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Asafum ,

That all makes too much sense so obviously that’s not what we’re going to get.

We’re going to get whatever makes the assholes in power the most money and whatever keeps bibi out of trouble as his legal troubles are postponed untill “major operations are over.”

Asafum ,

drinks the blood.


Asafum ,

All I’m learning from the last 10 years between musk and that orange fuck among others is that starting a cult is really the way to go…

You end up with tons of money, those that could enforce repercussions are held hostage, and you get worshipers.

Vimms Lair is getting removal notices from Nintendo etc. We need someone to help make a rom pack archive can you help? (

Vimms lair is starting to remove many roms that are being requested to be removed by Nintendo etc. soon many original roms, hacks, and translations will be lost forever. Can any of you help make archive torrents of roms from vimms lair and cdromance? They have hacks and translations that dont exist elsewhere and will probably be...

Asafum ,

This is America, the only law that is enforced is ownership by means of a monetary transaction.

“Ownership” by public nature is laughed at.

C.R.E.A.M :(

Asafum ,

Thanks for sharing that, i’ve never seen that one! Ken M is a gem lol

Asafum ,

It’s 10000x better in the blue collar world because right off the bat you’re assumed to be as useless as a person can possibly be so you either do the futile argue for a raise (which never matches what you should get) or you take a huge pay cut when finding a new job…

I’ve been stuck in the same cycle for 15 years now… Get shitty raises for 5 years, get burned out and bail, take massive pay cut, prove my worth to get back to shitty wage I left for but am now burned out again, find a new job and take another massive pay cut etc etc… adjusted for inflation I make as much now as I did 10 years ago…

These articles are always about white collar work. :(

Asafum ,

Every single time I see this type of conversation come up it’s always about the more privileged higher paying white collar work.

In my shit experience, blue collar work is “get shit raises or take massive pay cuts.” There is no “change job and also make more.” I’ve been stuck in the same cycle for 15 years now… Every time I leave a job I get knocked back to the wage I made when I first started the job I left regardless of the new position.

But that’s because only white collar workers are seen as people. Us blue collar workers are just meat machines that never deserve more than we were “bought” for and any new employee is automatically assumed to be as intelligent and skilled as a dead cockroach.

Asafum ,

My job doesn’t like to give titles so no one can determine their value, but I’m something like a supervisor/manager/QC in a factory that makes luxury products for the ultra wealthy and the military.

Asafum ,

It’s a separate part of the company. The parts are similar but not made to be luxurious and some are just completely different things that aren’t luxury at all. I wrote the initial comment without the military part added, but I edited it to add that so I guess it kinda reads a little odd now.

I don’t think there are many companies at all that do what we do so I’m being kinda vague lol

Asafum ,

Aside from a few blind idiots I think most people are seeing those things and saying "wow Biden REALLY wants to lose huh…

Asafum ,

Fucking exactly!!

If I wasn’t bald I’d have been pulling my hair out of my head when I was seeing all this “fight for fifteen” when trying to argue for a minimum wage increase.

Ok we got that now, something like 10 years later so what is $15/hr now? It’s a joke…

Asafum ,

High Court usually gave deference to the agency to handle the details

I believe this is “Chevron Deference?”

The thing Goursich (and I believe previously his mother) wants absolutely dead. :/

Asafum ,

And like everything with our incredibly stupid system it will end up being some bullshit that Congress needs to investigate itself over so they can find they “did no wrong”…

Asafum ,

They already have said that’s the plan. They want to go after Biden and his family, Obama (they can’t fucking get over that guy…) and whoever else was a part of any investigation of Republicans.

Turn on fox news and watch the fucking propagandists go from practically in tears talking about trump, to literally frothing rage ranting about how all Democrats need to be jailed…

Asafum ,
Asafum ,

Sure does sound like a bunch of participation trophy holders and snowflakes in there. You know, the exact shit they bitch about.

Aww is little Billy Rae Bob Timmy John upset that he isn’t getting enough attention? Poor poor Billy Rae Bob Timmy John, just jack that pristine Identity Accessory pickup truck up another 4’ and roll more coal, you’ll get all the attention I promise!

Asafum ,

I really don’t like living with dogs to be honest. I can love and play with your dog, but I never want to live with one.

Pro: no constant barking, no chewed up stuff, no jumping and ignoring personal space, no begging, no dead babies.

Cons: dating site profiles have shown me over the years that 99.99999999999% of women are almost literally obsessed with dogs. Or at least that percentage of women who also use dating sites… :(

Asafum ,

The training is really the biggest issue, I’d need to be completely in control of that. I’ve dated people in the past with the whole “oh but he’s too cute I can’t not do XYZ thing!” and their dog would drive me crazy.

Asafum ,

It will go down as one of Republicans most favorite rulings and also the worst ruling the scotus has made… (Insert homer and Bart meme: worst so far.)

Asafum ,

Well the one thing that would make this picture an absolutely perfect representation of America is if there was a TV in the background saying “American People, the American People want to take your money and give it to American People! American People are trying to destroy America! Only we can save America!”

Fucking propagandists are the cause of this whole picture and I fucking hate them with a passion.

Asafum ,

Oh don’t worry it’s for each 1/3 so it’s 120+ hours!

Asafum ,

The article did mention that it’s affecting those that are renting because those with the house that is now “too small” can’t sell it as the interest rates are too good to give up and the new larger house they’d want is now like 2x as expensive as it was in the past. That means that the house they have now won’t become available for someone like me who’s looking to buy a “starter home” so I, and people like me, are stuck renting forever.

Asafum ,

It’s exactly the same as all of us going “hurdur guillotine time.”

We vent about it, but no one is actually going to get violent.

Imagine though? “Global history classes 2040: America had 2 civil wars. One was over literally owning human beings and the other was over an orange man who could never have enough attention. America is a silly place that you should never go to, just laugh at from afar.”

Asafum ,

“Hmmm. Why don’t we release another operating system after promising 10 would be the last for a long time, pull the rug out from under those that bought 10 and threaten them with lack of security so we force them to upgrade, and require they buy all new hardware! It’s not like the average person is struggling with the economy, I mean I just bought another yacht so I’m sure they’re just as fine. We’ll be drowning in money!”

Asafum ,

They’re truly capitalists: no risk no reward. Except they’re really bad capitalists as in “this is all risk no reward.”

Asafum ,

5 years ago was the beginning/middle of the descent. It’s so much worse now. … plenty of fish is a streaming platform now. 🤮 🔫

I’m so unbelievably undesirable I’ve been on the apps long enough to watch the whole thing play out. Over the course of 10 years these apps have been absolutely tripping over themselves to become a shitty tinder 2.0 clone. All the offices now have “Always Enshittify” plastered on their walls as their daily affirmations since they were almost all bought by Match Group.

Okcupid wants $50 a month

Asafum ,

He even threw his shades on after and tossed bibi another $69,420,000,000 saying “that’s for the ones I missed!”

Asafum ,

“no one is the villain of their own story.”

I strongly believe that the majority of Trump supporters (maybe not the supremely rabid ones) truly believe that they’re doing the right thing based on the propaganda they’re exposed to.

I live in a rather red area of my state and while I definitely know racists and selfish assholes (this is NY so they’re everywhere) most of the Republicans i know are generally good people that are just submerged in a propaganda ecosystem. Hell one of my coworkers is absolutely a way better person than I am: volunteering and giving to charity, giving a lot of their time to others, but they’re also a die hard Republican.

If anyone checks my history I say this a thousand times: I FUCKING HATE PROPAGANDISTS they are a cancer on society…

Asafum ,

A desert full of food and it’s growing? Doesn’t sound like a problem to me!

(I understand what it really is) :P

Asafum ,

It really is absurd… It’s like basic fucking logic… You have more money, so you have more money to SPEND. Who benefits from more spending? Those that own the things we’re buying!

But no… I need more more more more and fuck you for wanting a normal life. Daddy needs another private island. Git Gud suckers, just be a CEO!

Asafum ,

We’re also in a society now where 2 people or 2+jobs are REQUIRED for a “normal life” unless you’re a tech or finance bro. People just don’t have the energy or time to cook, fast food is often “on the way home” and saves well over an hour and effort.

I’m “lucky” that I’m single, in that I can cook a weeks worth of food in one day and there’s no one to complain about “this again?” In literally every other respect being single in this society for over a decade sucks.

Asafum ,

He is and he isn’t. I’m really turned off by his blind Biden support. I like him, I believe in most of what he says, I’m firmly on the left, but when he does this blind cheerleading and using examples of what Biden did that aren’t even bidens doing it sucks to see…

Bernie is amazing though, I “knew” him before I even knew him in that any documentary I’d watch where there was some footage of Congress debating on the context of what the documentary was, he was always on the right side of the argument. He speaks truth to power and doesn’t seem to be a blind cheerleader.

Asafum ,

Thanks for sharing that, im glad to see he’s not completely defending them at all costs no matter what the topic is.

Asafum ,

That’s literally it. They’ll whine and cry until they realize Trump won’t face any consequences whatsoever and then they’ll go back to laughing and “enjoying lib tears” with the hexbears.

Two more US officials resign over Biden administration’s position on Gaza war (

Alexander Smith, a contractor for the US Agency for International Development (USAID), said he was given a choice between resignation and dismissal after preparing a presentation on maternal and child mortality among Palestinians, which was cancelled at the last minute by USAID leadership last week....

Asafum ,

All we ever do is get slapped in the face.

Politicians and PAC members need to be fucking slapped continuously for the next century. Instead they’ll get wealthier and wealthier as is tradition…

Asafum ,

Too bad it will literally never happen as we’re all waiting for that one person to whip out the guillotine who will never come as they’re in the crowd waiting for that person too…


Asafum ,

I really like this idea! If enough people did it the media would absolutely pick up on it and amplify it.

Of course that does put people in red states in danger as they’re announcing to everyone who can see them who they’re voting for. :(

New Louisiana law will criminalize approaching police under certain circumstances (

Critics of a new Louisiana law, which makes it a crime to approach within 25 feet (7.6 meters) of a police officer under certain circumstances, fear that the measure could hinder the public’s ability to film officers — a tool that has increasingly been used to hold police accountable....

Asafum ,

My friends sister lives in an area where you’re never more than a minute away from a cop sitting somewhere looking to collect taxes give a ticket. She literally watched someone pull out of her driveway in her car and immediately called the cops. The car couldn’t have been more than 1 block away and they said “sorry can’t help you, call your insurance.”

I drove to target and saw 6 cop cars and probably a dozen cops all holding on or standing near a guy with a bag who stole something…

They’re fucking useless pet executioners, tax collectors, and defenders of obscene wealth.

Asafum ,

Lol I appreciate your rightful defense of taxes and the IRS. I was just “joking” about how cops aren’t here to help or protect us, they are here to extract more money from us and to protect the wealthy. The IRS is it’s own thing and definitely needed.


Asafum ,

What the actual fuck!?

Woke, when boiled down to its very basic premise is: giving a shit about other people in society.

They’re against that so much so that they make websites like this to avoid giving money to corporations that pretend to value other people’s existence?

God I hate propagandists so fucking much…

Asafum ,

My coworker wears a “cancel cancel culture” shirt… Ughh…

Asafum ,

“DDOS business”

“So what do you do for a living?”

“Oh I’m just a massive piece of shit, I own a business that ruins things for people.”

Asafum ,

This is not the timeline where we get to have nice things. This is the timeline where meta and xitter exist, billionaires rule, and teeth are just viewed as luxury bones.

Asafum ,

It’s almost like if the most profit comes from building giant expensive houses then all you’re going to get is people building gigantic expensive houses and no “starter” homes…

Asafum ,

Then who should we vote for? Someone is going to be president and literally the only choices are Dictator Trump and Status Quo Biden…

Asafum ,

It’s a shame that there are people in this world so selfish that it’s literally inconceivable that others would willingly accept some economic pain in order to ensure people can be saved from almost certain death…

If we can figure out how to land a goddamn satellite on an asteroid and then have it return, if we can design and land a freaking bus sized rover on another planet using a freaking sky crane, then I think we can handle figuring out how to properly incorporate immigrants into our economy if we’d only listen to actually intelligent experts…

But no, let’s listen to angry shitty business running orange man and his contemporaries around the world… He said mean things about the people that make me mad so he’s my man!

Asafum ,

I don’t exactly subscribe to the conspiracy but I can understand it as it’s related to “planned obsolescence.” Companies don’t want to sell you a quality product that will last “forever” they want to sell you something that’s just good enough to work for a bit, but will absolutely break or be replaced very soon so you become a repeat customer as opposed to a one time customer.

The same logic applies here with the medication, why would they sell something once even if there were new future customers, if they could instead have everyone on a “subscription” of sorts?

The conspiracy exists because we see it play out in every other facet of our society/economy. Everything is becoming a subscription, you don’t own anything, every product a corporation makes is almost complete garbage, etc… I’m not sure I believe it 100% but I wouldn’t in the slightest bit be surprised to find out that actually was the case.

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