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tortillaPeanuts ,

I’m struggling to wrap my head around this crime. Two people shoot five bullets at an elementary school before 5am on a Saturday, then leave with their getaway driver. This crime was discovered a few hours later by school staff reporting evidence of a shooting.

tortillaPeanuts ,

This is the ruling:

“Immediately halt its military offensive, and any other action in the Rafah Governorate, which may inflict on the Palestinian group in Gaza conditions of life that could bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;” Source

Israel claims it’s not inflicting those conditions so it will not stop the offensive. Source

tortillaPeanuts , (edited )

They were already there. “They made the decision to remain even when it got worse because they felt like if they left, then those kids would have no where to go" Source

They were ambushed by gang members, after helping orphans at a church, in an attempted robbery. They were leaving the church and got attacked on their way home.

tortillaPeanuts ,

I’m looking forward to it. It could really give some insight into what the plan is for after the Rafah offensive. I hope some lawmakers are brave enough to ask tough questions about the ending of the war.

tortillaPeanuts ,

The vast majority of registered voters support Israel Even among Democrats most (77%) will still vote for Biden even if they disagree with him. I had a hard time finding registered voters opinions vs Democrat voters, so I could be wrong. The exact wording seemed to make a big difference. The most disapproval was seen among young voters. This really isn’t a winning issue on either side.

How 2 debunked accounts of sexual violence on Oct. 7 fueled a global dispute over Israel-Hamas war (

Working in a kibbutz that was ravaged by Hamas’ Oct. 7 attack, Otmazgin — a volunteer commander with ZAKA, an Israeli search and rescue organization — saw the body of a teenager, shot dead and separated from her family in a different room. Her pants had been pulled down below her waist. He thought that was evidence of...

tortillaPeanuts ,

What are the new lies, can you point me to the part of the article? Pramilla Patten is a UN official, what motivation does she have to lie about the investigation?

Calling the AP a tabloid is delusional. They don’t always get things right but they deserve some credit.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Israel’s Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, meanwhile, called for immediate punishment for the Palestinian Authority and expanded settlement construction in the Occupied West Bank as a response.

This is unhinged, wanting to punish the PA for other countries recognizing Palestine.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Wtf, what did he do? I quite enjoyed his movies. I know he is literally Skeletor but that’s just in a movie.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Polling looks good for Labour. Kinda crazy the prime minister basically torpedoed his own party because it was so bad.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Yeah I could see it being a strategy to keep as many seats as possible. After looking at the polling, the Conservative party has been declining in popularity since 2020. The best timing for them is ASAP because it’s only getting worse. They are just about as unpopular as they were when Liz Truss was in office.

tortillaPeanuts ,

They likely knew he was actively wielding bladed weapons.

I watched the full video. They were repeatedly told he didn’t have any weapons. The clinician just said the man was violent and kicked him.

I have no idea why they didn’t use less than lethal first, they talk about it but I don’t know which officer was tasked with it. It seems like they didn’t expect him to be armed when they entered.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Can anyone access the [Cogat data] ( on aid distribution, the site always shows a 404 for me?

The UN keeps some data but since May 5th it is incomplete, and it doesn’t include all the crossings into gaza. Since May 5th, only 69 trucks UN/INGO have been recorded entering Gaza. Source

tortillaPeanuts ,

Oof, I really thought it could be a good source of information, even if a little biased. The archived versions I’ve seen are unusable too.

tortillaPeanuts ,

with intent to destroy

dolus specialis (intent) is the most crucial part of genocide. Without it none of the five acts apply.

tortillaPeanuts ,

I’m not saying they can’t prove it. They might be able to, the problem is connecting public statements to official Israeli policy.

“I don’t think there are any innocents there now, not now and not when I said those things,” Vaturi said.

It’s not right, but he said this after an evacuation of the area.

“I urge you to do everything and use Doomsday weapons fearlessly against our enemies,” Gotliv wrote on social media platform X, calling upon Israel to use “everything in its arsenal”.

This is pretty vague and specifically mentions “enemies”

In November, Galit Distel Atbaryan, Israel’s former public diplomacy minister, called for Gaza to be “erased from the face of the Earth”, stating that the besieged enclave should be “wiped out” by a “vengeful and vicious” Israeli army.

This guy isn’t even in office, it is ironic he was a diplomacy minister

Last week, lawmaker Moshe Saada said that widespread calls he had heard from the Israeli public to “destroy all Gazans” had proven that the “right-wing was right about the Palestinian issue”.

This is a pretty good example but he never says that the right-wing policy is to destroy all Gazans, just that the public wants it.

It’s not such an easy thing to prove. There are plenty of right-wing extremists in Israel’s government right now, it’s likely they have crossed the line with their rhetoric but rhetoric isn’t policy. I have yet to see any smoking gun evidence that Israel specifically intends to commit genocide (in a legal sense, not a moral or colloquial way).

tortillaPeanuts ,

Go to Applebee’s and order Four-Cheese Mac & Cheese with honey pepper chicken tenders. The chicken tenders are excellent but the Mac and Cheese is the most watery garbage I’ve ever eaten. Then you will understand the true skill of making delicious Mac and Cheese.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Which Democrats want austerity??? This isn’t the UK.

tortillaPeanuts ,

After Israel seized the AP equipment, the Biden administration, journalism organizations and an Israeli opposition leader condemned the government of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and pressured it to reverse the decision.

Israel’s communications minister, Shlomo Karhi, said late Tuesday on the social platform X: “I have now ordered to cancel the action and return the equipment to the AP.”

A terrible decision but it was reversed.

tortillaPeanuts ,

I don’t understand how that article relates to Taiwan at all. It seems like a dispute between China and Australia.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Please elaborate. I know nothing about the difference between devil and demon sorry.

tortillaPeanuts ,

So this is all based on an X post that references two social media posts from 8 years ago… I think I’ll wait for more information, the guy is still alive and can tell investigators why he did this. It also just doesn’t make much sense.

tortillaPeanuts ,

I’ve never really heard of a hunger strike being used outside of captivity. Their demands are disclosure, divestment, and dropping the charges against students who were non-violently protesting.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Is this fallout from Trump’s betrayal of the Kurds? I’m surprised they are being reasonable with the U.S. after the abrupt pullout of troops.

tortillaPeanuts , (edited )

“There has been widespread looting of existing stocks in Rafah after aid agencies were forced to leave warehouses unguarded following warnings to evacuate the area from Israeli Defence Forces (IDF)” This is a ridiculous oversight, the IDF should be working with aid agencies to guard evacuated warehouses and create new humanitarian corridors to facilitate aid delivery.

Edit: Oversight was definitely the wrong word to use. I thought this evacuation was limited to a small part of East Rafah and only affected a few warehouses. It’s actually all of East Rafah and covers both border crossings and the majority of warehouses if I had to guess. Not working with aid agencies ahead of time is clearly done maliciously.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Totally off the table.

Firstly Egypt and Jordan don’t want to give Israel more justification to annex Gaza through the displacement of Palestinians.

Secondly, security “Cairo does not want to have a new security problem on its hands in this problematic region,” Fabiani said. Jordan has similar concerns considering they had a king assassinated by a Palestinian in Jerusalem

Netanyahu hoped Hamas would reject Israel's offer. When it didn't, he turned to sabotage (

Israel’s criminal defendant prime minister, more focused on saving his incompetent far-right government than saving the hostages who have spent seven months trapped in Gaza, is doing everything he can to torpedo Israel’s last and best chance at bringing the hostages home...

tortillaPeanuts ,

Two different laws. One for Israeli and one for Palestinians

In Israel proper the laws are equal, plenty of Arabs live in Israel with the same rights as anyone else. In territories they occupy the laws are unfair, but I don’t know of any democracy that gives people in occupied territories equal rights

They shutdown Al Jazeera

They shutdown a foreign media outlet specifically for the duration of a war. Undemocratic, but not beyond the scope of democracy.

People who humiliate Palestinian often do not get punished by law.

This is discrimination not by law but by the people that enforce it, unfortunately democracy can’t effectively fix the biases of its citizens.

The reason they are a democracy is because they have elections that determine the ruling party in the legislature. In 2022 a right wing party got the most votes and successfully created a coalition government. If the government does unpopular things then they will lose votes in the next election and be removed, ideally this limits unpopular government policy.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Do you have any proof of your particular claim? Like give a link with an example of it. Sorry to say but I’m immensely skeptical. I could claim lots of things and it could not be true.

  1. Israeli forces’ systemic denial of fair trial rights to Palestinian child prisoners amounts to arbitrary detention June 1 2023

Thanks for the response and I understand your skepticism, I will do my best to provide sources. I found an article describing the type of discrimination Arab Israelis face, there are problems but legal rights are equal, “They have the same legal rights as Jewish citizens, but many continue to face discrimination and socioeconomic disadvantages.” Your link is about the occupied West Bank. Those are military courts applied during a military occupation, people living under a military occupation do not have the same legal rights as the citizens of the state occupying them.

You said it, yourself. Undemocratic. Plus the two separate laws does not really define ‘‘democratic’’, does it? A Apartheid regime cannot be democratic.

Israel has not annexed the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, they occupy them. Apartheid is two different laws for citizens of the same country, the effect of an occupation is similar but the cause and solution are completely different. The solution is to end the occupation, in apartheid the solution is to change laws to grant equal rights to all people of a country. I could see apartheid being used to describe how the Israeli military treats the West Bank, but it does not apply to Israel itself.

Not only that if they are so democratic, why shut it down? Freedom of speech is a part of being democratic which means allowing real news and evidence to be spread into to the world, to let others know what is going on.

  1. Democracy or Apartheid: You Can’t Have Both
  2. Freedom of expression is one of the essential foundations of a democratic society
  3. Israel prevents hundreds of worshippers from entering Al-Aqsa on first night of Ramadan

The stated reason the Israeli cabinet banned them was because they were “Harming Israel’s security and inciting violence against its soldiers” this article also mentions “Under a law passed last month, the government can temporarily shutter foreign media outlets that have been found to undermine national security.” I disagree with the decision but it only applies to foreign media and is temporary. Freedom of speech in Israel isn’t perfect but the judicial system has protected it and generally it has gotten better over time. The history of the right to free speech in Israel is interesting, here’s an article about it. Israel hosts one of its harshest critics Haaretz. If Israel was undemocratic why would they allow such a news source to exist? Other countries in the Middle East certainly wouldn’t tolerate this. Israel used to have the best score on the press freedom index for the Middle East region. As a result of the war they are now second in the region but still 30-70 ranks higher than their neighbors.

In response to some of your sources, Israel’s actions at Al Aqsa mosque and in Jerusalem in general are issues I’ll read more on, specifically permanent residents status vs citizens living there. I don’t think it would change my overall view of Israel being a democracy though. Democracies can do a lot of bad things and still be democracies.

Not sure if I said it in this thread or somewhere else but Israel is on paper ‘’democratic’’ but in reality they are not. In January there was a poll done whether the Israeli want their Prime Minister to stay or be gone and the majority of the Israeli do not want their current prime minister and he keeps being in power.

  1. Only 15% of Israelis want Netanyahu to keep job after Gaza war, poll finds

In practice Israel is a democracy. People want Netanyahu out but that’s not how a democracy works. There is not an election being held right now so the only way Netanyahu can be removed is by a vote of no confidence from the legislature. People can ask the legislature to remove him and hold new elections, in fact a vote was held in January but the motion only got 18 of the 61 needed votes. As a result of Netanyahu’s war the Likud party (he is the chairperson) has lost a lot of popularity and the National Unity party has gained in popularity. Current polls indicate Likud will lose the next election which is how democracy works. It is a slow process but in the end the people decide their government by voting.

Some in State Department don’t believe Israel is using US weapons in accordance with international law, source says | CNN Politics (

The State Department is divided over whether Israel is using American-provided weapons in accordance with international law ahead of a fast-approaching deadline next week for Secretary of State Antony Blinken to make a determination to Congress....

tortillaPeanuts ,

At least when it comes to bombs I believe that Israel is following international law. Selecting valid targets while making some calculation considering civilian casualties is a pretty low bar especially when your enemy is operating in civilian areas without wearing any uniforms. Prisons and individual soldiers are another matter but idk what US weapons are involved in that.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Israel temporarily releasing hostages that historically they just re-abduct within days

Can you explain this or link something? I know Israel imprisoning Palestinians for years without charges is monstrous but I haven’t heard of them doing this after prisoner exchanges.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Oh I see. I wonder if they increase arrests after prisoner exchanges, I’ll have to look up the numbers if they’re available. I see your point though Israel is constantly imprisoning more people so the exchanges aren’t exactly equivalent. The difference between hostage and prisoner is complicated though, it’s basically just the accusation of some crime, Hamas doesn’t really claim the people they take have done any specific crime but most of the time Israel doesn’t either because they hold people without charges so it is very similar.

tortillaPeanuts ,

Irresponsible decision from Israel, the initial exchange seemed justified with no reason to escalate things.

tortillaPeanuts ,

2 to 6.8 grams of sugar is less than 2 teaspoons, it’s not much sugar. The US guidelines recommend substituting no-calorie sweeteners instead, so it’s probably just a manufacturing issue not some evil corporate plot. Also the honey is in a product for kids 1 year and older which is safe.

tortillaPeanuts ,

I believe it’s because of this article he wrote. It’s him talking about his family’s history in Palestine, some background on the war, and him condoning the Oct 7 attack. He basically says the attackers had determination and courage, were “returning to their land” and he could have been one of them if he was younger and still lived there under the poor conditions.

It just gets worse the more you read (

Reading about the current events got me looking into the history of Palestine and Israel, and I noticed a lot of Israel’s politicians (like Yitzhak Shamir, Menachem Begin, and Ariel Sharon to name a few) were Zionist terrorists (using the word literally, not subjectively) since before the establishment of Israel. The groups...

tortillaPeanuts ,

To add even more context, Lehi was an offshoot of Irgun which was an extremist offshoot of Haganah. They had less than 300 members compared to Haganah’s 20,000.

Their ideology probably isn’t an accurate representation of all the politicians you mentioned except Yitzhak Shamir who was a leader of Lehi and became a prime minister of Israel 40 years later which is a bit weird.

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