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MossyFeathers ,

Remember when Y2K was going to potentially end the world, but it didn’t thanks to experts working 'round the clock?

Remember when corporations turned around and got pissy because Y2K was successfully avoided, claiming that it was all a big hoax?

Remember how it’s now taught in some places that Y2K was a hoax and you can’t trust experts?

No wonder the world struggled with COVID.

FuntyMcCraiger ,

It cost like half a trillion dollars to avert the issues of Y2K. A lot of people don’t realize how much of an issue it was.

bobs_monkey ,

Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. I can see the same thing happening with climate change; say we successfully avert it, you’ll have all the lunatics on saying, “see?? There was nothing to worry about, we stressed and struggled for nothing!!1!”

unconsciousvoidling ,

Oh you know they will. It’s a guarantee… and I hope that winds up being the case because the alternative is a nightmare come true.

thorbot ,

It’s been the reality for many years my friend

Scrof ,

That’s the one thing we can’t avert, only adapt to and mitigate. The time to avert was half a century earlier.

gamermanh ,

Literally already done with the hole in the ozone layer

irmoz , (edited )

It’s too late to wish for that. We’ve already emitted too much, and didn’t slow enough in time to avert catastrophic climate change. We will likely live through it, but we’ll suffer. And those in poorer, hotter countries will die en masse. Wars will likely happen as refugees flee countries now made inhospitable. Fascism will rise as richer countries, more able to weather the storms, become insular and focus on domestic issues to the detriment of the aforementioned refugees. Perhaps revolutions will happen. Extreme heatwaves, hurricanes, tsunamis, will threaten coastal and tropical cities, and island nations in particular, but even cooler countries will be stricken with fatal heatwaves, just less often.

None of this is “if” we miss some target. We already missed it. It is already set in stone. We can only do our best to ensure it doesn’t get even worse than that. That’s still not the worst possible outcome.

Sternout ,

Damn we made the air breathable, the rivers clean and the animals happy for no reason

someguy3 ,

2 digit years can’t melt mainframe computers. (/s)

kryptonianCodeMonkey ,

Same thing with the hole in the Ozone layer. People think it was never a problem because we don’t hear about it anymore, not realizing the issue has been mitigated and is recovering as we took concerted efforts to understand the cause and fix it before it became a disastrous situation.

Fun fact, pandemics can be addressed in a similar manner. With plenty of resources and scientific collaboration, potential pandemics can be identified, risks and remedies can be researched, and then policies can be put into place to prevent them from rising to the level of a pandemic in the first place. The problem is that people generally don’t see that a pandemic was prevented, only when they fail to be prevented. Also preventing them takes money, and requires policies that can temporarily negatively affect economies. Those things are mortal sins to conservatives and libertarians. So they dismantle programs that already exist or cut their funding to make them as useless as they believe them to be. Then the worst happens and they get to point at the program that failed and use that to justify never spending money on it again. Yaaaaaaaaay!

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

The reason Y2K wasn't a big deal was through the efforts of software developers and the only recognition they got was the movie Office Space.

rockSlayer ,

Tbf every kid entering the workforce should have to watch office space and handed a red card for the IWW

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

Fuckin' A

Whelks_chance ,

And their choice of an office printer to go ham on

Semi-Hemi-Demigod , avatar

And a red Swingline stapler

idiomaddict ,

Office space is great, to be fair

dingus , avatar

Are you ready to go through it again soon?

The year 2038 problem (also known as Y2038, Y2K38, Y2K38 superbug or the Epochalypse) is a time formatting bug in computer systems that represent times after the time 03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038.

The problem exists in systems which measure Unix time – the number of seconds elapsed since the Unix epoch (00:00:00 UTC on 1 January 1970) – and store it in a signed 32-bit integer. The data type is only capable of representing integers between −(231) and 231 − 1, meaning the latest time that can be properly encoded is 231 − 1 seconds after epoch (03:14:07 UTC on 19 January 2038). Attempting to increment to the following second (03:14:08) will cause the integer to overflow, setting its value to −(231) which systems will interpret as 231 seconds before epoch (20:45:52 UTC on 13 December 1901). The problem is similar in nature to the year 2000 problem.

A lot of old PC hardware simply couldn’t scale to modern needs. On the plus side, things like virtualization and 64-bit architecture are helping solve issues like this.

papelitofeliz ,

I’ll just take a sabbatical on 2037

drcobaltjedi ,

We actually recently lived through some of the work arounds for Y2K causing issues again. Look up the Y2020 issue. A lot of the fixes for Y2K only pushed the problem out 20 years.

Appoxo , avatar

Afaik the Nintendo3DS also had 2038 as it’s max calendar year.

shalafi ,

Imma need a source on that one.

MossyFeathers ,

On which part? When it comes to Y2K being a real problem, my dad was working at PepsiCo at the time. He had to spend a lot of time and effort upgrading or replacing a lot of their systems because they would have stopped working and/or had major database issues if the time bug hadn’t been fixed. On top of that, a lot of backend systems were (and probably still are) designed to be running 24/7. The result is that it can take a while to get systems back online if one of them goes down unexpectedly. If all of the systems had gone down at the same time, it would have likely resulted in a catastrophic failure that could have bankrupted the company.

From the standpoint of corporations spreading misinformation about Y2K, I don’t have any concrete specifics, however my dad’s mentioned that his manager afterwards had warned the team he was on that there were grumblings from upper management and executives about Y2K preparations being a waste of money. Afaik nothing ever came of it inside the company (or if it did, it didn’t effect my dad), but it seems odd how easily the “Y2K was a hoax” conspiracy theory took off (I’m almost certain I’ve read a few articles about CEOs spreading misinformation about it shortly after the event, however I haven’t been able to find anything with a quick Google search).

As for Y2K being taught as a hoax… look around you. How many people do you think believe it was a hoax? Whenever I hear about it come up, it’s people ridiculing the “doomsday cult” that was pushing for corporate and government entities to fix the bug and how unnecessary it supposedly was. Someone is teaching them that, whether it’s formal education or informally via peers or the internet.

shalafi ,

I worked Y2K mitigation. Remember it well! But I’ve never read a single article or comment scoffing at the notion.

Sure, at the time people laughed it off, but 20-years later I feel our disaster prevention efforts are well understood.

LOL, we must run in different circles.

Lepsea ,

Working as an engineer in a corporation is weird. Do your job so well that it all works seamlessly? The “management” will ask you what you are doing because there’s no problem to fix so no pay raise. You have to work bare minimum so everything can break so this “management” people know that you’re “working”

Spudwart ,

If we don’t obliterate ourselves by 2032, then I highly suspect nothing will be done about the 32bit rollover time issue as it becomes politicized, nothing will get fixed and literally the solution is to add another 32 bits in front of the existing 32 bits.

borth ,

In the US**. Mostly.

EherVielleicht OP ,

All over the globe, I am German and the right wing gets stronger, I hate it…

idiomaddict ,

Everywhere is getting really fascist, really quickly. It’s terrifying. At least last time, other countries stopped Germany. Who would stop an afd/cdu coalition now? Not the Trump, le pen, xi, Putin, modi, or literally any British option. We’re going to have to bet on the finns.

EherVielleicht OP ,
brewbellyblueberry ,

We’re going to have to bet on the finns.

Please don’t, for the sake of us all, it’s the same over here unfortunately.

All of the shit is everywhere already. Fighting this shit is going to have to be a worldwide effort the same way bigots, fascists, nazis etc. are uniting worldwide. There is no place on Earth immune to idiocy, because most people are just idiots and/or fucking suck.

idiomaddict ,


JazzAlien ,

Don’t forget about the mass extinctions

EherVielleicht OP ,


whodatdair , (edited )

I visited the state I grew up in recently and had to drive a couple hours to visit someone down a highway I used to drive all the time in my teens. There used to be so many bugs that I’d have to stop and use the washers at the gas station at least once… this time there were maybe 2 or 3.

I was like oh. oh no.

lili_thana ,

I tell people all the time that the bugs are all gone. It is terrifying! Younger generations will never experience those swarms. It is so sad.

Bread ,

Let’s hope we aren’t also going to be on that list.

GreenMario ,

I’m banking on it so I don’t have a retirement fund.

If you fuckers fix everything you better have socialized retirement in the package.

Hyperreality ,

Yes, that is why I don't have a significant retirement fund. It's all part of my plan. /s

sgx ,

He’s not wrong … I’m retiring in 15 years. Calculated some funds for the first 10 or so… But come 75 I’d be either dead or won some lottery …

Hyperreality ,

Honestly, I've seen what happens in care homes and hospitals, and have heard enough horror stories.

Unless you're lucky enough to have good kids, who are able to visit often and take care of your interests, the last decade of your life can be utterly horrible and sad.

someguy3 ,

And heat waves from climate change.

nonearther ,

You forgot -

  • Housing crisis which makes house impossible to afford.
  • Rent crisis which makes event renting harder and gives owners freehand to increase rent however they like
  • Global job scarcity
  • Stagnation of income in sight of exploding inflation
EherVielleicht OP ,

True, but it has to be readable.

SlopppyEngineer ,
  • Forest fires that turn the sky red
  • Record rainfall and flooding
  • Once in a millennium heatwaves

It depends on where you live of course

Hovenko , avatar
  • being called millenials
InLikeClint , avatar

Don't go taking all the glory of living in a doomed world. Us 80's babies are right there with you.

jballs , avatar

Only thing us 80s babies lucked into is that a few of us were able to buy a house before prices skyrocketed. I don’t know how anyone just starting off could even get a foot in the door in this market.

Whelks_chance ,

Yup, I feel like I was the last one in, and it still took 10+ years to save up the deposit

Treatyoself ,

I was just on the cusp of having enough of a down payment during Covid when that 2020 market crashed in big cities. I didn’t make it and now I definitely won’t be making it anytime soon. Glad you made it though.

idiomaddict ,

But with work experience.

Though to be fair, I don’t really remember the world pre 9/11 as a ‘91 baby, so I don’t miss my freedom

CeruleanRuin ,

Imagine living through the Reagan administration and still having any hope left. I was too young to understand why, but even then I felt it draining from the world. And then Challenger exploded.

InLikeClint , avatar

@CeruleanRuin We had no idea we were headed for our inevitable demise. I witnessed the Challenger explode when I was 4, one of my first memories. Red flag right out the gate.

EldVrangr ,

Joke’s on you, I survived past 30.

Jury’s still out for 40.

_number8_ ,

plus i was born 96 - which feels very peculiar, i didn’t really have any 90s kid experiences or remember the 90s particularly like millennials, but i’m far too old for hyper-tiktoked gen Z identity, where the internet is fact of life and not a beloved innovation

sgx ,

I think 90s kids have their youth in the 00s First 10yrs aren’t quite as usefully, while mostly tethered ton your parents.

I’m a 70s kid, and remember mostly the 80s and up. I’d like to forget the 90s, this is where I fucked up, and still pay the price for sometime

PyroNeurosis , avatar

We 90’s kids are also paying the price for the 90’s.

Kyrinar ,

Born in 95, this has also been my experience. I’m just a bit too young to fully identity with everything the Millenials talk about, but feel closer to them then Gen Z. Talking to my much-younger-than-me brothers feels like I need a translator sometimes, and our interests and perception of the internet are decidedly different.

Fubar91 ,

Im still waiting on the world to end since 2012.

rockSlayer ,

Personal headcanon is that it did and we’re in hell

arefx ,

I can’t believe that was 11 years ago.

jaamesbaxterr ,
CeruleanRuin ,

Don’t really feel like giving a channel like that views.

Whelks_chance ,

Did they say it would be quick? Maybe that’s where we peaked.

CeruleanRuin ,

Goddamn Mayans should’ve been more specific. I was hoping for an instantaneous end of the world, not one drawn out over the next few decades.

CitizenKong ,

“May you live in interesting times.”

TORFdot0 ,

If you are under 30 you didn’t really experience Y2K, or the 2008 recession.

thetreesaysbark ,

I think under 30s may have experienced the recession. Maybe not first hand in terms of job loss but I imagine the quality of life impacts on children will have been felt.

skulblaka , avatar

Tons of those folks who lost jobs had children. I didn't know what a recession was but I do remember my mom crying a lot and then us moving from a nice house in the suburbs to an apartment in the bad side of town.

bloubz ,

What? How did we not experience the recession bro

TORFdot0 ,

I don’t think existing during a recession is experiencing it. I’m not saying current under 30s weren’t impacted by it but they weren’t participating in the job or housing market crashes.

Whelks_chance ,

Their parents inability to afford food and housing might have affected them a little bit

3TH4Li4 , avatar

True and real, truly a core childhood memory for me ♥

RQG , avatar

A kid born in 92 would be 16 in 2008. So they are beginning to look at the job market in many cases.

TORFdot0 ,

A kid born in 1992 isn’t under 30 though…

bloubz ,

If you’re born in 94 you were 16 in 2010. I don’t know how you don’t experience a global economic crisis being 16 at the time (Don’t know why I replied to you specifically)

CeruleanRuin ,

This meme is three years old.

3TH4Li4 , avatar

I may have been a child in 2007-2008 but I did felt the recession when our house had to be sold, and we could barely feed our family just because the Lehman Brothers fucked up.

BassaForte , avatar

I’m 29 and I definitely remember Y2K. 2008 didn’t really affect though since I was in highschool.

CoggyMcFee ,

Yeah but like did you have to work on it for your job? Because nothing actually happened to anyone except people who fixed Y2k bugs leading up to it.

BassaForte , avatar

No, but I do remember the panic. My parents were convinced that it was going to affect everything, missile systems, the whole nine-yards. They even invested in huge water tanks to put in our basement and stored years worth of food.

Were they crazy? Absolutely. But I can still say I was somewhat affected because of the panic.

CoggyMcFee ,

Wow. Your parents were not typical at all, but I can see how you would remember that!

BassaForte , avatar

I can agree with that.

Agent641 ,

Im 36 but never had money, so the 1997 AFC, Y2k, 2008 rec were just newspaper headlines I saw and ignored while continuing to eat chips.

pruwybn , avatar

I guess technically I “lived through” Y2K, in the same sense that I’ve lived through every other day of my life.

Naz ,

Hah, hah. Yeah. It’s a great thing nothing happened that day.

Yeeeaaah. Yuuuuup.

I totally remember Y2K also, the clock like, just rolled over? :) :) ;)

mo_lave ,

🤝 90’s babies living through WW1, the Great Depression, and WW2 before they hit 50

HipHoboHarold ,

Now we just gotta hope the roaring 20s comes back… that’s also gonna repeat, right? Gonna have fun? Cause it’s the 20s? Someone tell me it’s gonna happen.

mo_lave ,

The low-interest economic regime of the 2010s was that

SuddenDownpour ,

“Hey mom, can we go get some roaring 20s now?”

“We already have some roaring 20s at home, honey.”

Roaring 20s at home:

pancakes , avatar

It’s gonna happen.


MoodyRaincloud ,

Bring back the flappers!!!

Gerula ,

For those living in Europe please add: the spanish flu pandemic so “a plague”, the expansion of communism, post war reconstruction (twice).

Edit: typos

HerbalGamer ,

the expansion of communism

we were talking about bad things

FuglyTheBear ,

Bolshevik Communism was the second worst thing to happen to the working class in the 20th century. Second only to the rise of corporate Capitalism. Its failure crippled any other working class revolution for the 30 plus years.

HerbalGamer ,

That’s a wild take

Aux ,

If capitalism is bad, maybe move to North Korea already.

Gerula ,

Yup, I know what I’m talking about, unfortunately for me I’ve been “blessed” of being born in comunism. Can you say the same thing about yourself?

HerbalGamer ,

unfortunately for me I’ve been “blessed” of being born in comunism.

Alright enlighten us; when and where?

Gerula ,

Why, you think I need your validation of my life experience from you?

HerbalGamer ,

Just wondering if you’d bring any more argument to the discussion. Maybe some insight for us laypeople?

Gerula ,

Arguments that comunism was bad? The internet is gushing with info (videos, testimonies, history, you name it) you just have to look at it and consider it.

Convincing somebody over the internet? You don’t want to see any other opinion, you just want to pick an argument with me to test your “revolutionary claws” against the “bourgeois” and/or the “imperialist pigs”!

I don’t know what you’ve been through to embrace these ideas and I don’t care. I’ve seen my grandparents believing like you that “the grass is greener” - they got wiser through reality checks. I’ve seen my parents live in the “Age of Gold” and being disappointed that their whole youth work was in vain, I’ve experienced some goodies on my own.

And everbody reached the conclusion that: “In capitalism the man exploits the man, in comunism it’s the other way around!”

HerbalGamer ,

Well in that case my daddy was Joseph Stalin’s gardener.

Since all claims on the internet are true, obviously my arguments are now just as strong as yours.

Gerula , (edited )

Well good for you. What you’re trying to do is an argumentum ab auctoritate. Even if it was true it would give you a heavily biased and schewed information about the real life in comunism because you would have been in the circle of the privileged. The Party “aristocracy” so life probably would have been good and dandy.

On the internet you can find any kind of information, there are methods to verify the sources and compile coherent streams of information about anything. But this means work and time and it’s easier to find an ecochamber in a “dedicated” forum and feel good about yourself.

L.E. my arguments are neither strong nor weak. I’ve mentioned their source so you know why I’m stating them. Like I already said your or someone else validation of them is not required.

coltorl ,

It was so good it eventually collapsed and destabilized dozens of countries!

Aux ,

Well, if tens of millions dead is a good thing in your book…

HerbalGamer ,

Gimme some sources on those stats that aren’t the already discredited black book of communism

Glaive0 ,

They got a pandemic too. The “Spanish” flu hit right after ww1. AND they had their own antimaskers.

yata ,

Don’t forget the Spanish Flu (which hit 90s babies especially hard, since it was more lethal for younger people).

Agent641 ,
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