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UselesslyBrisk ,

It is standard policy in New Zealand for cinemas to ban food brought in from outside and the Herald reported that Cinema 3 has five signs posted around the premises stating this.

“The exact wording is: ‘No outside food or drinks allowed’,” the cinema’s operations manager, Robert Greig, said, the paper reported.

Thus, once again, one of the oldest arguments in the world has been pushed back into the limelight: should you be allowed to take your own snacks into the cinema?

private businesses can do what they want. But the prices they charge for food is outrageous. So i just dont go to those places. For the cost of a few movies and snacks now, you could buy your own large screen TV and surround system that will annoy your neighbors if thats what you need.

slightperil ,

Should private businesses really be allowed to dictate to us what and when we can eat or drink? If you consider that human right, I’m not sure they should.

NikkiDimes ,

No one is forcing you to interact with those businesses…

GBU_28 ,

Water? No. Everything else on their property? Of course. It’s theirs, not ANY flavor of “ours”

viking , avatar

Access to food and clean water are human rights, not limitless consumption of either wherever you are.

So you either smuggle it in and don’t get caught (my go-to was always a bag of chips stuffed into the sleeve of my jacket, and then sling that over my shoulder), or avoid the place altogether.

ayyy ,

Taking a shit is a human right but you can’t do that in a theater either.

captain_aggravated , avatar

Actually my local theater has a special room just for that.

Azzu ,

They are actually legally required to have bathrooms…

ayyy ,

In case English is a second language for you I will explain:

in the theater” = the dark place with a screen/stage and amphitheater seating.

at the theater” = the building/collection of buildings that support the screen/stage, such as ticket booths, food and drink vendors, and bathrooms

Please do not shit in the theater or you will be arrested.

nomous ,

Should private businesses really be allowed to dictate to us what and when we can eat or drink?

Don’t they always do that with, ya know, menus?

scutiger ,

They can’t stop you from eating or drinking what you want, but they can’t be forced to allow you to bring it into their business.

However, if their business isn’t sustainable without egregiously-priced food, perhaps it should be allowed to fail. And if they all start to fail, perhaps the studios would start to lose money, and maybe they would eventually understand that it’s due to their own greed. But we all know the blame would get passed on to the consumer.

Kusimulkku ,

This is like Freemen of the Land/Sovereign Citizen shit about movie theater snacks lmao

Stern , avatar

They agreed but the employee apparently insisted on sitting next to them to monitor the snack situation.

Instead of… telling them to take the snacks back out to the car? There’s no situation where that isn’t weird to me. Were there no other theaters to be cleaned, patrons to be helped, tickets to be sold, anything else, they just have this extra guy with literally nothing else to do but watch this family not eat the food they brought in?

MotoAsh ,

He had power to flex, and by GOD was he going to flex it!

dditty ,

Pathetic, small men who relish in wielding any power they have to fuck over normal people make my blood boil. From the lowly movie theater grunt in NZ to the plethora of elected officials in the US, they all need to get knocked down a peg. Let people live their lives for Christs sake.

MotoAsh ,

Yea seriously. The LAST type of person that deserves it is the dipshit that will flex it.

Ephera ,

Yep, seriously, is he thinking if he’s extra hard on these visitors then no one else will smuggle food in? Because they’re not earning any more money by disallowing this family to eat their snacks.

And they’re hopefully losing customers over this shitshow, too.

Empricorn ,
Kusimulkku ,

Instead of… telling them to take the snacks back out to the car?

Where I live in you can bring stuff in but you can’t snack it during the viewing. Also, did we know that they came in with a car?

Hegar , avatar

This is a story of one bootlicking employee who was in desperate need of fucking off and minding his own business:

However, just as the movie started, an employee told them to put their snack bags away, the report said. They agreed but the employee apparently insisted on sitting next to them to monitor the snack situation.

A few minutes later, one of the children popped a Skittle he was already holding into his mouth, and quite frankly, all hell broke loose, the women said. The employee started shouting at them, and said that the police would be called unless they left. This is when the children started crying.

“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’

FlashMobOfOne , avatar

Jesus, what a horrifying experience.

alquicksilver , avatar

Is he secretly an American? Because that sounds far more like something I’d hear here. Atrocious.

optissima ,

Yeah I thought it was US based on context too. I should’ve been suspicious when the employee didn’t open fire on the family…

AnomalousBit ,

whispers: your moral narcissism is showing

MindTraveller ,

That’s a really weird compliment

AnomalousBit ,

Yeah, the world needs more smug assholes, that’ll make it better.

MindTraveller ,

I agree with what I think you’re trying to say, which is that moral narcissism is good, but I don’t think moral n*rcissists are smug assholes. I think they’re people with a pathological need to improve and treat others with kindness.

AnomalousBit ,

So by making some snarky comment about how a guy working at a movie theater would probably just shoot the whole family if they were all in America, you think the original comment is by someone who seeks to improve and treat others with kindness? Are you even reading the same thread?

MindTraveller ,

No. I said it was a weird compliment and I meant it. It’s weird to call this movie theatre guy a moral n*rcissist. He doesn’t act like one at all!

optissima ,

Impossible to improve if there is no reflecting on the current reality before changing. I’m just reflecting on mine: I braced myself for another murder story and was pleasantly surprised, even if this story was still a bad one.

ech ,

Why are people incapable of understanding the US isn’t the source of all evil? Shitty people exist everywhere. It’s really not that complex of an idea to understand.

Ephera ,

I think, it’s more the US love of capitalism that makes people think so. It just sounds on brand that someone who worships their company that much would be in the US.

ech ,

Lol, your brain is so wired on “Capitalism Bad” and “'Murica Bad”, it’s the first thing you think of when anyone does anything wrong, even on the other side of the planet.

Get some air, bud. You’ve had enough propaganda for a lifetime.

Lev_Astov , avatar

Sir, this is Lemmy.

Ephera ,

The guy acted on behalf of the company, that he works for, at a degree that no one asked him to, nor he’ll be rewarded for. And companies get put in charge in capitalism.

That’s all the thought chain it took for me to get to capitalism. Literally the point of my comment was that it’s not about it being bad/evil/wrong.

sigmaklimgrindset ,

As someone who has been to South Korea, US capitalism looks downright reasonable in comparison.

StereoTrespasser ,

And some European airports are great examples of runaway capitalism. Good luck finding your gate when you’re walking through what looks like a shopping mall on steroids. No, I don’t want a Burberry Armani Hermes scarf, I want a damn sandwich.

Honytawk ,

I was more under the impression it was because in developed nations, cops don’t go around killing civilians for frivolous reasons. But in the US, it happens regularly.

alquicksilver , avatar

I’m in the US and did a double take when I saw that it was NZ; it’s the Americentrism that was ingrained in me since childhood that led me to automatically assume, based on the headline, that it was a story from here.

It could easily be one of dozens of similar stories here. People here can get rabidly protective of their firearms. Threats/offensive comments like the one the employee in this situation made are common enough that I think this would only be considered a fluff piece in the states, if it made the news at all.

ech ,

it’s the Americentrism that was ingrained in me since childhood

You can (and should) fix that. Assuming everywhere else is better just because you haven’t seen it (or buy the hype) does a disservice to the victims. Power tripping assholes exist everywhere there’s power to be had.

alquicksilver , avatar

I’ve unlearned much of it, but it remains an ongoing process; it’s similar to how recovery from addiction is a lifelong process. Unfortunately, many of my (I’m guessing our, but don’t want to assume) compatriots don’t feel the need to unlearn it or don’t see it as an issue to begin with.

Assuming everywhere else is better

Nowhere did I say that I assumed everywhere else was better. I can see how you inferred that, but that wasn’t my implication; I suppose my sarcasm didn’t come through well enough. Rather, I am just so used to that type of gun rhetoric here and not used to that from what I hear about NZ that it was a surprise.

Power tripping assholes exist everywhere there’s power to be had.

Fully agreed with you.

Feathercrown ,

Average perception of police

pyre ,

this whole thing wouldn’t be a problem if the police were the tiniest bit trustworthy

echodot ,

Are they not? That’s depressing

irreticent , avatar

This happened in New Zealand.

pyre ,

ACAB isn’t short for “American cops are bastards”.

lone_faerie ,

Bro saw “Despicable Me” and took that as a challenge

Kusimulkku ,

“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’”

the fuck

Doxatek ,

At least it wasn’t in the US. Calling the police on someone for anything has a non zero chance of just getting them straight up murdered. So i was happy to see it was in NZ lol

echodot ,

I’m surprised the police even bothered to turn up. In the UK it’s hard to get the police to turn up to actual crimes.

RoosterBoy ,

Lol, American cops crave violence too much and UK cops don’t want to be anywhere near it. Neither are doing their damn jobs.

Mango ,

Considering how things are in the US, calling the police on someone pretty well warrants attempted murder in return.

MonkderVierte ,

That’s house rules, not law. No way the police has to be involved here.

stoly ,

There is a place for it if viewed from the trespassing angle. I.e. “you brought food, now get out!”. That said, this person seems to have done roughly the same as people calling the police on black birdwatchers and such.

cass24 ,

If you have a private property and someone refuses to leave after being asked to leave, that is trespass and they may call the police for it.

I personally think it’s ridiculous to escalate this situation over food, of all things.

padge ,

My real question here is, do they really pay the employees enough for them to actually care?

diffusive ,

I suspect some employees (like the one of this article) are happy to do it for free… just for the fun

madcaesar ,

I’m honestly baffled by people busting their ass for shitty jobs for shitty corporations. It’s like people being exploited by Walmart risking their lives trying to prevent theft… Like why?

MNByChoice ,

Interesting news for a Friday. Gobto theater and be murdered. Guess ticket ticket sales will suck this week.

todd_bonzalez , avatar

Look, these were some feral hogs for sure, but nobody got murdered, this was NZ, calm down.

WhatYouNeed ,

Quick! Eat the evidence!

crusa187 ,

“My niece asked nicely: ‘If you’re calling the police, are they going to kill my mum?’” one of the women told the newspaper. “And he laughed at that stage. He looks directly in her face and he said: ‘Yeah, maybe we’ll find out.’”

My man’s finally flexing the full power vested in him as cinema popcorn popper, and it is glorious!!

qarbone ,

It’s not the nature of power. Sometimes it’s just the nature of peoplw to be week-old cockswabs

M500 ,

Where I live it is pretty normal to openly bring your own food. You can bring whatever you want. Bring your own ice cream and cheese burgers for all they care.

They do sell some stuff, but its not overpriced.

A few years back, one cinema chain said they were going to stop allowing this. Then their competitor advertised that they still allow you to bring your own food in and then the first cinema chain backed off.

Schmuppes ,

It’s become so expensive over here. We were out last week to watch the new Pixar movie. Tickets were 12€ per person (so 24€ for the two of us) and we’re eyeing nachos with a cheese dip and a medium drink to share. That would have added 20€ to the bill and we decided that was was just too much. I understand that ticket sales alone don’t keep the little cinema afloat, but 20€ for maybe half a bag of store-bought nacho chips and a drink that’s 95% tap water? Come on. 20€ is almost a cooked meal for two at an entry-level restaurant.

Syd ,

It’s probably a slight mistranslation so I don’t mean any offense but, I’m finding"entry-level restaurant" hilarious.

Imagine Alexander, who after years of hard work and dedication to his craft finally moves on to a professional level restaurant. On the way in he sees an overconfident novice kitted out in the newest gear, silk napkin smoldering at his side. Escaping from singed mustache hairs a rasp can be heard, “Don’t eat the fire… Don’t eat… The fire.”

“Poor guy never stood a chance, came here having never even seen a flambe?? I’ve trained for this, I’ve got this, I might not have the best gear but those forks and knives become a part of me when it’s time to dine”.

Alexander reassures him self, attempting to squelch the nerves steaming from his soul.

His teeth grit, hands clench, breath ceases for just a moment upon hearing the words.

“Do you have a reservation?”

Suddenly the seriousness of the situation struck Alexander, then with a cool confident sigh he knew he would succeed. No plate, bowl, or flaming pan would stop him.

Schmuppes ,

Entry-level as in “lower price bracket”. Just one step above take-away food.

Nuke_the_whales , (edited )

The theater near me is staffed by teenagers who couldn’t care less. I always stop at the dollar store or even grab a burger and put it in my backpack. I haven’t been asked about the contents of my bag in like 10 years

NikkiDimes ,

Some guy checked my bag once, loaded with snacks, looked me dead in the eye, and shrugged while waving me in haha. That man’s a G.

InternetUser2012 ,

We’d go every Friday to the movies and would get ridiculous on what we’d bring in. There was three of us and we’d take in bags of taco bell with the large drinks, one time we stopped at the grocery store and got a whole cooked chicken, six pack of beer, baked beens, and corn. Plates and silverware. Good times.

ripcord , avatar

The concept of a movie theater doing bag checks is really fucking weird.

tfw_no_toiletpaper ,

If its US theaters, maybe they check for guns

occhionaut ,

mmm delicious delicious gun 😋

Honytawk ,
echodot ,

I’m sorry, but you can’t enter without a gun, this is Texas.

GlendatheGayWitch ,

Before the 2012 Aurora Theater shooting, I would have agreed with you.

curiousaur ,

Yeah same. I’ve brought burritos, burgers, beers.

My favorite was during the opening scene of the Great Gatsby when they’re glamorizing all the champagne flowing at these elegant parties, I popped my bottle of champagne I brought in for my girlfriend and I to share and this other guy was like “aw fuck you”, in an envious tone.

raynethackery ,

So, theater patrons and owners need to get together and tell studios to stop expecting to receive 99% of ticket sales money.

fubarx ,

What’s the policy on bringing raw materials and making it in the theater? It’s not technically outside food and is prepared on the premises.

Thinking a hibachi stove or an electric blender.

LodeMike ,

What are you gonna grow it during the movie

fubarx ,

Now you’re thinking!

LodeMike ,

Bros gonna bring a time box into the theater.

intensely_human ,

It’s a primordial soup of amino acids and lightning officer!

0x0 ,

It’s not technically outside food

I am not sure how you convinced yourself of this

Unreliable ,

If I bring my own food and consume it indoors it is indoor food. If I ate it outside, it would be outside food. /s

fubarx ,

Raw popcorn kernels are not digestible ‘food.’ Oil is not food. Salt is not food.

Combine. Add heat. Et Voila! Someone complain, bring in bags of powdered chemicals, beakers, reagents, and bunsen burners, and go to work.

It’s all in the technical margins.

Hugh_Jeggs ,

All 3 of those things are tax-exempt where I’m from, because they’re food

Worth a try though

fubarx ,

Tax-exemption opens up a whole other promising venue. Hibachi and a chartered accountant at the next movie night.

This could work.

Hupf , avatar

Jesse, wtf are you talking about

fubarx ,
Fedizen ,

If I had to guess the idea is the food comes to the theater in a truck, too, is that also “outside food”?

Realistically though I think everyone knows you’re supposed to buy the food in the theater - everything else is people being cute

ililiililiililiilili ,

How big are your cargo shorts? You think no one is going to mind you chefing it up during trailers?

MeekerThanBeaker ,

I wonder what that theater’s spaghetti policy is.

Cocodapuf ,

Every organization should have a “spaghetti policy”.

What’s the US army’s spaghetti policy?

What’s Microsoft spaghetti policy?

What’s the Make a Wish Foundation’s spaghetti policy?

esc27 ,

I was planning to see a movie this weekend, but this story just reminded me how greedy and anti-customer that whole industry is.

BigBananaDealer , avatar

its not nearly as good as any of the other despicible me movies. felt like they had no idea how to tie everything together plus the kids are barely in the movie and dont do anything

lichtmetzger , (edited )

I believe the Despicable Me series peaked with the second one. Everything after that feels like soulless cashgrabs to sell Minions merch.

The only good thing about the fourth movie is the opening music.

BigBananaDealer , avatar

i thought minions was pretty good

LodeMike ,

Ticket price caps should be illegal. Blame the studios

mightyfoolish ,

Try shopping out theaters. There are many movie theaters pretty close to each other. One of them costs $40 for tickets. The other I can get two tickets, medium popcorn, a box of candy, two medium drinks for that same $40. Guess which one I refuse to go to…

Though, I can probably sneak in that same box of candy if I really wanted to. 🤔

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