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Ilandar ,

Some people, like myself, prefer small phones because they are easily pocketable. I don’t have any problems operating a larger screen but I don’t like carrying around a larger device all the time, especially since I’ve cut back on usage significantly and it spends a lot more time in my pocket. Flip phones are the modern solution to this problem.

Wikipedia is gauging interest for an extension that uses AI to see if any claim is cited on Wikipedia (

A prototype is available, though it's Chrome-only and English-only at the moment. How this'll work is you select some text and then click on the extension, which will try to "return the relevant quote and inference for the user, along with links to article and quality signals"....

Ilandar ,

Obviously Wikipedia is not a definitive or 100% accurate source but this sounds like a genuinely positive use of AI to combat misinformation. The people it really needs to reach likely won’t use it but it’s still a good idea.

Ilandar ,

No matter how many times people claim “X search engine” is universally better than Google, it has just never been true in my experience. And this is coming from someone who puts up with the frustrations of other search engines to avoid Google’s data harvesting. Like Google’s search engine can have rapidly deteriorated and still be miles better than the competition. Both can be true, but people always seem to act like the SEO spam has made it unusable and that is just not reality at all.

Ilandar ,

As long as it has footnoting so I can see where each piece of information was sourced from, AI chat has its use cases. Without that I genuinely do not see the point at all. It’s like when people “ask Google” something and just blindly trust the highlighted “answer” as infallible truth. It’s just a really, really bad habit to develop and I wish more people understood this.

Ilandar ,

All of those questions you asked it return authoritative answers which you take on face value, unless you spend extra time fact checking them yourself.

Ilandar ,

I’m sorry, but citing other examples of bad research practices does not magically make AI reliable. That is a whataboutism.

Ilandar ,

My only Motorola phone is a razr 40 which I’ve had for 4 months now, so not a ton of experience but I’ll share it anyway. The quality of the sofrware has been pretty good. It’s close to what reviewers used to call “stock” Android, in that it hasn’t received any significant UI modifications and doesn’t come with many proprietary apps. There are very few bugs or performance issues. You also don’t need a Motorola account to access any important software features.

However the software support is absolutely awful considering the RRP of the phone, its age and the promises made by Motorola. It was supposed to receive at least bi-monthly security updates but by January had already fallen behind that. The most recent update had been the November security patch, so I expected an update in January. Instead I received a February security update towards the end of March - nearly a 5 month update gap on a mid-range phone still less than a year old. Personally I think that is an absolute joke and I’m now considering selling it and either going back to an older phone with LineageOS or buying a Samsung flip since I know that will actually receive updates.

Ilandar ,

It’s also just cheaper to use an SD card for some of that stuff rather than paying for more internal storage on the device itself.

Ilandar ,

4 years of security on a mid-range phone is okay, Bare minimum but it wouldn’t put me off buying one.

Ilandar ,

How do people struggle with notifications? This is even weirder than the ad-blocking thing, because at least you are required to find and install a third party app to solve that. Every app ever has notification settings built-in. Just take 20 seconds out of your day to setup the app correctly when you first install it and you will likely never have to worry about it again.

Ilandar ,
Ilandar ,

were already answered

It sounds like you still don’t understand what a rhetorical question is.

Ilandar ,

it’s not what you retrospectively call a question when you get called out on your laziness.

Didn’t happen.

Nor is it rhetorical when you ask a question and then spend several lines going on about it, and making it clear that you really did want to talk about an answer.

Also didn’t happen.

Ilandar ,

Why are you asking me? I’m not the one accusing others of “nOt rEaDiNg dA tHrEaD bEfOrE u AsKeD a qUeStOn”. My top level reply was on-topic. No one has actually provided an on-topic reply to it yet.

Ilandar ,

because you are the one who started it.


My top level comment was on-topic. No reply to me has been on-topic. No one has actually challenged me on any of the relevant detail of what I said. Are you guys just mad because I don’t suffer from the same problems as you? Is that what is going on here?

Ilandar ,

You can poorly circle (do you need to see a doctor…?) as many of my comments as you like, it won’t change what I actually said.

Ilandar ,

If anyone is a troll here, it is you. Dropped into the thread, ignored the topic and every reply and instead went straight to the one that triggered you to begin a completely off-topic argument before rage-quitting when you encountered push-back

You’ve contributed absolutely nothing of value to the thread and can’t even spell “delusional” correctly. Pathetic effort.

Ilandar ,

Everyone pretends they’re an ethical consumer until you put up the tiniest hurdle lol

Ilandar ,

My personal philosophy is to not buy tech products designed and/or owned by Chinese companies. It is very difficult to avoid buying products manufactured in China, but very easy to avoid buying from Chinese companies. All you need to do is pay a bit extra. The problem I have with supporting Chinese tech companies is that they are all essentially owned by the CCP and any technological advances they make can and do directly contribute to the ongoing suppression of the freedom and human rights of minorities in the country. Personally I think it is worth spending a bit more on a non-Chinese product to avoid directly contributing to that problem.

Ilandar ,

Paying more for a product that better aligns with your interests, ethics or ideology.isn’t a strange concept.

Ilandar ,

It’s not an all or nothing situation. Like choosing to buy cheap clothing doesn’t mean you can’t practice ethical consumerism elsewhere. There is no contradiction there. Life is all about determining what values are important to you and attempting to uphold them to the best of your ability.

Ilandar ,

I think these pricier manufacturers are also waking up to the fact that “upgrading” to a newer model every 1 - 3 years is no longer financially viable for a lot of their customers. They’ve started incorporating new revenue streams (subscriptions for additional features and services) while extending software support to ensure people remain loyal to the product or brand. This is also part of the reason why there are fewer aesthetic design differences from generation-to-generation at the moment, since the reason many of those changes are made is to manipulate people into feeling like their phone is “old” and “outdated” to the extent that they buy the newest model instead.

Ilandar ,

Keep huffing that copium. Everyone knows piracy is at best a morally grey area in our modern capitalist society. Some of us accept that and pirate anyway, others need to hide behind word definitions because they can’t live with the idea that they’re not the good guy.

Ilandar ,

Your entire counter-argument is based on a strawman. I never said piracy was stealing. I said piracy is, at best, morally grey.

If you live in a society in which people make a living either directly, or indirectly, through the creation and sale of goods and services and you willingly choose to avoid paying for access to these goods and services whilst still using them as if you had paid for access to them, you are operating in, at best, a moral grey area. This societal system relies on people paying for access to goods and services to either directly or indirectly support the lives of others. When people choose to circumvent payment, others suffer financially and that impacts their quality of life. Whether that’s a direct loss of a sale for an independent musician, or a staffer who loses their journalism job at a media company that operates on a subscription model everyone just bypasses, piracy does hurt people. Pretending it doesn’t, or that it’s all okay because of some “REEEEEEEEE CAPITALISM” whataboutism is juvenile.

I pirate a lot of stuff but I do so with the understanding that it is a selfish act that benefits me at the expense of others living within this society. I do not celebrate it, nor do I pretend I am the good guy fighting against the bad guys in some war of freedom. You can live in mental gymnastics land if you want, just don’t be surprised when other people point out how delusional you are.

Ilandar ,

Your argument basically ends with “BuT WE’rE PaYinG You In ExPOSure!!!” which is always shit.

In some cases it may actually be correct, which is why some musicians have chosen to release their content for free or on pirate sites simultaneously. But the difference is that it’s their choice, informed by their understanding of their finances, their career and where they want to go. We don’t get to sit here and make that judgement for them.

Ilandar ,

And there it is. The “REEEEEEEEE CAPITALISM” whataboutism, as predicted. Congratulations on instantly living up to the stereotype of the “ethical piracy” activist lol

Ilandar ,

What else is there to respond to? You started off by once again trying to frame my original comment as debating the definition of “stealing”, even though I have never once done that. Then you went into the stereotypical rant of “CORPOS BAD CAPITALISM BAD” and tried to frame yourself as a reluctant hero who pirates for the greater good. You literally proved my point that piracy directly and indirectly hurts people when you said that “innocent people get caught in the crossfire” but then tried to hand wave the moral implications of this away. And then you finished off with yet another moronic analogy, this time about…fast food (???). It was so nonsensical that I can’t even begin to guess the point you were trying to make. You seem to be trying and failing miserably to catch me in some moral hypocrisy gotcha, which is bizarre considering you are the one claiming that piracy is morally good and ethical.

Ilandar ,

Burning CDs is still piracy. Before that we had recorded tapes - piracy.

Ilandar ,


Ilandar ,

This has tl;dr school shooter manifesto vibes lol

andrew , to android avatar

Google Pixel 9 design revealed through 5K renders


Ilandar ,

It’s so sad how derivative phone designs are becoming. This looks even more like an iPhone than the redesigned Galaxy S series. The only market with any originality is the folding/flip one and that’s only because Apple have entered it yet.

Ilandar ,

It’s not over, though. Many mid-range and low-end phones are still being released with headphone jacks. Clearly there is a) still a market to sell this feature to and b) still a way of incorporating a headphone jack into the design of a modern smartphone. We can theorise and speculate over whether this market had crossover with the one that bought high-end phones (before the manufacturers forcibly split them into separate groups by only offering the headphone jack on their cheaper models) or whether a mid-range or low-end phone has the same design limitations as a high-end phone, but I think it’s perfectly valid to continue to question why the headphone jack disappeared on more expensive phones. I don’t think consumers have received an honest or acceptable explanation yet from manufacturers, and for as long as that is the case there will be people who feel like they’ve been fucked over by yet another “courageous” example of planned/forced obsolescence.

Ilandar ,

That’s half of the question. The other half is whether wired earphones would have died out as quickly as they have appeared to if phone manufacturers had not removed the headphone jack whilst simultaneously pushing their own brand of TWS earphones, often in a bundle with the new phone. Prior to TWS you didn’t see that many Bluetooth earphones. A lot of people still got around with the famous wired iPhone ones, for example.

Ilandar ,

You’re right to be sceptical, considering Musk’s other company - Tesla - faked self-driving footage on his direction. The videos were just straight up edited to generate hype while in reality the product was still failing during internal testing.

Ilandar ,

This is your scheduled reminder that Musk’s companies have a history of faking test footage and results on his direction.

Ilandar ,
Ilandar ,

What makes them a “troll”? Their comment was exactly the same as yours - subjective opinion based on their claimed experiences living there. Neither of you provided any factual evidence. You sound like someone who wants to live in a bubble where anyone who disagrees with their world view is a “troll” and instantly blocked. Ironically, quite a similar outlook to the Chinese government you so despise.

Ilandar ,

No…? Do you not understand the meaning of “open source” and “independently audited by third parties”? Or maybe you just didn’t actually click through to the link I shared (what a surprise).

Ilandar ,

Okay but I’d rather hear this from someone who is actually using a 5+ year old phone, not a guy who has a 1 year old work phone that he “plans” to keep for an undefined amount of time. Everyone says this and then they break it and decide the cost of a repair isn’t worth it, or just cave to the first trade in deal they receive in their inbox. There is a lot of virtue signalling about e-waste and the environment from these tech reviewers and influencers on YouTube but very few of them actually follow their own guidelines.

Ilandar ,

Which phones are you buying that have batteries that cost hundreds of dollars? Every battery replacement I’ve ever done cost waaaaaay less than the cost of a replacement phone.

Ilandar ,

What’s more, I look out at what they’re advertising on phones now and I’m like “don’t need that. Actively don’t want that. Want to not have that. Okay the anti-glare coating would be nice. Don’t need AI. Don’t need titanium. I don’t game on my phone…”

Yeah I know what you mean. Somewhere in that 2017/18/19 period phones suddenly began losing a lot of what I would consider important features like the option for a truly small size, headphone jacks, SD card slots and 16:9, uninterrupted displays and I don’t feel like any of the improvements since have justified that. I think the only thing that may force me to switch permanently to a newer device is if the 3G shutdown in Australia renders my older phones unusable. At the moment I’m using an XZ1 Compact and it’s still enjoyable to use because it nails so many of those features that I just can’t get in a newer device. I bought a secondhand razr 2023 at the start of the year but found I just preferred using older phones.

Ilandar ,

The S10e does have good custom ROM support so perhaps that’s how they’re getting Android updates.

Ilandar ,

Yeah people keep posting these articles and celebrating as if it’s not still a very relevant social media platform. I am concerned it will take so long to “die” that there might actually be time for a revival.

Ilandar ,

I feel like relying on custom ROM support is such a gamble with current Xperia devices. They’re so niche and so expensive that there just isn’t the level of community interest required to guarantee that you’ll get support later in its life.

Ilandar ,

It’s not a reason to do everything on that one platform, especially when better alternatives exist.

You replied with some retarded anecdote about how SoundCloud is not applicable because you speak two languages. No one asked, no one cares.

The point I was making was that, like with YouTube, some music can only be found on SoundCloud but thaf this is not a reason to only ever use that platform to download music. Better alternatives exist; there is no reason to spend 100% of your time using an inferior method just because it is compulsory 5% of the time.

Ilandar ,

Yes, and they discounted the entire thing a day later after further leaks suggested the 5 VI actually was in development. Smartphone “news” is really bad, so much of it is based on unsubstantiated rumours and leaks that turn out to be wrong.

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