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fosforus , (edited )

Their leadership team made about 5 million dollars per year in 2022, with about $500K/year compensations for most of them. Some comments here suggests that those compensations have risen sharply recently.

Perhaps consider whether this is a good place to donate. And also, it’s so shitty that we were conditioned to think that every service is “free” of charge. In an ideal world, Signal could fix all of these problems by firing 80% of their C-team and instituting a modest subscription fee. But then 90% of their users would just fuck off to some place that is “free” but makes much more money from selling their data.

fosforus , (edited )

While I agree that they’re not being overpaid, 10% is a rather large drop in the bucket. Do they need that many to run an organization of 50 people, though? Perhaps they do, I don’t claim to know.

As a historical comparison, before selling out to Facebook, Whatsapp had 35 engineers, providing service to 450 million users. But perhaps they were selling their data at that point already, making this a bad comparison.

fosforus ,

Tankies be confused. In before “broken clock is right twice a day”

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion (

TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion::In a blog post, the company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion.

fosforus ,

If Hamas is the reason Trump gets to be a president again, perhaps we all deserve him.

fosforus , (edited )

If you aren’t anti-religious-fascism you aren’t a civilized person. But it seems that more and more “progressives” are falling in that category.

fosforus ,

Israel’s killed over 11k civilians since Oct 7th.

Bullshit statistic until it is verified by independent sources. Currently, the only source for that number is Hamas and they have a great reason for exaggerating it.

fosforus ,

Of course it justifies it. Why wouldn’t it?

fosforus ,

Of course they’re denying a deliberate manipulation of our most vulnerable group.

fosforus ,

Israel does not need to bomb several hospitals to stop Hamas. There are other ways to go about stopping terrorists.

How do you know this? Are you an expert in counter-terrorism or warfare?

fosforus ,

I don’t think there is a solution that leaves everyone happy and safe and that’s just the reality of life.

Sometimes a horrible outcome might be the best one. Germany and Japan were completely humiliated in WW2. Both turned out fine. Perhaps Palestine needs to properly lose this war. I mean, Palestine has lost wars several times against Israel before but they didn’t go through similar learning process that Germany and Japan did after WW2.

fosforus ,

The world would 100% be a better place without Israel, and that’s nothing to do with their religion.

The world would also be a better place without Islam, but how realistic or ethical is it to seriously call for such a thing?

fosforus ,

Hamas shouldn’t be even compared to Israel. Hamas is a fucked up religious/fascist terrorist organization, whereas Israel is one of the happiest and modern western countries in the world. In no way can it be said that Hamas is even on the same scale when talking about evil.

fosforus ,

Please ask the 4000 dead palestinian children how careful the Isrealis have been.

Statistic provided by the terrorism organization Israel is trying to wipe out for the good of everyone on this planet.

fosforus ,

Attacking a hospital is not a warcrime if the hospital is used for military operations.

fosforus ,

Really, do you need a reason to understand that bombing hospitals full of innocent civilians is a horrible thing?

I don’t understand how being a horrible thing relates to this discussion. Things can be horrible and necessary at the same time. Things might even be horrible and the best course of action at the same time.

fosforus , (edited )

having overwhelming military superiorty over neighbors

They didn’t start that way. They built that capability out of very real necessity, coming many times pretty close to annihilation.

taking their land

By internationally agreed decisions, and after winning wars, I suppose?

and having extremely close ties with modernized western countries

Yes, that’s a good idea. Every country should do that.

How exactly is Isreal not religious (state religion is Judaism)

State religion is perhaps an alien concept for Americans (which I guesstimate you are), but it’s a pretty normal thing in Europe. It doesn’t say much about religiousity, although clearly Israel has more crazy in that department than Europe, but also quite a lot less than typical muslim countries.

As for Israel, the largest religious group (33% in 2016) is “Judaism/Hiloni”, which is essentially a secularist/nonobserving version of Judaism. The actual number of secularists might be even actually higher.

How is it not terroristic (you kill one of their citizens they kill 10 of your citizens and take your land)?

Terrorism isn’t defined by numbers. It’s defined by tactics and intentions.

How is it not fascist when Gaza is literally a concentration camp for 2 million people?

It’s literally not a concentration camp for 2 million people. You need to look up concentration camps.

I wonder if the fact they aren’t muslim or as brown makes them better to you?

Color has nothing do with it. Islamistic terrorism is a significant enemy of human civilization, however. That indeed does make them better for me.

fosforus ,

And that’s why we need to let the fascist religious ethnostate commit genocide

No, you’re confused. I’m against Hamas committing a genocide.

fosforus , (edited )

Where did you grab that bullshit data from, ChatGPT? I live in a EU country that has an official state religion, and it’s none of those three countries. Or is there some semantic thing going on here? Is it not an official state religion even though it’s directly funded by the government, and government officials attend official religious events regularly?

Don’t talk shit out of your ass maybe?

Right back at you, buddy.

fosforus ,

You can say “the world would be better without Israel” without actually calling for the eradication of the country.

As I can also say that the world would be better without Islam without actually calling for anyone’s death. All worshippers of that religion should simply become apostates and no-one would needlessly die. But it’s another thing to force this against their will, which you would be doing in both cases.

fosforus , (edited )

Of course they are running military actions from al-Shifa. They did in 2007, why would they have stopped it?…/gaza-armed-palestinian-groups-commit-gr…

They also fired all non-Hamas doctors in al-Shifa around 2007 after they won their fight against Fatah.

fosforus , (edited )

We just are born with it and have to figure it out. It’s basically a medical issue.

I’m sorry, but this is just not true. It’s necessarily at least partially a psychological and social issue. Why am I certain about this? Because there are clear distinctions in the number of transgender people in different time periods and different age groups. Our species hasn’t changed in 10-30 years, but these numbers have changed massively.

If you’re steelmanning the argument of “terfs”, this is the thing they’re critical about. If we are in some easily correctable way causing trans people to appear where they in other circumstances would not, this should be looked into. For instance, the number of transgender identified people doubled during the Covid years. So perhaps it’s not a good idea to hole up teenagers in their rooms every day and prevent them from seeing their peers?

This is not to say that people with this condition (whatever its reason) should be treated differently from those without the condition. As you said, almost nobody wants to be trans, so if it can be actually prevented (in ethical ways, not like electroshock therapy or conversion therapy or some other absolute shit like that), that’s certainly a good thing?

fosforus ,

Yes, judicial acceptance contributes to its being a social issue.

fosforus ,

he number of measured sinister people (as in, left-handed, that’s where the word comes from) were rising like crazy too when it started gaining cultural acceptance that maybe, just maybe it’s not evil that you use your left hand to do things. it was like a whole epidemic, sinister people started popping up left and right.

Social acceptance is clearly a factor – which is why I said that this is also a social issue.

and that correction is much easier to do before puberty than after. which is why you need to listen to trans kids and at the very least give them puberty blockers, or preferably adequate hormone therapy.

I have yet to find (and I have tried because my close family has a transgender individual) an impartial and comprehensive study on the effects on puberty blockers. I have found plenty of studies separately confirming both sides of the issue. Puberty blockers seem to be at the same time absolutely harmless and the most destructive thing you can give a teenager. I’d be happy to look at such studies.

the issue isn’t with the brain, it’s with the body.

Sorry, I don’t get this. Why cannot it be an issue with the brain? We know for certain that the brain does wonky stuff a lot. Why couldn’t this be one of them? Some people get gender dysphoria at a later age, does that mean that their body was correct until that point in time?

but you can’t “prevent” trans people unless you can detect and fix the issue in the womb.

Except you can if we consider the possibility that it’s created also by psychological or social circumstances. Increased numbers during Covid lockdowns suggest this. If we don’t face another pandemic, the statistics should soon enough show us if it actually had any effect – if the trend continues like this then it obviously didn’t have an effect.

I also haven’t seen statistical studies about this, and it’s probably too early also to study it properly.

fosforus , (edited )

This could be true. You’re claiming it way too strongly, I think. It could also be that the acceptance of transgenderism is causing people to form transgender identities. This is not an absurd concept given neuroplasticity and the theory of Behaviorism.

fosforus , (edited )

have you considered that maybe covid just gave people some much needed time to sit back, relax, and recognize things about themselves?

Yeah, sorry, definite nope to this. We have plenty of data about this, and the data clearly shows dramatically increased mental issues in pretty much all groups of young adults caused by the lockdowns. Whether these issues have anything to do with transgenderism is of course not shown by that data. Mental issues correlate strongly with transgenderism though, but you can legitimately claim that that’s at least partly due to social anxiety.

this isn’t rocket science. i get the shtick of the “enlightened” centrist but when one side just wants to exist and the other side wants a trans genocide the right answer isn’t maybe a little genocide, as a treat. and if you don’t know how to tell apart conflicting data about trans people, you’d do well to actually listen to them for once, as opposed to discrediting them as biased and “just one side”.

Do you honestly think based on this discussion that I want trans genocide even a little bit? That I want the person in my close family to die?

fosforus ,

Great anecdote, thank you for that.

My trans nature long existed in the shadow.

This is one of the difficult parts for most of us normies, I suppose. If I imagine myself in a woman’s body, the thought doesn’t fill me with neither anticipation nor dread. It seems to me that my identity is not at all linked to my gender. Is this just a symptom of being too comfortable with the current situation and not being able to properly imagine how a conflict would feel like?

fosforus ,

Let’s just say for arguments sake that it’s true. Would that justify idk an air strike on an active hospital?


fosforus ,

I think it’s pretty easy. Hamas is a religious/fascistic terrorist organization, and Israel is a modern western country with an organized military. I concede that neither are perfect (who is?), but Hamas is so much worse that the choice should be trivial for anyone who prefers secularist freedom.

fosforus ,

Israel has slaughtered 5000 kids and killed more civilians in a month

These are bullshit statistics until they are verified by independent sources.

fosforus ,

I also wish for the quick destruction of Hamas.

fosforus ,

This seems to be a highly biased and untrustable source. Most clear evidence here (and you can find others from this comments):…/1714341949774192768

Commendable that he preserved this mistake for us, though.

fosforus ,

Finally! Not that this matters.

fosforus ,

Hamas is not a victim in any sense of the word.

fosforus ,

Stop spreading bullshit statistics at least until they are confirmed by non-terrorists.

fosforus ,

No, you need better jokes.

fosforus ,

The actual solution would have been to build up Palestinian groups who oppose Hamas and prefer a two state solution, but that isn’t the IDF’s goal.

This idea supposes that Palestinians themselves are somehow too incompetent to do it without external help. Which reality seems to agree with.

fosforus , (edited )

German people in WW2 weren’t all nazis. Some of those non-nazi germans were hurt, which was ultimately a tragic thing, but the responsibility for their deaths lies primarily with the nazis.

Edit It’s impressive that everyone’s able to agree with this thought but get very confused when “nazis” is replaced with “hamas” and “German people” with “Palestinian people”

fosforus ,

He said they were in violation of international law by attacking hospitals.

Which is probably a wrong interpretation of international law. Since hospitals are used for military operations, their protected status vanishes.

fosforus ,

Being militarily more powerful does not imply that they don’t want to avoid civilian casualties. Fighting an enemy who primarily employ terrorist tactics causes a large amount of civilian casualties, and Gaza being one of the most densely populated areas in the world makes it even worse.

If we consider some sort of an upper limit how many civilians you theoretically could kill, there’s nazis. They killed 1,5 million jews in 100 days. And that’s only jews. Now, you don’t have to be redoing the holocaust in order to qualify for an atrocity of course, but Israel is definetely not trying to kill as many civilians as they can. This would look very different if they were.…/Demographics_of_the_State_of_P… – their population growth is in the world.

fosforus ,

Are you implying that there are 9 year olds who are members of a terrorist organization? I wouldn’t go that far when describing how utterly evil they are.

fosforus ,

TIL Hamas has 2 million members.

fosforus , (edited )

Another fact is that only IDF is trying to fix the situation. And third one is that the biggest reason the left is defending Hamas is historical: because PLO was leftist, modern leftists must defend the current incarnation of it.

I wish the left grew some actual values, they seemed to lost them all in 1990. Doesn’t matter if they’re something I disagree with. Just have something instead of mindlessly repeating what you did back when Communism was still a thing.

fosforus ,

No one is defending Hamas for any reason at all

Their terrorist attack from about a month ago has been publically admired by many lefties and academics in the west. Or perhaps these people are not the “real left” that you’re referring to?

GTA 6’s Publisher Says Video Games Should Theoretically Be Priced At Dollars Per Hour (

While Take-Two is riding high on their announcement that a GTA 6 trailer is coming, its CEO has some…interesting ideas on how much video games could cost, part of a contingent of executives that believe games are underpriced, given their cost, length or some combination of the two.

fosforus ,

Sure thing! GTA 5 average game time was 52h (main+extras), so its price is then about $1 per hour at launch. Looking at my Steam library, I’d probably have saved hundreds if not thousands over the last 20 years if all the games were billed like this…

Have fun implementing the payment system that reliably measures and bills this with zero downtime, internationally! And even more fun when nobody mysteriously chooses to subscribe to this shit.

fosforus , (edited )

I transitioned into an Apple user a few generations ago and things are so much better on this side of the fence that I’ll probably be here until I no longer need a smart phone. Given how rarely I need to upgrade, it’s probably cheaper too, but of course the initial cost is quite high.

Comic’s still funny though.

fosforus , (edited )

Well, obviously not. I’m pretty thirsty for anything better, so the day that happens I’ll drop Apple in an instant. I’ve tried various silly things like the Palm/WebOS phone, almost every Meemo/Maemo/Jolla phone (these and the Palm were better than Apple but lacked the ecosystem and then crashed and burned), Punkt, Android’s various incarnations of course, Ubuntu… none of them are significantly better in the ways that matter to me. Many of them were painfully close. But some day there’ll be something better, I don’t think it’s possible for any one company to stay at the top (from my point of view) forever.

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