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Have you ever realized just how broken you are?

I just spent the last hour typing up a post to put in !squaredcircle about how I observed a beautiful moment with a father and his 3 year old son.

The son was a fan of a wrestler named L.A. Knight. And he was set to make his grand entrance, and have his match, live in front of 57k people.

We were in the stadium, in line for merchandise. The line was really long. So the dad realized they would miss L.A Knight’s match.

Logically the smart thing to do is bring your son back to your seats. Give up your place in line, and try later. Or evdn online later.

Instead, this dad, who was clearly also a fan of L.A Knight, and wanted to see him asked his son: “Do you want to stay in line? Or go see L.A Knight?”

And the kid picked staying in line. The dad confirmed with him “If you stay in line, you’ll miss L.A Knight in the ring. He’s coming out now.”

And the kid chose to stay in line to get L.A Knight merch.

And the whole moment was beautiful to me. The idea of a dad respecting his kids opinion is foreign to me.

I grew up with my dad telling me to shut up and do it his way. Always his way. Still to this day, it’s always his way. My mom left him because he was controlling. My sisters (who are not his kids, but he helped raise them) don’t talk to him because of how he treated them.

I’m 40, and now he’s elderly, and I barely talk to him. Sometimes I feel guilty until moments like this. Where I’m reminded that still to this day I don’t speak up when I should. I don’t ask for help when I need it. I just suffer in silence, just as I always do.

There have even been times in the past where calling 911 for someone else having an emergancy was the right thing to do. Hearing gunshots on your street. Seeing a woman hanging out of a car screaming for help. But not calling 911, because nobody wants to hear what I have to say. Nobody wants to hear from me.

And at Summerslam, I see this kid saying he wants to stay in line. And the dad just confirms, and explains the consequences that he’ll miss L.A Knight, but the kid insisted on staying in line. Despite it not being the smart choice. It was the “wrong” choice. If I were in that position, my dad would have ended it with zero input on my end. But here this dad was respecting his sons choice. His three year old son.

And as I typed to a wrestling community what I intended to be a beautiful story, I realized it’s only beautiful to me because of my own repressed perspective. Everybody else just would hear a story about a normal dad doing normal dad things. Loving his son. Respecting his son.

And nobody would get why that would make me cry.

So I deleted the story before I posted it, and began to realize that even though I’m 40, and should be past all this, it still hurts, and I’m a deeply broken person.

And now I’m wondering, has anyone else had these moments where they realize that they’ve just been repressing pain for 30 years to the point where a normal loving relationship can cause jealousy, but also an intense heartwarming moment?

I don’t know how to describe it. That moment was just 10 minutes out of this kids life that he’ll not remember. The dad won’t deem it important, so he won’t remember this by now. It was a meaningless moment that in a loving relationship happens everyday. But to me, the idea of a dad respecting his son making a “wrong decision” had me supressing anger, sadness, and heartwarming joy, but also knowing how weird I was for that. And so I shut up, and repressed it. Only in trying to retell a heartwarming story did I realize it was coming across as bitter and jealous, and thats when I realized thats MY issue. And I don’t know where to go from here.

Have you ever had a moment like this?

breadsmasher , avatar

You aren’t broken. It sounds like a broken man raised you.

I grew up without a father; no positive male influence. It took me a long time to reach a point where I could accept it wasn’t me that was broken, it was the negative thought cycle I was habitually stuck in.

Taking a step back and seeing the good in the world, the small moments, for what they are (which I think you are doing?) Rather than viewing positive moments as a reflection of my own negativity, I am learning to view these positive moments as positive. Realisations of what I didn’t have but knowing I am living my life better than the ones that came before me.

A deeply personal anecdote - I am an alcoholic. I’ve been in AA for a while now, and have been sober for that time. I’ve grown and moved on from needing alcohol to feel normal.

My fathers side of the family, including him when he was alive, are unrepentant alcoholics. I don’t feel bitter or hateful anymore - instead I see it as being the only one in that family tree to actually break out of that cycle.

I have needed to spend a lot of time in therapy to help me reach this point.

Best of luck - you aren’t broken. just hurt

ericatty ,

You aren’t broken. It sounds like a broken man raised you.

I love this. It is so true too. My father and my husband were both raised by broken men and they both rose above it. My Dad still struggles with it, but my husband has been able to forgive and move on

ProxyZeus , avatar

I have had a similar expierence with this, my mother would mostly ignore my input if I didn’t or did want to do something or if I knew she was wrong she would still ignore me and then find out she was wrong and rarely acknowledge I was right.

I never thought about this affecting me until I was watching an interview with a psychologist about 2 years ago and I really resonated with part of it but it never left my mind. Recently I rewatched it and part a different part of it resonated deeper when the guy talked about disagreeing with his parents even though they thought they were right and they listened… I was unsure of what exactly that part was resonating with so I listened to it again. I decided to mix up drink shake mixture but I couldn’t bring myself to do it for some reason I was just locked up about making the drink for like 10 min even though I know I wanted to make the drink. While trying to get myself to do it.

I noticed that there were internal voices that sounded different one was saying

do I want to go thought the effort to clean the shaker though

The other one though was saying

do you even want the drink


Then I was hit with and started processing all the anger, sadness, and anxiety that I felt and didn’t realize I had pent up because of her ignoring me and brushing me off.

Its a tough thing to process and work through, I still am, but I feel better as a person now and more in control of my actions after the realization.

If I had to recommend anything to help, I would say let yourself feel those feelings you were repressing let them out in safe manners like writing down how you feel about stuff or hell I just let myself cry for like an hour after the dam burst it made me feel a lot better. Of course a therapist could help you too but the above two can help otherwise.

Also HealthyGamerGG is a really good YouTube channel with a lot of resources about mental health, it’s where the interview I was watching happened.

I wish you the best on your journey

UncleGrandPa ,

Never knowing my father, i was raised by a stepfather. He never spoke to me. Other than to demand i perform some task and then explaining how badly i had completed it… He never spoke to me. He never taught me how to. Ride a bike, throw a ball, shave, drive, or any of the things a dad should teach a son. I know almost nothing of his life… He never spoke to me

PindoLek24 ,

I grew up in Poland. Want me to add something? Beatings from my brother, mother, neighborhood, school, employers, university, the country… Then, during my studies, I got sick after a vaccine, had an accident, got cancer, had to undergo surgery, then almost died, needed another surgery, but now I feel great—I’m not even 30 yet. Everything passes. I didn’t list everything. With each hit, you become stronger, but before that, you have to suffer a bit—whether you do it to yourself or someone else does it to you. Don’t collect poo. >> can browse it in the English version quickly.

PindoLek24 ,

Ajahn Brahm speaks about this pain: growing pains. The suffering that accompanies development. It’s related to the realization of something. Everyone goes through it.

MehBlah ,

I’m in my 50’s. Both my parents passed this year. I didn’t go to either funeral. I felt nothing but anger at them. I did finally start going to therapy. My parents were different in their abuse but the same in that they never once in my life apologizes for any wrong they committed. It was physical abuse until I became physically stronger. Then it was nothing but mental abuse for the rest of my life. Admitting it hurts and admitting that its the source of your anger is good for you.

My parents like many didn’t “believe” in therapy. For good reason as it turns out. They knew they are guilty of abuse and feared exposure. Give it at least a couple of tries. If you don’t like the therapist you see. See another one. Be prepared to hear things you will not like. Acknowledge your pain is driving negative emotions and keep trying to not let it rule you.

The best luck is the luck you make.

Retro_unlimited ,

My aunt is very controlling, so I completely understand how you feel. My aunt wants to control every aspect of my life, she tried to rob me of my money to gain even more control over me. I feel like a slave in my own house trapped because of her. Soon I will get out of this situation but you’re not alone in that feeling you got seeing normal people doing normal things. It’s even weirder for me telling normal people of my aunts abuse because most people never seen a narcissist and this deception to gain full control. My aunt plays “I’m so worried about my nephew” but it’s to cover her abuse, so people don’t believe me.

Passerby6497 ,

Becoming a parent has been one long strong of these moments. By doing the right things for my child, I get reminded of just how bad my childhood was, and it’s hard. But I’m determined to give them a better life than I had, to break the cycle.

over_clox ,

I’m soon gonna turn 42 this September. My father passed away a little over 10 years ago ☹️

But guess what? Me and my roommate decided to adopt Brownie the stray dog!

Someone else adopted Patches as well.

Cadeillac , avatar

I can’t tell if you adopted your late fathers dog, or decided to get a dog because of his passing

over_clox ,

We adopted a stray dog from our city park. It’s only more or less coincidence that it’s right after the 10th anniversary after my father’s passing.

I know my father would have done the same, he’s a really good pup, very well behaved and pretty smart too. I believe he used to be someone’s service dog.

Cadeillac , avatar

That’s awesome. My dog has helped me mentally so much. She’s smart but stubborn. Still wants to do what she wants even though she knows the commands

aaaaace ,

My dad broke the cycle. Late in life he told me a story about myself.

We were in a park. I ran up and asked for something and he said no. I ran off and then came back, asking again but in some other way, this time he let ne do whatever it was.

His mother, a deeply religious schoolteacher, was sitting nearby, and after I ran off she criticized him for changing his mind, told him parents should never do that.

I think he told me that story for at least one reason.

Any person’s awareness can benefit others.

fadingembers , avatar

Yeah, when I was diagnosed with DID

datavoid ,

You are absolutely not alone in this… I have these moments frequently. I’m also fairly sure that level of parenting is also quite uncommon.

This made me cry, btw

BaroqueInMind ,

Children are people, so consent and respect goes really far when raising mentally balanced people.

Zozano , avatar

“Have you ever realised just how broken you are?”

This question implies the experience of some kind of epiphany, but I’ve had a life-long keen awareness of exactly how fucked up I am as a result of having a shitty father.

My longest held ambition was to be a better father than my father was.

skulblaka , avatar

Yep. I respect my father in as much as he gave me a shining example of what not to be if I want to respect myself. I would be a different person without that “guidance”.

jonc211 ,

So I deleted the story before I posted it, and began to realize that even though I’m 40, and should be past all this, it still hurts, and I’m a deeply broken person.

The thing about trauma (and it likely is trauma) is that it often just doesn’t go away on its own and you need to do work on it. So, why should you be over it?

Should is a loaded word as it pretty much always comes from what you learned as a child. You should do that. You should be like this.

That “should” probably comes from your father when he told you how you should be as a child.

It sounds like you aren’t over it now, but that’s ok. It’s ok not to be over stuff that happened in childhood. But the important thing to understand is that you can get over it with work. Being aware of that is the first step on that road.

meekah , avatar

I wanted to write pretty much what you did, but you did so perfectly already.

Generational trauma is a bitch.

MajorHavoc ,

Well said!

I want to highlight this, in case someone read fast and skipped it:

It’s ok not to be over stuff that happened in childhood.

It’s so important to give ourselves permission to not be okay.

AngryPancake ,


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