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Starkstruck , to technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in


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  • dmtalon , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    Ya, a PR nightmare for the next 15 minutes until the next unbelievable thing comes along and the ADD nature of people forgets windows is watching everything they do.

    FlashMobOfOne , avatar

    That’s usually what I think too, but after watching how Twitter’s gone to shit since the two big user departures, I think this could legitimately affect Microsoft’s bottom line.

    Voytrekk , avatar

    That will rely on businesses moving away from Windows. That is where they make a ton of their money with Enterprise licenses and Office 365 subscriptions.

    Infynis , avatar

    And businesses don’t give a shit about their employees’ privacy

    ShepherdPie ,

    We handle a lot of IP on our Windows PCs so it’s debatable. However, in recent years, Microsoft has taken over most of our services with SSO, office 360, teams, etc so who knows.

    Starkstruck ,

    They do care about keeping their company secrets and proprietary info though. Recall could make corporate espionage a cake walk.

    n0pe ,

    If you look at sysadmin forums and groups it seems like most recommend disabling recall. Just about every enterprise will have confidentiality, security, or legislative requirements that recall is simply inconsistent with. It’s understandably been a hot topic.

    FlashMobOfOne , avatar

    Yup. It’ll depend on how they handle Recall at the institutional level.

    It’s a given that hospitals and law firms will have to turn it off, as they’re required by law to honor privilege. We’ll see what choices they make.

    I find the nosedive in Twitter’s stock price these last few years encouraging. It seems for many there is a red line.

    helenslunch , avatar

    Twitter is a great example of the exact opposite being true. Are people upset? Absolutely. Did they leave the platform? Nope. Maybe a small percentage.

    FlashMobOfOne , avatar

    Respectfully, it’s not.

    The user departures, and response to further enshittify, have driven their stock price into the ground.

    helenslunch , avatar

    What user departures? The platform has barely dipped. Stock prices are meaningless.

    bufalo1973 , avatar

    X is the one telling the number of X users. Do you really trust Melon to tell the truth?

    helenslunch , avatar

    You’re assuming my source is Musk.

    Confused_Emus ,

    So far in this thread only one person has actually shared a source of any kind. Care to share with the class?

    metaldream ,

    Number of users doesn’t matter because most people don’t close their accounts. Twitter’s actual usage and traffic is down by 20% since Elmo took over and their revenue is also massively down.…/twitter-usage-in-us-fallen-by-a…

    helenslunch , avatar

    Who said anything about “number of users”? “Monthly Active Users” (MAU) is the industry standard.

    metaldream , (edited )

    Are you serious? The comment you replied to explicitly says “user departures”. And the article I linked is about active users.

    Is this how you respond when you’re proven to be blatantly wrong about something? Totally pathetic.

    helenslunch , avatar

    Bruh are you for real? The article linked is about “user departures”. What does that even mean? It doesn’t even have any sources for any of the information provided.

    Is this how you respond when you have no idea WTF you’re talking about?

    Powerpoint ,

    Twitter definitely lost a ton of users and tons continue to leave. That’s why advertisers have pulled out and their stock price has tanked. Twitter is a bad example

    helenslunch , avatar

    Twitter definitely lost a ton of users and tons continue to leave.

    Define “tons”? As a percentage, it is miniscule, and it remains the place where politicians, companies and other entities make public announcements. It’s also, for some reason, the only platform supported for customer support from various companies.

    metaldream ,

    lol, literally just making stuff up. Their number of active users dropped by 15-20% since Elmo took over:…/twitter-usage-in-us-fallen-by-a…

    n0pe ,

    I think advertisers have made some impacts to the bottom line, too. I don’t have any direct evidence for this, but I used to get ads for things like Pepsi. Now it’s mostly things like Larry’s Pillow Case Repair or pelvic floor steaming kits.

    BroBot9000 , avatar

    It’s X.

    Stop deadnaming X.

    Anyone still clinging to the remnants of its former existence, please close your account. Stop kidding yourself.

    helenslunch , avatar

    I’ll never NOT call it Twitter, and you can’t make me.

    BroBot9000 , avatar

    You say that but deep down you know it’s Elon Musk’s X now. The dream is no more. You’re an X’er Harry!

    AlligatorBlizzard ,

    I’ll stop deadnaming Twitter when Musk stops deadnaming his trans daughter.

    And for the record, I’ve never used Twitter. It’s always kinda sucked. Now it really sucks.

    BroBot9000 , (edited ) avatar

    Musk is a complete shithead and that’s not gonna happen.

    Calling it Twitter is only going to accommodate the people that refuse to get off that nazi network.

    Cause you know Musk gets off on the hate of people still calling it Twitter, exactly because how he treats deadnaming.

    blind3rdeye ,

    What’s X? Is that the older version of Wayland or something?

    BroBot9000 , avatar

    It’s a shittier version of Mastodon but for right wing lunatics and russian bots.

    dmtalon ,

    I believe the biggest thing that will hurt MS is moving to subscription. The vast majority of users aren’t gonna wanna have a forever fee when they buy a laptop/PC

    FlashMobOfOne , avatar

    That’s definitely going to be a problem for them, yes, because it’s also going to drive a ton of traffic to Linux and Linux is going to get even better.

    dinckelman ,

    A lot of people would have huge bursts of negativity about this, but at the same time remain stubborn enough to not even consider evaluating alternatives. Microsoft and Apple spent decades making sure this would work

    dmtalon ,

    For now at least, I block as much telemetry at the network level (DNS level) using pihole.

    Annoys my wife and kid at times. I try to explain why and what it means but convenience is king unfortunately.

    dinckelman ,

    My mom only really browses the web, writes emails, and edits and occasional document. I’ve given her my old XPS 9350, with Fedora installed on it, and she’s been very happy with it. Keeps saying that everything just makes sense, and when she needs something, it’s easy to find. She’s far from tech savvy, but not completely clueless either

    dmtalon ,

    That’s cool!

    gusgalarnyk ,

    I’m swapping to Linux finally because of it. Few things are black and white but these things do have effects and some additional percentage of users are shifting over because of it.

    assassinatedbyCIA ,

    I agree with your point, but I think it’s important not to forget just how shitty tech media is a holding these companies to account. Half the shit most mainstream tech journalist publish borders on hagiography for these companies.

    ultratiem , avatar

    Oh please it’s not watching everything you do. It’s just taking screenshots 🙃

    gravitas_deficiency ,

    Ok fine, I’ll repeat it again:

    You’re right - many consumers will likely forget about it and just use it anyways. But enterprise customers absolutely, categorically will not. Even with their damage control, this is still going to hurt them a lot. Moreover, it’s going to hurt hardware sales from Intel, AMD, and Qualcomm, all of which have dumped MASSIVE amounts of capital into this tech. This is going to slow the rollout of NN-optimized chip tiles, and that is going to directly hit their bottom line. Microsoft hurt themselves AND the three most important hardware partners they have.

    Sam_Bass , to technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

    Rather than not install it to begin with. Leeches

    bokherif , to technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

    It feels like these huge ass companies are just testing people’s reactions before they do something these days.

    ysjet , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    Man, there is a LOT of people in this thread hoping to normalize this, or pretend it will happen anyway, or that it’s ‘not really a PR disaster’, or that people will ignore it, or-

    Go make your money elsewhere, christ.

    jaschen , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    Um… I actually want this feature. Maybe if its FOSS and I own the data. But the idea is amazing.

    piecat ,

    It’s like some of the Pokemon games where it tells you what you did. Seriously amazing, but yeah needs to be FOSS and secure.

    jaschen ,

    Then be able to query it. That would be amazing.

    palordrolap ,

    Borrowing from something I saw elsewhere: Set up a task / cron job / whatever it is on your OS that takes a full screenshot every minute and then sends it to Microsoft's AI team.

    Or save it to a drive or something, I'm not the boss here. And neither is Microsoft.

    BigDiction ,

    What would you use this feature for?

    jaschen ,

    It takes images of your screen and stores it with context and then you can query it. Images, text, graphs, etc.

    “Hey, I was working on an automation for my home assistant and it stopped working. I had an automation that worked about 6 months ago. Can you pull that automation up and show me”

    “My boss showed me a slide about a month ago talking about the TPS report, can you pull that up and show me that slide deck?”

    The use case is endless.

    Hadriscus ,

    Screencap and screencapture programs have existed forever, just use any, it’s not a new idea

    jaschen ,

    I think you misunderstand what Recall actually does. It takes images of your screen and then you can query it. Images, text, graphs, etc.

    “Hey, I was working on an automation for my home assistant and it stopped working. I had an automation that worked about 6 months ago. Can you pull that automation up and show me”

    “My boss showed me a slide about a month ago talking about the TPS report, can you pull that up and show me that slide deck?”

    The use case is endless.

    Hadriscus ,

    Oh my… Ok right I didn’t realize the extent of it. It’s a total nightmare

    jaschen ,

    Well, supposedly the data is stored locally. Like I said. It’s a good idea. I wouldn’t mind a FOSS version.

    bluewing , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    Pfffttt, Microsoft has been there, done this, and got a whole closet full of tee shirts for stuff like this many times over the years. In the end the users don’t care and can’t stop it. And they are, by in large, too lazy to change to something else to completely avoid it.

    It hasn’t ever affected the bottom line enough to matter to them. They will just pull this bug feature and wait for a better day. Or perhaps they will figure out a way to introduce it piecemeal to disguise it better.

    oo1 ,

    My problem is my work provided pc. Will I know when they enable this?

    Ideally i’ll resign before that happens.

    SpaceCowboy , to technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in avatar

    Oh… Microsoft, Microsoft, Microsoft.

    A friend of mine tried one of their “special offers” he nearly got himself lobotomized!

    n0m4n , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    As much as I liked Visual Studio, its privacy intrusiveness was my final straw.

    JigglySackles , to technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

    Too little too late, I’m not getting any more versions of windows.

    afraid_of_zombies , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    Just think they might go from owning 98% of the market to 97% of the market. I am sure this is a nightmare for them.

    widw ,

    You just wait and see. I’ll bet it goes all the way down to 96 and then they’ll really be sorry.

    Crashumbc ,

    Year of the Linux destktop!

    mojofrododojo ,

    MS’s frequent missteps - win11, total recall, ai inescapable etc., - may just finally catch up with them. While they continue to devour game studios and shut them down for irrational reasons, who knows?

    Stop being so negative and open your mind. Hell, MS did, you can use bash on the command line now. Times do change.

    Tryptaminev ,

    Gradual shifts can snowball into huge shifts. a few years ago Linux gaming only existed for the dedicated crowd, that somehow managed to make it work. Now for many it is no different from their Windows experience for most games, sometimes even better.

    Think of it like bubbles pressing against each other. It matters not only how much pressure your own bubble has, but also how much pressure the other bubbles have in finding the equilibrium. The Windows bubble isn’t only weakening itself, the Linux bubble is getting stronger and stronger

    MagicShel ,

    For me, gaming was the one thing holding me back from really adopting Linux. When I got a PS5, I felt the time was right to make the switch, but I’ve been pleasantly surprised to find pretty much my whole Steam library works fine on Linux. VR still doesn’t work for me, but it seems to be getting there.

    There is still a lot of googling and frustration involved in using and maintaining it, but I’m slowly learning through exposure. There is nothing I want to do on a PC any more that I need windows for. If the auto update stuff worked better, I’d probably recommend it to everyone. But I’ve tried both Mint and Ubuntu and the software updater constantly runs into issues very quickly after install. I’m guessing because of all the different ways to install software, but I can’t understand why it doesn’t just apt update/upgrade behind the scenes because that seems to work just fine.

    lastweakness ,

    But I’ve tried both Mint and Ubuntu and the software updater constantly runs into issues very quickly after install.

    I have a Blue-Build based custom distro (not many customisations tbh), that I’m planning to ship for my sister as well as me. So far, updates have been painless because it’s just one base image overwriting the other. I have a feeling that that’s where Linux distros in general is headed. I can imagine Bazzite being just right for you if you’re into gaming.

    MagicShel ,

    Primarily I use my Linux box for development, but I do like to game on the PC from time to time. And then also I like to connect to oculus for SteamVR. I haven’t been able to do that since I got off windows. Yeah, I could dual boot or whatever, but I just don’t want to.

    I’ll look into Bazzite because maybe I can move my kids’ computer to Linux as well. They do nothing but game/discord on theirs.

    c0ber ,

    i assume you mean that sarcastically but that is a nightmare for them and every bit of lost marketshare makes it easier to lose more

    JackbyDev ,

    Hey, if it makes some SVP not get their quarterly bonus then maybe we’ll see a marginal change for sex months! Maybe!

    Dra , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back

    Buy a mac or support steamOS adoption or just get a linux distro. This will drive the improvement of nontechnical consumer GNU/Linux

    trslim ,

    I cant believe im actually supporting the sentence “buy a mac” but its far far better than what ever microsoft is doing, and if you arent computer literate enough to install linux, its a decent alternative to windows.

    jas0n ,

    I can’t believe I’m actually upvoting that statement… coming from a former windows nerd (until 7).

    bitwaba ,

    Apple is going to start cramming their AI the throat of all users in the next year or two as well.

    Just… No.

    Draedron ,

    Nah thanks

    EmperorHenry , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar

    you can disable recall in regedit by adding a key and a DWord 32 bit value

    BCat70 ,

    Yeah … regedit should not be considered a solution for the user base. In fact any time the user base knows that regedit exists we in IT have failed.

    ruse8145 ,

    Woof you must absolutely loathe linux

    EmperorHenry , avatar

    O&OShutup10++ can now be used to disable windows recall as well

    mypasswordis1234 , to technology in A PR disaster: Microsoft has lost trust with its users, and Windows Recall is the straw that broke the camel's back avatar


    • Windows Recall, part of Microsoft’s new Copilot+ PC initiative, has sparked major privacy and security concerns.
    • The feature uses AI to capture and store screen data locally, allowing users to search for past activities using natural language.
    • Despite assurances that data is not uploaded to the cloud or used by Microsoft, user trust is lacking.
    • Microsoft has a history of practices that have eroded user trust, including obtrusive ads, ignoring user preferences, and requiring Microsoft Accounts.
    • Users are skeptical, fearing future misuse of the collected data for advertising or AI training.
    • Windows Recall reportedly stores data unencrypted, making it vulnerable to access by third-party apps and potential malware.
    • The open nature of Windows amplifies these risks, unlike more secure systems like iOS and Android.
    • Users have compared Windows Recall to spyware, with many threatening to switch to other operating systems like Linux or Mac.
    • Microsoft’s attempts to keep the development of Windows Recall secret did not help build trust.
    • Windows Recall will only be available on new Copilot+ PCs, requiring specific hardware not present in existing PCs.
    • Users will have the option to disable the feature, but there are concerns about it being enabled by default.
    • Despite security issues, the feature is effective in helping users find lost or forgotten data.
    • It could improve productivity if trust and security concerns are resolved.
    Epzillon ,

    Windows Recall does NOT require NPU hardware to run. Currently Recall has been tested on Windows 11 with only a CPU and it seems to be fully operational. Of course performance is not as good as with an NPU. I believe Microsoft will try to push AI to local computing by only enabling on computers with NPUs to begin with. In the future it will most likely be able to be enabled on PCs which does not have an NPU but with a warning of bad performance in front of it.

    secret300 ,

    In the future most CPU’s will prolly have an NPU built in. We already seeing it with ryzen

    werefreeatlast , to technology in Microsoft addresses Windows Recall backlash, promises to fix security issues and make it opt-in

    So it will use AI to auto detect penises to prevent embarrassing video recordings.

    FilthyCheese ,

    Time to get a wiggly, wobbly dick cursors.

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