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Houthis to step up Red Sea strikes, use 'submarine weapons', leader says

“Operations in the Red and Arabian Seas, Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Gulf of Aden are continuing, escalating, and effective,” Abdul Malik al-Houthi added in a televised speech. He gave no details of the submarine weapons.

Ships owned by individuals or entities in Israel, the U.S. and U.K. or sailing under their flags are banned from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea, Thursday’s notices said.

“The Humanitarian Operations Center was established in Sanaa to coordinate the safe and peaceful passage of ships and vessels that have no connection to Israel,” a senior Houthi official told Reuters on Thursday.

No ships have been sunk nor crew killed during the Houthi campaign. However there are concerns about the fate of the UK-registered Rubymar cargo vessel, which was struck on Feb. 18 and its crew evacuated.

TheFonz , (edited )

Just because two countries are warring, this gives a third country zero moral agency to strike random civilian ships bound in international waters.


Currently, the Houthis are doing their best to exterminate LGBT communities within the borders of Yemen:

Amnesty International

I suppose under Article 1 if the cgppgc that gives any nation carte blanche to step in and attack them to stop this, right? … right?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Yemen is obliged by international law to do everything in their power to stop Genocide when they see it occurring. And Yemen has concluded that israel is committing Genocide. Thus they are forced to do this.

TheFonz ,

Which particular international law is Yemen bound to in its role towards preventing genocide? And what the fuck does that have to do with attacking civilian ships?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Article one of the UN Genocide convention.

Those ships are complicit in Genocide.

TheFonz ,

Show me specifically where in Article I of the UN genocide convention does it enable any nation to attack indiscriminately trade ships in international waters on the basis of genocides happening in other countries.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar


Yemen only ships involved in Genocide. The video I linked explains it pretty well.

Do some research before you start commenting.

TheFonz ,

Nope. You’re lying. And you dodged my question. I’ll ask again. Where in Article I does it enable it?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Article 1 of the Genocide convention. it’s mentioned in the video that you didn’t watch.

And the video explains your other question too. If you watch it and still don’t agree then you can tell me which point you think is wrong.

TheFonz ,

So I watched the video. Where exactly does he talk about Article I? On another note, I’m already quite familiar with Article I since I’ve been studying it since this conflict started. So, once more (third time) I’ll ask: where does Article I enable countries to randomly attack civilian trade ships?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

At 0:20 he talks about article 1. I’m not quite sure how you missed that.

The Apartheid in South Africa ended by sanctions and blockades. From past experience we know this is a very effective way to put economic pressure on israel to stop their Genocide.

TheFonz ,

Yes, he quotes Ansar Allah’s justification for their attacks and how THEY invoke article I. But at no point does he even TRY to source or dissect Article I. He just breezes through it like it’s a given. I’m familiar with South Africa too. Still, the Houthis are disrupting global trade (that’s right: 10-15% of global shipping routes have rerouted to avoid it) by attacking civilian trade ships bound in international waters. Tell me again (4th time) where article I justifies this.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Ok first question: Do you agree israel committing Genocide?

TheFonz ,

I’m not sure why we’re pivoting-again. It seems you do this a lot. I asked a simple question: where in Article I does it state that countries are free to attack civilian trade vessels bound in international waters?

I do not agree with Israel committing genocide. If that was the case though, it would be the worst genocide attempt in history as Palestine’s population has doubled in the last ten years. Israel is really doing a poor job at genocide then. Syria’s government killed almost 100k in the last decade. They’re really good at it. Iran killed about ten thousand people in the Arab spring. Can you guess who Iran is backing in this conflict?

I strongly recommend going forward that you do not take the random statements by some individual on YouTube at face value. If you really care about international conflicts and politics, there are plenty of resources to study this stuff. I’ll admit, it’s not packaged in an exciting YouTube format with music and video clips, but it’s there none the less. You can go read Article I ( or any part of the Geneva convention on human rights etc). There’s plenty of ways of learning about this but it involves some critical thinking and leg work instead of having the information packaged nicely in byte sized yt clips.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

I do not agree with Israel committing genocide

Okay thank you for proving that you are a Nazi.

TheFonz ,

Oh, you can’t engage with the topic so you’re switching to memes? What a goddamn waste of time you are. Go back to watching YouTube clips for your news sources.

Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

I could link you an 84 page document submitted at the UN which proves that israel commits Genocide. But I guess the UN would be too “Anti Semitic”.

TheFonz ,

That’s like the fifth pivot in this thread. Once more: where in Article I is attacking civilian trade vessels condoned?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Go to Wikipedia and paste the summary of article one at the top of the Wikipedia page here. If you still can’t read it. it I’ll highlight it for you.

TheFonz ,

Currently, the Houthis are doing their best to exterminate LGBT communities within the borders of Yemen:

Amnesty International

I suppose under Article 1 that gives any nation carte blanche to step in and attack them to stop this, right? … right?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Can you quote the part of the article you are referencing?

maryjayjay ,

Article 1

The Contracting Parties confirm that genocide, whether committed in time of peace or in time of war, is a crime under international law which they undertake to prevent and to punish.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Genocide convention Wikipedia :

The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (CPPCG), or the Genocide Convention, is an international treaty that criminalizes genocide and obligates state parties to pursue the enforcement of its prohibition.

stmcld ,

@Linkerbaan just want to say that i admire your perseverance. Explaining, with sources, to some of the same users everyday on different posts, and having to take their shitty insults everytime.

I don’t think i could do it, but i appreciate that you do. Because I, and I’m sure many others, have learnt a lot from the information you provide.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Thanks. It has also forced me to get educated on the subject in order to respond to those people.

I am very glad to see (global) opinion on the matter shifting rapidly. The faster that the opinion shifts the less people will get killed in this Genocide.

If I could make one suggestion please financially support content creators such as GDF, Uncivilized and/or Owen Jones if you have the means to do so.

The israeli propaganda machine is incredibly expensive, yet more fragile than ever. Many independent content creators are absolutely demolishing them, and providing people like me with condensed knowledge.

stmcld ,

Will definitely have a look at those content creators. I usually donate locally, but I’ll have a look.

Talking about the Israeli propaganda machine; in South Africa you have the South African Jewish Board of Deputies. An absolutely disgusting openly pro zionist and israeli organisation. They’re super rich so they always try to influence law or policy so that anything pro palestinian isn’t heard and that pro israeli messages must remain loud and clear.

They lobby the national government, but especially the DA led Western Cape government the way that people describe the US lobbies do to the US government.

Some people in Cape Town had the back of their houses facing the main roads and highways. So these residents decided to paint the Palestinian flag on those parts of their houses to show support.

The DA government promptly sent police and public works councellors to force the residents to paint over the flag. Which was absolutely illegal of the government to do because it was private property. But because these people weren’t that well off they couldn’t fight back because law enforcement was there as well.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Yes. It is these “cheap bribes” to media and government officials that allow israel to have so much influence. The amount of money that israel spends on propaganda is peanuts for what they are getting in return.

But many independent content creators are undoing all of israel’s hard work for an even smaller fraction of the cost.

It’s like how non-profits found out that if you spend a large percentage of donated money on advertising, you actually earn way more, and thus can actually donate more money to poor people.

Which sounds really stupid but it is reality.

I believe the best way to spend your money by far right now to stop the Genocide in Palestine is not by donating food, but donating to independent media fighting israel’s lies.

merthyr1831 ,


Altofaltception ,

There are a few things you can do right now:

  • Reduce your consumerism. Reuse and recycle as much as possible.
  • Boycott all Israeli products.
  • Buy local, so you don’t rely on foreign shipping
bartolomeo , avatar

This will help with #2:

BombOmOm , avatar

Sounds like we will keep blowing up their ability to attack civilian shipping.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

The Houthi blockade lifts the second israel stops their Genocide in Gaza,

SkybreakerEngineer ,
  1. Not a blockade.
  2. They’re going to keep at it as long as they are physically capable
Linkerbaan OP , avatar

The Houthi’s have openly stated that they will lift their blockade whenever israel stops their Genocide.

For more information here’s a concise video

DdCno1 ,

That is one garbage Youtube channel. How can you recommend clickbait nonsense like this?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Explain exactly what is garbage. Do you want Yoav Gallant explaining everything?

BombOmOm , (edited ) avatar

In that video, he argues Houthis are shooting ships delivering weapons to Israel. However, basically all of the ships the Houthis attacked were not even heading to or from Israel. Yemen does not have any moral leg to stand on when shooting civilians peaceably trading via the sea.

We will continue to destroy those attacking civilian shipping until they are no longer able to do so.

Edit: The Houthis just this week struck a ship carrying humanitarian aid to Yemen. Fuck the Houthis.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Every target they Houthi’s hit so far has been directly related to their claims. Claims that they were not related have been proven false. The recent oil tanker was British. The first big hijacked ship was israeli.

The ship you are talking about had a US flag. Do you see Russian flagged aid trucks going into to Ukraine too?

Billy ,
Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

The ship to Iran was American.

The Marshall Islands-flagged vessel is owned by US-listed Star Bulk Carriers Corp.

Massive props to the Houthi’s for being consistent in their blockade and not just allowing ships through because it would strategically benefit them.

Shipping companies are extremely secretive about their ownership. They fly one flag, are owned by someone else, but also used by another company that leases them etc.

The fact is: Every ship that has been hit so far did have ties to the countries that the Houthi’s are not allowing passage until their Genocide in israel is over.

FarceOfWill ,

Of course they “had ties”, international shipping ownership and flag choice is absolute chaos. You can justify almost anything to almost any vessel.

Attacking a civilian ship “Once registered in Britain” thousands of miles away from a country you claim to be blockading is absolutely not a valid target it’s an obvious war crime.

The defence of this shit undermines the entire opposition to Israel, the moral argument for stopping Israel from killing civilians is very clear but when the people arguing for it most strongly see attacking other civilians as perfectly fine the entire case starts to look like just a convenient cover for anti semetism.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Your argument is like saying that everyone is allowed to just hop over the American border and go everywhere because the are “civilians”.

The moment you start doing illegal things you are no longer a “civilian”.

Those ships have no right to pass through Yemeni waters. They have been warned in advance. Framing trade conglomerates as “civilians” to defend israel’s Genocide is absolutely hilarious.

If you care about civilians go tell israel to stop their Genocide, then Yemen will lift their blockade.

Yemen has not killed a single civilian so far meanwhile America, israel and Britain are killing a child every 10 minutes

FarceOfWill ,

I could line by line this but these are civilians working on a ship, they don’t choose anything, especially they don’t choose where the ship goes which is international waters not Yemeni waters. The attacks are on ships in international waters

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

It’s directly off the coast of Yemen. You like to pick and choose laws when you like.

But even with your warped standards, the root of this issue is israel not abiding by international law.

If israel doesn’t have to then nobody else has to.

DdCno1 ,

Why are you lying?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Why are you lying?

merthyr1831 ,

So it’s only a blockade when white people do it? gotcha.

Billy ,

their official slogan:

God is the Greatest
Death to America
Death to Israel
A Curse Upon the Jews
Victory to Islam

i have a hunch they’ll just be happy to see more dead jews

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Proving how much anti-semitsm israel spreading is by using Judaism as a shield for their crimes

Billy ,

so now you’re justifying anti-semitism?
just like neo-nazis giving excuses for their anti-semitism.
anti-semitism existed for centuries before israel

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

No I’m explaining the cause of anti-semitism. Which is israel. Israel keeps using the good Jewish name as a shield for their Genocide.

Only since israel started using Judaism as a shield for their Nazi behavior did this false correlation start.

Arabs have no problem with Jews. It was in Europe that Pogroms were a regular occurance.

Apollo ,

“A curse upon the Jews” must mean something different where you’re from.

Arabs have no problem with Jews. It was in Europe that Pogroms were a regular occurance.


Dhimmi were subjected to a number of restrictions, the application and severity of which varied with time and place. Restrictions included residency in segregated quarters, obligation to wear distinctive clothing such as the Yellow badge,[17][Note 1] public subservience to Muslims, prohibitions against proselytizing and against marrying Muslim women, and limited access to the legal system (the testimony of a Jew did not count if contradicted by that of a muslim.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

While there were antisemitic incidents before the 20th century, during this time antisemitism in the Arab world increased greatly.

Jeez wonder why anti-semitism was virtually non-existent before the 20th century. And then suddenly all Arabs became anti-semitic.

Did someone start some kind of hostile ideology that wanted to take over the Arab world using Judaism as a shield?

Even random Moroccans in a cafe can tell you what actually happened

DdCno1 ,

virtually non-existent before the 20th century

Are you for real?

This link isn't for you, because you are clearly arguing in bad faith, but for anyone who doesn't actually know better:

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

In the Arab world after the Romans were expelled. Which is what our discussion is currently about.

The only bad faith is you trying to find random gocha’s.

Billy , (edited )

Arabs have no problem with Jews. It was in Europe that Pogroms were a regular occurance.

Baghdad farhud 1941

Allahdad 1839 pogrom

Mawza Exile 1679-1680

Damascus Affair 1840

Granada Massacre 1066

1834 looting of Safed

Fez massacre 1033

“In the late 1160s, the Yemenite ruler 'Abd-al-Nabī ibn Mahdi gave Jews a choice of conversion to Islam or martyrdom.”

(893) “Under the Zaydi rule, the Jews were considered to be impure and therefore forbidden to touch a Muslim or a Muslim’s food. They were obligated to humble themselves before a Muslim, to walk to the left side, and greet him first. They could not build houses higher than a Muslim’s or ride a camel or horse, and when riding on a mule or a donkey, they had to sit sideways. Upon entering the Muslim quarter a Jew had to take off his foot-gear and walk barefoot. If attacked with stones or fists by youth, a Jew was not allowed to fight them. In such situations, he had the option of fleeing or seeking intervention by a merciful Muslim passerby.”

“In 1300 Sultan Al-Nasir Qalawan ordered all Jews under his rule to wear yellow headgear to isolate the Egyptian Jewish community. This law would be enforced for centuries and later amended in 1354 to force all Jews to wear a sign in addition to yellow headwear. On multiple occasions the ulema persuaded the government to close or convert synagogues. Even major places of pilgrimage for Egyptian Jews such as the Dammah Synagogue were forced to close in 1301. Jews subsequently were excluded from bath houses and were prohibited to work in the national treasury. This repression of the Jewish community would continue for centuries.”

and more
“In 1656, all Jews were expelled from Isfahan and forced to convert to Islam because of a common belief that their Jewishness was impure.”
“in 1661 they were allowed to revert to Judaism, although they were still required to wear a distinctive patch on their clothing.”

muslims made jews wear patches before the nazis did.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Farhud (also Farhood; Arabic: الفرهود) was the pogrom or the “violent dispossession” that was carried out against the Jewish population of Baghdad, Iraq, on 1–2 June 1941, immediately following the British victory in the Anglo-Iraqi War.

THE BRITS took over Baghdad and then did Pogroms. Let’s blame the Arabs!

Don’t look up what European colonialism had to do with Jewish persecution either that’s going to be very inconvenient.

I also clicked on the Damascus Affair 1840 link. Since you didn’t, I’ll help you out.

Spoiler alert: It’s Europe again:

Since the beginning of the sixteenth century, Syria had been part of the Ottoman Empire (1299–1922). However, in 1831, eight years before the Tanzimat reforms, Ottoman Syria had come under the control of the Egyptian Muhammad Ali, the viceroy of Ottoman Egypt who had turned against the sultan. Muhammad Ali was said to have been influenced by European powers, particularly by France, which often attempted to safeguard and ameliorate the position of members of Catholic orders in the region.

Billy ,

“According to Iraqi government and British historical sources violence started when a delegation of Jewish Iraqis arrived at the Palace of Flowers (Qasr al Zuhur) to meet with the Regent Abdullah, and were attacked en route by an Iraqi Arab mob as they crossed Al Khurr Bridge. Iraqi Arab civil disorder and violence then swiftly spread to the Al Rusafa and Abu Sifyan districts, and got worse the next day when elements of the Iraqi police began joining in with the attacks upon the Jewish population, involving shops belonging to it being set on fire and a synagogue being destroyed. Many Jewish girls were gang-raped and children maimed and killed in front of their families.”

“Shalom Darwish, the secretary of the Jewish community in Baghdad, testified that several days before the Farhud, the homes of Jews were marked with a red palm print (“Hamsa”), by al-Futuwa youth. Al-Sabawi also instructed Jews in Baghdad to pack suitcases and to wait to be taken to “detention camps” “for their own safety”.”

“Two days before the Farhud, Yunis al-Sabawi, a government minister who proclaimed himself the governor of Baghdad, summoned Rabbi Sasson Khaduri, the community leader, and recommended to him that Jews stay in their homes for the next three days as a protective measure. He had planned for a larger massacre, preparing to broadcast a call for the Baghdad public to massacre Jews. However, the broadcast was never made since al-Sabawi was forced to flee the country.”

planned and done by muslim iraqis.
not to mention all of the other massacres and anti-semitism cases i’ve linked.
but it’s pretty clear by this point you’ll justify any case of anti-semitism by arabs / muslims.

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

Yes now don’t ask yourself the question of why the word BRITISH is in that first sentence.

Once the Brits install a government it is not commanded by Arabs.

Billy ,

someone here didn’t read.
the ones who initiated the pogrom weren’t part of the british government. they were part of the coup government who took power from the british

nonetheless you’re ignoring everything else i linked, like the persecution of yemenite jews.

or the persecution and discrimination against isfahan jews in iran and how they were forced to wear badges under islamic rule. centuries before the nazis.

Linkerbaan OP , (edited ) avatar

You’re right I did miss some info. It was Nazis and Britis. But the Pogrom happened under the Brits.

it’s at the ramp up of WW2 and everyone wanted to control the oil. So Baghdad got a nice amount of Nazi propaganda. And their government overthrown of course.

The British also delayed their entry into Baghdad for 48 hours, which some testimonies suggest was due to having ulterior motives in allowing a clash to happen between Muslims and Jews in the city.[29]

Now the 1300 one could be true I haven’t read it yet. But there I am very much noticing a theme of Europeans showing up

Many of these “Arab” ones were very much pushed on the Arab Jews by Europe.

Billy , (edited )

rashid ali was an iraqi muslim, so was yunis al-sabawi, so were al-futuwa youth that marked jewish houses before the farhud and so were the iraqi mob and police that massacred and raped jews.
arabs aren’t infantile human beings with no agency or responsibility.

you wrote that these things only happened in europe. iraq isn’t europe.

either way i gave other examples without any kind of european presence. and there are plenty more.

Apollo ,

And what about all of those other examples you have conveniently overlooked?

Linkerbaan OP , avatar

In classic Hasbara fashion this person took a list of Wikipedia links that sounded convenient and did not read them

I read the top and the middle article at random which were fully BS and actually disproved the claims. The quotes to disprove them were provided

A person can’t link 50 examples and pretend I have to debunk every single one. Two is plenty.

Next time someone provides a list a good idea for them is to read it themselves to make sure they can actually use it as argument.

merthyr1831 ,

Interesting, because they seemed fine with Israeli/allied consumer shipping up until the genocide. it’s funny how that works

DdCno1 ,

If you really think that's the reason and not something else entirely, I've got a bridge in Tehran to sell to you.

Jamil ,

There’s an easy way to end this and it costs nothing in terms of lives and money. Tell Israel to stop.

fiddlesticks , avatar

And why would Israel listen to that?

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