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Adulated_Aspersion ,

One person on the Irish side went as far as to show the New Yorkers images of 9/11 on his phone.

Fucking savage.

Adderbox76 ,

Best…episode…of Stargate…ever…

hungryphrog ,

Why does there always have to be that small group of people who ruin the fun for everyone else?

brlemworld ,

You are talking about the people that shut it down; not the flashers. Let people be people. That’s how we are; accept it.

supersquirrel ,

Seriously somebody showing their nipples, even if they are female nipples doesn’t actually ruin anything for anyone ever.

It is just people ruining it for everyone by having a moral panic about nipples.

hungryphrog ,

That’s what I was saying. Even though flashing is kinda rude, I was talking about the people who shut it down.

bigFab ,

I mean, he just showed 9/11 images, but flashing??? Wtf women!

BenchpressMuyDebil ,

Sometimes I wish I was born as a merino wool farmer in 13 century Spain

thisorthatorwhatever ,

…and you’ve been recruited into the Crusades. God speed holly warrior, may you strike the infidels down.

st33lb0ne ,


HexesofVexes ,

I think the shutting down after such “incidents” is the final expression in this piece of art.

“A connected world is great, as long as that connection includes approved messages only.”

werefreeatlast ,

And your owners will approve.

Also let’s all live cramped up together in cities! Except for the owners who live in far off places. Cities make it easier to use you all in a convenient place. Plus it reduces traffic in the freeways. Traffic reduces the flow of goods which is how your owners can extract money from your labor at the end of the day. So get off the freeway, be at work on time, live in the city. Oh if you want to travel we have a convenient tram and bus. You can pay your owners to travel!

flying_sheep , avatar

What an asinine take. I choose to live in a city because I can meet many different friends in many different interesting spots, where we can e.g. eat excellent iterations of different cuisines.

All without sitting my ass in a car and driving for an hour to meet a single couple that lives in some other hamlet. Or having to plan the exact amount of drinks and food to consume before the evening starts. And I can do that multiple times per week if I please.

You like living in the countryside, I get it. Don’t pretend that’s somehow objectively better lol

werefreeatlast ,

Well I didn’t start my comment insulting the commenter.

When you think about city vs country living: 1) there’s not enough space, some/most people have to live in people storage systems like cities. 2) cities do not produce anything. They consume. Cities do not produce fruit, fish, meat or their vegan counterparts. Cities do not produce minerals needed for even the most basic processes. Cities do not produce any of the basic human needs such as shelter, food, water, clothing. All of those things come from agriculture, mining, fishing, manufacturing etc of the raw materials which cities do not produce and do not want to produce. 3) cities do not produce energy. Rather cities use up energy and lots of it. There’s no significant production of energy of any form coming from cities. No oil, wind, solar, hydro, thermal energy at all.

All of these things are produced away from cities for the purpose of actually being able to do it. You can’t go drilling for oil in the middle of times square or downtown Chicago. You can’t fish where there’s no water.

What cities do produce is trash. Millions and millions of cubic miles of trash all together. Along with sewage raw contaminated water. Those two things are the 100% product of cities. Cities sometimes produce processed products and also have education centers. Usually cities are were local jails are as well as population control systems such as government offices, testing clinics, hospitals, people furnaces etc. None of these things made in cities would be possible without what is made out in the country side. Think of anything made in your city and chase the raw product and you will realize that cities are people storages because they depend on the means of production of the countryside. And cities are always fighting to remove anything that is “dirty” … Usually dirty is the original reason the city was crated. For example a saw mill. I live in a city who’s name comes from a saw mill and has no such thing today. Or it could be industrial processes such a pig and cow and chicken murdering companies, plastic or oil production etc. Somehow a guy or gal found a cheap piece of land, started a business gathered people and bam a city is founded. Then later they make legislation that bans the industry and you are left with a city that produces nothing and still needs that product they used to produce.

Notice that I did not insult you personally in my description of the difference between cities and country. Notice also that it’s actually very hard to come up with things that a city makes which are tangible things that do not depend on the outside.

For those reasons cities are people storage units.

flying_sheep , avatar

But you did insult. You asserted that living in a city isn’t a voluntary choice, therefore taking agency away from people who choose to live in a city.

You’re both pivoting (now you’re suddenly talking about production) and wrong. Cities produce cross pollination between minds. Art, science, philosophy. Cities are where the ideas for photovoltaics were seeded and developed. Cities are where most music genres emerged.

We live in a world where currently, the most popular alternative to city living is being a narrow-minded redneck who holds their gas guzzler as the ultimate expression of freedom. Anarchist communes in the countryside might be part of the solution, but I bet you that what’s going on in and around the city will also play a vital role.

alcoholicorn ,

Were you not aware the auto and oil lobbies you’re paying to get stuck in traffic for 20 minutes to get to a place a mile away are a huge portion of the capitalists who own our politicians?

werefreeatlast ,

Yes, our owners are everywhere. They get to choose where to live whereas the rest of us either live stuck in a city or cannot afford living in one so we live on the outskirts closers to industrial locations.

xilona ,

Here we are! Some people get this! Well said!

douglasg14b , avatar

Seriously and it’s a hot topic so it’s going to get this sort of attention.

Let it sit for a while and it’ll become normalized and these sort of antics will die off.

Just let people express themselves as long as it’s not dangerous holy crap.

WhatIsThePointAnyway ,

I’m sure this was killed by bitchy socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.

VirtualOdour ,

Lemmy is full of those people too, there’s a whole thread of them angry that openI might allow NSFW content.

Jomega ,

God forbid people have concerns about ethics.

WhatIsThePointAnyway , (edited )

No one forces you to stare at the girl. People see offensive shit every day all over, but society doesn’t conform to all offenses equally, does it? Why is your ethics enforceable, but other people’s aren’t? Why does she have less right to practice her ethical choice to expose her body (assuming by your answer you would have offense)? Why is it more ethical to have others right to view taken away than for you to simply turn your head away? Ethics is very subjective, especially when there is no direct harm to either party.

Jomega ,

Are we talking about the same thing? I replied to someone taking about OpenAI, not porn in general. The creation of porn without the consent of the people fed into the program is nothing short of an ethical nightmare, even in cases where said people are pornstars. You’re painting me as a repressive for shit I didn’t even say.

WhatIsThePointAnyway , (edited )

It looks like you were responding to my comment

“I’m sure this was killed by bitchy socially conservative sheltering types who freak out about anything that doesn’t fit in their small minded view of morality.”

That’s how it showed up. If you were responding to a different comment, my bad, please disregard my comment. Sometimes the line system in Lemmy is a tad hard to follow.

Edit: realize I misread the line scheme and you weren’t responding to me. Sorry.

HopFlop ,

It is against the law. That means that society, as a whole, has decided that this is immoral.

No one forces you to stare at the girl

So that means that its morally okay to kill everyone who looks at me (“No one forces then to look at me!”)?

Why is your ethics enforceable, but other people’s aren’t?

Because ethics are only enforcable through laws and the laws currently enforce “my” ethics in that regard.

Why does she have less right to practice her ethical choice to expose her body (assuming by your answer you would have offense)?

Whether that is morally right is an ethical question but would you say the same about a minor (exposing themselves)?

Ethics is very subjective

Exactly, so what is the issue with the company having moral concerns about it and shutting it down?

WhatIsThePointAnyway ,

Because seeing a nipple is on par with murder. Not to mention society makes all sorts of terrible shit ethical, like billionaires bribing politicians to subvert the will of the people. My point was ethics is a subjective defense at best. Especially when no harm is perpetrated on either party and nipples being required to be covered was not an ethical standard most of human history. Murder would cause harm to the murdered party. Nipple viewing would only harm a child because they have been taught that nipples are “supposed” to be hidden like a dirty secret. Even though all mammals suckle from them in early life. It’s absolutely silly to make a bare chest being exposed such a big “ethical” deal and people should be questioning this like I did. It only exists due to the puritanical religious idealism pushed on society. It has no basis in reality as a detriment to society.

HopFlop ,

One question: Would you say the same about getting completely naked in public?

barsquid ,

Oh, they must remember the threads discussing finding child pornography in the image generation model training data.

poplargrove ,

Doesn’t necessarily have to do with conservatism. Not everyone wants to be randomly flashed without consent.

WhatIsThePointAnyway ,

Oh the terrors of non-consensual nipples entering your line of sight. The beach must be horrifying for you, unless only women’s nipples require “consent” to be exposed. Social conservatism is the entire reason breasts have to be hidden like dirty sexualized secrets to begin with. It’s silly.

explodicle , avatar

You do not have my consent to display your eyebrows today.

poplargrove ,

Yes a fair comparison.

flying_sheep , avatar

Seems like you grew up in a very puritanical place.

Nudity is objectively neutral.

Sam_Bass ,

Honestly shes not all that.

Etterra ,

I’ll bet her paying simps are really mad that they didn’t get a free show. Anybody who pays for porn is a sucker and an idiot lol

VirtualOdour ,

Anyone that pays for whatever your job is shouldn’t do it either

ArdMacha ,

Why not just leave it be, no-one is being hurt

Ballistic_86 ,

Isn’t the purpose of the art piece to demonstrate the human condition across an ocean? Flashing/mooning/offensive memes, that is what humans do. This should stay up and more should be put in place. How much more culturally connected would cities in the US be linked to other UK or EU cities?

UsernameIsTooLon ,

“humans ruin everything” yea that the point and art

CaptnNMorgan ,

Why stop at EU? We should have these everywhere and have them change locations randomly every day

Ballistic_86 ,

Def not a bad idea, the more cities around the world the better. I also like the idea of sister cities, if they were to stick to a single portal to portal connection. I’m in Minneapolis, maybe match it with a similarly sized city across the pond. Could root for each others sports teams, offer support in trying times, develop a digital bond.

VirtualOdour ,

Yeah a lot of towns in Europe are ‘twinned’ with another European town - i always assume its just an excuse for the councilor to get free holidays when making the agreement but your idea makes it sound really interesting, a portal could be really cool.

Flipper ,

The biggest problem in Europe in the past was the constant war between the nations, Germany and France in particular. How do You reduce the willingness to go fight each other. You create connections.

Economic connections in the form of the coal and steel alliance, which evolved to become the EU.

Personal connections by connecting the people between the countries with multinational friendship. Twin cities are one tool creating the friendship. By having regular exchanges between students and adults. You don’t want to go to war with a friend you visited every summer. That’s also the reason for the Erasmus program, where you can have an exchange semester at university.

All of those were implemented since the WW2 and they seem to work. There hasn’t ever been a period of such a long peace in central Europe.

Iron_Lynx ,

City “twinning” goes beyond the EU. And it can happen for all kinds of reasons. My favourite example is the towns of Dull, Scotland, Boring, Oregon and Bland, New South Wales.

MacNCheezus , avatar

Imagine some dude would have pulled out his dick instead, what do you think the reaction would have been?

hark , avatar

That’s not the same thing. What would be the same is if some dude pulled his shirt up to show his bare chest. What do you think the reaction would have been in that case?

MacNCheezus , avatar

Look, you might be technically correct but I’m sure you’re old enough to understand the difference between a guy’s chest a pair of boobs so I’m just gonna leave it here.

I’m sure a lot of people enjoyed the display but what about those who didn’t ask for it?

Disco_Dougie ,

But, everyone loves boobs. Not everyone loves dick. Flashing a dick is often interpreted as aggressive. Tits, not so much. Everyone has put boobs in their mouth and liked it at one point during their lives. A good chunk of people have never sucked a dick (or want to).

We all love boobs. They kept most of us alive when we were little and they’re fun as fuck when we’re older. Most people are behind the “free the nipple” thing. Why you trying to see less boobs? The world is already such a dark place without less boobs.

More boobs, I say. Boobs everywhere. Boobs for everyone. Boobs could bring the world together. And then, we could finally heal.

MacNCheezus , avatar

Yes, everyone loves boobs but not every loves seeing them in public without any warning. First of all, there could be children present in this setting, and second, sex addiction is a thing and flashing boobs to someone struggling with it is kinda like forcing a recovering alcholic to take a shot.

RalphWolf ,

They’re literally for children by definition. Much of the world has no issue with boobs.

MacNCheezus , avatar

For TODDLERS. Holy hell, if you’re trying to have an argument, at least don’t make an elementary category mistake. And also don’t just ignore the other half of my argument because it’s inconvenient to your defense.

Ifera ,

You are either a troll or very ignorant. Not everyone loves boobs, the same way as everyone has shit themselves countless times as a baby and liked it(You can literally see the joy on a baby’s face right after they relieve themselves), but that does not mean that it is an enjoyable thing for every grownup out there.

zbyte64 ,

Depends if they’re just flopping it flaccidly from side to side or angrily masturbating. Same goes for if a woman were to start rubbing one off. Nudity isn’t sexual, but what you do with it could be.

MacNCheezus , avatar

I’m not entirely sure what the going MO is for male exhibitionists because I have never felt the desire to engage in that sort of behavior, but I’m fairly sure even a floppy dong is probably enough to catch you a charge in most parts of the country.

And do we know if the lady in the OP simply pulled her tatas out to get them some fresh air or whether she wiggled and bounced them suggestively? I didn’t watch the video so I don’t want to make any assumptions, but the stills I’ve seen seem to suggest there was quite a bit of enthusiasm at work.

Cryophilia ,

Leave it up, you cowards

sebinspace ,

Ava Louise, for those interested.

Reddfugee42 ,

So clearly her plan is working

sebinspace ,

Tbf she had to take credit for it, it’s not like most OF models would be recognized in public. Hell, most internet celebrities would go relatively unnoticed in public.

maniii ,

I heard somewhere that only the Top 2% of OF-“models” make 80% of all the revenue and the rest hardly make enough to pay for a meal a day.

sebinspace ,

Have a friend that does it. According to her, it’s nothing to pay your bills with, but if you just want some extra cash to get yourself something nice, it works a treat.

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

Ava Louise, the woman who had gluteal implants and now has an ass so big that she can’t fit into regular seats or clothing. Humans are fucking weird.

yukijoou ,

i mean, it’s cool we have science to provide that to the people who want it imo

Sorgan71 ,

its really not. Someone like that needs mental help, not to be indulged

sebinspace ,

I don’t see what the issue is, it’s her body, she can do what she wants with it.

Sorgan71 ,

Its mental illness. Its not going to benifit her.

winkerjadams ,

If it makes her happy and isn’t hurting anyone else why do you care?

maniii ,

If it makes “Hitler” happy and isn’t hurting “not-Jews” else why do you care?

These kinds of whataboutism is how bad things happen from well-intentioned but ultimately bad things end up happening.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Adderbox76 ,

I don’t know why I’m bothering to feed the troll, but here goes…

Hurting “no one” and hurting “not Jews” are two very different things, you do realize?

Guy says “She’s not hurting anyone”. And your response is “Hitler wasn’t hurting anyone…except the Jews” as though that’s somehow an equivalent rebuttal? What the absolute fuck is wrong with your fucking brain?

maniii ,

Extreme examples bring to light why whataboutism is so prevalent. Find a better answer than “public nudity never hurt no one” … is not the correct answer.

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

This response is so dumb, reading it has actually managed to make me measurably stupider.

BambiDiego ,

Cigarettes, Alcohol, Gambling, Porn, Birdwatching, Hiking, Video Games, Blogging, Youtubing, Racing…

Absolutely all of these things can be enjoyed, abused, and everything in between. All of them can lead to problems and/or can be part of a fulfilling and happy life.

You are approaching this with “She’s sick and she did this, disgusting” rather than “she’s sick and this is a symptom of that, what a shame”

Unless you are this harsh to people who have problems with the other things I mentioned and more, then you should evaluate why this specifically bothers you, it may speak to a preconception you have from a place of privilege.

Sorgan71 ,

Yes but this is obviously a mental illness. Plastic surgery can be great, but when abused like this its feeding a mental illness.

BambiDiego ,

I didn’t disagree, I pointed out that you’re approaching this with contempt rather than empathy.

You’re right, but you’re not showing the world you’re right, you’re just showing the world you’re mean.

sebinspace ,

That’s fine, I doubt she considered what StupidBrotherInLaw thought anyway.

zerog_bandit ,

New Yorkers and Dubliners are supposed to come between breasts, not have breasts come between them.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Here’s the thing. If people aren’t allowed to have fun with your intercontinental portal, why even have it at all?

Disco_Dougie ,

Also, how hasn’t anyone learned that this kind of thing is an absolute guarantee? “It’s happened countless times. But it might not this time!”

Dorks. Put that shit back up. It’s neat!

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