There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

AFC1886VCC , to memes in Maps

Idaho, but I no longer have a ho

Agent641 , to memes in The Extra Mile

My rule at work has always been based around the bears and hikers analogy. You dont have to be the best at what you do. Just dont be the worst.

Also some jobs afford opportunities for non-conventional self-education. If you can learn useful personal or professional skills while at working, do it, and under the guise of work.

Zier , to memes in Maps avatar

So are we just going to ignore what Idaho is doing to Oregon?
Why you dirty guppies!!

Mr_Dr_Oink , to memes in The Extra Mile

Isn’t this socialism? 😜














(Joking! before anyone hurts me)

lowleveldata , to memes in Nintendo doing the smarting

Open source projects do not grow by themselves. It requires serious effort from dedicated developers to develop and maintain applications as complicated as an emulator. Yuzu’s developers are banned from doing so and I don’t see how this incident could help bringing more developers.

tsugu OP , avatar

I’m sure there will be developers capable enough to keep it working on new operating systems. Games that worked with it until now will keep on working, and that’s what matters to most people anyways. No need for major changes to the codebase.

lowleveldata ,

to keep it working on new operating systems

That’s really easier said than done

unfnknblvbl ,

Yeah, of all the forks and mirrors I’ve checked out, none of them even have the Android builds. Obviously I’ve not checked them all, but still…

franklin , avatar

I truly admire the optimism but I think it’s also important to understand the hard work and dedication that the Yuzu developers put in.

You’re correct that someone probably will fork it and development will continue but it is not simple and it requires a very specialized skill set.

I just think it’s important to never take for granted the people who take time out of their lives to give the community something so wonderful.

JDubbleu ,

I don’t think it’s diminishing the work of the Yuzu devs, but more so a strong belief in the capabilities of the open source community. They worked their asses off and are extremely talented, and I’m sure there are others who will hop in and carry the torch.

I’m also curious if there’s a programmatic way to circumvent the argument Nintendo made about bypassing DMCA by separating the emulator from the code that utilizes the keys such that you can use tool A to bypass DMCA, and tool B (Yuzu with game decryption removed) to run the circumvented game. In this case tool A already exists, and tool B could be a fork of Yuzu.

Halosheep ,

This is similar to how Tachiyomi forks can still exist. Even though tachiyomi never had a real case go to court, they’ve separated the extensions library from the reader so nothing comes “preloaded” with any potential copywrite infringing parts.

vox , avatar

this doesn’t apply to hundreds of their contributors tho right

Trarmp ,

What if I told you that throwing more developers at a problem != that problem getting solved faster?

vox , avatar

there are hundreds of open issues on ryujinx.
so there are hundreds of problems with zero developers to solve them.

cows_are_underrated ,

What do you mean with they are banned? Who’s gonna stop them from contributing to one of the many Yuzu forks? What are they gonna do about it?

Hate ,

Nintendo would stop them. If yuzu devs want to go to court, they can continue development.

Yuzu devs could do it anonymously, but that’s gl on not doxxing yourself, at risk of lawsuit.

lowleveldata ,

A permanent injunction is entered against Defendant enjoining it and its members, agents, servants, employees, independent contractors, successors, assigns, and all those acting in privity or under its control from:

a. Offering to the public, providing, marketing, advertising, promoting, selling, testing, hosting, cloning, distributing, or otherwise trafficking in Yuzu or any source code or features of Yuzu

IANAL but that sounds like the court is banning those developers from working on Yuzu. I mean, you can still try to work on project that is 90% Yuzu but with another name but I feel like your lawyer would advise against that.

grue ,

Who’s gonna stop them from contributing to one of the many Yuzu forks? What are they gonna do about it?

The answers are “the court system” and “have the police arrest them for defying a court order” respectively.

explodicle ,

Can’t they just create pseudonyms?

herrvogel ,

Okay then what? Unless the devs try real hard to stay hidden, Nintendo’s lawyers will do a little bit of digging, they will find out who those pseudonyms are, and sue again. And this time the devs will be extremely lucky if they can get away with just paying out 2.4m because the law generally does not appreciate it very much when you try to ignore and avoid its previous rulings. A console emulator is absolutely not worth the potentially devastating legal consequences.

Katana314 ,

I mean, I guess it can happen through private web communities of course. It would just enter the region of game cracks.

Also marginally possible someone reverse engineers, and puts up something unrecognizable compared to the original.

ben_dover ,

it’s most likely part of the cease and desist order

Psiczar , to memes in Apple

Who is unsuspecting? I choose to use a iPhone because:

It is a closed ecosystem, a billion apps is enough for me. I wanted to be able to update the phone for many years I didn’t want to have preinstalled 3rd party bloatware I wanted a device that was less prone to malware

Android is a great OS, and it is better in some areas than iOS, but nothing particularly important to me.

Only Americans are concerned about green and blue bubbles. If it’s so upsetting to you, use WhatsApp. Don’t blame Apple because Google couldn’t standardise on a single messaging app for more than 5 minutes.

Using Google devices and pointing at Apple and saying “they’re evil, don’t use them” is laughable. They’re all bad companies, no organisation should be worth trillions.

SpermGoobler ,

I wanna throw in my 2 cents as I’m considering getting an iPhone after only ever using Android

Recently I’ve started noticing how much disrespect for your time and attention I’ve experienced on Android. It’s not so much Android itself, but the ecosystem around it:

  • A layer of bloatware from most major manufacturers
  • The Play Store and Samsung store trying their hardest to sell you some bullshit app with the most obnoxious clickbait banner.
  • My Samsung phone forcing me to install some random apps I don’t want with a prompt that I can’t dismiss.
  • Google or Samsung (I can’t remember which) trying to get me to agree to personalised ads by presenting it as if it’s a ‘we’ve updated our terms’ type prompt.
  • Google ads being generally annoying.

And more general malware-like behaviour trying to sell me shit. I don’t care.

I’m not my grandma who’s just going to blindly fall for whatever slight of hand that gets them 10c when I install some borderline malware app, it’s just annoying. I just want a phone that’s reasonably powerful, and works.

Android itself is great, and I’ve been able to improve the experience by using an ad blocker and f-droid where possible, but it’s rough. I can’t install a custom ROM as my banking apps don’t work if I do :////

I hate looking up to Apple as a solution here as they’re do a bunch of shitty things

Noel_Skum ,

I pretty much agree with all of that but wanted to add that when BlackBerry BB10 was discontinued (miss you, Z30) I had the option of Microsoft, Google or Apple. I chose the least bad of a poor bunch… The original monopolists or an ad-obsessed stalker were of no interest to me.

OldWoodFrame , to memes in Chat Apps

Spoken like a real android user. All my iPhone friends (and especially family) refuse to download any other app, they just complain that I physically can’t download iChat.

hector ,

As an iPhone user, iChat is mid. I think it’s only in the Us that it is widely used.

Embrace the beauty of Signal now

JohnDoe ,

I use signal as well, might be worth looking into these two links to better manage expectations.

First here and second here.

Related post by Matrix here

aidan ,

I don’t have time to respond to everything, so I’ll just respond to the first one- which is that it’s tankie copium. I don’t deny the Signal Foundation might be taking money from government groups- I believe it is. But looking at the groups its pretty clear what it is, Radio Free Asia, as in the Asia branch of Radio Free Europe. Aka, their goal is to make people living in US adversaries rebel. The US does not censor private communication, it would be very quickly found out if I sent a text to my friend and they couldn’t receive it, or I was sent to jail for the content of that speech.(That’s not to say its not spied on though.) However, in many(most?) US adversaries there is active censorship of opposition communication, the US generally(although not always) supports the opposition by nature of them being the opposition- this is why(if you believe the narrative that everything is a cabal of the powerful) US tech companies supported the Arab Spring. This is why Radio Free Europe broadcast in support of Dubček and the Prague Spring, why they also supported the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. All that is just to say the US can follow the narrative of being 100% power seeking while still supporting open communication platforms. (After all, the US government also either directly created or contributed to SHA-2, Tor, and Ghidra too) And, Signal is open source, read the code and network traffic yourself, they won’t remove encryption for US allies.

That doesn’t mean they’re immune to criticism, they may be able to explain it, but I personally probably wouldn’t donate to an organization that has the money to pay part time developers $450,000 according to their Form 990, but its not my money so not my place to judge how its spent.

JohnDoe , (edited )

I think most of your criticism makes sense.

The part about “not reading private messages” I think is mistaken, or rather, maybe amiss. I mean I don’t have evidence, so this is all conjecture. The sophistication of data surveillance and data gathering makes the content of the message rather meaningless in my view.

EDIT: Oh, I don’t think any adversaries of US, even if working together, make any meaningful threat towards it. It’s really hard to imagine, esp. considering the US has a bunch of successful coups & stuff under their belt.

aidan ,

I wasn’t saying the US doesn’t spy on private messages, I was saying Signal is open source so it would be hard to hide a back door. So I don’t see how any other E2E encrypted messages could be more secret then Signal. I guess obfuscating the messaging servers.

The sophistication of data surveillance and data gathering makes the content of the message rather meaningless in my view.

That’s a fair point but I don’t know if there’s any other good solution to that.

JohnDoe ,

yeah i’m rethinking some stuff too, even in some utopia i think some information related to me might make life inconvenient, so the best way to protect that (e.g. not disclosing it digitally) maybe needs outta the box solutions.

related, does anyone even bother to look at physical mail for stuff? like if i put a cipher in a letter with no return address, using that pen ink that you can erase (which comes back if you put it in a freezer) and only i and my contact have the key to the cipher which we exchanged in-person; could anyone reasonably know it?

it seems digital stuff might be a carrot for surveillance people, maybe it can be made into a honeypot and physical or analog means can make a return.

aidan ,

I think finding novel ways to communicate with a specific person and not be monitored is easy. The difficulty is opening a new line of communication on an already monitored one, communicating to new people, and one of those new people not blabbing.

After all, if you play on a private Minecraft server and spell out text with dirt blocks, I don’t think anyone’s going to bother writing code to analyze your Minecraft network traffic.


Kind of ironic considering that with Matrix…

  • Forward secrecy is kinda hosed
  • they store metadata permanently on their servers by design
  • A ton of stuff that would otherwise be invisible and signal is visible in your Matrix homeserver, including permanent history of all group membership
  • Your data does not belong to you, and that’s how the server is built to treat it, e.g.
  • GDPR deletion is nonexistent (it won’t delete your username or your messages, making it less effective than on Discord, let alone Signal)

… Etc.

Ironically, older federated messaging systems like XMPP might be better by coincidence. Message archiving was an optional addition and some servers, such as the popular Riseup one, do not implement it.

JohnDoe ,

Yeah, fair. It can’t delete your messages to the extent a centralized system, and that’s an indication of the lack of centralized control? It’s a different threat model I think many find satisfying (though perhaps not most).


All those points are about how one server communicates with itself. Federation doesn’t factor into it

JohnDoe ,

huh, yeah that’s fair i did not actually notice that :/

toastal ,

Meanwhile Matrix was built & funded by Israeli Intelligence (to which I’m sure there are anonymous donors today). It’s expensive replication model means only those with the deepest of pockets can run a server leading many to flock to the mother instance of centralizing, replicating the data to a single node (being decentralized in theory, not so much is practice). It’s funny to see them call out Signal, but luckily there are private, free alternatives to both.

JohnDoe , (edited )

Huh, would it be possible to provide a source? I might be bad at searching, I’m not finding anything…

EDIT: Ok I found one with some search operators. I can provide links, most were less trustworthy, I’d reserve judgement.

  1. An organization which was initially responsible for Matrix, AMDOCS, is allegedly (I say allegedly since I didn’t confirm it to a reasonable extent) an organization based in Israel which appears to have products related to surveillance
  2. By association, Matrix is tainted, perhaps it has sophisticated backdoors along with the other myriad of issues mentioned by other commenters

To give an alternative explanation with plausible hypotheses

  1. An organization linked to intelligence surveillance, created and discarded software, which occurs with most software, and I would imagine occurs with software developed at an organization linked with surveillance as well (if it’s publicly funded, i.e. by a government, I’d lean into this)
  2. Though suspect in origin, the amount of time the software has been independent, and with its open codebase, means any backdoors or other nefarious artifacts can be reasonably said not to exist
  3. An organization linked to an intelligence agency would perhaps be the one to expect to have a secure messaging platform, one could imagine said organization would develop a solution in-house as even with software audits, they may not be certain of any external software which may itself be compromised by an antagonist or have vulnerabilities which they could not control

Some food for thought. I’m not one to jump to conclusions, I think claims require proportional evidence, and obviously my judgement isn’t the same as a security researcher or clandestine operator, so settling on what ‘appears’ to be true without proper investigation isn’t something I do.

Thanks for the info though!!

Default_Defect , to memes in The Extra Mile avatar

Or in my case, get singled out by a manager from another department for no reason, who then gaslights the other managers into thinking I don’t do shit when I’m the only person in my section that even does anything at all. Go through the whole “try to make them quit” playbook but never do anything wrong so they can’t fire me. I would have outlasted all those fuckers if circumstance hadn’t forced me to move out of state.

Pretty sure they just wanted to eliminate my full-time position to save money.

Track_Shovel OP ,

Been there

Vespair , to memes in The Extra Mile

A lot of us “do the bare minimum” do the bare minimum because of all of the time in the past we spent going the extra mile only to be rewarded with ever greater expectations for identical compensation and opportunity.

They made us this way.

Track_Shovel OP ,

No sympathy for them. No mercy!

clot27 , to memes in Chat Apps avatar

I use telegram mostly because it have great features and its certainly better than any meta apps in privacy and private enough imo. It was easy to get my friends and family on telegram because they loved those features, signal is just… boring.

strahlemann ,

interestingly it’s worse than whatsapp regarding privacy

clot27 , (edited ) avatar

and how? dont send me a decade old audit on the protocol which telegram abandoned around the same time.

strahlemann ,

chats are not e2e encrypted by default and group chats are never e2e encrypted. even whatsapp is e2ee for every chat.

banneryear1868 ,

They hated him, for he spoke the truth.

clot27 , avatar

And how does being e2ee by default guarantee you are secure? whatsapp doesnt even encrypt metadata.

SmilingSolaris ,

It’s fun watching people argue about things I don’t care about. Like, y’all haven’t already abandoned your sense of privacy to this world? Lol

banneryear1868 ,

These nerds will debate platforms way more than use them productively.

SmilingSolaris ,

It’s fun though. I’m glad they keep an eye on this stuff because I don’t and someone definitely should. But it really is just a hobby. It’s fun how serious they take it. Super serious hobby lol. Love them to death though. Greatful too!

strahlemann ,

I don’t like whatsapp either but my claim still holds. e2ee by default for all chats is arguably more privacy respecting than opt-in e2ee for 1-1 chats only. and what metadata exactly does telegram encrypt but whatsapp does not?

clot27 , avatar

e2ee by default only for your data to be used when you back it up. Atleast there have been no data breaches reported in telegram so far

strahlemann ,

you can encrypt backups in whatsapp but we might agree on whatsapp and telegram being equally bad then

no data breaches reported in telegram so far

yes they hand it out voluntarily, search term: telegram german authorities

clot27 , avatar

only if you are terrorist or do some CP stuff. Besides there are ton of reasons why I should use telegram. Its a lot more featureful, its easy for people to move their and its secure enough for me because I am not a terrorist and I dont sell drugs, thanks.

strahlemann ,

i have nothing to hide

okay buddy

clot27 , avatar

nitpicking by avg signal fanboi.

strahlemann ,

average telegram fanboi cope

guts ,

Telegram is more akin to Discord with secret chats, I wouldn’t trust ZuCKs Whatsapp.

Zacryon ,

And yet no one was able to crack it.

strahlemann ,

it’s not about cracking anything it’s about the telegram owners being able to read your messages???

Zacryon , (edited )

You can use E2E??? !!!

strahlemann ,

not in group chats and most people don’t care about it for 1-1 chats as well.

neutron ,

Sometimes boring is better, sticking to the fundamentals. I didn’t like when signal tried to mix crypto into it.

preasket ,

Wdym “boring”, what do you want a messenger app to do? It does what it’s there for and it does it well.

clot27 , avatar

Sure, but we have to consider what other people wants too, and if they are getting alot of feature in a single app without any big compromise, they would prefer that and thats perfectly logical.

preasket ,

From my experience of getting other people on Signal, the main issue is that not everyone is already on it. People generally want to use only one app and it attracts them to the most popular one because they don’t need to switch as much.

Secondary issues are:

  • No automatic phone transfer (no cloud backups, has to be done manually)
  • No large public channels

I might add another one, but it applies to WhatsApp too - it’s crazy that there’s still no easy way to move between iOS and Android…

clot27 , (edited ) avatar

OTOH telegram gives you option to export your whatsapp chats there making migration a bit more convenient. For the last point, yeah it sucks a lot and fuck whoever is responsible for that…

RanchOnPancakes , to memes in The Extra Mile avatar

I get bigger raises.

lemming741 ,

Using optimistic numbers from my workplace–

Is an extra 3% a year worth the 20% more work you’re doing?

XTornado ,

The key is to look like you are doing 20% more work, but not actually do 20% more work. Of course that only works in certain cases.

RanchOnPancakes , avatar

Considering I’ve reached the point where for the first time in my life at the end a 2 week cycle SOMETHING is left over even if just a little bit? Yes.

Resonosity , to memes in Chat Apps

This hurts me so much: it’s why I revert to text messaging because everyone has a phone number. The only downside is that you can’t add/remove numbers to existing groups, so it can get out of hand quickly with the number of group chats.

Zink , to memes in Nintendo doing the smarting avatar

What stops the yuzu devs from working on ryujinx?

DoucheBagMcSwag ,

If I were Ryujinx I would immediately not let encrypted games play with future updates.

But…a random program online not affiliated with Ryujinx would crop up online and would… mysteriously decrypt games

… Huh how coincidental

AdrianTheFrog , avatar

Yuzu is written in c++ and can run on android, which seems like a major advantage over ryujinx.

pivot_root ,

Fear. The settlement agreement included promising to never do anything related to violating Nintendo’s IP rights again.

If any of the developers want to grab a VPN and new username, they absolutely could. Whether they want to risk getting sued for multiple millions as an individual is another story, however.

chocosoldier , to memes in Chat Apps

if you won’t talk to me except through insta then you’re not worth being friends with just fucking text me like a normal ass human.

nexussapphire , to memes in Nintendo doing the smarting

Jokes on Nintendo, my next handheld is most likely still going to be a steam deck (clone?). The only difference now is I won’t buy a physical game and emulate their games on it by (downloading) a backup.

I’m not proud of it but I’ve pirated games when I was a kid, but I bought every game I pirated if I could get it on modern hardware. Even the mediocre games like Minecraft.

It’s tempting as a kid when your parents gets you an Xbox but never got any games for it, eventually you wanna play more than demos. They got duke nukem forever with the xbox and as a kid I preferred the pack in game of Kinect adventures over it.

UnverifiedAPK ,

Definitely get a Deck, it’s shocking how powerful the hardware is. If price is an issue you can wait until the refurbished ones go on sale again and pick up the cheapest model for $280.

nexussapphire ,

One day when I don’t feel as poor. I got more important things like going into debt for a piece of paper.

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