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Who reads this anyway? Nobody, that’s who. I could write just about anything here, and it wouldn’t make a difference. As a matter of fact, I’m kinda curious to find out how much text can you dump in here. If you’re like really verbose, you could go on and on about any pointless…[no more than this]

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Hamartiogonic , avatar

Trying to take a photo that looks AI generated is an art form.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Only by causing an integer overflow of the dysfunctionality index.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Just like a bug could be considered an “undocumented feature”.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Just one more round of funding and then…

That’s the Reddit strategy of platform development.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Imagine what happens one morning when you’re having your morning coffee while walking to the big screen. You suddenly slip, and the coffee mug hits the display, decorating it with a spider web of cracks and a splatter of coffee. I hope you can make it to the next space station using nothing but voice commands.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Just before arriving to the orbit of Callisto, Google Landing AI got discontinued. Fortunately, Google Thruster is still operational, so we’ll just have to use the manual override to land safely. Let’s hope Google doesn’t kill that project any time soon.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I thought L3 was neat and L4 was cool, but L5 is just next level.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

With other browsers, you need to update them from time to time. Chrome one has all the updates already built in from day one, so you never need to update it. Isn’t that great. The devs at Google are so good that they decided to do all the updates at once so they never need to worry about updates ever again.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I also recall seeing lots of installers that were infected with chrome. I guess that’s how it spread to so many computers.

Roku TV bricked until agreeing to new terms of service

See title - very frustrating. There is no way to continue to use the TV without agreeing to the terms. I couldn’t use different inputs, or even go to settings from the home screen and disconnect from the internet to disable their services. If I don’t agree to their terms, then I don’t get access to their new products. That...

Hamartiogonic , avatar

None of this is cutting edge technology, so my setup isn’t for tech enthusiasts. I have an old 1080p TV and an HTPC. The computer has fairly silent parts to begin with, and I’ve further tweaked it to be even more silent. It’s also running Fedora, and Gnome seems to be surprisingly good for this purpose. A Logitech keyboard/touchpad serves as my remote.

This way, I can watch YouTube on my TV with ublock origin and spinsor block enabled.

AI-generated content and other unfavorable practices have put longtime staple CNET on Wikipedia's blacklisted sources (

In the wave of AI controversies and lawsuits, CNET has been publicly admonished since it first started posting thinly-veiled AI-generated content on its site in late 2022— a scandal that has culminated in the site being demoted from Trusted to Untrusted Sources on Wikipedia....

Hamartiogonic , avatar

In recent months, 404media has been popular among lemmings. I think those articles were ok. Maybe they could fill the void left by cnet.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Norways it’s mostly a software company. IBM people keep talking about cloud, AI and all that stuff.

"A dream. It's perfect": Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America (

“A dream. It’s perfect”: Helium discovery in northern Minnesota may be biggest ever in North America::For a century, the U.S. Government-owned the largest helium reserve in the country, but the biggest exporters now are in Russia, Qatar and Tanzania. With this new discovery, Minnesota could be joining that list.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Sounds like superconductor research could end up fixing that problem. Once we have a suitable conductor material, you no longer need to keep it that cool.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Three are lots of old games and new indie games that should be fine as long as you’re not trying to run them on a pi zero. Low specs don’t mean you can’t play any games at all.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Come to think of it, nowadays you can still buy certain things in bulk, but a packaged option exists too. You could carefully choose and weigh the individual potatoes you like, or you could just pick up a bag that was prepared earlier in some potato factory. The same things applies to many fruits and vegetables too.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Maybe it’s time to move away from fact based discussion and more towards stupid puns and satire.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

This is the way.

Given that there have been signs of the ML industry running out of quality data, there’s a good chance that development will begin to show down. Nowadays, the data is nearly always contaminated with AI generated trash, which means you shouldn’t use it to train a new model. Eventually, we’ll hit a point where it’s nearly impossible to improve the model because you just can’t find the right kind of data for it.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

This has the way. A god strategy to minimize the probability of an accident is to never move at all. Someone else might still hit you though, but that’s their fault.

X is becoming a 'ghost town' of bots as AI-generated spam content floods the internet — A sign of the scale is the thriving industry in bot-making (

X is becoming a ‘ghost town’ of bots as AI-generated spam content floods the internet — A sign of the scale is the thriving industry in bot-making::The internet is filling up with machine-generated “zombie content” designed to game algorithms and scam humans. Experts call it the “great AI flood”.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Maybe he will end up saving the internet by shoving that ship full of bots and then letting it sink.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I haven’t looked at the bottom of my car in a while, but judging by the amount of dust, mud and ice I see everywhere else, the bottom probably isn’t very clean. During January the ice coating got so thick that I had trouble opening the back doors. Makes me wonder how the charging port would handle that.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

It’s common knowledge that xitter is full of bots. Be careful out there.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Search for a USB flash drive to find some really sketchy scam attempts. Looks like you’re getting a gazillion gigabytes for a few dollars, but in reality you’ll get a lesson in what e-waste means. Scroll down to find the realistic products with realistic prices.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

If you keep in flying in the right direction, it could take more that 24 hours until you finally catch 5pm.

Hamartiogonic , (edited ) avatar

This is absolutely brilliant! Bing refused to write a rap song, but a ballad following AABA pattern seems totally fine though.

We dig the earth for yellowcake We crush and grind and leach and bake We send it to the enrichment plant Where centrifuges make it dance

We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We make the fuel for the reactors

We separate the isotopes We want the U-235 the most We discard the U-238 We pack the enriched stuff in crates

We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We make the fuel for the reactors

We ship the crates to the factory Where they turn them into pellets tiny They stack them in metal tubes They seal them tight with no leaks or rubs

We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We make the fuel for the reactors

We load the rods into the core Where they start a chain reaction for sure They heat the water into steam They spin the turbines and make us beam

We are the uranium miners We work with radioactive shiners We are the uranium miners We power the world with our splitters

None of that is really secret or sensitive, because you could just read wikipedia or go to the public library to learn this stuff. Funny thing is, Bing refuses to answer this question in the normal or even rap format.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Sometimes GPT says it’s using the correct values, but somehow gets the wrong answer regardless. Also the opposite happens frequently, and that’s when I realized I was pushing it too hard.

Don’t ask it to calculate the ratio between the surface areas of the Moon and Earth. Instead, ask what are the relevant radiuses are and calculate everything yourself.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

For me, that already happened.

I had planned a train trip that started to seem pretty unlikely when the relevant union started talking about a strike. I needed to check the union’s site every day to see how the negotiations were going. Doing that through RSS would have been nice, but the site didn’t support it and none of the apps I tried were able to help me either. Do I need to craft my own webscraping code and make a cron job to run it every hour?

Hamartiogonic , (edited ) avatar

In my experience, Copilot does a fairly good job when you already know what you’re doing, but can’t be bothered to write the code yourself.

For example, basic stuff like read data from that file, use dplyr, remove these columns, do these calculations, plot the result using ggplot2, label the axes this way, use those colors etc. Copilot gives you the code that does roughly what you want, but you usually need to tweak it a bit it to suit your preferences. Copilot also makes absurd mistakes, but fixing them is fairly easy. If this is the sort of stuff you’re doing, copilot can indeed boost your productivity.

However, if you don’t know how to do something a bit more exotic like principal component analysis, and you ask copilot to do the job for you, expect plenty of trouble. You may end up on a wild goose chase, using the wrong tools, doing unnecessary calculations and all sorts of crazy nonsense. When you know what you’re doing, you can ask a very specific thing. When you don’t, you may end up being too ambiguous in your prompt, which will result copilot leading you down the wrong path.

You can do it this way too, but before implementing a single line of that garbage code, you absolutely have to ask copilot a bunch of questions just to make sure you really understand what you’re doing, what the new functions do, where do you really want to go etc. You’re probably going to have to tweak the code before running it, and that’s why you need to know what you’re doing. That’s the one big area you can’t outsource to copilot just yet.

But is it still faster than reading the documentation and building your own experimental tests? If you spend an hour and get a pile of broken garbage, then certainly not. If you spend a bit more, ask plenty of questions, make sure you know what you’re doing, then maybe it is worth it.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

All the ingredients are there. All we need is a bit of competition from other platforms and Reddit can join the club with all the other dead platforms like myspace, digg and tumblr.

As mastodon is beginning to seriously compete with Xitter, maybe Lemmy can also contribute to the downfall of Reddit.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

When you start tinkering with a machine learning model of any kind, you’re probably going to find some interesting edge cases the model can’t handle correctly. Maybe there’s a specific face that has an unexpected effect on the device. What if you could find a way to cheese a discount out of it or something?

Hamartiogonic , avatar

When you use a generated face with a mixture of white and black features, that’s when it gets interesting. Maybe you can even cause an integer overflow.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

So, if you show it 100 faces from group A and 4 faces from group B, that could start gradually shifting the prices in a specific direction. If you keep going, you might be able to make it do something funny like charging 0.1 € for a Pepsi and 1000 € for a Coke or something like that. If the devs saw that coming, they might have set some limits so that the price can’s spiral totally out of control.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I firmly believe that every system has exploits. The more complex the system, the harder it can be cheesed.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Wisdom of the ancients, from the late Flash era.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I’ve tried a bunch of different ad blockers on iOS, but recently I finally settled on using NextDNS. I installed the app, made an account on the website, added a whole bunch of block lists to my settings and now it works on browsers and games alike. I suppose on of the lists also filters out those autoplay videos since it didn’t play in my case. Feels a lot like having a pi-hole no matter which network I’m using.

Should you invest in a better grinder?

If you’re not quite sure about getting into coffee, you can get started with a small budget, and you can make a nice cup of coffee that way. Probabaly not a great cup, but a cup of coffee you’ll find enjoyable at the time. Once you start experimenting with different variables and digging a bit deeper into different flavors,...

Hamartiogonic OP , avatar

There’s a good chance that someone new to coffee will end up going down the rabbit hole sooner or later, so a getting a nicer grinder probably isn’t something you would end up regretting. However, at the beginning of the journey you just can’t tell for sure. That’s why I think it’s better to keep the barrier to entry as low as possible. When someone in that position is looking at the prices, they will probably see the 2-10x price difference and wonder if they can justify it.

Hamartiogonic OP , avatar

But now that you’ve used a cheap grinder, you know exactly what you want or don’t want. Equipped with this knowledge, you’re likely to make a good investment.

Hamartiogonic OP , avatar

Can confirm. My first nice grinder (2nd gen Aergrind) was used when I got it. In addition to having a relatively low price, it also came with a regular sized AeroPress, which was nice. Before that, I was using my AeroPress Go, but now that I have the bigger one as well, I can do some interesting experiments with this duo. Also, the AP Go is so much nicer when traveling, whereas the normal one is a lot nicer when making coffee for multiple people.

Hamartiogonic OP , (edited ) avatar

I got a multi purpose scale. It won’t fit under an espresso machine, but that’s ok since I don’t have one of those (yet). However, this scale has two plates; one for light things and the other for heavier stuff. Originally it was designed for pizza connoisseurs, but obviously the small (0.1-200 g) scale works with coffee beans as well as yeast. The larger scale (1 g - 10 kg) was designed for dough, but I can put my heaviest mug and a full AeroPress on it too. Besides, it’s good to weigh food in the kitchen, which made it easier to justify this purchase.

Hamartiogonic OP , avatar

Maybe you’re into photography or something else where the same principle applies. First you’re tempted to start with the cheapest gear until you realize you’re actually playing in the hard mode. Then you finally justify spending some more and you realize how it makes things easier.

Hamartiogonic OP , avatar

I thought that was just a troll comment, but I took the risk and responded anyway. Could have turned that into a joke too, but some times a sensible comment pays off.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Maybe the goal was to weed out all the humans and let the bots in. When they start asking TCP questions written in binary, you’ll know for sure.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

But if you want to put a some text and pictures in very specific locations and never worry about them suddenly jumping into random places, Excel is actually better than Word. That’s why people tend to use Excel for all sorts of weird purposes like that. Unlike with Word, things actually stay where you put them.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

I’ve seen some of the impressive pixel artworks people have made in Excel. However, I prefer to do Excel art by writing a bunch of wild functions and drawing a stacked line chart from the resulting data. The graph itself is the artwork, while the cells behind it are just a necessary part of the process.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Ever tried to see what happens when you request “an anatomical diagram of a spider, school book style”. I mean, just start by counting the legs, and once you’ve stopped laughing you can dive into the labels. It’s going to be wild. If you’re into microbiology, try asking for a similar diagram of a prokaryotic cell for extra giggles.

Hamartiogonic , avatar

As a land of culture and sophisticated art or a land of toothless racists? Or is it both at the same time?

Hamartiogonic , avatar

Even if you don’t have one an XRF gun, you can just visit a local junkyard and ask the owner to use theirs.

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