50 cohabitation of userspace with two different pid1s
pid 1 left pid 1 right

@cypherpunks @onlinepersona

yianiris , avatar

The greatest contribution of Nvidia to FOSS had been to keep many such thinking people hostage to proprietary solutions and out of our visibility.

You know, those that refuse to learn anything new, refuse to read documents, believe that by controlling input/output through terminal is inferior to gui-blindness.

@Nibodhika @Para_lyzed

yianiris , avatar

Auto downloading and installing software is pretty much a violation of ethics in the unix ecosystem, pretty much anything that begins with Auto should be rejected.

But the general public wants the convenience and luxury of having things done by others without being bothered. Many distros competing with each other for lazy newcomers (ubuntu, mint, debian, manjaro, ...) they provide all those non-unix like utilities.

Lately it is getting worse, all sorts of telemtry is branded good


yianiris , avatar

I have never used such a system, I don't know of a single one, and I wouldn't use such a system.


yianiris , avatar

I have used apt apt-get, apk, pacman, xbps, and I have never encountered an auto-update

Even dumb-gui like synaptics or pamac don't auto-update


yianiris , avatar

Then what you consider automatic is a very unique perception of how things work.
In a car automatic transmission means it shifts on its own.
In a non automatic either you shift or it doesn't happen.

On most pkg managers YOU elect when to upgrade, the output is a list of "upgradable" pkgs, then you are asked whether to proceed or not. Nothing automatic about this.

Auto update would mean software has been updated on its own without you authorizing it.


yianiris , avatar

Many unions collect fees, for operational costs, publications, transportation costs, etc.

Especially they collect funds to support those who have been unjustifiably laid-off, or during strikes to have emergency pay so they can refuse to return due to fin.pressure. Families of disabled or killed at work members...

The thing here is you have for profit corporations producing code as well as executives, and unemployed privateers. Who gets what?

@jlow @GroundPlane

yianiris , avatar

Just last week I was arguing with a bunch of fan boys here about how that system prevents you from learning, how Debian is a tiny bit better, but with arch/based systems you both have a reliable daily runner and be able to learn as much as you can take.

The more you learn the more aggravating debians (mint-ubuntus) become, forcing their choices on you. Arch respects and rewards people who want to do it their way. They provide the blocks, you build your system.

@youngGoku @mr_MADAFAKA

yianiris , avatar

And you are either an ubuntu/debian troll or pretending to know something.
Can you show us some reference of how/when pacman broke last?

Arch-testing has been more stable than sid ever was, and it was rare that sid ever broke.

And I haven't used systemd EVER, unless that is where ALL the instability comes from, and I missed it, from wheezy to arch-testing


yianiris , avatar

Are you comparing 40years of graphical environment stability and global use with something that has been broken for more than a decade and now all of a sudden is portrayed as secure?

I want to start applications as another user in my own environment and my own system and wayland prevents me, while x11 allows me (together with many forms of sandboxing and containerization).

I have asked this question to all pretend to be experts of wayland and I have 0 responses.

@Ullebe1 @LainTrain

yianiris , avatar

I don''t use systemd or logind so I don't have to worry about such magic security violations this bogus pile of crap creates. I have more control of processes and don't allow some "automated" service to be loging-in-out system users 2000 times a nanosecond as logind does.

It only happens when I want it to happen, not uncontrollably.

KISS is the best security measure.


yianiris , avatar

What would js be able to do out of firejail or other such forms of containment?

I only allow js for very specific sites, and most that you can't do without I just do without. I am not that worried about security though, it is just an exercise.

I use seatd with wayland but it can be compiled without it too. My main issue is as I said, I can't just run "sudo -u user2 leafpad" for example, you say it is a security measure, I say it is an inconvenience.


yianiris , avatar

> and why they’re playing an increasingly big role in modern distros.

My modern distros, are you implying if a distro adopts flatpak use it is modern, if not it is antiquated?

Those are dangerous doctrines when foss is meant to provide choice, and it can be a choice to reject certain groups of software.


yianiris , avatar

You have a very narrow perception of what a linux distribution/system should be, and that is a heavily commercial windows/macos alternative for people who deny reading.
That audience makes total crap popular!

Is that better now?


yianiris , avatar

You can run 3 vm instances, 1 win10, 1 android, 1 ios, and within them you can run native whatevers.

Why would you want to run crap in your nice clean **nix environment is beyond me. And nothing will ever improve with this kind of mentality.

Again, free software stands for freedom, not cheap or of 0 exchange value.

@Quazatron @helenslunch

yianiris , avatar

First of all generalizing about this is totally wrong, depending on what software/libraries a program depends on for build makes a huge difference. If it is good old C that is backwards compatible (hence the size of glibc) it will work all the time. Show me one debian or arch official package that is written in C and says for glibc >=2.35

On other software proposing a library to be >=ver-xxx means the packager speculates that future editions will NOT break the build.

@Rustmilian @lemmyvore

yianiris , avatar

Have you made a single AUR pkg, or are you just criticizing thousands for their work without any evidence from your armchair?


yianiris , avatar

Sometimes the code to make a mouse or any pointing device (TS included) work with a cli can be 15 times more than the cli itself. Cheap low powered devices for the masses (globally) would perform competitively if it wasn't for all the heavy gui work they have to do.

@Tak @teawrecks

yianiris , avatar

It would take years for MS to catch up to the hw covered by linux, some of it not even released in a market.

If you are talking about specific MS licensed hw with unpublished non-open non-free-firmware that MS orders to cut off other OSs then I can see this being true.

If you are falling for the Nvidia trap, I feel sorry for you.

@Dezvous @tet

yianiris , avatar

It doesn't matter what the question is antiX is the answer.

Apart from antiX in recent years making tremendous strides in being truly systemd free it is more stable than debian, since systemd keeps releasing more and more buggy complexities such as systemd-boot

antiX also has stable/testing/unstable branches, but experience from the past proves that even sid/unstable is a very usable daily work system. Sid is close to arch but +5 architectures x2 32/64

@kanzalibrary @potentiallynotfelix

yianiris , avatar

I'd be the last person on earth to defend debian or systemd-boot that has turned linux into a garage project, but could it be that you are booting the image in legacy/bios mode and attempt an EFI installation? This is hackish to do since /sys/.../efi.. doesn't exist.

If you insure you are booting in efi mode then it should work out. If not chroot into the installation and follow the procedure of installing the bootloader manually.

@potentiallynotfelix @winety

yianiris , avatar

> You can’t avoid IBM/RedHat

Let's just leave it at that, we can't avoid code published by them, it is everywhere. Both of those are subject and clear collaborators with agencies of the state that protects their existence.

It is 100s of times better than MS, ok, yes, it is. Still, "we" have a long way to go, away from "them".

@StrangeAstronomer @Luffy879

I tried, I really did

I’ve been an IT professional for 20 years now, but I’ve mainly dealt with Windows. I’ve worked with Linux servers through out the years, but never had Linux as a daily driver. And I decided it was time to change. I only had 2 requirements. One, I need to be able to use my Nvidia 3080 ti for local LLM and I need to be able...

yianiris , avatar

I know, with so many wonderful window managers who needs a stinking desktop.

I run with no logind no dbus no polkit ,, occasionally I may manually start a seatd to test wayland labwc upgrades .. and I'd rather go deaf than have to use pulseaudio or pipewire.

@TCB13 @hactar42

yianiris , avatar

There is an advantage in arch (and all pacman based distros) that the pkg mgr is friendly and vocal.

Say you want your system to run with vtwm you try and you get many dependencies installed, then try starting it. If it doesn't start it will tell you what is missing still.

Usually with X is either xorg-xinit or a display manager (avoid) and adding exec vtwm into your ~/.xinitrc gets you going.

@Squiddles @hactar42 @Jean_Lurk_Picard @Zak

yianiris , avatar

With arch based flavored desktop installers (arco endeavour manjaro ..) you get some GBs of stuff that is probably going to ask 1-2GB of upgrades, and then you end up dumping half the crap they came with.

On one you start from bottom up, the rest you start from top towards the ?bottom?.

You only learn when you start with the least needed to boot a system, have net access, and a pkg.mngr.

@Squiddles @hactar42 @Jean_Lurk_Picard @Zak

yianiris , avatar

Me too!

Ctrl-K Ctrl-U in nano don't interfere either :)

@Deckweiss @matcha_addict

Stop using for projects - Credit card info required for new registrations

If your IP (and possible your browser) looks “suspicious” or has been used by other users before, you need to add additional information for registration on, which includes your mobile phone number and possibly credit card information. Since it is not possible to contribute or even report issues on open source...

yianiris , avatar

Funny you mentioned it, till very recently they needed validation by android or i-phone app, assuming all linux/FOSS programmers had one.

Beyond that anonymity becomes impossible for phone registrations.

Gitlab is NOT free software, and neither is GitTea, but Forgejo IS

codeberg and git.disroot use Forgejo not gitea


Ohhh.. github is just

yianiris , avatar

A for profit corporation will never produce anything truly free, it is all done in the name of profit

IBM's systemd Qt Oracle Google Facebook are all multinational corporations.

Nothing BUT free, they are all dictatorships for the people they employ.


yianiris , avatar

Stop being elitist, spread Linux without systemd!


yianiris , avatar

BSA ITA French/Swiss PF30 octa/isis I do them all.

I switched gearbox and driveshaft on a heavy van stuck on 20' incline 5m away from a wall. Early 70s Dodge. Scary getting under there.

I use runit and/or s6 as init and service supevisor, no logind, no dbus, just a window manager. I have one disguised as MSwin, my friend hasn't noticed in 7y it is not MSw. She says it is as good now as it was the day I installed it.

@Kecessa @EuroNutellaMan

yianiris , avatar

Convenience and pop-whores .. it is what capitalism prescribes. Add games, bookmarks on Edge, saved passwords, that people don't want to change ... and this is the disability they develop. Then win gets all borked BSOD and all, and they start the only way they know how, disk, format, new install.

They buy their own prison cells and the camera that monitors them like they live in a reality show.

What did you expect, a social revolution?

@Chakravanti @jackpot

yianiris , avatar

Not MS but IBM, created a front 13y ago called RedHat, financed it with consulting subcontracts installing RHEL,Fedora,Debian everywhere, to steer all Desktop/GUI development to depend on it, and when it all met its goals bought it to create its mass consumed system to compete with MS.

Very few attempt to maintain desktop functionality without systemd today, and upstreamers just quitely conformed to the "market'.

@jackpot @octopus_ink

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