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nikaaa , in Guess I'll just burn

Wait isn’t this just some fluid physics equation?

Like, incompressible fluid flow, iirc.

maculata ,


nikaaa ,

Yeah i mean, now you know what to search for on the internet.

maculata ,

Them funny hieroglyphics ain’t nowhere on MY keyboard.

Dunno what kinda crazy com’nist Martian setup y’all are runnin’.

crapwittyname ,

It looks like it given the symbols used. P for pressure, rho for density etc. u-arrow is definitely a vector field, so it could be fluid flow. Otherwise it could be equally anything described by a vector field, like electromagnetism or gravity but they usually have a lot more E and G involved I think. I used to solve these but then I got a certificate so now I don’t have to.

InputZero ,

It really reminds me of all those static and velocity pressure calculations I had to do in undergrad, until I got the degree.

nikaaa ,

u stands for velocity.

supercriticalcheese ,

It’s a fluid dynamics equation, cannot be analytically solved unless laminar flow assumption is valid.

supercriticalcheese ,

Naviers stokes equation looks incompressibility fluid. Only possible to solve it for strictly laminar flow.

ouRKaoS , in Lazy Duck

Duck Duck Nope

ekZepp OP , avatar

Bing Bang

Mango , in Mortal combat

They say most of Japan is super racist, but it’s racist in a flattering way!


Eh, if you watched the reveal of Kimberly in SF6 there was some pretty awful shit coming from the Japanese stream chat. People suck everywhere

thesporkeffect ,

What was awful about it? I am always looking for ways to feel bad about being American

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Please share! I kinda love seeing this stuff because Japanese racism makes me laugh for some reason, like a child calling someone a doo doo head.

solsangraal ,
Mango ,

Bro I ain’t even mad. 🤣

dubyakay ,

KFC Palestine

suction ,

What part of “foreigners can’t use our sex clubs” is supposed to be flattering?

Mango ,

Japan is not the Philippines. You mad that you can’t get cheap foreign pussy?

suction ,

Racism is fine for you when it’s done by the right people?

Mango ,

Keeping girls is shitty economic positions and open to out of country pervs with money is wrong. Go die in a fire.

suction ,

You do understand that in Japan that’s totally fine, as long as the patrons are pure-blooded Japanese?

Mango ,


suction ,

…are you confused? The exploitation is fine as long as the people of the same race do it, is your point?

Mango ,

People of the same economic conditions.

suction ,

So I thought

Mango ,

Do you know that women handle the finances in Japanese households?

suction ,

Not true anymore. That’s 60s / 70s Japan

Mango ,

I heard different. Any Japanese people in here wanna add?

suction ,


olutukko ,

I think it really tells something about the tourists behaviour in sex clubs

suction ,

Not everyone is a Russian sailor

olutukko ,

no I’m talking about rich white european and american sex tourists that are a big problem in some countries because they behave like shit

suction ,

Why do you care, are your mother and sister complaining?

olutukko ,

I really don’t but I do know the reason for their policies

suction , (edited )

Yes I know too, Japanese people are the most racist and xenophobic culture in the world. Thank God they’re getting less and less, soon 80% of them will be over 70.

The real reason is that Japanese men are scared of the competition. It’s a biological fact that most aren’t well endowed enough to pleasure women, so they need to keep Japanese women from experiencing sex with non-Japanese men.

It’s all penis envy at the end of the day.

zarathustrad ,

They don’t want foreigners to stretch things out too much.

You know, because we are so tall and heavy like ripped Guile, and lean on stuff. Where did you think this was going?

jaschen , in Mortal combat

So many damn Europeans in Japanese anime. Like seriously.

Juice64 , in Lazy Duck avatar

Dang I for real just saw this meme moments after trying to do a search and resorting to bing

Juice64 , in Microtransactions... avatar

You guys must be too young to remember the Oblivion Horse DLC. Bethesda’s one of the earliest culprits

bitfucker ,

Wasn’t it skyrim?

Juice64 , avatar

They have too but this was around 07, maybe earlier. 07 is when I lived with my friends that played that game.

bitfucker ,

I am remembering the horse armor DLC lol

ObsidianZed ,

Geez… I had to look it up and that was 18 years ago. There are legal adults today that weren’t born yet.

I remember it though I didn’t have an Xbox and it I remember correctly, I want to say it was only available on Xbox.

Paradoxvoid , avatar

It’s funny how when this was released, people were massively up in arms since it was ‘only cosmetic’ - then we saw what these companies would do with PvP games and P2W microtransactions, so people had to turn around and beg for them to return to being purely cosmetic additions…

Lennard , in Lazy Duck

Ecosia is also down, so I guess Bing has gone bang

the_doktor , in Who could have seen this coming except for people warning about it for decades

Meat industry: have to ramp up production because fucking idiotic people continue to breed uncontrollably and unsustanably

disease starts spreading and affecting the industry

Smug-ass cultist vegans: MuSt Be ThE mEaT eAtErS!!!1 Come on, my wife Moon Seashell, we need to get you pregnant again because our 14 malnourished kids isn’t enough!

Zacryon ,

True, increased demand for meat is one of the driving factors of ecological malpractise as it’s found in the meat industry.

Plant based diets and a lifestyle free of animal products provide a more sustainable and ecologically beneficial alternative. As does reducing the overall world population of course.

the_doktor ,

A lifetime free of animal products is not sustainable. Humans need at least some meat to survive. The average person eats too much which isn’t helping. Advocating a vegan (or even vegetarian) diet is ignoring science and how our bodies function. It causes long-term, serious harm to people who do not supplement their diet with at least some meat.

Pure veganism is a cult that ignores science, diet, and common sense. Nothing wrong with eating vegan meals (I love them) but completely cutting out meat is bad for you.

Wizard_Pope , avatar

Ah yes humans evolved to eat everything. Now let me just cut a part of that diet out of my life.

the_doktor ,

We evolved to NEED to eat everything, plants AND animals. Basic science, vegan cultist. You’re a death cult and just as bad as religion, spreading unhealthy bullshit to people who don’t know any better.

Dyskolos ,

You know what’s funny?

People say that like forever. And those “vegan cultists” we told that 3 decades ago (and we were waiting for them to die of malnutrition) are still healthy and happy while the average supermarket-joe got fat and unhappy or is long dead by now.

I’m no vegan btw. but why would i argue with science? Just because we evolved to be able to eat nearly everything doesn’t mean we should. We could probably survive a good while on just eating hoofs or tree bark. Doesn’t mean we should include it in our diet.

the_doktor ,

Science says meat contains proteins and nutrients that are incredibly difficult to get and get enough of in plants to live well.

In case you were unaware, it was the fact that we became meat-eating omnivores that is the REASON we evolved to become the intelligent creatures we are. Do vegans want to de-evolve into basic, stupid creatures? Seems that way.

I swear, people like you do nothing but spread misinformation and I’m fucking sick of it. Veganism is a laughable, horrible, unsafe, dangerous cult and you actually defend it.

Dyskolos ,

Science doesn’t say we need meat. Also very specially not the crappy processed toxic waste the majority consumes as “meat”.

But ever tried a diet only existing of plants/fruits OR meat? Guess on which you’d live longer? Exactly.

And again, no vegan here. Just also sick of this super old “but science says we need meat”.

the_doktor ,







“Lasting longer” on plants means we get the nutrition we need to barely continuously function on plants. That’s like pushing around a car and claiming it still works. Our cognitive abilities and our core strength both rely on animal meat to run at their full capacity. And even with just plants, our health slowly deteriorates to the point where even that isn’t enough any more. Look up the vast number of people online who have recanted their vegan vows because of severe health issues. People who say they’re pure vegan and don’t have issues are either vegetarian (which an added strong diet of eggs is a vast improvement over a pure vegan diet though not perfect) and/or cheat on their diet (which is much more likely).

You can’t argue against science. It’s pathetic. You’re like the fucking flat earthers and god-lovers. Still clinging to an obsolete, bullshit, laughable belief in fucking 2024 when we should all be together in understanding how the world fucking works.

Get over yourself.

Dyskolos ,

Who needs to get over whom? Probably the ad-hominem hero. Talking about science but behaving like an agitated chimp. Go work less and chill more 😁

I prefer civilized discussion, so… Have a nice life.

Wizard_Pope , avatar

What made you think I am vegan?

Zacryon ,

Humans need at least some meat to survive. […] It causes long-term, serious harm to people who do not supplement their diet with at least some meat. […] completely cutting out meat is bad for you.

That is not correct.

Advocating a vegan (or even vegetarian) diet is ignoring science and how our bodies function. […] Pure veganism is a cult that ignores science, diet, and common sense.

To the contrary. It is very much supported by science. Are you interested in the scientific literature? I’ll happily share.

the_doktor ,

It’s impossible to trust any sources these days because there are hidden agendas. The fact remains: we are omnivores and have shown to have used meat to evolve to current humans with high intelligence.

No amount of “scientific literature” can contradict actual, basic, fundamental science about who we are and what we are supposed to eat. Anyone who does has an agenda.

Zacryon ,

It’s impossible to trust any sources these days because there are hidden agendas. […] No amount of “scientific literature” can contradict actual, basic, fundamental science about who we are and what we are supposed to eat. Anyone who does has an agenda.

Sounds more like, “I don’t like it, so it must be an agenda”.

If you have issues trusting science we won’t come to an agreement here. Having a biased view and choosing what you want to believe, despite contradicting evidence, is building an illusion and not having an accurate picture of reality.

Note that research on that topic has not just popped up in the last couple of years. Also you may take a look at other cultures for hands-on counterexamples, e.g. some monks who live and have lived their whole lifes without consuming animal products.

The fact remains: we are omnivores

I wonder how you decide what a “fact” is, since you have issues trusting the work of scientists.
The fact also remains that digestion capabilites, i.e. being able to eat both plant and animal matter, don’t necessarily impose dietary recommendations.

What you need to survive is a set of nutrients your body can digest. In which form they come, is less important.

GeneralVincent ,

ignores science

Can you provide some links to that science?

the_doktor ,

Every single unbiased description of a human being ever. Don’t bother with your vegan-funded “health” organizations who just want to kill us.

It’s funny how every single vegan comes after me whenever I say the obvious fact that we need meat. Almost like they are a cult and want to hide the truth. The reason I come after vegans is because it’s dangerous and abusive and unhealthy, not because of some programmed agenda that has to be carefully hidden by a death cult.

GeneralVincent ,

I’m not vegan, I eat meat. I ask for evidence because you’re clearly biased and using emotionally charged and unscientific language when you dismiss the vegan diet. So I don’t believe you have a real understanding of the science or potential nutritional complications.

Don’t bother replying with “it’s just common sense” reworded for a third time. If you can’t provide evidence, that’s fine, but you don’t need to keep going on your dramatic crusade against something you don’t understand in the comments. I’m not asking for your opinion.

the_doktor ,

What evidence do you want? The tons of descriptions about human beings in our entire history isn’t enough for you? The fact that our teeth, our digestive system, and every single part of us is engineered to require meat? You can’t argue against science, because you’re just wrong if you do. All of these “studies” are doing is trying to rally against established science. This isn’t opinion. This isn’t some “dramatic crusade”. This is fact. You are the one that cannot and will not understand facts. And I don’t care if you claim to eat meat, you’re apparently arguing against it which goes against what you say you are doing which makes me believe that you’re lying just to make people think you’re “objective” and “open minded” when you’re anything but.

We are omnivores. This is a fact. We need at least some meat to live well. This is a fact. I have never claimed that vegetarian or vegan meals are bad for you. I have never claimed that we need to eat a ton of meat; on the contrary, I believe we do eat too much meat as a society and can cut back quite a bit. But cutting it out entirely? No. That’s wrong. That goes against everything we are as human beings.

I don’t know what else I can tell you. If you still are hung up on your vegan bullshit, I have nothing else to say because you’re just brainwashed and in a cult. It’s that simple.

GeneralVincent ,

I want literally any evidence. You are clearly incapable of providing any to support your even most basic claim. I’m not arguing against meat, I’m arguing against ignorance and dishonesty. I had rotisserie chicken from Walmart for lunch. If you had provided any source for your claim, I would have read it fully and with an open mind. I’m not biased towards veganism, I wanted to know if the claims you are making have any basis in reality so I can make an informed decision. This is your third comment saying the same thing without evidence, and arguing like a child. I don’t mean that to be derogatory either, if you’re still in school or a child, that’s fine. But I’m not interested in a discussion at that level.

You have shown repeatedly that you can’t have an honest discussion and are close minded and conspiratorial. I’m not going to bother replying anymore, it’s just getting obnoxious.

the_doktor ,

Instead of constantly badgering me here, maybe try a search or two to get a flood of actual, unbiased proof that vegan diets are unhealthy. Ever think of that? Because that’s what I did when vegans started claiming your bullshit.

And tell me this: if you’re so fucking convinced vegans are right, why did you eat meat? Hmm? Because you didn’t. You’re a brainless, starving for actual substance vegan cosplaying as an omnivore trying to gain any shred of credibility. Fuck off.

GeneralVincent ,

I’m not convinced vegans are right. If you’re so convinced that I’m lying, why do you keep replying? Are you just trolling or do you have anger issues?

And if you can’t provide me with a single link to back up your own claim, then I don’t believe you have spent a single second researching unbiased proof.

Soulcreator ,

So precisely how long are vegans able to survive without suffering ill effects? Because I mean we’ve all heard of people who have lived on that diet long term, so at what point do the wheels start to fall off so to speak? Is there some kind of extended latency period where you are okay before you get sick, or are vegan influencers just pretending to be healthy?

Also your how do you propose we change our agricultural practices so that our food supply isn’t tainted by sick meat grown in poor conditions? There’s a lot of evidence that there’s not enough land mass on earth to feed everyone a diet of free range grass fed beef. Or do you propose we run full steam ahead with factory farming and damn the consequences?

the_doktor ,

No vegan has lived on a pure vegan diet long enough to not have severe issues. If you search you will find tons of former vegans who were forced off of their pure vegan diets by severe medical issues. People who call themselves “vegans” and are still doing well after a long time are either really vegetarians who eat a lot of animal-derived products to compensate, or cheat and eat meat here and there.

Soulcreator ,

Yes i understand what you are getting at there, but my question is precisely how long does one have before the wheels fall off while eating a strict vegan diet? Are we talking a matter of days, weeks, months, years, or decades?

StupidBrotherInLaw ,

Sources or STFU.

usernamesAreTricky OP ,

The science doesn’t agree with that

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that appropriately planned vegetarian, including vegan, diets are healthful, nutritionally adequate, and may provide health benefits for the prevention and treatment of certain diseases. These diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, adolescence, older adulthood, and for athletes. Plant-based diets are more environmentally sustainable than diets rich in animal products because they use fewer natural resources and are associated with much less environmental damage. Vegetarians and vegans are at reduced risk of certain health conditions, including ischemic heart disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, certain types of cancer, and obesity. Low intake of saturated fat and high intakes of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, soy products, nuts, and seeds (all rich in fiber and phytochemicals) are characteristics of vegetarian and vegan diets that produce lower total and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels and better serum glucose control. These factors contribute to reduction of chronic disease

Nevertheless, several RCTs [randomized controlled trials] have examined the effect of vegetarian diets on intermediate risk factors of cardiovascular diseases (Table 1). In a meta-analysis of RCTs, Wang et al. (22) found vegetarian diets to significantly lower blood concentrations of total, LDL, HDL, and non-HDL cholesterol relative to a range of omnivorous control diets. Other meta-analyses have found vegetarian diets to lower blood pressure, enhance weight loss, and improve glycemic control to greater extent than omnivorous comparison diets (23-25). Taken together, the beneficial effects of such diets on established proximal determinants of cardiovascular diseases found in RCTs, and their inverse associations with hard cardiovascular endpoints found in prospective cohort studies provide strong support for the adoption of healthful plant-based diets for cardiovascular disease prevention…/S1050173818300240

Well-planned vegan and other types of vegetarian diets are appropriate for all stages of the life cycle, including during pregnancy, lactation, infancy, childhood, and adolescence. Vegetarian diets offer a number of nutritional benefits, including lower levels of saturated fat, cholesterol, and animal protein as well as higher levels of carbohydrates, fiber, magnesium, potassium, folate, and antioxidants such as vitamins C and E and phytochemicals

Arelin ,

Fucking dumbass didn’t even do 2 seconds of googling lmfao

Sodium_nitride ,

What the fuck are you talking about? Countries with low birth rates and high incomes are the ones eating giga tons of meat

the_doktor ,

Which countries are those? None. Vegan cultists love to pull bullshit out of their ass, don’t they?

Sodium_nitride ,

vegan cultists


JasonDJ ,

I love how people love to rag on vegans talking about veganism unprovoked.

Those damn vegans always not even being part of the conversation yet! Let’s make fun of them trying to save the planet so they can show up and we can talk about how self-righteous they are.

AmaryllisBlues , avatar

I also find it amusing that anything that mentions animal rights or factory farms is assumed to be a pushy vegan. I’ve met dozens of people who buy grass-fed flesh because “its better for the animals”. Ignoring that it isn’t

petrol_sniff_king ,

What the fuck is this self-important bullshit.

Dude, if you want to kill her, fine, whatever, but we’re putting your ass in prison.

MudMan , (edited ) in Microtransactions...

Hey, you guys wanna rage for a bit?

There are more microtransactions in Valve's latest game than on EA's, by a huge margin.


Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

Just googled their latest 2 releases to compare. Sims 4: For Rent, a cash-grab low-effort Sims DLC, doesn’t have microtransactions while Counterstrike 2 does.

EDIT: Neither does their last full game release, EA Sports WRC. Their upcoming game, F1 24 looks like it’s absolutely riddled with mtx though.

DmMacniel ,

Would be interesting when a low effort DLC had micro transactions.

MudMan ,

You missed one, the last game EA published is Tales of Kenzera: Zau, a single player metroidvania. Also no MTX. So that's what? Three for three?

You can't go too wide here, though, because EA makes so many more games than Valve, so let me reframe it.

EA has released way more games with no games-as-service stuff in them than Valve in the past decade.

ROUND 2...

Guntrigger ,

Stop, he’s already dead.

Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

EA has released way more games with no games-as-service stuff in them than Valve in the past decade.

To be fair, EA has released way more games, period. This is across every category. Valve is primarily a digital marketplace company that sometimes makes a game, and has been for a long time.

Also, I didn’t include EA as publisher, because it would drastically change the conversation. It’s not part of Valve’s overall business strategy (again, because they’re primarily a marketplace company now) so it’s not apples to apples. They simply don’t publish externally developed games, because why would they when they run Steam?

MudMan ,

EA has a PC storefront as well, though, so technically that is not a difference between the two, but I'm not gonna be disingenuous and pretend the two storefronts are comparable or as much of a priority. And published releases absolutely count, otherwise you'd have to tally each individual EA studio. Valve has published third party games, too. And, in fairness, EA has published Valve games in the past as well.

Either way, by any reasonable metric you choose Valve is at best as deeply invested in MTX and games as a service as EA. Unless you count "how many total games with MTX each has published", because when you make no games you make no MTX, I suppose.

Barbarian , (edited ) avatar

by any reasonable metric you choose Valve is at best as deeply invested in MTX

Completely agree with this. I honestly believe the best apples-to-apples metric is to look at their most popular games and compare the mtx across them, in which case Valve doesn’t exactly come across as good in the comparison.

In terms of publishing, with the exception of Aperture Hand Lab (basically a little tech demo), they haven’t published any third party developer’s game since 2010. For the purposes of this conversation, I think it’s fair to count EA subsidiaries as EA.

When you make no games you make no MTX

Absolutely, this was the counterpoint I was trying to make about the raw “number of games” argument.

EDIT: Oh, I see the misunderstanding! I mean “published” as “financially backed the development, advertising and releasing of the game”, not “published to their storefront”. Same word with multiple meanings can be a major source of misunderstandings.

MudMan ,

Oh, no, I meant it the same way you do. In either case it's nitpicking and we're agreeing too much to bother with that, honestly.

Viking_Hippie ,

their last full game release, EA Sports WRC

WRC? Watford Recreational Center? With Rectal Cameras? World Record Clitoris?

Barbarian , avatar

That’s actually the name of it. Stands for World Rally Championship.

Viking_Hippie ,

Aww, I was hoping that, against all odds, it would be the clitoris one 😁

MeatsOfRage ,

Yea I feel like this post has some real 2014 energy. There are much bigger problems in the industry right now. 2K absolutely loading their titles with MTX and gambling, the whole mobile industry digging into people’s life savings, Microsoft absolutely eviscerating good studios.

Faydaikin , avatar

What is Valve’s latest game?

hungrythirstyhorny , in Lazy Duck avatar

help, what can i do?

Cyberbatman ,

DDG is currently having issues… In the meantime there’s,

knolord ,

Recommending Yandex? Bit of a “hot take”, don’t you think?

sobanto ,

ving_thor ,

Also seems to be down for me.

SnokenKeekaGuard , in Microtransactions... avatar

I thought he’d create the jackpot

webghost0101 ,

He just created greed. All the others evil flow from it.

DashboTreeFrog , in Lazy Duck

After trying a search, opened Lemmy to see if it was my connection, immediately see this meme. Thanks for the troubleshooting confirmation Lemmy

DmMacniel ,

Remember when we did that on that R-Site? Things never changes.

ekZepp OP , avatar

Sites does 😂

ZILtoid1991 , in Lazy Duck

So it really wasn’t just my connection…

walter_wiggles , in Lazy Duck

My duck isn’t working either

ekZepp OP , avatar

You may want to talk to a doctor about that…

clearedtoland ,

But go to the ER if it lasts more than 4 hours

Logh ,

I say, ducktor! Ain’t there nothin’ I can take?

Diplomjodler3 ,

What can that tiny thing do anyway?

fin , in Lazy Duck

Duck’s awake, but he can’t get out of his house to go search for information because his house’s door locked

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