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AM radio law opposed by tech and auto industries is close to passing | Ars Technica (

A controversial bill that would require all new cars to be fitted with AM radios looks set to become a law in the near future. Yesterday, Senator Edward Markey (D-Mass) revealed that the “AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act” now has the support of 60 US Senators, as well as 246 co-sponsors in the House of Representatives, making...

Izzgo ,

He’s now a QAnon nut.

I was just thinking that I hadn't heard much about Qanon lately, that maybe it had been fading out. No?

Izzgo ,

Ex presidents get protection as much because they are a security risk as for their own safety.

Izzgo ,

Lots of people have relationships where they never live together, and see each other a few times a week. They go along like this for years, decades even. I knew one pair that didn't even live in the same country. What I think you want is a relationship but not a live-in partner. Just make sure you are dating people who want the same kind of relationship as you do, basically a permanent long distance relationship.

Izzgo ,

I appreciate your close and literal reading of that study. This was new news to me so I looked a bit further. STATnews and others seem to think it was the various lockdown protocols.

B/Yamagata viruses haven’t been detected anywhere in the world since late March 2020, when Covid pandemic lockdowns and social distancing appeared to have halted circulation of this family of lineage of flu B.

Izzgo ,

To be honest, I agree with you that it is speculation, and also that I tend to agree with the speculation. It's important to note when something is speculative.

Izzgo ,

I hate tipping culture so much. But I always tip on food service, even take out that I pick up. I'm not going to punish restaurant workers for our messed up system which pays them substandard "wages". During covid crisis I raised my tipping $ a bit, and haven't gone back down. Before covid I also tipped 10% on take out. Because I wanted my favorite restaurants to stay in business, I started tipping 20% for take out.

TIL about the gameboy accessory that gasses kids to sleep for surgery (

A new piece of medical equipment is being tested right now called the Pedisedate. Basically, it is a headset that is placed on a child before they are admitted to surgery. The device connects to a Game Boy or portable CD player (yup, not a Nintendo DS or iPod — apparently the Pedisedate also transports you to 1996) and a...

Izzgo , (edited )

“respect my trans homies, or I’ll identify as a fucking problem”

LOL I LOVE this!! Maybe you could change it to “respect my trans homies, or I’ll identify as a ducking problem” or "pucking froblem".

As a 70 year old lesbian, one thing I've long believed and believe now more than ever is that the most radical thing anyone in the queer community has ever done is simply come out in their daily life. Then live their life as an out person, whatever they are out as, and to the greatest extent possible. So to you, thank you for coming out as an ally, and I hope you do so loudly and daily. It can take courage.

Queer is a great umbrella term, but it still originates fairly recently as a hated slur, which suggests queer people have more right to use it than not-so-queers. Thirty five years ago I was friends with a lesbian couple in their 60s who HATED the term dyke, and were highly perturbed when I joyfully embraced being a dyke, because "dyke" had been such a horrible slur when they were young. But now my generation was reclaiming the term.

Izzgo ,

I want to stop my boomer coworkers from hurting LGTBQ people

As a 70 year old lesbian, I'd like to suggest you might find some more allies in your organization, please don't assume all boomers are bigots. I have many grey haired allies. I doubt you're as alone as you think you are, but maybe you're just more "out" than they are. Give them the chance to come out and join you.

Izzgo ,

"Gay" is either gendered or not the same way that "guy" and "dude" are either gendered or not.

Izzgo ,

there’s easier ways to tour the Middle East - and I’d include joining the Marines in that.

That gave me a nice chuckle, thanks.

Izzgo ,

Shifts power source to the grid. Grid can use different sources for energy production.

Such an excellent point, which I hadn't seen mentioned before. It means we can have more control over those sources. Thank you.

with hand crank windows

I want hand crank windows back anyway. Faster and more reliable. So frustrating when the "auto complete" aspect of modern car windows means I cannot easily get the window half way closed or only a crack open. But I must be in the minority on that.

Izzgo ,

A more realistic solution, is to replace planet-murdering cars with planet-kicking cars.

What a sad truth. Maybe we can add "and fewer of them".

Izzgo ,

GREAT question thanks for posting it.

Izzgo ,

Your English is mostly perfect, but (and as someone who tries, like you, to speak another language correctly):

Could it be that not only these platforms are harmful in mental health and privacy but also physical health?

should be

Could it be that not only are these platforms harmful in mental health and privacy but also physical health?

The change in location of the word are is what makes it a grammatically correct question rather than a statement.

To me, I think the primary harm to our physical health IS the impact on our mental health, which is a physical health. To say nothing of neglecting our physical bodies by being so sedentary.

Izzgo ,

Yes it was legitimate. Stupid too. Because of course Israel would respond in this over-the-top manner.

Izzgo ,

Do you mean on social media overall?

Izzgo ,

The difference is the relationship. A business has customers. The economy has consumers.

Izzgo ,

A lot of people are afraid of new things they don’t understand. The hope is that people realize that the fear is irrational and listen to experts in the relevant field.

That would be me, highly reluctant to try the new possibly risky thing until many other people have done it. But I DO realize my fear is (mostly) irrational, so after a bit I gather my courage and do the thing anyway. For covid mRNA vaccines, I skipped the first round, and watched the news carefully for word of people dropping dead. It didn't happen, so I caught the second round of vaccines in my area about a month later. I was still afraid, but considered it my civic duty to reduce the spread to the greatest degree in my ability. And since then I've got every "booster" I was eligible for. As an old person, I'm eligible among the first, lol.

I'm not convinced there aren't some under reported risks to the vaccine. But I still consider it my civic duty to help prevent the spread of something much riskier, covid.

Izzgo ,

Anyone remotely blaming me for making others sick does not know me. I took the covid vaccine the second time it came to my area, which was just a month after the first round and when it was still only being given to "high risk" people like me. I certainly don't think it keeps you from catching it entirely, any more than the flu vaccine does. But I'm wholly convinced it reduces severity. And like flu vaccines, it appears to my non-scientific observations that, as covid evolves, the vaccines may not always "catch" each iteration of covid perfectly well. People I know are, again, getting sicker when they get covid. And yeah I absolutely believe in N95 masks worn properly; despite having a job where I'm in close face-to-face quarters with my customers I've not had covid (to my knowledge).

The fact that I don't embrace change the first time it shows its face probably has more to do with being 70 years old. If what I'm doing now already works well, I'm in no hurry for change unless it's helpful.

Pope approves blessings for same-sex couples if the rituals don't resemble marriage (

Pope Francis has formally approved allowing priests to bless same-sex couples, with a new document explaining a radical change in Vatican policy by insisting that people seeking God’s love and mercy shouldn’t be subject to “an exhaustive moral analysis” to receive it....

Izzgo ,

If this isn't the definition of "too little too late", I don't know what is.

Izzgo ,

Furthermore, it has always been possible to get a religious wedding (certain churches only), even before it could be a legal marriage.

Izzgo ,

The value would be, that church considers you married in the eyes of God, irrelevant of what human laws say. Not that I believe in any such god, but I remember gay people who got married in their Quaker church, and within their spiritual circle they were treated as married like any other married couple. Of course it didn't count for anything in the secular world.

Izzgo ,

One clear legal benefit came up recently for me and my wife. She was in the hospital for several days. As her legal wife I was given certain medical information that would only go to next of kin. Before we got married we were not legal next of kin, and in fact that's the reason we got married.

Izzgo ,

I fully agree with you, don't need anyone else defining my relationship. Neither government nor religion. 38 years ago she first asked me to marry her and I said no, I will never marry. We went back and forth on that issue over the decades, but as we enter old age, it just seemed wise.

Izzgo ,

In the US where I live, a civil ceremony is a legal marriage, and that's what we did, right at the courthouse. Previously we were in a domestic partnership, which required no ceremony just signing the papers, and gave us many of the legal rights of marriage. I'm not a Christian, nor a member of any major religion, so I would not avail myself of that type of religious ceremony anyway.

Izzgo ,

These are times when I'm ashamed to be an American.

Izzgo ,

I'm 70 years old. Of course it's not the first time. Cute meme though.

Izzgo ,

I would probably take a q-tip and dab at the blood with a tiny bit of hydrogen peroxide. It might bleach out any color, so only do that if the paper underneath is white. Really don't use much, and perhaps test first in some less important area of the notebook.

Izzgo ,

Even actual digestion, breaking down with enzymes, starts in the mouth. The more you chew, the more digestion has already started before it hits your poor overworked stomach. And pizza works the stomach hard!

Izzgo ,

Personally, I feel it's the proper job of a mod to decide what kind of a community they want to foster, establish their rules to reflect those goals, and enforce accordingly. Not every online space has to be a wild frontier allowing the worst of online behavior. Furthermore, any person who wants such a wild frontier community on reddit or here is certainly free to make that community. If enough people enjoy hanging out with that behavior, then your community will be a success. And THAT is actual freedom of speech: make your community the way you like it, and see how many other people want to hang out with you. I promise, if I visit your community, I won't complain about being offended or aggravated.

Most of my experience with people complaining about lack of freedom of speech have tried to force their wild frontier self expressions onto spaces where civil speech is enforced or the topics to be discussed are tightly defined.

Izzgo ,

This sounds like it might be an OCD thing, especially given your reasoning. Do you you have other OCD like habits? OCD is relentless once it gets ahold of you, and can have seriously negative effects for both yourself and your loved ones. The earlier you address it, the easier it is to keep it from ruling your life.

Izzgo ,

Both washer and dryer can cause shrinkage, but the dryer will cause more. Also natural fabrics will shrink more (by far) than polyesters. To your comment "I'm not gonna handwash. That's just too much." Well no one can blame you for that. But it's still true that the gentler you wash your clothes, the less shrinkage you'll get. It's a balancing act, how much effort you're willing to put in vs how long you want your clothes to last.

Personally I'm a natural fabric addict, there is very little non-natural fabric in my wardrobe. And I also do hardly any hand washing, but not zero. I often use a gentle cycle on my wash machine (top loader, sadly). Any non hand-wash garments that I still want to protect go in a garment bag on the gentle cycle, and do NOT go into the dryer. The bulk of my wardrobe gets dried but on low heat, and pulled before it's quite all the way dry, because a lot of shrinkage happens as the garment goes from barely dry to fully dry. In particular my knits get the low temp dryer, and also any clothes which I consider semi-delicate, particularly well loved or barely big enough.

Izzgo ,

The combination of heat and agitation are needed

For the record, agitation is not necessary, although it may increase the shrinkage. I have often successfully shrunk smaller pieces of fabric by simply wetting it and ironing it dry. I watch the fabric shrink before my eyes, just as the fabric gets dry. I do this with cottons, linens and rayons.

Izzgo ,

I have heard that willpower is finite and every person starts their day with a limited capacity.

Time for a new source of information. Whoever told you that is wildly incorrect.

Izzgo ,

I had never heard of ego depletion, and after looking it up frankly I think, outside of psychology, the idea is at best misinformation, to the point of disinformation. Not something to incorporate into your life beliefs. From Wikipedia;

Ego depletion is the controversial idea that self-control or willpower draws upon a limited pool of mental resources that can be used up. When the energy for mental activity is low, self-control is typically impaired, which would be considered a state of ego depletion.

As a self sufficient Boomer, that sounds too much like shooting yourself in the foot. Maybe it's a symptom of a mental disease/weakness, which is why it might be useful to psychologists. Maybe the ego needs to be repleted, if it's depleted. But rather than believe you start the day with a limited amount of will power, start your day by giving yourself a boost. Tell yourself what you can do, rather than what you can't.

So I stand by my original comment, flippant as it was. Don't buy into bullshit. If you are hanging out (real life or online) in places where the attitude is that we're each limited in what we can accomplish, then you should hang out elsewhere. How can you reach for the stars if you're convinced you don't have what it takes?

Yeah there are things that are legitimately hard to do. Excruciatingly hard sometimes. Overcoming hardships makes you stronger. Believing you only have so much "will" does not.

From your source:

Just as a muscle gets tired from exertion, acts of self-control cause short-term impairments (ego depletion)

Short term impairment. Like a tired muscle, which will be stronger tomorrow for having been worked to the max today.

Where did the abbreviation "w/" for "with" come from?

Hi, English isn’t my mother tongue so I was asking myself that question since I first encounted a w/… Back then I was like: “What tf does ‘w slash’ stand for?” And when I found out I was like “How, why, and is it any intuitive?” But I never dared to ask that until now

Izzgo ,

And OK is initialism for okay.

Izzgo ,

I learned similar shorthand from an accountant, who wrote transfer (money transfer between accounts) as tx.

Also, it used to be obligatory to put the dot on Mr., Mrs., Dr., etc. I'm old, I remember how it was taught. And we called those dots "periods". I haven't been in school in decades, but I've been noticing those dots disappearing.

Izzgo ,

The entity liable wants to know that the coupon was the thing that pushed you over the edge to buy the product. People who would have bought it anyways generally don’t bother with the coupon.

I never knew the part about an entity separate from the seller being responsible for the coupons, interesting. But the second sentence I quoted is what I'm responding to. Coupons in brick-and-mortar stores may work like that, and I'm a good example of a person who rarely bothers with coupons if I'm already buying it. But in that case it takes pretty substantial effort to use the coupon. You have to keep track of it, often it's good for a specific time frame in the future....those coupons are a real pain. But Amazon coupons, where you just check the box? I use it every time it's offered. Whatever the entity is getting or learning from my use of coupons on Amazon is very different from usage in real life, and seems like a negligible gain.

Izzgo ,

That's a delightful answer. My wife, who got a pacemaker this past spring, laughed out loud. Thank you!

Izzgo ,

Maybe I will just say “I don't know enough to have a stance”

This is an amazing attitude, one more of us would be wise to adopt.

Izzgo ,

To me, the key is remembering that slower traffic belongs on the right (in the US at least). So pay attention to traffic around you, travel on the vehicle side of the road rather than facing oncoming cars, and if you're passing then pass on the left (in the US) .

What is the attraction to kids?

There has been a ton of CSAM and CP arrests in the US lately, especially from cops and teachers, along with at least one female teacher seducing boys as young as 12. I cannot understand the attraction to kids. Even teens. Do these people think they are having a relationship, or it is somehow okay to take away another human...

Izzgo ,

To me there is a clear difference between children, and teens say 16+. It is both morally wrong and unnatural to be attracted to prepubescent children, and this is pedophilia. But basically, by definition puberty makes people become sexually attractive, and it's natural for adults to be attracted. Still morally wrong to act on those attractions unless you're in about the same stage of puberty or early adulthood. That's when we rely on a strong moral code and laws in society to protect youngsters who have recently gone through puberty. And hopefully even after the laws no longer apply, we have enough societal pressure to strongly discourage wide age gaps between sexual partners.

Pedophilic disorder is characterized by recurring, intense sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behavior involving children (usually 13 years old or younger).

Izzgo ,

Ah ha!! I stand corrected, thank you! I know next to nothing about Pokemon. I take it Scooter is a fainter?

Izzgo ,

Of course this is a good thing, but there are still serious negative consequences to a reducing population, which must be mitigated. Primarily, old people who are past working age are an expensive population to maintain. When there are as many or more old people as there are young, the burden is too heavy for young people to bear. And I say this as a 70 year old. Young people today CANNOT hit old age without their own substantial retirement resources.

Izzgo ,

As you know, the current system in America is that we pay into the retirement system. In the present time those funds are used to support present day seniors, and then when you have reached the proper age the people currently paying into it are supporting you but can (supposedly) expect to be supported the same way. I started paying into it at age 16, and now at 69 I am collecting. And additionally, I need to have saved up.

I don't know how we would transfer out of this system and into a completely self sufficient one. I DO know that this system mitigated the deep deep poverty many elderly used to experience. Because for the working and poor classes, no one realistically makes enough to set aside for retirement.

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