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nova_ad_vitum ,

AI made these memes require essentially zero effort for skill to make.

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs says ‘US credibility is at stake’ when asked about Trump’s NATO comments (

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. CQ Brown said Monday that “US credibility is at stake” in the wake of comments from former President Donald Trump that he would encourage Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO partners that don’t meet spending guidelines on defense....

nova_ad_vitum , (edited )

What exactly do you think “credibility” is? It doesn’t mean everyone in that country agrees with the leader in power - that literally doesn’t matter.

Trumps erratic behaviour has torched a lot of US credibility in international relations, because it shows that whatever the US might say and do during a sane administration, they’re never more than 4 years away from potentially torching everything just for shits and giggles and descending into conducting international relations based on toddler tantrums. Trump’s torching of the Iran deal burned all the moderates in that country and now the the US has no credibility to negotiate another one (even if that were possible in the current situation) because all parties know the next guy might just reverse it out if spite. This is true even if you think the Iran deal was bad.

nova_ad_vitum ,

If he had just done “Accio Car” he could have avoided the trouble .

nova_ad_vitum ,

His decade+ of silence ended years ago. Now he has a sugar daddy and he does what he’s told.

Canadians worry US democracy cannot survive Trump's return to White House, poll finds - Reuters (

OTTAWA (Reuters) - About two-thirds of Canadians surveyed this month said American democracy cannot survive another four years of Donald Trump in the White House, and about half said the United States is on the way to becoming an authoritarian state, a poll released on Monday said....

nova_ad_vitum ,

It seems Lemmy needs it’s own r/iamverysmart.

nova_ad_vitum , (edited )

Here’s the theory: a justice system can never be perfect, especially when implemented on a large scale. There will always be legal outcomes that are fundamentally unjust. Efforts should be made to minimize such outcomes , but they will never be eliminated.

Presidential pardons are essentially a way to override the entire justice system in specific cases. With the understanding that even if all actors had good intent and we’re acting rationally the system would still result in unjust convictions, the power to recognize such injustice and summarily fix it is granted to the highest office in the land essentially with no oversight.

In a healthy democratic environment, it’s still an imperfect idea, but it sort of works. When the president wouldn’t dare use it to pardon his cronies or pardon obviously guilty people who did horrible things without remorse, then it mostly works. When the backlash for misusing the pardon power is being democratically crushed, then and only then it makes some sense.

I’m not saying it’s a perfect idea. Whether the presidential pardon power should exist is debatable at the best of times, and I could come up with counter arguments to everything I said above.

The real problem is this isn’t a healthy democratic environment. There’s a cult of personality around one man. He used pardon power to pardon his cronies, and a slew of utter dirtbags, and nobody who voted for him cares . He lost zero votes for that. The problem with pardons is just one of the avenues of rot caused by that phenomenon.

nova_ad_vitum ,

the doctor attempted to puke that baby out

Well that’s… quite the visual.

Trump is not immune from prosecution in his 2020 election interference case, US appeals court says (

The ruling is significant not only for its stark repudiation of Trump’s novel immunity claims but also because it breathes life back into a landmark prosecution that had been effectively frozen for weeks as the court considered the appeal....

nova_ad_vitum ,

Yeah they’re corrupt assholes but their decisions aren’t consistent with wanton destruction of the rule of law. So far.

Perhaps but in this case the relevant fact is that they’re corrupt assholes who have lifetime appointments that the GOP will defend at all costs and so they don’t need Trump for anything and aren’t beholden to him in any way.

nova_ad_vitum ,

It seems your anger is at about 8/10 but I won’t accept that you’re right until you dial it out 10. Can you crank up your impotent, ignorant rage a bit more and then comment? You can do it, I believe in you.

nova_ad_vitum ,

It really is a shame that “retarded” became a word of disparagement and slang for those who are stupid. A word which is widely regarded as insulting more than anything else.

“Moron” was literally something doctors used to describe certain patients once too. Any clinical term used to describe someone of low intelligence (putting aside the difficulties in making that determination in any universal sense) will inevitably be used as a pejorative/insult. It can’t be stopped.

nova_ad_vitum ,

The semantic treadmill can’t be stopped.

nova_ad_vitum ,

This hasn’t really been real-world tested against hardened targets like an American carrier battle group either. Against manned aircraft the group’s many layers of defenses are well known and extremely hard. Has it ever been attacked by 1000 cheap drones at once that fly no more than 20ft above sea level? What about multiple waves of them? Aegis destroyers firing missiles that cost $300k a piece are great against MiGs that cost a few million each. Against a drone that costs $500-1000…idk. CIWS systems can down a few drones but they’ll run out of ammo against large waves.

I don’t think a swarm like that could carry enough ordnance to actually sink a carrier even if they made it that far in. But there’s a large difference between sinking it and doing nothing. Even temporarily suspending flight operations is a huge accomplishment if you can get it done for $100k.

I’m sure the Pentagon has run simulations on this but the way the world is going I think we’re going to witness a real world test relatively soon.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Has anyone identified the “killer app” yet?

I still don’t see it. I watched a lot of review vids just because it was interesting but I don’t see a single thing that the Vision Pro can do that can’t be done better with other devices.

The tech and computation required for those avatar things is amazing . It might get much better soon. But even if it does, will it be better than simple FaceTime type video conferences?

It’s not clear to me how apple even imagines people using the thing.

nova_ad_vitum ,

VR has been around in modern form for more than a decade and the only truly novel and useful application is some types of gameplay.

There are a few other legitimate applications. Architects can offer people a 1st person view of a designed building. There are already companies that let people do VR walkthrough of homes they’re considering buying rather than in person open houses (I think this started in the pandemic).

These things have value but they’re niche applications that can be done with any VR headset.

nova_ad_vitum ,

As a non-surgeon I think doing a heart transplant with it bypass shouldn’t be that hard if you’re fast enough. I mean you can cut arteries quickly with bolt cutters right?

nova_ad_vitum ,

The Vision Pro is the best example of video passthrough and hand/eye tracking that has ever been produced, but they’re also insufficient for it to be a seamless experience.

This isn’t really the problem, I think. MKBHD touched on this but this system doesn’t seem to have a killer app. There’s a bunch of stuff you can do with it, but which of those things can be done better than just using a computer?

Gaming is the big one but apple doesn’t care about that so what else is there? It would be good for virtual walkthroughs of a home you’re considering buying. Or at an architects office to show off the experience of a new building. But…cheaper VR headsets can already do all of that.

So what actually task can this do better than anything else?

nova_ad_vitum ,

In this case they’ll have to avoid war with Egypt who is really really unhappy about their plans to dam the Nile.

nova_ad_vitum ,

There are probably many people in Japan with this skillset given that they’re only now getting off disks for certain government processes.

nova_ad_vitum ,

This is just a less gross version of “DAE store their piss in jars so they can commemorate their unitary secretions”?

nova_ad_vitum ,

I mostly agree but I mean it’s not like they were trying to destroy art or suggesting that all art should be destroyed. There’s plenty of unprotected art in the Louvre. In the same room as the Mona Lisa There’s a huge painting on the opposite wall that’s arguably more interesting than whatever view of the Mona Lisa you can get from 6 ft back and they didn’t go after it. They’re trying to get attention, like most protests.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Is this particular method the least cruel/painful? I think that’s likely.

This method can be the “least cruel”. The coverage on this story kind of sucks. Apparently they didn’t allow for a way for CO2 to escape this he felt the sensation of suffocating as it happened. Had they done that or just flooded the whole room with nitrogen then it would be the “least cruel” method of execution.

I put “least cruel” in quotes because on this issue we tend to mash cruelty in with messiness even though they have nothing to do with each other. Shotgun to the upper brain stem (or something like it ) is probably the truly least cruel method. No time for suffering, consciousness just ends.

We could also just not do capital punishment but that’s not happening so here we are.

nova_ad_vitum ,

That’s my guess.

How do your guesses usually pan out? What’s your track record?

nova_ad_vitum ,

Probably that they generally don’t care about getting a story right or corroborating sources. I agree that in this case that doesn’t matter for getting the high level facts across.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Is there any advantage to those over square (Robertson)? I still see 4 contact points when applying torque. So about on par with square and inferior to 6-lobed torx.

Families of hostages storm Knesset meeting after Netanyahu rejects Hamas offer (

Family members of Israelis held hostage in the Gaza Strip have stormed a parliamentary meeting in Jerusalem to demand that Israel’s government does more to return their loved ones, as fighting in Khan Younis reached unprecedented levels....

nova_ad_vitum ,

Why are you acting like you wouldn’t immediately pivot and begin justifying it if Isreal did carpet bomb Gaza?

nova_ad_vitum ,

I don’t know but if you get a law degree then spend 3 months reading their extremely long and intentionally complicated user agreement I’m sure you’ll find out that they have the right to keep it installed whether they currently choose to or not.

nova_ad_vitum , (edited )

And it’s not like shooting the eye of Sauron with a sniper rifle would kill him.

I agree, but I still think someone should have tried. Even if it didn’t kill him there’s a giant gulf between not killing him and doing nothing.

This applies more to Voldemort than to the eye of Sauron tbh. Ofc he has horcruxes blah blah blah but if they just got an SAS sniper to shoot a 50 cal sniper round at him from a mile out - again, I’m not saying it would kill him but… would it have done nothing? All I’m saying is there’s a thing called due diligence and they should have at least tried.

nova_ad_vitum ,

When that doesn’t happen I can definitely guarantee that you will learn nothing and pretend like you never held this moronic opinion.

nova_ad_vitum ,

No part of that is relevant to your absurd claim .

nova_ad_vitum ,

Those are not even close to being mutually exclusive. The IDF is obviously and openly conducting collective punishment on all of Gaza ostensibly as a means of fighting terrorists. The IDF won’t stop until Hamas is gone and if that means killing every child in Gaza then I’m sure they’ll be glad to know you’re here justifying it.

nova_ad_vitum ,

By having literally any awareness of reality? Ordering an evacuation of a whole area because you’re going to bomb it (even if you know for sure there are terrorists there) is by definition collective punishment. The only counter argument to this is to prove that every single person in that area is a legitimate target.

nova_ad_vitum ,

It literally is. If I order your whole block to evacuate their homes because I want to blow up a meth lab 3 doors down from you, I am engaging in collective punishment. It’s literally what words mean.

nova_ad_vitum ,

TIL being forced from your homes and having them bombed isn’t punishment. Twist those words more brah. I guess I can tell you to leave, then blow up your house and I’d be doing you a favor? And if you don’t like it and stay then your death is your fault.

nova_ad_vitum ,

There’s a threshold for declaration at the US-Canada border too. Your odds of getting searched in a car at the canada-us border are low, though.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Either this or mandatory personal liability insurance for police officers. Officers who fuck up badly resulting in payouts won’t be insurable anywhere else.

Neither will happen.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Please, a true Scotsman would wear a kilt (commando) proudly regardless of temperature and if that means they can’t procreate due to their junk falling off from frostbite then so be it.

nova_ad_vitum ,

There is a small kernel of interesting political philosophy at the core of this insanity. The idea that you are born into a system which you didn’t opt in to, and cannot opt out of. If you’re born in the US (or most places with a functional government), you’re born subject to several layers of government that you didn’t agree to, each of whom has all the typical government powers like a monopoly on the legitimate application of violence, and coercive taxation. You have no choice in any of that. You could try to leave, but you’ll just be subject to some other government. There’s no truly “free” land at this point in history (there is, just not the land anyone wants). This is, at the very least, interesting to consider.

The sovereign citizen mindset goes from that, straight to “I can just decide to opt out”. Usually the even more hypocritical “I can use the parts of society I want to use, but opt out of the others”. The fact is that their vision is ultimately untenable and there are good reasons why things are the way there are. There are too many humans in the areas of the earth where people actually want to live to let everything be a free-for-all. The cost and compromise of living in any valuable area this day in age is that you’re subject (without your express consent) to the government that controls the land where you were born.

The sovereign citizen just can’t handle any of this and rejects all or parts of it at their convenience. They think there are magic words they can say to a cop to make the law not apply, and all manner of other insanity.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Thank you for providing exactly as many examples as everyone assumed you had.

nova_ad_vitum ,

You should type more words , that’ll definitely make Putin less shit.

nova_ad_vitum ,
  1. The US cannot stop the other ratified nations from carrying out their sworn obligation to stop genocide under the international genocide convention.

What you want here is a normative statement , not a descriptive one. In other words, yes the US can definitely prevent others from intervening against Israel. Whether they should is another matter.

nova_ad_vitum ,

Yes but you’re still not specifying which actions were not taken, which is the hard part.

nova_ad_vitum ,

I wonder how many cents they saved by not ensuring the bolts were properly tightened.

Israel says Gaza fighting could last a year, amplifying fears of regional war (

Israeli defence officials and former senior intelligence officers have said they expect fighting in Gaza to continue for at least a year, raising the prospect of thousands more civilian casualties, a deepening humanitarian crisis and a continuing grave threat to regional stability....

nova_ad_vitum ,

Then how do you know it’s even happening?

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