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octopus_ink ,

People keep trying to convince me it’s not evidence of two justice systems.

But it is.

octopus_ink ,

I’m fairly certain his conduct during the proceedings themselves would have landed me or anyone else in jail by now. (And/Or with a fine that required us to do more than lift up our couch cushions.)

octopus_ink ,

Right, right.

2 Justice systems.

octopus_ink ,

This looks super cool, but I’ve been using midnight commander for so so long.

octopus_ink , (edited )

So if a worker somewhere breaks something, every single employee should be held responsible for that?

I’ll say the same thing as Flying Squid with different words: How many times have you seen a cop in any discussion, offline (edit: online) or in person, be pissed off about a shitty cop? If your answer is anything more than “almost never” I’m going to be fairly skeptical.

Police have made it clear that they will do whatever they want, and fuck what we think, even when there is clear video evidence.

You have a group of folks with immense authority, a criminal justice system that elevates their word and testimony above that of others, and a literal license to kill, which seems not to be made up of particularly compassionate people, or many who can think much beyond “hit it, tase it, or shoot it until it does what I want.” And who trains them in and reinforces this behavior? The other police they work with.

Why wouldn’t they keep doing what they do when they have this scam in place: Taxpayers pay police budget --> police fuck people up --> Taxpayers pay the inevitable settlement which includes a gag order for victims and no admission of wrongdoing --> Police have no incentive to change their behavior, so don’t --> Taxpayers pay police budget…

Where’s the incentive to change policies and procedures? They’ve shown public trust and opinion isn’t something they value, so what’s left?

octopus_ink ,

We can’t punish cops or they will just get better at lying!

Is that actually the extent of your take, or all that made it through the keyboard?

octopus_ink ,

Fourth time is kind of embarrassing to the officers at this point.

Isn’t the first time kind of embarrassing for them? If not, shouldn’t it be?

octopus_ink ,

Nothing against Fedora, but generally I’d steer a noobie to mint or popos before Fedora. It has been some time since I tried Fedora (years) but not very long since I’ve seen someone complaining about dependency/repo issues (which is where I always ran into problems with Fedora eventually)

Having said that, folks who don’t run Arch tend to say it breaks far more often than it actually does, so my opinion on Fedora may be just as uninformed. (I don’t run Arch BTW, but I do run a derivative.)

octopus_ink ,

Clearly it worked for some.

I think it clearly worked for you.

Looks to me like a little joke buried in a sincere post. You can make more out of it if you want, but I think you’re being a little bit curmudgeony.

octopus_ink ,

Edit: the linux-company thing is just for triggering people, sorry I didn’t know it was this effective.

Heh it really was wasn’t it? Been on Linux for near to twenty years now and I’m still surprised to see it. :D

octopus_ink ,

Are folks going to show up here to scold us all for thinking he’ll never see consequences like in every other discussion of a similar headline, or are we starting to move past that point?

octopus_ink ,

But no one should expect Adams to hold NYPD accountable. Once a corrupt cop, always a corrupt cop.

This is the bottom line, and it’s (one reason) why nothing will happen.

octopus_ink ,

All that is true, but who votes for a cop as mayor in nyc on the heels of 2020? I lay a little of this on the NYC voters.

octopus_ink ,

I think he will not go to jail. And I do be not mean it like „buh, American system bad, they will never do it“, i mean it as in: they will put him on house arrest. Normal cloth. Normal food. Security at the door.

I’ll go “buh, American system bad.” My prediction - what you have described is the worst he will ever see, if convicted of everything he should be. That man will die of old age, wearing his own clothes, in his own house, living a 1% lifestyle, having never seen the inside of a cell, still claiming he won in 2020. Mark my words.

I’d love to be wrong, but I know I’m not.

octopus_ink ,

I agree completely.

I’m angry that facing the actual consequences is likely to make him more popular with his base.

This does anger me. But what angers me more is the feeling that a significant factor in this kid gloves treatment is fear of how his supporters will react. It’s literally handing power to fascist regressives.

octopus_ink ,

make me feel like I must be the only person in the world who hasn’t had major issues with KDE and it’s been absolutely flawless lately, specially since 5

There’s dozens of us! (kidding, it’s clear in recent years it’s way more than that, and I’m happy to see it.)

If folks are happy with how GNOME does things… I’m happy for them.

Police tactics at campus protests reveal disparities in approaches to public order and lessons learned from 2020 protests (

As universities and colleges turn to police to clear their campuses of protests over Israel’s assault on Gaza that continue to ripple across the nation, the response by law enforcement is under heightened scrutiny after thousands were arrested since mid-April....

octopus_ink ,

Law enforcement agencies say they were challenged with ensuring the First Amendment rights of protesters while enforcing the law and the rules of the universities and keeping everyone safe.

LOL like they give the slightest shit about First Amendment rights of protesters. The only reason they care, if at all, is because Qualified Immunity specifically does not apply if it can be shown that they violated someone’s constitutional rights during arrest or other interaction.

I’m glad we are still at a point where our rights are some kind of guardrail for police, but I refuse to believe police care about them beyond maintaining QI.

octopus_ink , (edited )

So in other words, very plausible deniability.

We had that tech in 1968. I’m pretty sure it would be a matter of a phone call and some change from the couch cushions for Boeing to create the recent outcome.

Does this mean they did it? No.

Does it warrant the reaction folks are having about it? Absolutely yes. (Edit - In light of their current troubles and the fate of the prior whistleblower.)

octopus_ink ,

How do I so strongly recognize this but can’t recall what it’s from!!??

octopus_ink ,

Does this mean they did it? No.

Does it warrant the reaction folks are having about it? Absolutely yes. (Edit - In light of their current troubles and the fate of the prior whistleblower.)

I stand by that statement, and don’t feel like trying again to connect the dots on the relevancy of my example for you. Whatever you are arguing about is - not the same.

octopus_ink ,

Well that’s it. Case closed. The existence of a heart attack gun in 1968 proves Boeing killed 2 whistleblowers in 2024. Good job gang.

Literally no one has made that statement, including me, the guy who brought up the heart attack gun. Take a breath man.

octopus_ink ,


octopus_ink ,

The cost isn’t an issue in my mind,

How is it not?

Insurance companies exist because of these costs, they should have to cover any treatment that has significantly higher success rates, especially when the lack of coverage will result in death, or other life-long consequences.

Yes, they should. But unchecked costs are a big reason why health insurance is so awful right now. We shouldn’t tolerate this price gouging by pharmaceutical companies.

And don’t tell me it’s all about R&D.…/pharma-lies-people-die…

Where can I find obscure cnn video?

The video is an old one about Katrina. I need it for homework. I have tried accessing it from CNN’s website but CNN in their infinite wisdom put DRM on the video that is publicly available, and I assume that is why it doesn’t work on mull, librewolf, or chromium (all show same error about neon request failed). I looked on...

octopus_ink ,

Many old cnn videos are on youtube. You may have luck searching the headline from the CNN page on youtube, especially if it’s one of those with no article or just a few lines telling you what to expect in the video.

octopus_ink ,

It would be consistent with how the right likes to “solve” gun violence in schools.

octopus_ink ,

The point is there is no way to distinguish the two until they try to kill someone or kill someone. (And seemingly every effort to make it possible to distinguish the two ahead of time - well, you know how those go.)

octopus_ink ,

there are countries with guns AND no crime.

I’m sure you have a ready list to support a bold statement like that, and that they are all desirable places to live. I remind you that you said NO crime.

octopus_ink ,

what is hyperbole

Not a valid support for this statement, among other things.

guns don’t kill people… stupid does.

octopus_ink , (edited )

They want everyone to be treated as if they are a danger without evidence simply because “some people are.” That is frankly the antithesis of our justice system

And yet, we have the patterns of behavior we see in our police. That’s tangential, but I couldn’t not mention it in response to this comment.

I agree that taking guns from people who have proven themselves dangerous is a good idea, and that it can be done before significant harm is done in many cases. What I do not agree on is the concept of being considered dangerous without any evidence to base the assumption on.

You know what would shut me the hell up on gun control? These simple measures, which would be treated by the right like I’m calling for a total ban on guns.

  • To own a gun, you must be licensed as a gun operator.
  • To be licensed as a gun operator, you must complete a nationally standardized gun safety course. Then and only then can you take legal possession of a firearm.
  • To teach such a course, you must be trained and certified to do so.
  • Trainers of such a course are empowered and encouraged to reject issuance of a license based on a standardized list of criteria. One might call them flags. One might call them “red” flags, to highlight that they should be cause for concern. Edit - such “flags” could in some cases be resolvable.
  • To maintain your license status, you must have a safety course refresher on some periodic basis. (I’m thinking a certain number of years, more than one, but not too many.)


  • If you are licensed, you get concealed and open carry privileges in every location where this doesn’t violate applicable local/state laws.
  • If your license lapses, it’s a felony to leave your home with your guns.
    • Charges dropped if you make a valid self-defense case after doing so.
    • And if you are leaving the home to overthrow your tyrannical government, then the laws don’t really matter at that point, right?

Would my plan solve every problem? No. Would it be a better solution to school shootings and other related issues than “let’s arm teachers and everyone else Wyatt Earp style?” Yes, yes it would. And, like any such measure, it could be further refined over time.

Edit - I made a distinction between owner and operator, I think this makes it better. shrug

octopus_ink ,

Guess you’re one of those “thin blue line” guys who thinks it’s good if you want to do it too, eh?

LOL you are either being intentionally obtuse, or otherwise reaching so far, I don’t really see the point in trying to tease any further nuance out of this discussion.

I do find it genuinely amusing that my sideswipe at police was interpreted as a pro-police statement - but clearly we’re having two different conversations.

octopus_ink ,

I’m at least six years in on my current beard. Many others before that.

octopus_ink ,

If we assume Jesus was historically real - let me be clear that I don’t really care who was responsible for his death 2000 years ago. (which Christians believe was required for their own salvation anyhow).

I have never understood why anyone would hold modern Jews (or any Jews at all that weren’t present and involved) responsible for Jesus’ death.

Having said that, I have grown up believing it was more or less true that yes the Jews did kill Jesus. (But again, so what?)

This post spurred me to do some duck duck going. I found these two articles interesting. At least I can see the basis for it now. For anyone else coming at this with a similar understanding:…/who-killed-jesus/…/Pope-Jews-Are-Not-Responsible-For-Killi…

I will say that the first article does a pretty good job of setting up the case for why people believe that. (Unlike the second which kinda surprisingly acts like no one should ever have thought that in the first place.)

Again, even if every person involved in Jesus’ death had been Jewish, and even if Jesus were the actual earthly incarnation of God as his son, I have never seen any basis to lay this at the feet of modern Jews. But now I know more about it than I did.

octopus_ink ,

Yeah there’s a weird dichotomy there - or maybe actually a consistency, but I came at it differently in my head even though I didn’t mention it.

I also think the basis for so much opposition to CRT (as a lightning rod), the shit in Florida and elsewhere (trying to remove the racial component in textbooks from even things like the Rosa Parks incident), and otherwise denying or trying to hide aspects of US history that deal with how we treated black folks is because modern white folks (of which I am one) include a contingent (of which I am not one) who somehow think they are going to be held personally responsible if they admit all these things happened and continue to happen.

There’s a heavy overlap (IME) between this group, and the group who also continues to claim modern Jews are somehow culpable for the death of Jesus. I feel like their Jew hating almost compels them to try pretending racism has been dead for decades or more, because on some level they expect to be blamed just like they still blame Jews today.

I think the biggest problem with Reparations is calling it Reparations. I’m a firm believer that generational impacts have been felt and continue to be felt by the black community after not just slavery outright, but Jim Crow, and racist influences on laws and mores that remain in effect today. I believe it’s reasonable and ethical for our nation to make some attempt to compensate for that. I don’t think it will ever pass while it’s called Reparations. That term is as much of a lightning rod to the right as anything else you could name, IMO.

I would support of a reparations package, and would tend to vote for politicians who put such a package together or promised to do so. (making a lot of assumptions about what the rest of their politics would look like) But step one would be a unified party of Democrats willing to support it in congress, and step two after that unlikely step would be for there to be not enough R in congress to shoot it down. (also unlikely)

So I don’t know what the details of a reparations package would look like, and I sadly think we’ll never see it successfully navigate our political system, and worse, I don’t think it’s only because the kinds of folks who hate the Jews would come out against it. I think a lot of folks in congress would vote against it on what they felt were pragmatic or politically expedient reasons before it could ever stand a chance.

I don’t know if it could be done by EO. That would be interesting to see.

octopus_ink ,

For sure - if Jesus had to die for Christian salvation, they should be treating modern Jews like their personal heroes if they must insist on linking them to the event.

octopus_ink ,

I can’t argue with your points, they are good ones.

octopus_ink ,


octopus_ink ,

Anyway, this isn’t mean to be an argument. I just caught your post and was interested in the links so I thought I’d provide some feedback on them.

All good, it was an interesting read. :)

octopus_ink ,

Win2K was the last version of Windows I liked. By 2007 I’d had enough of their shit and moved to Linux. Each and every year since then has validated that choice, as desktop Linux has improved and Windows has enshittified further and further.

octopus_ink ,

Some critics argue the DEA shouldn’t change course on marijuana, saying rescheduling isn’t necessary and could lead to harmful side effects.

I wonder who those fuckheads are…

Search link not because I’m being a smartass, but because there are so many articles with the same context in different parts of the country.

Womp womp. Sorry you’ll have to give up your second favorite pretext, cops.

octopus_ink ,

Our founding fathers grew and used hemp.

Sorry, I couldn’t resist.

octopus_ink , (edited )

I’m using fastfetch. Also recommended is hyfetch.

octopus_ink ,

Oh no, what will all the Arch users do?

Install one of many alternatives already present in the repos or AUR?

octopus_ink ,

I think screenfetch came first, but I’m sure it’s fine if you like it. I’m using fastfetch.

octopus_ink , (edited )

Frozen stuff works great, everything from fries to eggrolls.

You will start to get an idea how long things take after you have it. Many things now have airfryer instructions, or there are lots of “how to make xxx in an airfryer” articles.

Generic airfryer instructions are usually pretty close for ours, but any given model may have its own cookbook with times for different sorts of things (ours does) and after awhile you’ll get a feel for how to nudge generic instructions to fit your model.

For a very small number of specific kinds of breaded things, I’ll spritz them with cooking spray when they go in to help them get more like they were fried in oil, but that’s really personal preference and I only do it on a couple of things.

Get one with a big enough basket. Things need to be cooked in a single layer. You can pack it pretty full, but single layer is important.

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