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TedZanzibar ,

Meh. I was really hoping they’d go back to the sci-fi aesthetic of 2016 but instead they’ve doubled down on the weird high fantasy with guns thing.

It’s like they actually wanted to reboot Heretic/Hexen but they couldn’t get the license for it so they’ve just shoehorned it into Doom instead.

TedZanzibar ,

Yeah honestly Eternal should’ve been a Quake reboot using the new engine rather than a Doom sequel. Everything about it felt like Quake.

TedZanzibar ,

I can’t stop chuckling. Needed that, thanks!

The Sunak v Starmer debate is appalling

Sunak comes across like the prat he is. “Labor will raise taxes by £2,000 for everybody” regardless of the question. Talking over all the time, not listening to the moderator. Appalling creature. Starmer sympathises a lot with people asking questions without answering them. Skating around or just plainly ignoring questions...

TedZanzibar ,

I think Labour has already pledged not to raise taxes, but let’s play devil’s advocate and pretend that they were going to slap a £2000 on everyone of working age.

Doing some fuzzy maths based on statistics I can find online from 2 years ago, that’s roughly 45 million people, or £90 billion a year. Or to put in into the Brexit campaign’s favourite terms, £1.7 billion per week going into public coffers.

I’m not suggesting such a flat structure would actually make sense as a policy, but that maybe tax rises as a concept aren’t always a universally bad thing.

SMB, FTP, or NFS for NAS + server?

I am running a NAS that needs to connect to a server (the NAS isn’t powerful enough). I also need to connect my NAS to a Windows, Mac, and Linux device (Linux being the most important, then Mac, then Windows). Out of SMB, FTP, and NFS, which one would be the best, quickest, and most secure for my situation? My NAS supports...

TedZanzibar ,

Unless you’re hosting VHDs and need maximum throughput (in which case use NFS), SMB is going to be the easiest to setup and maintain across those 4 platforms.

The Linux SMB implementation is decent and supports the latest version of the protocol (or close to, at least) whereas NFS in Windows ain’t so great and is a bit of a pig to get working in my experience.

TedZanzibar ,

Thirded. It’s helped me a lot with picking up the compose syntax, to the point that I’m now comfortable combining disparate services into their own stacks. And I can spin something up from an example compose in less than a minute.

TedZanzibar ,

Was looking into Docker volume backups just yesterday so this is perfect timing!

TedZanzibar OP ,

Ah, that’s useful thanks!

TedZanzibar OP ,

Yeah I’m running a Cloudflare tunnel for external access (which is why I need DNS based LE certs), but that’s another thing that I don’t really know what it’s doing beyond basic reverse proxying.

I have a country-based whitelist for where my Immich instance can be accessed from but I find the Zero Trust admin backend to be massive overkill for my needs, and it doesn’t help that they’ve recently moved everything around so none of the guides out there point to the right places anymore!

TedZanzibar OP ,

Very useful insights, thanks.

I do currently have external stuff running via a Cloudflare tunnel (which is why I need DNS based LE certs for the internal proxy) but I don’t know if it’s setup correctly (beyond doing basic reverse proxying) and the admin backend for it feels like massive overkill for a home setup. Plus with Immich I run into the issue of a) dire warnings about it being in active dev and potentially insecure and b) filesize limits making away-from-home backups difficult.

I could well be over thinking the whole thing.

TedZanzibar OP ,

If it was just me, or if Tailscale wasn’t such an insatiable battery leech then I’d absolutely do that but the wife (and kids) acceptance factor plays a big role, and they’re never going to accept having to toggle a separate service on and off to get to their photos.

Maybe I’m being overly paranoid but I work in IT and see the daily, near constant barrage of port scans and login attempts to our VPN service and it has an effect!

TedZanzibar OP ,

Hmm I must be doing something wrong then because it doesn’t work for me.

TedZanzibar OP ,

Thanks for the suggestion. I spent a good hour or two trying to make Wireguard work for me last night but failed. If I set it to only apply to Immich, nothing else would have Internet access at all. Likewise if I set the peer IP range to just my LAN subnet.

After pulling my hair out for a while I gave up and uninstalled.

TedZanzibar OP ,

Yes please, I might revisit it with a fresh pair of eyes.

TedZanzibar OP ,

Thanks, I’ll muse over this when I next get the chance!

TedZanzibar ,

it will either be underpowered or power hungry.

Or both!

TedZanzibar ,

My inner monologue is an asshole that literally never shuts up unless I’m asleep. If I’m not actively thinking about something and conversing with him or keeping him otherwise distracted, he’s singing a snippet of the last catchy song he heard, over and over, until a new one takes its place. Sometimes it’s the same song for days on end.

How do you store your grounded coffee? (

Hiya, just quickly wondering how people store their coffee? Mine is in a tin box I got second hand, cos I thought it looked nice. Any rules regarding storing grounded coffee? I don’t store much at the time, it’s just if I grind a little too much and what not. I’m assuming the general thumb rule for this is to store it in a...

TedZanzibar ,

ITT a surprising number of people who remember having these tins as kids, including me. I’ll have to see if my parents still have theirs.

TedZanzibar ,

This looks neat, will definitely give it a go, cheers!

TedZanzibar ,

I just recently put in an N100 mini PC to run as a Plex server. Cost me about £160, pulls all of 6W when idle, and it doesn’t break a sweat when transcoding no matter what I throw at it. As a media server I can’t recommend them highly enough.

TedZanzibar ,

This is the correct answer. Due to wear levelling, a traditional drive wipe program isn’t going to work reliably, whereas most (all?) SSDs have some sort of secure erase function.

It’s been a while since I read up on it but I think it works due to the drive encrypting everything that’s written to it, though you wouldn’t know it’s happening. When you call the secure erase function it just forgets the key and cycles in a new one, rendering everything previously written to it irrecoverable. The bonus is that it’s an incredibly quick operation.

Failing that, smash it to bits.

TedZanzibar ,

Very little. I have enough redundancy through regular snapshots and offsite backups that I’m confident enough to let Watchtower auto-update most of my containers once a week - the exceptions being pihole and Home Assistant. Pihole gets very few updates anyway, and I tend to skip the mid-month Home Assistant updates so that’s just a once a month thing to check for breaking changes before pushing the button.

Meanwhile my servers’ host OSes are stable LTS distros that require very little maintenance in and of themselves.

Ultimately I like to tinker, but once I’m done tinkering I want things to just work with very little input from me.

TedZanzibar , (edited )

I like Niagara but it’s insanely expensive, especially as a subscription. I don’t know how people justify it.

Edit: The above was based on me getting duped by a Play Store sponsored search result and installing some crap that charges £70 for a lifetime licence. In comparison Niagara feels like much better value, but it’s still expensive compared to most apps and I still don’t like subscribing to software in general.

TedZanzibar ,

Reading the article and justification given I do actually get the idea of it. They want to levarage the parent company’s clout and connections in order to convince other app makers into implementing a way for Sesame, the universal search app/plugin, to pull results directly from those apps. For the parent company it would give them a USP in the analytics market.

In short: Think of searching for a product from the launcher and rather than it opening Google, it returns results directly from the Amazon app, or eBay, or any other app that supports the functionality. Obviously there’ll be an affiliate kickback for any click-through and you’ve got a decent revenue source.

It’s a good idea, I get it. Would I feel comfortable using it? I don’t know. On the one hand it just cuts out the middle-man of searching for and clicking through to products via Google etc. On the other hand, all of the concerns already raised in this thread!

TedZanzibar ,

Gotta hold my hands up and admit that in my initial haste to confirm the price I fell victim to the Play Store putting sponsored results ahead of what you actually searched for and I installed some crap called minimalist launcher, which charges £70 for a lifetime license. That’s what my “insane” comment was based on.

In comparison it’s nowhere near that bad for Niagara, but it is still pricey compared to most apps, and I balk at paying a subscription for software in general so that still stands.

Might give it another go after all…

TedZanzibar ,

I was of the same mindset for a long time; SmartThings, Hue and Google Home all worked well enough together to do what I wanted. But holy shit, Home Assistant is on another level and I only wish I’d installed it sooner.

The only real downside is that it makes home automation somewhat addictive and, by extension, expensive. I spend quite a lot of my time thinking about how to automate more of the things, and have a never ending list of stuff that I want to add to my setup.

TedZanzibar ,

I can quit any time, I swear!

TedZanzibar ,

We were forcibly moved from Mattermost to Teams (because cost) and the lack of custom emotes is sorely felt throughout the company. I never counted, but I wouldn’t have been at all surprised if we’d had >100 of them. So many in-jokes gone forever.

TedZanzibar ,

Yes I’m very interested in how they claim to have a zero knowledge model but also admit that their bridges decrypt and re-encrypt messages as they pass through. It might only be an ephemeral thing but surely it’s a massive, gaping target for bad actors to wire tap.

TedZanzibar ,

Yes, exactly. And how do you even tell the app that you want to self host? I see no option for pointing it to a different core server/bridge.

… Unless you have to do it at the point of sign-up? I remember seeing an ‘advanced’ option on the login screen.

TedZanzibar ,

Yeah I’m not disagreeing that it’s audible but having read the instructions it leaves a lot of unanswered questions like the above. Presumably people with more knowledge and time than me will figure it all out and write step-by-step guides at some point.

TedZanzibar ,

What’s the problem with Asterisk? FreePBX uses it and as far as I can tell, it’s the only way to get Lenny working.

How should I do backups?

I have a server running Debian with 24 TB of storage. I would ideally like to back up all of it, though much of it is torrents, so only the ones with low seeders really need backed up. I know about the 321 rule but it sounds like it would be expensive. What do you do for backups? Also if anyone uses tape drives for backups I am...

TedZanzibar ,

Short answer: figure out how much of that is actually irreplaceable and then find a friend or friends who’d be willing to set aside some of their storage space for your backups in exchange for you doing the same.

Tailscale makes the networking logistics incredibly simple and then you can do the actual backups however you see fit.

TedZanzibar ,

Unless you’re using the horribly outdated and insecure v1, there’s nothing wrong with Samba at all. For serving media it’s just as fast as NFS and is often plain easier to get going. Use what works for you.

TedZanzibar ,

I really liked Synology Photos except for the fact that the mobile app would log itself out, presumably after a fixed time, and neglect to tell me that my photos were no longer being backed up as a result. It was infuriating and I couldn’t find a fix so I had to ditch it.

Presumably you don’t have that issue?

TedZanzibar ,

Maybe it’s just something funky with my setup (using 2FA maybe?) but I never could figure it out. I’ve since switched to Immich anyway, was just curious if it affected anyone else!

TedZanzibar ,

It’s decent with some caveats.

My use case is to have a shared backup repository with my wife. I could’ve (should’ve) used a shared account but I set us both up with individual accounts and used the library sharing feature as that seemed to be the “correct” way to do it. Except that face and other useful data isn’t shared between libraries so it works very differently to how Syno Photos works when uploading directly to a shared space.

The app also doesn’t have separate settings for internal and external URLs, so while I use cloudflare tunnels for most things and call it a day, the data limits they impose meant that I had to setup a reverse proxy internally to make it work over HTTPS while on my home WiFi.

Development is moving at a hell of a pace though, so I’d be surprised if these things weren’t fixed in short order. Meanwhile automatic backups have been working flawlessly.

TedZanzibar ,

I am by no means an expert, but I think Gustave may be an alligator.

TedZanzibar ,

Right? If you don’t want people handling your cool replica swords then maybe stop selling cool replica swords.

TedZanzibar ,

Each to their own, of course, but the people who are picking them up to “expertly inspect the heft and balance” certainly think they’re cool.

TedZanzibar ,

“Blue skies in games”. There’s a blast from the past! Is UK:R still going?

TedZanzibar ,

Turns out the site is still up, but they officially closed in 2011.

TedZanzibar ,

Yeah I’d drink it, though the picture makes it look cold somehow? Maybe it needs some photoshopped steam.

TedZanzibar ,

Currently drinking Origin because I wanted to use a B Corp roastery, but shout out to Jericho Coffee in Oxford who are all very friendly with a good line of beans.

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