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ArmoredThirteen ,

Okay bear with me as I go on an unhinged rant about a game I’ve wanted for years but is very unlikely to happen. For this we need to go into the deep Elder Scrolls lore, which I am going to butcher mostly because my version is amusing to me and all ideas are canon.

Imagine a magic steampunk world completely alien from our own, none of this Skyrim nonsense but truly alien. A time traveling thousand foot tall Magical Murder Mech decides ‘yolo I’m destroy the planet’, and almost does too, until Some Demigod shows up in their own time traveling magical murder mech (this one isn’t nearly as impressive though). They go fisticuffs with each other, a bunch of the planet is destroyed. Some normal people with hopes and dreams or whatever are like ‘this blows’ so they build a magical space ship. Not like a magical space rocket; I mean like a Sailboat on Steroids. They decide to fuck off to the moon because where else would you go. Anyway Some Demigod gets mangled by the other, better Magical Murder Mech who then follows the normal people with hopes and dreams or whatever to the moon, because that’s the most obvious choice for them to escape to because where else would you go. They show up ready to fuck up the moon colony when Complete Rando walks up and back-sasses the time traveling Magical Murder Mech to death. He then wanders up to Guy In Charge and is like ‘hey I want to fuck your daughter’, but surprise! The daughter is actually an intersex pansexual enby, oh and also they’re a god. So Complete Rando takes one look at that Gorgeous Deity (who is also maybe a lot a bit fascist but that’s a different story) and is like hell yeah, with our libidos combined we can repopulate the planet together.

Now that we’ve got that out of the way, I want a game that takes place from the perspectives of multiple normal people with hopes and dreams or whatever. Different characters follow different sections of the story. So the first character you might be learning about the Magical Murder Mech that’s running loose on the planet. You’re trying to prepare, you catch glimpses of the thing while fleeing your home. Another character could be someone who is in the Sailboat on Steroids and trying to get by on limited supplies while looking for people you were separated from in the chaos. However many characters there ends up being though, it would be crucial that the last scene in this game is watching Complete Rando suck face with Gorgeous Deity because I also want a game that tilts phobes.

ArmoredThirteen ,

A lot of team games can have something like this. I’m throwing my pitch in for Deep Rock Galactic because it is one I know well. I’m a decently good player at this point and I still have a blast joining games with greenbeards. I get the challenge of carrying and teaching the younglings and they get to see the kind of magnificent bears they’ll have one day. There is decent variety in how you can approach the game with different classes and the roles people pick for different challenges. As for two different genre of game where you’re playing together, I’m not sure. I think that Age of Empires 2 could do something kinda like this. You can assign multiple people to the same faction and everyone has control of everything in that team. It is a bit clunky but you can do i teresring things like one person is tasked with infrastructure, another with combat.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I’ve been saying this for years, game is like the perfect concept for VR. I think Microsoft would own the IP yeah they bought Lionhead?

ArmoredThirteen ,

Elite Dangerous has some of those elements, not quite what you’re describing rhough

ArmoredThirteen ,

Shit really? I somehow completely missed this one when did this happen?

ArmoredThirteen ,

I swear every time my spouse tries to use wd40 I have a stroke. We have several kinds of specific lubes for different situations ffs, all in the same easy to access bin, stop trying to use wd40 as a catch all super lube that’s not how it works.

People don’t send letters much anymore but please don’t lick the envelopes. Just dip a finger in water. Just as easy, less germy, and doesn’t cause a lingering chemical taste.

Nobody seems to understand how to use dental dams. Look it up, stay safe people.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I’ve been doing this for a long time now too. So much better than anything else I’ve tried and you’d have to do something incredibly fucky to injure yourself.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I guess I could see them being tasty if you’ve got the palette of an 80 year old smoker who grew up eating poverty suspended in aspic.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Mechanical stuff you’re looking at grease, oil, penetrating, or dry. I found this with a quick search for more info. Personally I’ve found white lithium grease to be the best general purpose one for my needs (squeaky hinges, drawer wheels) but it can be pretty messy if used in the wrong spots. For most fast moving things with fine parts (like a bike chain) I really like wax lubes but they can get gummy sometimes so silicone works well too.

For sex I prefer water based because it is easier on toys and doesn’t make me fear for my life when trying to wash off in the shower after. It isn’t usually as long lasting as silicone based but it can be ‘revived’ with some water or other fluids. Anal I prefer oil based (shout out to Boy Butter because the name and logo are ridiculous but it works amazingly) but it also damages condoms so like if you’re not using an insertable go for the protection and silicone combo. For oral I’ll concede that wd40 actually has a use case here.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah it has uses but specifically people seem to use it as a catch all which is where the misuse comes in. I’ve used it to unfuck rusty screws before it is great at that

ArmoredThirteen ,

Glad to spread the word! They’re an important piece of PPE that a lot of people overlook

ArmoredThirteen ,

Do you let out an airy ‘aaah, yep’ and slap the envelope onto the table, too? I just kinda want to see someone exasperated and hunched over a USPS counter being like ‘another!’ as they pull letters out one at a time and the register worker hands them just a single envelope and stamp each time.

ArmoredThirteen ,

For real, those envelopes chemicals are no joke

ArmoredThirteen ,

My soul 😭

ArmoredThirteen ,

I have tmj and so my jaw can lock shut sometimes. WD40 can be used to quickly un-seize my jaw so I can get some proper lube in there and keep enjoying what’s on the other side of a dental dam.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Hmm, most my door hinges have a little plastic ring on them I assume to reduce squeaking. Sounds like I should switch away from grease for those. Didn’t realize this

ArmoredThirteen ,

Having grown up with Red Green I’m team duct tape 100% but I’ll die on my WD40 hill

ArmoredThirteen ,

I’m supposed to get mine removed next year but insurance is giving me the middle finger. Hoping my WD40 habits get me into the doctors sooner and with insurance.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Damnit I was hoping I was in fast enough to be the Morrowind fan girl post but you’ve already mentioned it lol. Still play Morrowind, my favorite game, and the primary reason I’m in the game dev field.

ArmoredThirteen ,

There is more than one Elder Scrolls game… Morrowind has base attributes of 40 with different races having higher and lower values from base. Redguard in Morrowind have lower int and will than average, and compared to women male Redguard also have lower personality but higher strength.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Hedgehogs or stoats. They’re delightful little critters in their own ways I love them both

ArmoredThirteen ,

Why do you think this comment is a valuable contribution? Fuck off and let OP be excited to share things

ArmoredThirteen ,

What’re your plans for this?

ArmoredThirteen , (edited )

Off the top of my head no particular order:

  • Proper mop bucket like heavy duty on wheels. Mopping takes minutes now, nothing has worn out in years, very little waste.
  • Proper broom, not plastic. Got tired of all the waste from plastic ones wearing out so quickly. I got one of these and it is an amazing buy it for life kind of thing.
  • Bidet
  • An IDGAF pocket knife. All those times when I was young and just needed a vaguely knife-shaped piece of metal but dad was like “don’t hammer that knife into that rock you’ll damage the blade” or “don’t hammer that knife into the can of beans” or “don’t hammer that knife into the deer skull you found” well now IDGAF. Sturdy, cheap, doesn’t matter it it holds an edge or stays clean.
  • A Dremel. I don’t have a lot of space and this thing is great for cutting random things I don’t have real tools for.
  • Respirator and impact goggles. Originally bought for going to protests but I’ve found they’re just fantastic around the house. Don’t want to breath in murder chemical while cleaning an oven? Or microplastics from sawing your latest art project in half? What about “This Dremel blade might explode if I use it like this and I don’t want to lose my eyes”?
  • Yak tracks, they work. I’m getting too old to fall on ice and walk it off.
  • The right shoes for the job. Walking shoes, climbing shoes, hiking boots, brown leather heels for construction work, eight inch black leather stilletos for getting attention, blue suede boots for getting attention, six inch pink platform boots for getting attention, blue gogo boots for getting attention. They’re all crucial to my day to day.
  • Cats. They keep the sad away, works great.
  • Jars everywhere. You can store spices, leftovers, paperclips, q tips, an array of rocks for making minis, paints, pepper ferments. They are so versatile and easy to clean I have maybe 150 or so of them currently.
  • Air fryer. Didn’t think I’d like it but I’m a convert now they’re great.
  • A growing collection of glues. I don’t know why but the ability to properly fuse shit together unlocks so many possibilities. This is a new discovery for me.
  • A growing collection of solvents. Like the reverse of glue the ability to clean things in specific ways is great.
  • Metal wire shelves. They’re versatile, sturdy, relatively cheap, easy to break down and transport if you’ve been averaging a move a year for ten years.
  • A small sewing kit. Great for small repairs. I’ve added years to some of my dresses by catching weak points early and doing 10 minute fixes.
  • Proper electric toothbrush. Even the fanciest ones are cheaper than dental work.
  • Lastly, a bin of compost in your living room because you live in a city and don’t have much access to dirt. Feed it very slowly so it doesn’t rot. Keep roly polies in there, they’re cute, and springtails to prevent mold, they’re also cute. When you feel sad about living in a cement and steel environment just crack that thing open and pretend you’re looking at a forest floor. Dig around a little see how the worms are doing. Bother your nesting partner by grabbing fistfuls of it and loudly exclaiming “dirt smells great today really earthy!”

Edit to add, how could I forget this? I just got home and in my entryway there is an 18 unit locker like the kind you would find during a Bed Bath going out of business sale and they’re getting rid of everything including the employee lockers in back, you know the ones. I’m poly so each of my partners and my nesting partner’s partners get to pick their own locker to keep overnight supplies in. There are unclaimed lockers for guests to store small things, and some that are effectively house mandatory junk drawers. Also serves as a lost and found when like partners leave phone chargers or whatever else behind. Great purchase.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I grabbed this Vitamix 3600 plus at a thrift store a couple years ago. I’m not sure how old it is, somewhere in the 50 year range I believe. Best blender I’ve ever owned and you can sometimes find them for like $30usd.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I’ve been told I’m very me. I think mostly I have too much going on to give one hot fuck about what other people are thinking of me so I end up being a top tier goblin

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah I didn’t realize quite how much of a difference they’d make in my life until I was like 27. Can’t live without them now makes a lot of things much easier

ArmoredThirteen ,

Yeah I’m going to be honest I don’t understand people who are okay eating cows and pigs but suddenly get weird about dog. If someone has a problem with dog they should have a problem with cow/pig too because from an ethical view they’re effectively the same. Granted I say this as someone who is not vege and while I’ve roughly halved my meat consumption in the last year or so, and at least try to source from local companies when able, I have no plans to go vege.

ArmoredThirteen ,

You don’t really ‘finish’ Factorio, but a few months ago I FINALLY launched my first rocket after a thousand hours of play over 6.5 years. I just always had other things I was up to and for a long time launching a rocket mechanically did nothing so I had no incentive. Here I am detailing some of it at that other site

ArmoredThirteen ,

I could only read part of that site on my phone because holy shit the ads. So idk the full content of it but my thoughts are it mentioned possibly meteor fragments which sounds very mundane not like ‘aliens’. Also haven’t we known that all kinds of forging can produce little metal spheres? Were these different somehow or was it a known nothing burger right out the gate?

ArmoredThirteen ,

Are you missing a /s or something? What even is this comment lol

ArmoredThirteen ,

How far is the family dying? Like immediate family, extended? If just immediate family, I think I actually make more than all of them put together so my finances probably wouldn’t change that much (tech job vs. everyone else having small town service jobs). I’d get a partially paid for house in a town I don’t want to live in so yay? Maybe I’d rent it for super cheap to a struggling college student or something idk, feels like that would be better than selling it. If we’re talking extended family though a bunch of them are architects and shit they’re totally loaded. I’d liquidate everything, dump several million into some kind of capitalist money making system, and set myself up to move to another country and eventually retire there.

ArmoredThirteen ,

But they got rid of the ability for people to post their own games to the site and ditched chat, so it’s old format is effectively dead.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I keep getting burned finding boots that I like and by the time they wear out they’re discontinued. For the first time I finally did the thing where I bought a pair, confirmed I like them, and immediately got a second pair. It was a hefty up front cost but now I’m genuinely looking forward to the same blue crushed velvet docs for the next 4-6 years

ArmoredThirteen ,

Am neurodivergent, didn’t even occur to me they’d be talking about snow vs indoors. I thought because it is a visual test they meant color temp which for me registered as the middle left, center bottom, and maybe an argument for bottom right.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I’d like to propose for maximum psychological impact they should be literally eaten using whatever gold plated dishware and diamond knives they’ve got laying around.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I’m in the ‘turkey is overrated’ gang and we usually make anything else for the holiday. Sometimes we just get a fuckton of Chinese American food same stuffed to the gills feel and way less work

ArmoredThirteen ,

Oh hey a fellow game dev, how long you been in the industry?

Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?

2020 was… truly unique. It was so hard to stay away from doom scrolling, and I (and many others) were pretty disillusioned by the sad fact that so much of our country legitimately supported the Orange Man. I didn’t get a wink of sleep the night of the election because I genuinely considered it to be a make or break decision...

ArmoredThirteen ,

Well my choices are backslide slowly by voting dem, maybe buying enough time to get out of the country safely in the next few years, or risk being federally persecuted for being trans. So I’m going to dissociate through the whole thing and hopefully won’t be able to remember voting for fucking Biden. Outside the election I do what I can to support actual leftist movements but until any of them have a chance to win against the fascists on ballots I’m team ‘slightly better of two shitty choices’. I just want to be left alone to garden I hate all of this

ArmoredThirteen ,

Come on out down voters, I’d love to hear you attempt to explain why I’m making a bad decision

ArmoredThirteen ,

I appreciate you thank you

ArmoredThirteen ,

I ended up writing a way bigger response than I set out to, politics…

So my minority view is only from being trans I don’t fall into other categories, I’m only talking from that view and obviously can’t speak for other groups. From my end of things Biden has undone a lot of the particularly wild stuff Trump did and is even throwing us the occasional scrap of protection. It isn’t great but I can’t say nothing has gotten better. I will say most of the stuff that has gone well is on pretty shaky ground and the next repub we get will gut all of it in a second.

Yeah Biden and dems in general are just so bad. Liberals are frustrating and definitely think the scraps I’ve gotten have solved everything and I should stop complaining. I hate it, I wish we had another choice. But that just isn’t where we are at so between Trump or every dem I’ve seen I’m going for the dems. They only have my back so far as will poll well with libs but that’s better than Trump who is actively attacking me and empowering others to do the same.

I don’t think this system can be fixed by voting for third party at this time. All that does is light a vote on fire that could have gone toward the less bad of two bad options. I do think it can be fixed or improved, slowly, by building a movement for a third party with enough traction to start getting into local offices. My hope is from there those people can push for local change that makes it easier to vote outside dem/repub which sets the scene for doing it on the big scale. That’s only possible given time and repubs are clear they’re done fucking around and we will not be given a chance for that under their rule.

ArmoredThirteen ,

First off, I appreciate the response this is what I was hoping for instead of just downvotes.

No I distinctly don’t think what I’m doing is worth uplifting I think it is a bad situation and I’m doing what I hope makes it worse more slowly than my other options. Biden is a piece of shit I know that, and I’m being affected by the “booming economy” too it’s a bunch of lies. My company is about to fire a huge chunk of people I might be in there, and even if I’m not I’ll have to watch as my friends lose their jobs.

“keep their seed fed on bids anywhere from five to thirty, typically on some mandatory-minimum bullshit” I don’t know what this means could you explain?

What are you doing this election? What can we do to get out of this situation? Why do you believe in your choice at the ballot? I’d rather not vote for Biden but I also believe until things are changed from local up, voting third party is the same as not voting in the sense that it puts the decision in other people’s hands, and I’m super not voting for Trump.

ArmoredThirteen ,

Unity tripled in size in like 4 years iirc. It is trying very hard to be a large company. Like the culture has been shifting from small company feel to big corporate feel for a while now (since before I joined). It still is clinging very hard to having small company feel though because that’s the kind of culture almost everyone here was sold on.

As far as the efficiency of our size, I’m honestly not super sure. We’ve been multitasking a lot and have cut things in the past, like Gigaya. My department has always felt understaffed and I get the vibe that a lot of departments feel the same. I haven’t talked to anyone that was like “my team is too big to function well”. So if there is an inefficiency issue it is maybe a broad thing that could be hard to see from any one part of the whole. That said I work in a very specific part of the company and don’t branch out a whole lot to other groups so my interdepartmental knowledge is limited.

ArmoredThirteen ,

I keep thinking about thos and forgetting to comment back. What are the small sirens used for? I don’t know anything about this niche of objects and am curious

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