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What jobs were you horrified to learn are done by people with little to no experience or training?

Mine is fresh highschool graduates getting 2 weeks of training to go work acute, all-male forensic psychiatry. We’re taking criminally insane men who are unsafe to put on a unit with criminally insane women.

…and they would send fresh high school graduates (often girls because hospitals in general tend to be female-dominated) in the yoga pants and club makeup they think are proffessional because they literally have 0 previous work experience to sit suicide watch for criminally insane rapists who said they were suicidal because they knew they would send some 18y/o who doesn’t know any better to sit with them. It went about how you would expect the hundreds of times I watched it happen.

My favorite float technician was the 60 year old guy who was super gassy and looked like an off-season Santa. Everybody hated that guy because they said he was super lazy but he would sit suicide watch all fucking shift without complaining and he almost never failed to dissapoint a sex pest who thought they were gonna get some eye candy (or worse).

What’s your example?

sunbeam60 ,


nondescripthandle ,

They dont like this one but its real. Democracy doesn’t work if people vote according to falsehoods they believe. Or rather Democracy doesn’t care if they vote like that. Vote stupid, get stupid.

sunbeam60 ,

100% agreed. For me it’s pretty simple; issue the same test you issue immigrants for citizenship. If people can’t pass that, why the hell are they getting involved in the governing of our country?

And I speak as someone who has passed the U.K. citizenship test to acquire U.K. citizenship. It takes 2 weeks of studying one hour/week AND some general understanding of what’s going on in the country. It’s not hard, it just requires a little effort and involvement. Seems a minimum you can expect before people make decisions that affect us all.

Crashumbc ,

Sheriff is an elected position in the US no experience required.

Bonus answer, president of the United States, we’ve elected two mentally deficient celebrities so far…

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

There’s stories of small towns hiring sheriff’s which were related to the mayor.

And John Oliver’s dive into Sheriff’s in this Guardian Article: Tremendous amount of authority with low accountability’

Police reform is a uphill battle.

itsonlygeorge ,
  1. Reagan
  2. Trump

Don’t forget George W. Bush. Not a celebrity bit certainly an idiot.

pingveno ,

Worst are “constitutional sheriffs,” who claim the power and duty to defy or disregard laws they regard as unconstitutional (read: I don’t like this). They essentially try to reign supreme in their counties.

Valmond ,


Are you sure I’m qualified??

Apytele OP ,

I often wish more of my adult psych patients’ parents had done some reading about psychosocial development and how to support the child at each stage but more importantly I pretty much always wish they’d cared half as much as you did to even ask that question.

kilgore_trout ,

In some Northern European countries it’s mandatory for parents to attend pre-natal preparation.

FellowEnt ,

Project manager in the creative industries. One place I worked had this policy of moving receptionists into project management. Zero experience and zero training prior to starting.

bradorsomething ,

Was there a “job for a job” program run by management?

FellowEnt ,

The Finance Director was fired for being a sex pest. This was after years of hiring policy that basically meant all PMs were his particular type (blonde, big boobs).

Shelbyeileen , (edited ) avatar

The county coroner is an ELECTED position.

I’m a mortician who’s worked substantially with autopsies. To be the county coroner, you do not need a degree, you do not need experience in mortuary science, postmortem science, forensics, pathology, NOTHING. All you need to be the county coroner, is to be popular.

Meanwhile, funeral directors in the USA need to go through years of college and continuing education, because we’re literally the last line of defense when coroners/doctors screw up. I’ve caught dozens of mistakes the coroner has made and I’m sick of it. The most recently was a shaken and bruised baby having cause of death listed as SIDS.

I no longer blindly trust autopsies for accurate cause of death. If the mortician needs 4 years of medical school, the freaking county coroner would should be required for at LEAST that to be elected.

Jarix ,

… That’s disturbing

MonkeMischief ,

I have to admit I often think about sliding into one of these “prestigious but just need to be likeable with no experience” loophole-esque positions…

But instead of acting like I’m “the boss” and pretending to know what I’m talking about while ruining everything, I’d find the best people in the field and make sure I’m listening to them and supporting them in doing their jobs instead.

Just there to keep idiot managers off peoples’ backs and listen to people who actually know what they’re doing.

I imagine that’s “not how it works”…but still.

bradorsomething ,

That’s how it should work.

Bahalex ,

Hey, some places it the county Sharif that’s the coroner… which is also bad.

Sometimes people die in the county jail… and almost every time it’s not needed to perform an autopsy- it’s just natural causes…

The coroner needs to be an impartial medical professional.

medgremlin ,

4 years of medical school and a few years of residency (and maybe fellowship) in pathology. So you’re talking 12 to 16 years of post-high school education because it’s becoming more and more common to have to have a post-bacc or a master’s to get into medical school in the first place.

Shelbyeileen , avatar

We have to take additional courses and pass every year, as well as take pandemic response training and mass death psychology/procedure. I even got trained for the ebola outbreak 10 years ago. 2 years of pre-med, 2 years of medical and postmortem science, and a residency which is a minimum of a year, but often longer as it’s based on tasks you have to do. A specified amount of autopsied cases, military cases, decomposition, etc. Then you have to pass your state and LARA exams.
The curriculum included classes for psychology, reconstructive cosmetology, and business law too. I’m a Jill of all trades 😅

medgremlin ,

See, I’m planning on trying to steal your business by going into emergency medicine to be a necromancer. (I have done CPR on people that have actually woken up to complain about it…you cannot convince me that CPR/resuscitation is not necromancy.)

Shelbyeileen , avatar

If you want an interesting read, look up cadaveric spasms. I’ve been slapped by a dead body.

kilgore_trout ,

Sounds like something from the Old Wild West which somehow was never revised.

Shelbyeileen , avatar

Lawmakers rarely update laws. Disability(SSI) hasn’t changed since 1974. The medicaid asset limit is $2,000. If you EVER have more than $2k in your bank, you lose your medical insurance and food. You can’t even pay rent/bills for that small amount. If adjusted for inflation, that $2k would be $13k. That’s enough to pay bills, that’s enough to put a deposit down on a home, that’s enough to do some of the things you could do in 1974 with $2k.

I contacted a Michigan representative about this, and was told they keep the asset limits so low so that only the severely destitute get it… but even the severely destitute can’t afford their bills. SSI pays a whopping $11k a YEAR if you’re permanently disabled, even though they can’t work and paid taxes to protect themselves.

I’m a disability advocate, so very passionate about this.

pingveno ,

It must vary by location. I know I’ve never voted for county coroner. After a little digging, it sounds like my county did away with its elected position over a hundred years ago.

Shelbyeileen , avatar

That’s awesome. It’s nice to read that some places are doing away with stupid things.

Feathercrown ,


Jarix ,

Not where I’m from. Requires significant training and testing

Feathercrown ,

Police in the United States

Jarix , (edited )

Took more than 3 years a was deferred on a few attempts for my first roomate to get accepted the police here in vancouver(he was originally trying to join RCMP) he needed more experience after a degree or 2 in ciminology before he was accepted.

Crashumbc ,

They don’t have to, if it’s shitting on the police in English (and rightly so). The US part is implied at this point.

Jarix ,

No its not implied. The world is bigger than one country. This is not a US exclusive place so either learn to communicate with people from wide variety of places and experience or stay confined to your echo chambers. The US is quickly becoming one of those shithole countries your felon of a president likes to talk about.

This mentallity is a form of enshittification. You have to put some effort into communicating clearly and effectively.

Crashumbc ,

It’s not “our” felon president, he’s the ex-president. If you’re going to try and take some sort of “high moral” road, know what you’re talking about.

You obviously have some sort of issue or bone to pick. I don’t have time for that petty nonsense. Good bye.

Jarix ,

Americans use the title mr president when referring to former presidents, im sure its a common else where as well

Get your facts straight your own damned self. The entire MAGA movement and the fact that hes the relublican candidate for president this election calls him President Trump.

And hes a convicted felon now.

It’s an accurate statement whether you like it or not

StrawberryPigtails ,

Depends where in the US you’re at. Here’s the requirements where I’m at.

CaptPretentious ,

That’s barely anything. Look up what it takes to be a hair stylist.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

Where are you from?

corsicanguppy ,

In my country:

  • federal cops are well-trained, low-paid, shit benefits, must like horses.
  • regional/muni cops are increasingly less trained, better paid, and for people who can’t be the fed cops (usually background check) they can sometimes be local cops. Think about that.
  • transit cops are like regionals but can go anywhere there’s transit. I don’t understand it either, nor do I know how much training they need.
kibiz0r ,
MonkeMischief ,

Well. Shit.

laughterlaughter ,

1 hour video? Ain’t nobody got time for that.

Summarized by AI (ugh):

The “Shipbreakers” YouTube video explores the issue of toxic ships being illegally exported to developing countries for breaking, with a focus on the notorious case of the Norwegian ship, the Tulip. Despite being on Greenpeace’s most toxic list, the ship flies a bogus flag and its first-world owners deny responsibility. Marietta, a character in the video, expresses concern over the double standard of Western countries exporting their toxic waste while refusing to accept it in their own. The video also features Mittu, a shipbreaker who expresses his longing to travel but finds contentment in the present as he watches ships come to be broken down for survival. The scene is accompanied by upbeat singing, highlighting the contrasting emotions of destruction and contentment. The video also shows the dangerous and labor-intensive process of dismantling old ships for scrap, with workers risking accidents and injury to extract valuable resources from the obsolete vessels.

lukecooperatus ,

It was a revelation at some point in my young life when I realized that CEOs (and any other executive position) are not the highly trained and capable leaders with grand business acumen that I was led to believe they are. Literally anyone can be a CEO for a few dollars and their name on a business registration with the local government, no training or capability is required.

Horrifying in retrospect to realize how many people lionize executives simply for adopting a title.

GrayBackgroundMusic ,

Every CEO I’ve worked for, I could do the technical part of their job. I couldn’t do the political part because I’m results and data driven. Their prideful fuckers who yell louder and demand satisfaction and wield their ability to fire you. Fuck CEO 's.

Crashumbc ,

Most CEO positions are just a “boys club” popularity contest…

fruitycoder ,

Knew a guy that did that, made some buisness cards and rented a lambo to pick up chicks. It worked shrug

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I worked in a bunch of tech.

Startup CEOs are often folks who rolled really high on Charisma and convinced a lot of people to give them money. Often they have a spark of genius, but if they were really smart, they’d hand over power to people smarter than them. That’s how major companies are founded. Then they settle back down.

The dumb ones are egotistical and many end up failing upwards, as they continue being propped up by other until money disappears and they break enough friendships that they end up in jail.

wolfpack86 ,

I think it’s great when people create a small business and are successful. But I roll my eyes when they have a business with 20 employees and put their title as President & CEO on shit like linkedin. Just put owner. Or managing partner.

mynameisigglepiggle ,

Honestly I’m not even mad at the sex pests in this scenario. It’s whoever thought sending these girls was a good idea

rozodru ,

don’t know about horrified but residential superintendents. Ok with being on call 24/7? cool here’s a free place to live you’re hired. Many just do it for the free rent but from my experience previously working in the residential maintenance industry very few actually know how to even unclog a toilet or shut off a water line in a building. Most were alcoholics believe it or not.

captain_aggravated , avatar

There is no requirement that I am aware of for college professors to have any training in the fundamentals of instruction, and it SHOWS.

ryathal ,

That’s because professors are still intended to be researchers first, which makes sense for the cutting edge topics, but there’s a ton of college level fundamentals you need to understand first.

Jarix ,

Kind of off topic but mildy related. Have you seen the old Val Kilmer movie Real Genius? Just wondering if you find it a fun watch today or not

GrayBackgroundMusic ,

9/10 of my graduate professors couldn’t profess their way out of a paper bag. The actually good teachers were limited because they didn’t research enough. Fuck grad school.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I aspired to work in education in college and took a lot of courses on adult education and how to teach people. I recognized that my favorite teachers in K-12 used those techniques , while realizing none of it was done at the college level.

I don’t work in education but I find myself using those techniques all the time in the workplace. And there’s a clear difference between my department’s onboarding and capabilities versus others.

NauticalNoodle ,

I really noticed this once I found myself at the community college. The school liked to market that you were educated by “working professionals with industry experience.” which translated to the school paying them less than their second, full-time job on top of all the stuff about them not knowing how to teach while they were in charge of the grading of 20+ classes per semester. Prior to that in my experience I had only ever come across professors who were incredibly passionate about what they were teaching or alternatively were incredibly passionate about teaching-itself. it was eye-opening in the most frustrating way.

captain_aggravated , avatar

This is kind of backwards in the aviation world: There’s a whole separate certificate for flight instructors which involves training in psychology, lesson planning and all that in addition to stuff like flying the plane from the right seat, spin training and all that. Thing is, it’s often baby’s first aviation job. A lot of flight instructors are freshly minted commercial pilots and their first lesson is their first revenue flight. You don’t get to go fly jets for the charters and airlines without experience, and where do you get experience? flying smaller, less expensive aircraft. What’s the single biggest demand for pilots flying smaller, less expensive aircraft? Flight schools.

boatsnhos931 ,

You expected sitters who do the suicide watch at a prison to be well trained? What’d you call it? 🤣 forensic psychiatry?Where I’m at, they let other prisoners watch them… Sounds like you got sold a dream because they have a lot of turn over…

Cysioland , avatar

Metro bus driver. One of my relatives got hired, they paid for his driving lessons, then after only a couple of days they let him drive alone

Tryptaminev ,

I mean if the driving lessons are properly preparing them, i dont see an issue with that. E.g. in my country it is a couple month full time course to acquire the necessary license.

Cysioland , avatar

The driving lessons were okay but the job training wasn’t. They barely taught him anything and gave him a broken bus with stuck brakes

tetranomos , avatar

ice cream truck driver

ouRKaoS ,

They don’t even look at your application until you fail out of rehab twice

Tarogar ,

Apparently management positions. The amount of people in such positions that are full of themselves and are hitting terribad descicions at the same time, all the time, never to improve on that. Is terribly high.

Yeah sure, let’s not involve the construction department of the company with that big move you are “planning” for half a year now. Also only realize you need tons of work done before you can even start that move a month ahead of the due date. Then do a terrible job of getting that sorted. And only have the most basic of time plans for the actual move ready a couple days before they are supposed to happen. Make that time window awfully short because you also need those machines to produce again because you failed to plan extra production to create a buffer for intermediate products. Then go ahead and slash that awfully short time plan on the first day because surprise, surprise… You don’t have a buffer of intermediate products and you really need those machines up and running again so that you can push actual finished products out the door. Also hope for the best which is that the machines just start up and run again… Yes as if that ever worked with complicated machines that are also old now and could just fail completely just from getting moved.

Grade A plan…

Getawombatupya ,

When were we working together???

CancerMancer ,

A lot of management are coming out of “business schools” that are little more than indoctrination. These people don’t know the difference between a leader and a manager and qualify as neither.

linearchaos , avatar

When firing people is difficult, it’s not infrequent to promote them to hire someone useful to backfill.

Those people keep rising the ladder through seniority and attrition.

They never do anything bad enough to get fired and just make everyone below them miserable cuz they don’t understand the business and like to prove that they’re in charge because of fear of inadequacy.

MonkeMischief ,

That’s the #1 thing. Managers as a position are incentivized to be overly concerned with their own careers and NOT involving anybody who actually does the work, unless it’s as a scapegoat or to steal credit.

Humble people with natural leadership qualities tend to find such roles disgusting…so we get…managers.

Potatos_are_not_friends ,

I was blown away when I was promoted to a management position and realized none of the other managers I worked with read any books on management or had any real experience. Many fell into the management position and just kept doing fuck all.

Not saying the overeducated is better. We later got some Wharton grads who were thrown into the management space and they were the most dumbest MFs I ever met. Their theories would go against reality and at no point did they understand the work involved.

fine_sandy_bottom ,

I’m convinced that most people just don’t do very much real actual problem solving work.

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