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bigboismith ,

Gentoo is basically arch but built around everything being compiled locally. There isn’t to my knowledge any “Gentoo-install”, but if you can manage to install arch manually it should be quite similar. Gentoo is a bit more complex than arch so if installing gentoo manually seems daunting I would recommend staying on arch.

bigboismith ,

There is still a lot to learn from running arch before you try gentoo

bigboismith OP ,

Poor Gaddafi was attacked by the corrupt NATO, to the disgust of the rest of the world (except that it was resolution by the UN security council).

Any good games that break the mold

It feels like new games are just more of the same, with no real meaning. However I recently started playing “Return of the Obra Dihn” and love open ended deduction in it. It feels like I’m actually figuring things out by myself without being handheld through it. Are there any other games that don’t coddle the player that...

bigboismith OP ,

I’ve tried it, but couldn’t really get into it. Didn’t feel like there was much deduction, but more just evidence collecting. However I didn’t play for too long and I’m planning to try again. I assume it takes same time to get invested

bigboismith ,

Average opinion.

Russia has participated in 14 wars since it left the Soviet union. Basically all of Russias European neighbours have been victims of Russian imperialism in the last hundred years. NATO needs to exist to keep peace in Europe

bigboismith ,

It wasn’t actually more efficient. Having all of you’re guys in a huge box makes it easier to hit than having you’re infantry spread out. It was mostly a morale thing, having other soldiers within arms range made you reconsider running away. While being engaged with huge volleys by these squares made you very much consider if you should run anyway.

bigboismith ,

“IT is mainly introverts doing mysterious stuff no one understands”

It is a very cooperative field where everyone has different roles with different responsibilities, but everyone has a vague idea what everyone else is doing. Most of the time is spent making sure everyone else can also use the systems you build, not just yourself.

bigboismith ,

This is how I deployed web servers in school like 3 years ago.

What is the point of nicotine patches?

I don’t get it. It’s kinda like you got to want to quit but at the same time yeah quitting is already hard for me. But I’m supposed to put it on me and somehow I get a form of nicotine without smoking. It’s like how am I supposed to get used to it. I will even take the patch off try to save it for later just so I can...

bigboismith ,

They help quitting since you only have to deal with the physical act of smoking (which in of itself is a very ingrained act) without dealing with nicotine withdrawal

bigboismith ,

I understand why they are referred to as orcs now

bigboismith ,

Empowering women

Just like slavery in the 1800’s was about civilizing africans

Where do the rural homeless near you live?

This seems to be something people don’t always give second thought to. When people talk about the homeless, the first things thought about are images of people on busy city streets in rusty clothes waiting around near allies. In there, the answer is quite static, because it can be I guess. But if that’s the case, change the...

bigboismith ,

I live in Finland, so uh. There are none

bigboismith ,

There are many social programs, but the biggest one is “Expense assistance”, where the state will make sure you have minimum amount of money required for living after income. In practice it’s around 600-1000€,just enough for the cheapest rent and cheap food. However that’s all you need to get back on your feet.

bigboismith ,

Its calculated after income, so you will only receive the bare minimum needed for basic living. However if you want to live in a small apartment with no actual disposable income there is nothing stopping you. Thats actually how some students get by.

bigboismith ,

A coffee grinder. Freshly grinded beans taste so different from normal preground coffee.

bigboismith ,

I have the cheapest manual grinder I could find in my local supermarket. It does the job

bigboismith ,

Victoria 3 on launch. First game I turned Finland into the richest country on earth by capita is 30 years.

bigboismith ,
  • Library is a read-only repo
  • last commit was 10 years ago
bigboismith ,

Åland (a region of Finland) means “land of rivers”. The are no rivers there

ELI5 why is anarchy not "the guy with the bigger stick" making the rules?

I’m politically agnostic and have moved from a slightly conservative stance to a vastly more progressive stance (european). i still dont get the more niche things like tankies and anarchists at this point but I would like to, without spending 10 hours reading endless manifests (which do have merit, no doubt, but still)....

bigboismith ,

Anarchy is generally assumes that people will naturally cooperate without arbitrary distinctions. In practice most anarchists are mostly anti centralization. The smaller the political entities are the better (singular persons if you take it to the extremes).

bigboismith ,

Try to open the game manually. IIRC protontricks can be used to open the executable with the correct proton instance. Would probably be my go-to first ste4 to start tinkering

bigboismith ,

Bro what is this image? A jpeg of a printed image of a screenshot?

bigboismith ,

Obvious answer but gimp can be used. To my knowledge there is no inbuilt way to do this quickly but it is a trivial amount of work to achieve the same result.

bigboismith ,

Or the biggest thing people forget, being logged in.

18+ bigboismith ,

I feel the same, some decent actual red fash content here but a lot of people just pulling at straws.

bigboismith ,

You could have done anything else than write this comment

bigboismith ,

Nihilism. Imagine there being no past nor future, but like a child in a waiting room for the abyss you’re given a paper and some crayons. Why wouldn’t you try to draw the greatest piece you could? And if something goes wrong, well it’s just a happy accident. It’s not like this matters anyway. That’s how I see my life. This mindset let’s me not stress over old mistakes, while still striving to be better. I don’t want to waste this metaphorical paper but it doesn’t matter what I do with it in greater whole, since there isn’t a greater whole.

bigboismith ,

Started playing MGS:V again and slowly becoming depressed that there hasn’t come anything better in the last seven years

bigboismith ,

Kingdom come in hardcore is amazing. Genuinely having to pick your battles and taking care of your wounds is amazing.

bigboismith ,

That’s the beauty of FOSS, we aren’t generating revenue for them. If they implement something we don’t like, we can change it. There is not anything inherintely wrong with using code written by someone we don’t agree with.

bigboismith ,

You can absolutely run porn games on linux

bigboismith ,

Yeah, you can do the same for Russia, China, most European countries. Basically the entirety of Africa.

bigboismith ,

Unpopular opinion but

WE DO NOT BREAK USERSPACE! Seriously. How hard is this rule to understand?

  • Linus Torvalds

Forcing Nvidia to update drivers by breaking your system otherwise us not the correct way to do it.

bigboismith ,

Que speed, the one you’re in is always the slowest.

bigboismith ,

What motive did they have in Turkey? Aren’t most suicide attacks done for some religious fundamentalist reason, shia versus sunni islam maybe?

bigboismith ,

Is it though? White isn’t being used as a derogatory in the same way “14yo boy choosing favorite totalitarian regime” isn’t sexism against all men.

bigboismith ,

Admittedly China hasn’t militarily invaded another country since it’s invasion of Vietnam in 79. Though the Uyghur genocide doesn’t strike me as a lot more benevolent than the ongoing wars in Africa and Middle East.

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