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FlyingSquid , in ‘He wasn’t raping her’: Woody Allen defends Spanish football boss over World Cup kiss avatar

Fuck off, pedo.

MindSkipperBro12 , in The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80%

I can now cope more and seethe less about our country getting completely dwarfed by the Euros.

omgitsaheadcrab , in The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80%

Time to get a US remote contracting role then I guess

Overzeetop ,

Oh, you’re mistaking GDP for money going to workers here. Our (federal) minimum wage is still just $7.25/hr (€6.75/hr) and more than 1/3 of the states honor that. I think that’s even lower than Portugal. And there’s no healthcare with that (or any) wage/contract job.

Oh, sure, you can make money here, but it almost certainly won’t be as an average employee.

LufyCZ ,

No one’s remote contracting out to the US for minimum wage, from Europe at least.

I imagine they’re most likely talking about IT and related fields, where this is a legit strategy

xc2215x , in Elon Musk Threatens To Sue Anti-Defamation League For X’s Lost Ad Revenue

Didn’t Elon bring this on himself by keeping the Nazis though ?

muse , avatar

Not even keeping, explicitly adding them back and unbanning them, and letting them make decisions to ban leftists who spoke out against it (andy ngo recommending people to the chopping block comes to mind)

MaxPow3r11 ,


Rose ,

Not only keeping but returning en masse.

xc2215x , in ‘He wasn’t raping her’: Woody Allen defends Spanish football boss over World Cup kiss

This isn’t the way, Woody Allen. Not a good look.

deegeese ,

Come on, it was just a kiss. It’s not like he was raping his adopted daughter or something. /s

yenahmik , in ‘He wasn’t raping her’: Woody Allen defends Spanish football boss over World Cup kiss

Ah yes, Woody Allen - the paragon for appropriate relationships with women. We should certainly listen to him about what is and isn’t acceptable behavior.

/s if that wasn’t clear.

spittingimage , (edited ) in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse? avatar

Without reading the article I’m gonna guess that it’s because work, politics and culture have got you all so permanently stressed and anxious that you turn on each at the slightest upset like sharks scenting blood.

senoro , in The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80%

It’s because americans are good at capitalism. Americans are so much more willing to put up capital to invest in a start up. In Europe investors are so much more risk averse, that they never hit any big wins. It also makes companies list on the american exchanges over european equivelant ones.

the_q , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?

Our mental health is getting worse because life on this planet is getting worse. It’s not rocket science.

Bye , in The GDP gap between Europe and the United States is now 80%

I was about to say you need to look at gdp per capita not just gdp, but I googled it and the eurozone has about the same population as the USA.

With such a large gdp difference, looks like Americans will be doing a lot of travel to Europe, and even more Europeans may be coming over here for jobs. It seems like half the people I work with are from Germany.

Vormadikter ,

I am notsurprised. I am from Germany. The salary for the job i am doing has been stalling the last 10 years. Even though i am “doing a career”, my salary raises are weak compared to inflation. I am in middle management of a big company and cant afford a fckn house, while people on this position 20 years ago have 3 now. I hate it.

Bye ,

That is mostly true here as well. From what my German coworkers tell me (and from what I see in job postings), salaries here are generally higher, even after paying for medical care etc. this is in the sciences but I’ve heard it’s true in other fields as well.

Norgur ,

Yes, they are higher but many calculations say that the end earnings ppl have after all deductions are higher in Germany than in the US. So Americans get payed more but go home with less disposable income. I am no economist though, so... Idk

nakal , avatar

What you want to compare is how common people are living in a coutry and how much they can actually buy. That's what PPP is for ("purchasing power parity").

Norgur ,

No, that's the wrong metric here. PPP compares prices not earnings for the sake of establishing a standardized "currency" to compare against. It doesn't say how many of the compared products can be bought with a median income or anything.

nakal , avatar

Ok, you're right. You'd also need the median income to have an objective overview how people live in the country.

CIA_chatbot ,

Hate to tell you this, it’s no different here in the states. Wages have not been remotely kept track with inflation and home ownership is out of reach of most of the population

Turkey_Titty_city ,

that's true of everywhere in the developed economies.

we value assets more than we value labor. so assets get more expensive and labor is cheaper. and since the rich are getting richer at an unprecedented rate, it's not going to change unless we have a serious social collapse.

OldWoodFrame ,

No I think you’re on to something with the per capita point.

US population went from 304million to 333million in that time (+29 million).

Euro population went from 334million to 344 million (+10 million).

3x the population growth probably helps nominal GDP numbers look better than they really are comparatively. It’s not the whole story but it’s some of it.

jballs , (edited ) in Conservative book ban push fuels library exodus from national association that stands up for books avatar

My wife works for one of our county libraries in Colorado. The higher ups are trying to appease conservatives pushing for book bans by cancelling the yearly “Banned Books” displays that they normally put up. They seem to think that by not “antagonizing” them, the conservatives will quietly go away and leave the libraries alone.

I’m of the opinion that they’re just giving into the conservatives’ demands by making banned books less visible - and getting nothing in return. Conservatives have made this a national strategy (as detailed in the article), so our local library isn’t just going to make it all go away by ceding to their demands.

squidman ,

Never negotiate with terrorists.

jballs , avatar

That is exactly what I said to my wife when she first explained the decision to me.

Satelllliiiiiiiteeee , avatar

Ah, yes, because appeasement has worked so well in the past.

MisterScruffy , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse?

We live in a world that rewards narcissistic asshole behavior and nothing else. It’s fucking depressing no amount of therapy will change that.

Krauerking ,

But some drugs might help you change your brain chemistry to be as narcissistic or just so singular focused that you can’t think about being depressed because you are focused on repetitive task work.

And isn’t that the fix that we all need?

BlinkerFluid , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse? avatar

It’s seldom covered in any decent capacity by most work or private health insurance unless you target it directly and lose out on other options.

Most offices are corner cutting so hard that the following week, you might have a new therapist/counselor that has no frame of reference beyond the former’s patient folder on you.

A lot of therapy is just a gotcha for Christian and religious bullshit.

Therapy and mental health is often seen as a sign of weakness for men, who often times never open up or seek help to begin with due to the stigma.

This isn’t a huge conundrum. It’s pretty easy to understand.

orclev ,

That and therapy is treating the symptoms but not the underlying cause. Therapy can help you heal, but when every week brings a new trauma you’re just treading water.

BustlingChungus ,

Therapy can help you heal, but when every week brings a new trauma you’re just treading water.

Damn, that’s… depressingly poignant

Tedesche ,

That and therapy is treating the symptoms but not the underlying cause.

As a therapist, I have to object and say that’s not good therapy. Even when the underlying cause is something external to yourself that you do not have control over, a competent therapist should be working with you on how you can minimize contact, manage contact better, or completely escape said external stressor. A complete fix may not be possible, but there’s usually room for improvement.

Regardless, it’s incorrect to say therapy treats symptoms, but not underlying cases. Underlying causes are focused on all the time.

snooggums , avatar

Can you help me escape politicians who are taking away the ability for women to have safe abortions, attempt to overthrow the government, and their voters who brag about it by flying fascist flags on their cars? What about massive inflation without a similar rise in income that is needed just to survive?

Thanks in advance.

Yes this is snarky, but the stressors that most people are talking about in this thread are completely out of their control AND things they can't just avoid.

Buddahriffic ,

Yeah, with the state of things right now, I’m not sure anxiety is so much a bug but a feature. The vast majority of the population is being exploited or ignored while a small group of people plunder the world’s resources and talents and continue to do so despite it obviously threatening the balance that life on this planet currently depends on. And different factions of those assholes use some of the population to try to take or protect what they have from others and have enough weaponry to devastate the entire population.

Even if it can be consciously ignored, the subconscious will figure it out and try to warn us and I think that denial is one of the big causes of mental health issues.

ExpensiveConstant ,

Can you help me escape politicians who are taking away the ability for women to have safe abortions, attempt to overthrow the government, and their voters who brag about it by flying fascist flags on their cars? What about massive inflation without a similar rise in income that is needed just to survive?

Nope, that's going to take a lot of work to do anything about. What (imo) your therapist should be helping you do is develop strategies that let you deal with your anxieties. If therapy was only for dealing with things after the fact I don't think I would be doing it because I agree with you, we can't escape all the awful shit in the world but what we can do is make it not so debilitating that you can't do anything.

snooggums , avatar

So a therapist can help a woman in Texas get an abortion and overcome inflation?

Great to hear!

ExpensiveConstant ,

I'm confused, I thought I was pretty clear that therapy isn't going to fix any of the societal issues that give you anxiety, it's not supposed to...

snooggums , avatar

The original point was that therapy doesn't address the underlying problem. It led to the post above:

If therapy was only for dealing with things after the fact I don't think I would be doing it because I agree with you, we can't escape all the awful shit in the world but what we can do is make it not so debilitating that you can't do anything.

Which doesn't address the underlying issues or solve anything when it comes to actual problems that directly impact people. It is also worded as if the therapy helps by avoiding the awful shit so someone can do something. Which probably means not letting stress about one thing keep you from doing something else you can control, but in the context of the comment it was replying to could be read as doing something about the examples.

Therapy is great for addressing personal issues such as anxiety and trauma that are keeping someone from successfully acting on things they do have control over. But when it comes to things people can't control it is just a coping mechanism that doesn't solve the underlying problems that someone is reasonably responding to with frustration and helplessness. Yet it keeps being suggested as a solution.

sapient_cogbag , avatar

Something that has always helped me with things like this (I’m trans in the uk, and have various other things around decentralised networks and such, also the economy and like 5000 other things, personal situations, etc.) is doing concrete steps towards my socio-techno-politico-economic goals and personal stuff.

Things like organising with other people (not just for protests/riots, but also things like underground services, discreet information leaflets, and just general community), trying to develop new tech, etc. ^.^

Decent therapy can help at least with dealing with some of the effects of this stuff, and manage interpersonal causes of mental health issues, in theory, if you can access it - though there are many issues imo with certain types of therapy that promote accepting shitty sociopolitical situations and personal situations, though this seems to be more of a philosophy thing than really therapy related specifically.

Techniques for managing the effects of poor sociopolitical situations - and working with someone to come up with more strategies to deal with these effects as well as avoid more common self-destructive thought patterns - might help you act more towards fighting the root causes even if it can’t solve them itself ^.^

For people in these situations, if you want someone else to help come up with personal coping strategies and to practise identifying more destructive thought patterns and manage emotional states, my opinion is that this is where a good therapist may be helpful if you can access one and want one.

For solving the more underlying issues? They probably can’t help directly, but they may help you gain more ability/mental bandwidth to deal with them either personally or via organising and political strategy. However this is all very conditional on therapist quality and some therapists may be actively harmful.

At least, this is my view. I have a pretty complex set of thoughts about therapy and mental health systems - and am familiar with the ways they can be used as weapons against individuals and larger groups as a trans and autistic person, as well as how they can be helpful - but hopefully the stuff about acting to do political things is useful to someone.

Actually doing something rather than just watching things get worse is helpful for me personally at least ^.^

Tedesche ,

If I was your therapist, while I couldn’t change the world for you, I could certainly help you change how you’re thinking about all of this political shit to reduce your stress and distress. Most of us have political misgivings, but only some of us have those misgivings create serious problems in our lives. I’m obviously sympathetic to—for example—women who can’t get abortions in their state, but therapy is about coping with reality, not changing reality in ways that correspond to wishful thinking.

Drivebyhaiku ,

I think the issue being remarked on is while yes therapy helps one better manage and attempt to do everything within an individual’s power to react to something (include minimizing contact) there are enough stressors beyond people’s individual locus of control that no matter how personally resilient one becomes misery is still a natural outcome. Therapy attempts to address underlying causes… But ultimately it still places the burden of fortitude on the person. If the situation merits more fortitude than person is capable of even at their best then the solution lies beyond that individual’s training to respond to it and must be addressed at the source. Hence the phrase “Treats symptoms, not the cause” is catch-phrasy and not by all means technically correct, but encapsulates this frustration at having to constantly be the one expected to exert constant personal effort to be okay while the source problems, which are often cultural/social in nature, are treated as immovable constants and continue being a source of inhumane conditions.

littlewonder ,

Ok but therapy doesn’t have to be a “crisis of the week” situation. A person and their therapist should be working together toward a set of goals that aim to address their needs (e.g. getting enough self-esteem, confidence, new perspectives, etc. to treat the cause (e.g. quit abusive job, leave a partner, make boundaries with crazy family, etc…). Good therapists identify when therapy is drifting outside of effective modalities and guide the sessions back to the overall goals.

Signed, a person who is in “crisis of the week” therapy but is also terrible at confrontation and is working toward bringing it up.

Bizarroland , avatar

That and mental health awareness becoming more prevalent means that more people are becoming aware of mental health issues

SaltySalamander , avatar

Spoken like someone who's never been in therapy.

girlfreddy , in America Has Reached Peak Therapy. Why Is Our Mental Health Getting Worse? avatar

I’ll choose “every politician is a lying grifter” for $500, Alex.

XTornado , in Warner Bros. Discovery Says Ongoing Strikes Will Mean $300M-$500M Hit to 2023 Earnings

Me having stock from before the merge: I’m Never Gonna Financially Recover from This

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