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TheObviousSolution , avatar

When people are, they notice.

Biden was exhausted and prepared to follow a debate training regimen that just left him confused. He’s a senior, not an athlete you can train up spryly, he was accustomed to debate in one way and told and exhausted into debating in a way he was not used to.

Sam_Bass ,

Fantasy is like rocknroll. It will never die nor reinvent itself

Socsa , (edited )

And yet this is still many orders of magnitude more sane than thinking Donald Trump is fit to be president.

FiniteBanjo ,

Wouldn’t Directed Energy Weapons make him burn and itch so bad he’d jump around?

We have those, we’ve used them in real combat, but they don’t work like that.

Liz ,

Depends on the weapon.

FiniteBanjo ,

I asked a question and I’m legitimately curious, got some sources?

Liz ,

I wrote a whole thing, but honestly Wikipedia does a pretty good job on this one.…

FiniteBanjo ,

Got it, so what I said stands uncontested. Beam weapons do not work that way.

Liz ,

Oh, sorry, yeah, I thought you were just asking about how those things with in general, not whether such a weapon could make someone confused. Yeah we don’t have anything that works that way.

Snowclone ,

In My experience energy weapons turn the victim into a toothpaste like glowing blue puddle.

FiniteBanjo ,

Your fallout experience also tells you lasers have recoil, so I wouldn’t place any value in that.

roguetrick ,

Well, technically they do. Just they have about as much recoil as your flashlight does.

FiniteBanjo ,

Yeah all the mass of the photons being propelled out has a real kick. /sarcasm

No offence to you, at all, but the fact that your comment is a 3:1 ratio makes me sad for the future of humanity.

roguetrick ,

Oh I’m just a general asshole and some folks realize it enough to downvote me. Pay it no mind.

evranch ,

Sure lasers don’t have recoil, but I see no reason a laser gun can’t have recoil.

Anything from flywheel energy storage, a lasing medium compressed by pistons, massive magnetic fields created by high currents, who knows what’s inside that thing.

A handheld laser gun has to generate a beam of such unrealistic intensity that I’d be surprised if the power stage didn’t buck in some manner.

hakunawazo ,
anon_8675309 ,

Idiots can be on the left too.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Of course. GMOs and nuclear power

Luminocta ,

“I don’t understand nuclear power, therefore it is bad”

afraid_of_zombies ,

Also they had sex symbol Jane Fonda.

What is with the anti-reason luddites and being so good at getting porn stars on their side? Jenny McCarthy is another as well as PETAs small cohort of nude exhibitionist girls.

Maybe the next pandemic WHO should hire a few to do a “vaccines are sexy” promotion. Is that it? The only way to convince people to not die a preventable death is have someone with big tits give them the answer?

Fuzzy_Red_Panda ,

Some of us aren’t against GMOs for being genetically modified, we’re against patents on food.

spidermanchild ,

Some of us also are against massive overuse of glyphosate.

Liz ,

If I could fucking ban pesticides and antibiotics for agricultural use I absolutely would.

Cryophilia ,

You’d probably kill millions of people unless you gradually overhauled the farming industry

Liz ,

Well, yes, but also if I actually had the power to make that change I would do it gradually through a market system for exactly that reason. One can dream, though.

chaogomu ,

One small change, Market systems are prone to market failures. They’re also rather inefficient, because there needs to be inefficiencies or else there’s no profit.

No, the best path to reducing pesticides and the over reliance on fertilizer is regulatory, with people on the ground checking compliance. Our food supply is too important to be left to the inefficiencies and corruption of “market solutions”

Cryophilia ,

You need to have a role for the market. Central planning is a demonstrably bad idea.

But a heavily regulated market is the sweet spot.

chaogomu ,

The sweet spot is in actually testing for, and enforcing regulations. Fund that part properly, and you’re most of the way there. It should also not need to be said that the testing and enforcement cannot be outsourced to some corporation, and cannot be self reported.

Sightline ,

Oh no better keep poisoning everyone then!

afraid_of_zombies ,

All two of you must enjoy hanging out together.

Fuzzy_Red_Panda ,

Join us!

afraid_of_zombies ,

I’m busy I have to fly to the UK and throw paint on Stonehedge so I can raise awareness about a different pet issue next week.

SomethingBurger ,

I’m also against patents on food but this is a bad argument. GMOs are artificial and can reasonably be patented under the same rules as any other technology.

Patents in general must be abolished.

Sightline ,

Ok moron. GMOs were created by the same company that created Agent Orange. Go on and tell us why GMOs exist, I want to hear you say it.

afraid_of_zombies ,

Starting with the personal attack. Very convincing.

Sightline ,

Notice how I included actual information along with my message and attacked the subject matter directly instead trying to dissolve the conversation into nothingness.

afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    Haha your comment was removed

    Haha your comment was removed

    This means I don’t have to defend my made up implications now, haha!

    That’s your 4th comment that doesn’t address what I said.


    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    6th comment where you REFUSE to explain why you’re shitting on people who don’t like GMOs.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline , (edited )

    You sure do hate defending your own words.

    “I just want you to address the insult”

    No you don’t. I’ve done this before, multiple times. You are extremely predictable. You won’t defend what you said because you can’t defend what you said. You want to spread disinfo with impunity.

    What’s happening now is I’m making you repeatably demonstrate to everyone that I’m right.

    7th comment.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    9th comment.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    Anyone can view the comment there.

    11th refusal.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    12th refusal, abundantly obvious to everyone you were full of it from the start.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    15th comment of refusal. Must have ate too many GMOs.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    GMOs come from the same company that created Agent Orange.

    rbesfe ,

    Which ones? There are lots of GMOs out there and they don’t all come from the same company

    Sightline ,

    All of the ones meant to have pesticides poured on them.

    afraid_of_zombies ,

    You mean none of them?

    Sightline ,

    The majority of GM crops have been modified to be resistant to selected herbicides, usually a glyphosate or glufosinate based one. Genetically modified crops engineered to resist herbicides are now more available than conventionally bred resistant varieties; in the USA 93% of soybeans and most of the GM maize grown is glyphosate tolerant.…/Genetically_modified_organism#…

    93% != None

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,


    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • afraid_of_zombies ,

    This guy here asking for facts from the anti-GMO position. Such high hopes for the human race! I remember being young and optimistic.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    Since you clearly respect the truth so very much why don’t you tell the world what you said to me before?

    …so you want me to make the same comment again so it’s immediately removed?

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    I’m not admitting to something that I never said. 5th comment of diversion.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    Oh I insulted you.

    8th comment.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    Anyone can view the comment there.

    10th refusal.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    13th refusal, I stand by my original comment.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,

    14th comment of refusal.

    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Sightline ,


    afraid_of_zombies ,


  • Loading...
  • Blackbeard , avatar

    Do not bait users into repeating rulebreaking comments that have been removed.

    cecinestpasunbot , (edited )

    Biden supporters aren’t really left wing though. The left is barely a thing in the US.

    suction ,

    Define le left™

    SomethingBurger ,

    Does Biden even have supporters? Or just Trump haters? Who is actually enthusiastic for a second Biden term, rather than a not-Trump term?

    vaultdweller013 ,

    Im kinda excited about his cabinet continuing but yeah. Biden could be replaced by one of those novelty singing fish and id be somewhat neutral to it still.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    “It was his stutter.”

    “He had a cold.”

    “He overprepared and got flustered.”

    “A malicious actor used an Inator on him.”

    I wonder what the next excuse is gonna be.

    Tire ,

    Having a cold is perfectly normal.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    Claiming to have beaten Medicare isn’t a cold symptom.

    Randelung ,

    A coldinator! And after the president the whole tri-state area!

    TokenBoomer ,

    I understood this reference.

    Fuzzy_Red_Panda ,

    “He’s old.”

    He actually said on camera that the reason he is running this time is because Trump is running, meaning that if Trump wasn’t running, Biden wouldn’t be running, meaning he doesn’t even really want the job.

    The DNC put up a guy that doesn’t even want to be president again, and now 40% of democrat voters want a new nominee because apparently they weren’t paying attention for the last 4 years and only realized now, during the debate, that Joe Biden is dealing with cognitive decline.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    I think the debate made it undeniable for a lot of people.

    Maggoty ,

    No we realized years ago. It’s the entire reason his campaign started the idea that he’d be a single term president. People brought it up after the midterms when he confirmed he’d run again. It’s been in the news and an open question ever since then. According to insiders, the debate was held early specifically to show he wasn’t too old.

    Biden and the Party have been aggressively going after critics, accusing them of being Trump supporters and disloyal to the very concept of democracy. Which would have worked if he didn’t shit the bed so badly.

    Corkyskog ,

    The DNC basically dragged him out of retirement in 2020 because establishment couldn’t handle anyone scary like Bernie or someone young.

    TheReturnOfPEB ,

    so your idea is that people close to Biden are making a conspiracy theory as cover. So your conspiracy theory is that there is a conspiracy spreading conspiracy theories ?

    My dude look inside your own house. The conspiracies are coming from inside your own home.

    Ensign_Crab ,

    And my prediction came true. There’s already a new excuse. They’re blaming jet lag. When the last time he traveled was 2 weeks before the debate.

    Gakomi ,

    Hmm not sure if that’s a bad thing, don’t get me wrong I’m all pro choice but those pills have a lot of cancer side effects. Frankly I think you should go to the doctor and do it there then use pills that can give you cancer or make you sterile, then again that’s my opinion.

    UnfortunateShort ,

    Sure, let’s go with that.

    brlemworld ,

    This community is called news. It should include news. Not some trash blog.

    FlyingSquid , avatar

    This is your occasional reminder that the conspiracy nutballs can be on the left sometimes too.

    Stupidmanager ,

    Dating has taught me this. I’m not sure I like this version of the multiverse.

    Freefall ,

    They are not left or right. They are just people that strictly believe everything that has been disproven or is too stupid to bother disproving, as long as ANY thread of correlation can be made up between it and observable reality.

    Feathercrown ,

    To be fair that correlates with being right wing for some reason

    Freefall ,

    The disconnect from reality combined with being prone to belief without proof.

    Moneo ,

    Watch Dan Olsen’s video on flat earthers. I’m having a hard time remembering details but the conspiracy theories are more of a symptom than anything. These people are looking for a community as well as an explanation for why the world is so fucked up, and why they are miserable. Anti-semitism and conspiracy theories are more satisfying than anything the left can provide.

    PugJesus ,

    Wow, and here I thought he was an old guy with a stutter getting flustered while a fascist fuckwad spewed inane garbage.

    ToucheGoodSir ,

    I’ve said it many times, I will say it again: IT WAS THOSE DAMN REPTILLIANZ

    Steve ,

    Have you ever been in a TV studio with all the lights pointed at you?
    That’s exactly what they are. Directed-Energy Weapons.

    nul42 ,

    Trump was protected by his blue suit.

    Track_Shovel , avatar

    Not that I wanted the debate to go the way it did

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