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Any good games that break the mold

It feels like new games are just more of the same, with no real meaning. However I recently started playing “Return of the Obra Dihn” and love open ended deduction in it. It feels like I’m actually figuring things out by myself without being handheld through it. Are there any other games that don’t coddle the player that you guys recommend?

HollowNaught , avatar

Played through hifi rush recently. I can’t think of a game that’s done anything like it, I cannot recommend it enough. Was truely one of the best games I’ve ever played

formergijoe ,

The Witness is a good puzzle game where they give you the same kind of puzzle, but different areas have their own rules. They don’t tell you how the rules work, but they’re fairly intuitive and the ramp up in each area is good. Eventually you have to recall rules from previous puzzles. There are extra puzzles that go beyond the mold as well, but those are well hidden.

pscamodio ,

Other wilds as already suggested Is a must play. But a strong second contender for me Is cocoon. Logic/environment puzzles, with no hand holding in any way, you have to figure out everything but the level design Is sooo good.

Honorable mention for Tunic.

jacksilver , (edited ) is another interesting game, that like Outer Wilds, has you piecing together a mystery. Hadn’t seen it mentioned yet.

For an older classic in the mystery/no coddling space there is the series. I’ve only played the first, but they’re challenging puzzles/mystery point-and-click games.

CharlesReed , avatar

The Painscreek Killings sounds like the open ended deduction that you're describing. You play as a journalist who goes to an abandoned town to try to solve a cold case murder. The game doesn't tell you where or what to do next, or how to do it. I liked it because it was just me trying to figure the story out and what to do, not the game telling me "Put x and y together. Oh, look, it leads you to z!" (Also it's currently on sale on Steam for like 5 bucks.)

JaN0h4ck , avatar

Journey beyond the edge of the world.

It’s not out yet, but there’s a demo and it’s really good!

Spyro ,

The Talos Principle - It’s pretty much purely a puzzle game with a nice dose of philosophy to drive the story along. Some of the later puzzles can get pretty difficult, and some of the optional challenges will likely take you a good while to figure out without guides.

Anderenortsfalsch ,

Patrick’s Parabox - Single developer, unique idea, mind bending - think outside and inside the boxes inside boxes.

DamienGramatacus ,

It’s not difficult but I really enjoyed Super Liminal. Very short but fun.

Mr_Blott ,

Have you looked into the Rusty Lake series? Really odd

DamienGramatacus ,

Love the Rusty Lake games!

L0wded_ , avatar

the only one that ive played from them is samsara room lol

DamienGramatacus ,

An odd one to start with. The first nine are free, look for Cube Escape collection. There’s a narrative that runs through and will make the other entries make more sense.

dwindling7373 ,

I enjoyed Carto and Paradise Killer, as far as “different and creative” goes.

whyrat ,

Check out Fez if you haven’t already. Also Tunic does a great job of starting out basic & breaking precedent.

jacksilver ,

I watched a fascinating video describing Tunic, Outer Wilds, and Sekiro as knowledge based rougelikes. Where in playing the game you learn information (or enemy patterns in Sekiro’s case) that make additional playthroughs vastly different.

If you haven’t, watch some Tunic speed runs, as once you know where certain things are you can almost break the game without actually breaking it.

Console_Modder , avatar

There’s 4 puzzle games called The Room that I found really interesting. It starts with a puzzle box that opens up with each solved puzzle to eventually reveal spaces within the box that are bigger than the box itself. There’s something supernatural about these puzzle boxes and you get little clues about where it came from and who made it.

CheeryLBottom ,

I have those. I haven’t gotten to them yet, but it is great to see someone who actually played them and enjoyed them

Console_Modder , avatar

Awesome! Hope you enjoy them

bionicjoey ,

If you like Obra Dinn, you’ll love Outer Wilds

Kecessa ,

The Case of the Golden Idol, can’t believe no one mentioned that…

deluxeparrot ,

It uses the same puzzle solving mechanic as Return of the Obra Dinn in diorama style scenes.

Fantastic game.

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