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Asafum ,

I know what I like so I’m going with that and I try my best to learn what my partner likes. It’s definitely not ever the spiderman, upside down bullshit with my foot on her head or whatever absolutely bat-shit crazy stuff they do as if it were normal lol

Asafum ,

Especially on camera… I’m just a blue collar schmuck, I’ll never know what it’s like to work from home, but I can’t imagine people are stuffing their faces during zoom calls lol

Asafum ,

Because cats love genocide, have you heard of the bird problem?!

Obviously all cats are Nazis.


Maybe later... how about never, you fucks?

It is endlessly frustrating that companies have universally decided that they won’t let people say “no” to stuff, ever. There are no longer options to reject stupid-ass new “features”, only postponement until next time you open the app/website/program. They’ll continue pestering you for the rest of your life. I...

Asafum ,

I believe it’s a human thing. I’ve heard the term “hedonistic treadmill” where what you once wanted becomes “meaningless” once you have it and now you’re looking to the next thing to obtain.

The ultra wealthy wanted money, but now they “won” capitalism and need more because it literally is never enough. This goes for you and me too though, if we became billionaires we’d be looking for “what’s next?”

Asafum ,

It think it became “mandatory” when we removed pensions from the equation and tied “everyones” retirement savings to The Market™©® so we need companies to be considerate of their stock price as it’s often our retirement that depends on it.

Nothing like a loaded gun put to our future foreheads to make us go along with some more bullshit…

Asafum ,

American work culture: “We can’t make you slaves since we actually have to pay you, but could you at least work every waking moment and accept being looked down on if you don’t?”

Asafum ,

Just came to the comments to say the same lol I love that aside from it being a checker piece, he’s somehow already down to just one even though smith only moved one pawn one space lol

Asafum ,

There’s a part of me that believes he only ran again because, aside from his ego, he believed it would make him immune to indictments.

Unfortunately Mango Mussolini could even be arrested and still win the presidency from prison… (Although it is a good thing the rules exist in that way)

Asafum ,

Constitutional crisis. Decent band name, horrible time to live through.

Asafum ,

A company that survives long enough eventually gets turned to the dark $ide. Greedy asshats will always ruin a good thing for their own benefit

AP Psychology effectively banned in Florida because of gender, sexuality chapter (

Florida superintendents have been advised by the state’s education agency to nix their Advanced Placement Psychology classes unless they exclude any topics related to gender or sexuality, according to a press release from The College Board....

Asafum ,

I seriously doubt it. If we’re good at anything it’s coming to social media to bitch and then do absofuckinglutley nothing about it until people start dying. When it’s too late is usually when we riot. :/

Asafum ,

I wrote a whole comment about Connecticut and steamed burgers before realizing this was a Simpsons reference lol

What is a good hobby for a depressed person?

So i still have depression and im constantly bored, i feel like a loser who cant do anything right. I want to let my creativeness out, make something i can share with the world or family, but im probably dreaming too big. I cant stand being depressed and bored, it stinks, everyone tells me to work out but i lack the motivation...

Asafum ,

Ughhh… This is one thing that’s contributing to my depression… Old “fixer-uppers” that are like a glorified shed in a flood zone, in the worst neighborhoods are going for $300k+… So I’m stuck living in a garage paying someone else’s mortgage in rent prices.

Asafum ,

Damnit Bobby what did I tell you about foosball!

Asafum ,

I don’t see pizza party or ping pong table on that list so you’re obviously not a professional.

A real professional knows employees want pizza parties instead of higher pay and they want more responsibilities with the same pay!


Asafum ,

Lmfao what the actual fuck?

I didn’t watch the movie, nor do I know anything about the premise, so seeing that comment and thinking about Barbie the toy is absolutely hilarious…

Asafum ,

You should be offensive, we deserve it.

We picked an absolute trash human as our leader, a sizeable portion of which chose him specifically because they wanted him to hurt people (see: “he’s not hurting the right people” woman.) That same group will often cite their desired outcome for any given thing is “to see liberals cry/get mad.”

Hillary Clinton made a mistake by saying it out loud, but she was 100% correct when she said a large portion of Trump supporters are “a basket of deplorables.” They absolutely are and are deserving of scorn.

I just hate how well propaganda works and how much money a random grifting asshole can make by parroting bullshit on YouTube, they boost each other and perpetuate this garbage era we’re going through…

Asafum ,

I think what will protect him is when this goes to the supreme court. However they manage to get it there, we’ll be at the mercy of the morally corrupt judges there. Whether they decide to pull some 6th century deer shit farming traditions out of their ass to justify their decision or not is what will determine the outcome.

Asafum ,

As another user pointed out to me yesterday, a lot of these people are brought into right wing politics by some tangentially related content. “How anime went woke!” “Does watching Dragonball make you a liberal?” “The left is attacking anime!”

You like anime and watch those videos, get mad about your favorite character being a woman now or black instead of white, whatever. That leads you down the ShitTube rabbit hole that is designed to direct you to anger inducing material that is related to what you watched, so now you’ve gone from “why is Naruto becoming BLM propaganda” to “the left is literally the antichrist and wants to kill the entire world and make you gay only Trump can save us.”

Asafum ,

That’s exactly what they would do.

“Ok KAMALA are you really going to say that learning a new skill isn’t beneficial? Are you going to lie to the Great Patriots™©® of America and say that being given housing and food in exchange for labor is no beneficial? Are you actually saying that being exposed to our Great Christian Culture™©® is not beneficial!? Well now the True Patriots™©® can see you for what you are, a liar!”

Every mouth breather, slobbenly, Trump sucker would be sent to the ICU for a heart attack caused by sheer bliss from the massive “win” they just had…

It’s so gross…

An Asian MIT student asked AI to turn an image of her into a professional headshot. It made her white with lighter skin and blue eyes. (

An Asian MIT student asked AI to turn an image of her into a professional headshot. It made her white with lighter skin and blue eyes.::Rona Wang, a 24-year-old MIT student, was experimenting with the AI image creator Playground AI to create a professional LinkedIn photo.

Asafum ,

Honestly it’s just not being used correctly. I actually believe this is just user error.

These AI image creators rely on the base models they were trained with and more than likely were fed wayyyyy more images of Caucasians than anyone else. You can add weights to what you would rather see in your prompts, so while I’m not experienced with the exact program she used, the basics should be the same.

You usually have 2 sections, the main prompt (positive additions) and a secondary prompt for negatives, things you don’t want to see. An example prompt could be “perfect headshot for linked in using supplied image, ((Asian:1.2))” Negative: ((Caucasian)), blue eyes, blonde, bad eyes, bad face, etc…

If she didn’t have a secondary prompt for negatives I could see this being a bit more difficult, but still there are way better systems to use then. If she didn’t like the results from the one she used instead of jumping to “AI racism!” she could have looked up what other systems exist. Hell, with the model I use with Automatic1111 I have to put Asian in my negatives because it defaults to that often.

Edit: figures I wrote all this then scrolled down and noticed all the comments saying the same thing lol at least we’re on the same page

Asafum ,

“Housing shouldn’t be a money making scheme for those who already have money.”

Found the communist! What even is life for if I can’t exploit literally everything around me to make even more money that I definitely don’t need because I already own a ton of shit!?

It’s what God™ intended! It’s literally in the Bible, Posteriorface 24:7 says “The Lord looked down on creation and spoke to man these words: Hey fuck-o, theres a plot of land left you didn’t buy or take from the natives. I’m sending your neighbors to stone you to death now. Get thy shit together, Dolla dolla bills y’all.”

It’s like no one reads the Bible anymore…

Asafum ,

Yes, but a useful “evil” thing will continue to exist because it is useful. The majority of people value something useful/convenient WAY more than they care about morals. won’t last because it’s simply awful, but Meta/Amazon just won’t seem to die no matter how many people hate it and choose to leave because it is useful.

X, the social media platform formerly known as Twitter, has threatened to sue a group of independent researchers whose research documented an increase in hate speech on the site since it was purchased (

Twitter is threatening legal action against the Center for Countering Digital Hate, a nonprofit that researches hate speech and content moderation on social media platforms....

Asafum ,

It’s our fault honestly. We kept hearing “free speech” but he’s been saying “fee speech” this whole time!

Asafum ,

I work in an open air factory on Long island. It’s gets over 90°F inside and whatever humidity it is outside is what we have here.

I’ve looked into the laws for factories in NY and the legislation is purposely vague… “all factories are to maintain proper humidity and temperature.” They then never define what proper temp and humidity is… My representatives don’t respond when asked about it.

I’m so happy it’s nice this week so far, last week was brutal…

Asafum ,

It’s much less nefarious than that for most places.

Air conditioning (heating and cooling) is another expense they’d rather not have. Business will never offer to pay more than they have to, it’s antithetical to their existence. It’s what’s happening at my job right now.

Not defending it at all, see my other comment in here explaining how I suffer from it too, just helping explain at least one reason why businesses choose to not care.

Asafum ,

As an American it’s insanely depressing and frustrating to not be able to fight the propaganda that convinces our population that more money to Raytheon is somehow a patriotic thing and that we need to bomb everyone…

Just know there is a rather large population that never wanted it to be this way, but we’re never enough when it’s people vs monied interests.

I blame mainstream media propaganda as much as Bush, Cheney, and Rumsfield :(

Asafum ,

Unfortunately these things are usually targeted, they know the demographics of the areas they choose to implement voter suppression tactics like what they did in Texas.

In other places too they can have 2 rules that seem innocent enough, but combined you see where it’s going. Rule 1: no more than x number of ballot collection areas (some number too small to handle local capacity of ballots) Rule 2: ballots not counted by some time are illegitimate and/or allow the state government to step in and declare an “irregularity” which then plays off of New Law™ that states the state government gets to decide what happens to elections when an “irregularity” is discovered. These again are only implemented in places that have high Democrat enrollment or are majority black/POC neighborhoods.

They know what they’re doing :(

Asafum ,

This is literally what that douchenozzle did on stage a few years ago. I’m forgetting who it was but he said “the only good Democrat is a dead one” and then immediately had to backpedal saying “I mean politically dead, you know they’ll take that out of context.”

Sorry fucko but the audience cheered like crazy to your bullshit BEFORE you backpedaled.

Asafum ,

Here in L.I it definitely is not done fairly. 9/10 times the cameras are only in low income neighborhoods… It’s disgusting.

Asafum ,

That’s pretty much it. My retirement plan is the same as my emergency medical procedure plan: die.

Asafum ,

Tell that to the largest voting group that actually votes. 65+ old people aren’t voting for anyone other than the oldest we have to offer and the actual larger voting group that unfortunately doesn’t vote as much would rather surf IG and TikTok than give two shits about any election.

Asafum ,

This is exactly my problem as well… We wanted to try a 4 day work week at my factory but they said no because we need to ship things 5 days a week… Except for the fact that we almost never ship more than 1 or 2 things in any given day and they are rarely things that need to go asap… One day wouldn’t kill them but they’re stuck in the past.

Asafum ,

That and every media outlet went nuts with breakdowns of what the facilities could be, what bunker busters could achieve, what kinds of weapons and how fast they could be made, all so we could invade a country we had no business invading (Well, Haliburton and Raytheon had business), kill tons of innocents, and bomb a baby formula factory…

Mission accomplished!

Asafum ,

I did this to trick a friend that was all about alien UFOs, I only feel like a little bit of a jerk for it lol

I went for a walk on a clear day when you could see the moon and just used my camera to film the moon as I wiggled my hands around so it looked like the moon was just a white object darting around lol

Brands that don't buy enough Twitter ads will lose verification (

Starting August 7th, advertisers that haven’t reached certain spending thresholds will lose their official brand account verification. According to emails obtained by the WSJ, brands need to have spent at least $1,000 on ads within the prior 30 days or $6,000 in the previous 180 days to retain the gold checkmark identifying...

Asafum ,

Musking: being a billionaire and therefore believing everything you do is genius while simultaneously ruining everything you touch. Buying your way into brands and calling yourself the founder.

Occasionally someone “Musking” might also call people they don’t like a pedophile.

Asafum ,

It’s a shame that no matter the amount of outrage, no matter what the pitfalls of this change may be, it’s going to happen no matter what because money.

Asafum ,

From what I read in the related links they only claim to have applied pressure, they didn’t cave because of that pressure though. Again it seemed to be about money.

“The only saving grace was Vista’s very painful and long development period where Palladium was eventually killed so Vista could actually ship.”

Asafum ,

I bailed on them for now and made an account on a much smaller instance so everything loads again. Thankfully with federation you can still see all the same content, you just need to set up subscriptions again on the new account if you choose to go that route.

Asafum ,

I literally pay $100 more to live in a much shittier garage than this…

Rent is getting absolutely disgusting. I was JUST getting a promotion that would allow me to afford a house and then COVID fucked literally everything… The WFH movement started in full swing and bye bye affordable housing… Now I’m permanently locked out of the housing market as a blue collar piece of shit.

Asafum ,

It’s so gross that we literally need 2 incomes, sometimes more just to afford a place to sleep… I’m perpetually single so I need to do it all solo. Good luck I hope you guys find something soon!

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