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davel , avatar

Ask any opioid partaker and they’ll tell you that’s not how it works.

davel , avatar

Now here’s a guy whose “frustrations” I give zero fucks.

davel , avatar

Mediocrites, the enlightened centrist.

ajsadauskas , to technology avatar

It's time to call a spade a spade. ChatGPT isn't just hallucinating. It's a bullshit machine.

From TFA (thanks @mxtiffanyleigh for sharing):

"Bullshit is 'any utterance produced where a speaker has indifference towards the truth of the utterance'. That explanation, in turn, is divided into two "species": hard bullshit, which occurs when there is an agenda to mislead, or soft bullshit, which is uttered without agenda.

"ChatGPT is at minimum a soft bullshitter or a bullshit machine, because if it is not an agent then it can neither hold any attitudes towards truth nor towards deceiving hearers about its (or, perhaps more properly, its users') agenda."


davel , avatar

I think “hallucinating” and “bullshitting” are pretty much synonyms in the context of LLMs. And I think they’re both equally imperfect analogies for the exact same reasons. When we talk about hallucinators & bullshitters, we’re almost always talking about beings with consciousness/understanding/agency/intent (people usually, pets occasionally), but spicy autocompleters don’t really have those things.

But if calling them “bullshit machines” is more effective communication, that’s great—let’s go with that.

To say that they bullshit reminds me of On Bullshit, which distinguishes between lying and bullshitting: “The main difference between the two is intent and deception.” But again I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say LLMs have intent.

I might say that LLMs hallunicate/bullshit, and the rules & guard rails that developers build into & around them are attempts to mitigate the madness.

davel , avatar

Same as it ever was with the AI hype cycle.

davel , avatar

Large Bowel Movement, got it.

davel , avatar
davel , avatar

Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: Spam or Abuse

Reporter is having a bad time on, what more evidence do you need?

davel , avatar

Sir, madam, or enby, this is a c/memes.

davel , avatar

This just seems like a low-effort racist meme to me, so someone please explain to me how I’m wooshed.

davel , avatar

As a settler-colonial ethnostate on their stolen land? I hope so.

davel , avatar

Because Blinken is a lying liar who constantly lies? There’s no reason to give the US any benefit of the doubt at this point. This is the US’ genocide as much as it is Israel’s.

davel , avatar

We’ve yet to reckon with what we’ve done or make amends with them, and we’re still giving them the shaft to this day, so yes.

davel , avatar

Please enlighten us, what is going on here, other than you conflating a people with a

davel , avatar

Admining a Lemmy instance isn’t especially creative but at least I don’t get paid for it.

davel , avatar

Reporter: [REDACTED]
Reason: is there are global source not ny random

Reporter, it’s not the mods’ or admins’ job to Google shit for you, but here’s the actual report nonetheless, and another analysis.

davel , avatar

Russia and Ukraine tried to negotiate a settlement in early 2022, but the US sent Boris Johnson in to scuttle them.…/ukraine-russia-war-peace-diplomac…

davel , (edited ) avatar

All I can say for certain is there is no scenario where the story ends. If the Republicans gets into office next year, the new administration may wrap things up as quickly as possible in order to focus their belligerence on China, which in the grand scheme of things is no better, but it might stabilize things in eastern Europe for the short- and maybe even medium-term. Starting a hot war with China still seems years away, which leaves the possibility of it never happening 🤞 But I don’t mean this as any sort of endorsement for the Republicans in general or Trump in particular. Maybe Biden’s administration will make similar moves after the election, should they win it.

When did you know a career was either the perfect or the worst match for your personality?

I’m trying to give someone advice on choosing a career that will suit them better than the one they’re in and hate. I wanted to get together a list of good questions for them to ask themselves so they can use the answers to compare options like “do you prefer to work sitting or moving around,” “do you want to not work...

davel , avatar

Tangentially: In high school we took a comprehensive career aptitude test, which said I would excel at anything but “clerical work.” I was diagnosed with ADHD fifteen years later. Is programming clerical? Kind of, and it was considered so historically, which is why the first programming jobs were given to women.

davel , avatar

EndeavourOS is easy to install but unclear how to maintain.

  • Don’t use GUI package managers, but here, have some GUI package managers.
  • pacman, pacdiff, yay, eos, AUR??? The Complete Idiots Guide did not clear things up for me, either. AFAICT they made something more confusing than Arch, not less.
davel , avatar

The welcome app shows several package management buttons, but no clear explanation of what they really do or if & how they relate to each other. What’s a beginner to do, click each one multiple times and hope for the best?

By introducing more package management commands than came with Arch, they’ve made it seem more complicated, not less. Am I supposed to use eos-update as well as the other commands, or is it supposed to replace one or more of the other commands? Admittedly I’ve only spent half a day with EndeavourOS—the first Arch-based distro I’ve ever used—but I have no idea.

I don’t think it compares well to a beginner’s experience of package management on Debian or Red Hat or Alpine-based distros.

davel , avatar

As Snowden, Assange, and other whistleblowers have shown, in The Land of the Free™ the carriers are in bed with the government. I doubt it’s all that different in other Five/Nine/Fourteen Eyes countries.

davel , avatar

The Dude abodes.

davel , (edited ) avatar

Edit to add after the fact:

Tankies are a no-go for me as I am Ukrainian. Even mainstream leftists, who generally have good ideas, like Yanis Varoufakis, turn into complete degenerates when it comes to NATO or Russian imperialism. And Varoufakis is just the tip of the iceberg.

Yeah… you may find yourself having a rough time here, buddy.

You may want to know that degenerate is a word in English often associated with fascists. A wild lemmitor appears!

Assange has also worked directly on russian payroll (he had a program on RT)

So has Chris Hedges, who’s always produced exemplary work. So what?

and has basically admitted that he supports russian imperialism

First of all there’s nothing really there to support, because Russia is hardly imperialist, despite the projection by imperial core states, think tanks, and corporate media to the contrary.

Around 20 years ago Russia—at the time lead by Putin—wanted to join the imperialism club, but the US rejected them. Ex-Nato head says Putin wanted to join alliance early on in his rule. Since then Russia, rejected by the Global North, has had no choice but to join with the Global South as allies instead of neocolonizers. Hence BRICS+ and the larger developing multipolar bloc that’s going its own way, ignoring the US’ “rules-based international order” sanctions, developing its own international balance of payments outside of US dollar hegemony, and working to get out from under the boot of the IMF’s & World Bank’s debt traps.

the Russians (arguably one of the most brutal fucked regimes both currently and historically)

You have got to be kidding me.

As for the US’ actions against post-Soviet Russia in particular:

The US has wanted to break up or otherwise weaken/isolate Russia ever since almost immediately after the break-up of the USSR. That’s why it’s been expanding NATO ever-closer to Russia despite originally having sworn up & down never to move one inch eastward. The US couldn’t allow a Ukrainian government to stand that was friendly with Russia. That’s why it couped Ukraine’s government in 2014.

The US doesn’t want Europe and Russia to develop closer ties, because it doesn’t want the “Eurasian landmass” to ever cohere, because then it would become too self-sufficient and powerful for the US to control. Zbigniew Brzezinski laid this theory out when the Soviet Union fell. That’s why the US tried to convince Europe not to build Nord Stream 2 and then later not to turn it on, why Biden said he would “bring an end to it” if Russia invaded, and why they ultimately did bring an end to it.

The US also very much wants regime change or balkanization in Russia so it can resume its neocolonial “shock therapy” plundering of it, which started under Yeltsin and ended under Putin. That’s why the US has a special hate-on for Putin.

davel , avatar


Its own government, in 2014, with the help of the US.

davel , avatar

You never know what you’re gonna get from the “no tankie shit” instance.

davel , avatar

The US has wanted to break up or otherwise weaken/isolate Russia ever since almost immediately after the break-up of the USSR. That’s why it’s been expanding NATO ever-closer to Russia despite originally having sworn up & down never to move one inch eastward. The US couldn’t allow a Ukrainian government to stand that was friendly with Russia.

The US doesn’t want Europe and Russia to develop closer ties, because it doesn’t want the “Eurasian landmass” to ever cohere, because then it would become too self-sufficient and powerful for the US to control. Zbigniew Brzezinski laid this theory out when the Soviet Union fell. That’s why the US tried to convince Europe not to build Nord Stream 2 and then later not to turn it on, why Biden said he would “bring an end to it” if Russia invaded, and why they ultimately did bring an end to it.

The US also very much wants regime change or balkanization in Russia so it can resume its neocolonial plundering of it, which started under Yeltsin and ended under Putin. That’s why the US has a special hate for Putin in particular.

The US has been meddling in Europe ever since WWII, and Ukraine has an even longer fascist history.

davel , avatar

Still sticking with BlueAnon conspiracy theories?

davel , avatar

Anyone with an account older than mine knows where the modlog is.

davel , avatar

I’ve seen more than one artificially-fed waterfall in my own US city, so I don’t know what you’re on about.

davel , (edited ) avatar

That is what we are told by our government & think tanks & corporate media. It’s a load of doo-doo.

The US tried to foment division in China by funding and organizing terrorist cells in Xinjiang, and once those efforts failed, it concocted and promoted a genocide narrative. Antony Blinken is still pushing this slop, just last month.

The blueprint of regime change operations

We see here for example the evolution of public opinion in regards to China. In 2019, the ‘Uyghur genocide’ was broken by the media (Buzzfeed, of all outlets). In this story, we saw the machine I described up until now move in real time. Suddenly, newspapers, TV, websites were all flooded with stories about the ‘genocide’, all day, every day. People whom we’d never heard of before were brought in as experts — Adrian Zenz, to name just one; a man who does not even speak a word of Chinese.

Organizations were suddenly becoming very active and important. The World Uyghur Congress, a very serious-sounding NGO, is actually an NED Front operating out of Germany […]. From their official website, they declare themselves to be the sole legitimate representative of all Uyghurs — presumably not having asked Uyghurs in Xinjiang what they thought about that.

The WUC also has ties to the Grey Wolves, a fascist paramilitary group in Turkey, through the father of their founder, Isa Yusuf Alptekin.

Documents came out from NGOs to further legitimize the media reporting. This is how a report from the very professional-sounding China Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) came to exist. They claimed ‘up to 1.3 million’ Uyghurs were imprisoned in camps. What they didn’t say was how they got this number: they interviewed a total of 10 people from rural Xinjiang and asked them to estimate how many people might have been taken away. They then extrapolated the guesstimates they got and arrived at the 1.3 million figure.

Sanctions were enacted against China — Xinjiang cotton for example had trouble finding buyers after Western companies were pressured into boycotting it. Instead of helping fight against the purported genocide, this act actually made life more difficult for the people of Xinjiang who depend on this trade for their livelihood (as we all do depend on our skills to make a livelihood).

Any attempt China made to defend itself was met with more suspicion. They invited a UN delegation which was blocked by the US. The delegation eventually made it there, but three years later. The Arab League also visited Xinjiang and actually commended China on their policies — aimed at reducing terrorism through education and social integration, not through bombing like we tend to do in the West.

As part of China’s affirmative action policies, the Uyghurs and other ethic minorities were excepted from the One-Child policy, and in Xinjiang they have grown in numbers relative to Hans as a result, and this happened similarly with other ethnic minorities in China.

davel , avatar

There is not ethnic cleansing going on, as I expounded on upthread.

davel , avatar

Of course Western media aren’t talking about it: it’s their job not to. They’re the ones pushing the “Uyghur genocide” narrative in the first place. Western media are the media of the capitalist class of the imperial core. The cold war(s)[1][2] and red scare(s)[1][2][3][4] never ended.

Your understanding of China is received wisdom from the imperial core’s governments, think tanks, and corporate media, so your criticisms of it are not reality-based. It’s fine to criticize anything & anyone—China included—but,_No_Right_to_Speak.

Also, all this “simping” framing is tiresome. Historical materialists don’t subscribe to . We’re not known for simping, liberals are.

davel , avatar

Won’t somebody please think of dead people’s egos!

davel , avatar

If there is to be a shift from the quantitative to the qualitative, then I think that—whatever of the proximate cause that breaks the camel’s back—this US election will be the ultimate cause.

davel , avatar

The global wave of fascism isn’t coming from nowhere, it’s largely the result of neoliberalism, which is a form of capitalism in decay. And you don’t have to be a Marxist to understand this: even Noam Chomsky and Chris Hedges get it. Noam Chomsky: Neoliberalism and the roots of fascism

davel , avatar

^[Citation\ needed]^

davel , avatar

Actually we do tend to apply “liberal” correctly.

It is liberals themselves who tend to not have even a Wikipedia-level understanding of liberalismtheir own ideology!—or of socialism. And that’s how a centrist liberal like Bernie Sanders can get away with calling himself a socialist despite never calling for the abolition of private ownership of the means of production, because Burgerlanders don’t know their asses from their elbows politically thanks to over a century of red scares and cold wars, which are still ongoing[1][2].

davel , (edited ) avatar
davel , avatar
davel , avatar
davel , (edited ) avatar

Hang on, so you’re telling me you guys use ‘liberal’ to encapsulate everything from Bernie Sanders to George W Bush?

If you’re going to double down on not reading the Wikipedia entries for liberalism or socialism, I’m not sure what to tell you.

Yes, Sanders, both Bushes, and Reagan are/were all liberals. Off the top of my head I don’t recall the US ever having had a president who wasn’t a liberal. We had a bourgeois revolution to overthrow a still semi-feudal monarchy, and we’ve been a bourgeois-run state ever since, just as the bourgeois Founding Fathers intended. Our government was never meant to represent the working class, and it never has.


Also, while I wouldn’t call Sanders a socialist either, he is not a centrist by any standard measure.

Sanders is a centrist by the standard measure: the left is socialism; the right is liberalism. He’s center-left at best. He wants to preserve the bourgeois order while providing a better safety net to the proletariat. He is in no way on the left, and he has a history of supporting US imperialism.

The Overton window in the US is so far to the right that most Americans wouldn’t know the left if it bit them.

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