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Vrtrx ,

That’s the whole thing about induced demand though: People want to get somewhere and believe it or not, not everyone does so by car. But if you decide to add more lanes it temporarily improves traffic leading to those people that didn’t take a car in the past or lived somewhere else because they knew traffic would be horrible if they moved, to actually commute by car now / go forth with their plan to move, increasing the amount of traffic again until it’s as bad if not even worse than before. Cars don’t scale. Cars aren’t for mass transport and shouldnt be used for that. A city with a highway like in the picture really needs a transit system/a better one and fever lanes

Vrtrx ,

That’s the thing: Technically yes. It temporarily improves traffic. But only temporarily. IDK about you but spending billions of dollars to only temporarily improve traffic and then it ending up the same or even worse than before doesn’t sound like a good investment to me.

Vrtrx ,

Induced demand actually means that more people drive now because the people that didn’t drive in the past / lived somewhere else because it was less convenient because of the traffic to commute by car or live somewhere else where they would have needed a car now decide to commute by car / actually move (yeah that also something we have observed) because the widening temporarily improved traffic. In the end traffic ends up the same if not worse. Induced demand isn’t something the Internet has come up with. It’s actually a real thing that has been studied and researched. We know it exists. It functions on the basic principle of: If you improve something and make it more convenient to use that something, more people will actually use it.

Vrtrx ,

But that’s the thing about induced demand. Of course widening a road temporarily improves traffic. But only temporary. That temporary improved leads to more people deciding to drive a car when they didn’t in the past or even having different moving options in mind now which they didn’t because if traffic. In the end traffic ends up the same if not worse than before. That’s not something the Internet came up with. It’s been studied and researched for years. It works on the simple principle of: If you make something more convenient to use, more people will use it. Cars just don’t scale. They can’t do mass transport and aren’t meant for that. You need to make a city walkable and have a proper public transport system otherwise you will only ever lose even more money on car infrastructure while continuing to worsen traffic, heating up the city because of the sealed surfaces, making the city less desirable to actually exist in and worsening it’s economy. Build the city properly and people will actually choose a different option. No matter the climate in that city. Especially because heat is only worse with massive amounts of car infrastructure because they usually result in less green spaces and trees which provide shade and a cooling effect in the city.

Vrtrx ,

I wouldn’t really trust this site. Videos that go through a lot of different benchmarks /programs and games are way better. This shows the M2 being pretty average/normal between other laptop CPUs:

And this shows M2 Ultra vs the top Intel CPU at that time:

The things that’s impressive about the M[x] chips are their efficiency. Apple basically lying with the performance graphs they put out is really frustrating when they have an actual amazing metric they could show: power consumption. That’s what a RISC architecture is good at

Vrtrx ,

Afaik, no. Japanese either uses 音読み onyomi = Chinese reading (literally “sound reading”, 音 = sound, 読み = reading) and 訓読み Kunyomi = Japanese reading (訓 has multiple kanji meanings. I learned it as “instruction”. Sites list the meanings as 訓 = instruction, Japanese character reading, explanation, read) for words that have kanji (Chinese characters). The original Chinese characters don’t have a “Japanese reading” afaik. They are Chinese after all.

Vrtrx ,

When nuclear was cut more gas was used

Thats just wrong. Fossil fuels actually went down while renewables went up.

Im sick and tired of the right wing imports “argument” from people that clearly have no idea how the European electricity market works. Germany has the capacity to easily produce all of its electricity but its way wiser to not do that and import from other countries since that can be cheaper than ramping up power plants. In the past Germany used to keep running coal plants even for export but CO2 emission certificates keep getting more expensive while other European countries have been expanding their renewable power plants resulting in cheaper electricity which results in Germany exporting less and importing some of that cheap electricity now because 1. exporting electricity produced via coal is less profitable now and 2. importing a certain amount is getting cheaper than powering up a reactor yourself. 2023 most of those imports (~50%) were from renewables btw. 24% of imports were from nuclear which is 3.6% of the whole electricity production and even that keeps decreasing.…/ein-jahr-atomausstieg-deutschland……/A-EW_317_JAW23_WEB.pdf#pa…

Vrtrx ,

Idk I feel like buying a cat with your groceries was a bit too much. Should have just skipped the groceries and only bought the cat

Vrtrx ,

If they hold on to their existing vehicle than thats just another upside. If they buy a new gasoline car instead of an EV this is bad. But EVs dont have to be insanely heavy if we stop the whole cars getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger crap. They will still be heavier than their gasoline counterpart but one solution might be 2 tax brackets: One for gasoline cars and one for evs that has the same taxation levels but allows for, lets say, 500kg more weight in them

Vrtrx ,

Other phones can be much cheaper because they don’t care about slavery or child labor in their production line and don’t support their phones that long

Vrtrx ,

Yes they are obviously not perfect but they are at least trying to change something, while the massive cooperations just dont acknowledge that problem at all.

And the updates thing: Apple controls the ecosystem and are a huge company. They dont have to worry about manufactures for a processor or other parts not supporting it longer and stop giving it driver updates. Same with Samsung and especially Google. They are huge companies that can basically do what they want. They will be able to get a hold of drivers and firmware because they are a huge customer to the manufactures. And they only just started promising those long updates. Meanwhile Fairphone has been trying for years to support their devices that long and had to struggle because they are not a massive cooperation that can influence manufactures like that to the point they now dont use normal consumer grade chips but ones with extended support.

Vrtrx ,

Eh nope. Just stating facts that’s all

Vrtrx ,

No you didn’t list any facts that justifies your point. I already told you why what you said isn’t what you think it is. “Every time”. Dude I’ve just told you ONCE after you came back at me that you can’t compare massive cooperations against a small company. I don’t even own a Fairphone and have never owned one. I keep my phone as long as possible. I’m literally not the type of consumer you think I am. But sure just because I listed literal facts you can’t seem to accept, I’m a fanboy of a brand I’ve never bought from and just pointed out some facts. Whatever makes you feel better I guess

Vrtrx ,

I have never said you should buy a new or even a Fairphone to begin with. You’re trying to deflect from the actual discussion and make it look like I said certain stuff I never even said

Vrtrx ,

My initial answer to your comment made it pretty clear that I was explaining to you one reason as to why these phones are more expensive than other ones. That was it. If you’re this far without noticing what the discussion was about maybe it’s you that isn’t reading very well

Vrtrx ,

And I never argued against that. I just gave you one reason as to why their phones are more expensive. Of course used is greener than new.

It’s not inherently more ethical though. While it could be argued that more green means more ethical because you are trying to harm the planet as little as possible if you buy a phone that’s been produced with exploitation and child labor in its production line you still end up supporting it when buying used because you are part of the second hand market that supports people buying those phones. People will take into consideration if they can ever sell their stuff again when buying something. Those things would have to be weighed against each other if you want to make the statement that used phones are also automatically more ethical.

Buying a used phone that didn’t have those things in its production line and actively tries to avoid it would technically be the best choice. But ultimately it’s something the consumer shouldnt need to choose anyway. Regulations shouldnt allow for that to happen on the first place.

Vrtrx ,

French people are busy hating on themselves. I’ve heard about French people hating on people from Paris so since Ive ment French people during my exchange/foreign semester I tried asking them if they really hate people from Paris and they confirmed it for me. All non Paris French people hate on Paris French people lol

Vrtrx ,

Yeah thats a problem I frequently see. People arguing that we should solve “the problems” and then naming things that fascists made up and actually aren’t real problems. How does one solve a problem that doesn’t exist but people have been made to think it exists by lying fascists? Telling them that what the fascists say is a lie won’t help either cause they are not willing to accept other opinions

Vrtrx ,

to my severe problems

You mean the problems the fascist just made up and actually aren’t a really problem

Vrtrx ,

Don’t wanna be that guy but I’m a German so I have to ruin the fun: We don’t call it “Antibabypille”. “die Pille” is what most people just call it

Vrtrx ,

But that’s just how it’s supposed to be written if ä, ö, ü can’t be used. And since URLS don’t accept them, they get changed to ae, oe, ue. In crossword puzzles you also have to write them with the e

Vrtrx ,

The cookies being pre selected is illegal in the EU. Although I’ve seen sites that don’t care and still enable them by default

Vrtrx ,

Same with a lot of news outlets in Germany. Although it’s not that difficult for me to use only sites that allow disallowing every cookie or just bypass the cookie popup

Vrtrx ,

Do you sleep on your stomach?

Vrtrx ,

Yeah. I also sleep on my stomach with just a tiny piece of the corner of a pillow

Vrtrx ,

Just saw a video and certain instruments/displays on trains (original ICE 3 for example) run with Windows 3.11, so thats probably why they are searching for one

Vrtrx ,

I wasn’t allowed to do that. My mom took that whole eating what she made or eat nothing really serious. I wasn’t allowed to make my own stuff if I wanted

Vrtrx ,

Oh yeah. I did an exchange/international semester in Edinburgh. First time living alone and being able to do what I want and when I want it. I like having control over what stuff I eat but it’s not like I hate my mom for how she does things. I appreciate all the work she does and living with your parents just makes being a student a little easier. It’s just sad sometimes, that I can’t as easily try new stuff or eat when I’m actually hungry and not when the designated family eating time is.

Vrtrx , (edited )

YouTube keeps buffering and skipping short sections of videos for me on PC with uBlock origin. I’m so confused since apparently AdBlock Plus which I don’t use was responsible for the whole buffering thing and now I’m here and wondering wtf is wrong with my setup

Vrtrx , (edited )

I do have Firefox although on LibreWolf I didn’t experience those problems a few weeks ago. Thanks I’ll check! I also have Enhancer for YouTube as a plugin so I can set custom speeds etc for videos but I disabled its ad blocker and use ublock for that. Wasn’t a problem on Librewolf either but I’ll try to look into it. Thanks!

Vrtrx ,

Which psychopath brushes their teeth first and then eats breakfast like he’s in some kind of stupid movie

Vrtrx ,

You can still brush them in the morning. Just after you’ve eaten breakfast

Vrtrx ,

I guess it’s fine if it’s been a bit after brushing lol. But eating at work actually sounds kinda nice. Easing into work like that and starting it slow etc

Vrtrx ,

Never understood the whole gifting cars or pets to your kid in movies. Even if you can afford it, why would you gift a fucking car like it’s nothing. Oh and don’t get me started on the gifting pets part. If anyone actually dies that irl, they clearly don’t deserve to have pets. You don’t just gift a fucking living being which comes with a lot of responsibility

Vrtrx ,

I still think one shouldn’t do that. It gives the wrong impressions to your child that gifting a living creature to someone is acceptable. If your kids really wish for a pet, let them research into the topic, research on your own to and present all the responsibilities that come with owning a pet. If they still want one support them in looking for for one and after finding one take them with you to buy/get it as well as buy the most essential tools for pet ownership. That way they should learn that deciding to own and take care of another living being is a big responsibility while giving them the option to learn for themselves and grow closer to the pet they chose themselves.

After getting a pet let them handle stuff like walking a dog themselves for example (depending on the age) or if they are too young take them with you on walks or a trip to the vet.

I’m not at all a qualified person in any of these fields. I’m a student that studies computer science. My family does have a dog though (which my brother wanted. I’m more of a cat person :D) Those are just some recommendations that feel right to me.

‘Energy independent’ Uruguay runs on 100% renewables for four straight months (

“with wind the single-biggest contributor… Power production costs have declined “by almost half” … And the clean energy sector has created 50,000 new jobs… Ask me what was the impact on the electricity sector in Uruguay after this tragic war in Europe — zero.”

Vrtrx ,

You seem to be the type of person that doesn’t understand that you just can’t easily decide from one day to another to keep nuclear power plants online, that where decided to go offline soon over 10 years ago. Supply chains already adapted, technically necessary inspections weren’t performed because it would soon shut down etc. You just cant easily revert a plan to turn off all nuclear power plans by a certain date from 10 years ago just days or weeks before that date.

Vrtrx ,

Yeah in a perfect world, Germany would have kept their npp and phased out coal first instead but it’s not a perfect world sadly and considering the npp operators were heavily campaigning against renewables Germany probably wouldn’t have invested that much in renewables if npp weren’t phased out. The only problem now is that Germany didn’t keep their momentum for investing in and expending renewables

Vrtrx ,

Yeah I liked them. Had some good flavor options. I only bought them in the past when they were on sale for 1,39€ though. Otherwise they are way too expensive. But since they reduced the amount of chips and made them even more expensive I have never and will never buy them again. They can go fuck themselves. I get it if you have to temporarily raise prices because of inflation or because the war affects you in some way but at the same time reducing the amount of chips in them while keeping the same packaging and hoping no one would notice is just an asshole move.

Vrtrx ,

I think most of them just haven’t noticed when it happened. Same with other products. You need to be a person that has bought the product some times in the past and the type of person to check how much you actually get (the amount of content) to realize something like that when it happens. Even if they realized at some point or got told by another person it probably doesn’t affect a person as much anymore as a person wo saw through that the second it happened since they might think “Well I have been using it the last few weeks/months etc and I was still satisfied”

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