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AceFuzzLord , to memes in Kids can be so crüêl

I’m all for being able to make your kid what you want, but I would definitely support a law in the US that stops you from being named these types of names that will get them bullied and picked on.

Whether it be Abcde or whatever the hell Ellon named his spawn, we could stand to have common sense naming laws to avoid the type of situation in this post going forward. And yes, I know it’s probably in the UK because it’s Daily Mail UK, but it’s a problem worldwide if you ask me.

lvxferre , avatar

whatever the hell Ellon named his spawn

ChildX, most likely.

Default_Defect , avatar

You’re not far off.

skulblaka , avatar

Worse: X AE A-XII Musk (only named this because X Æ A-12 was not acceptable to California regulations due to having non-English characters both in the form of numbers and of Æ), and later, another named Exa Dark Sideræl Musk (nicknamed "Y"). Both of these were with Grimes. Both of these are the official names given to these children, that is what is written on their birth certificates.

However, they were also preceded by around 8 other children with different women given much more normal names, so it's unclear how much influence Grimes had on the decision making here. X AE A-XII in particular though I will definitely attribute to Elon because his fixation on the letter X extends back decades at this point.

lvxferre , avatar

Wait. What?

Sometimes reality is even funnier than our shitty jokes! (Except for the kids. I feel genuinely sorry for them.)

Annoyed_Crabby ,

Did he just give his kids name a serial number of manufactured machine

Default_Defect , avatar

If he continued to have kids with Grimes he 100% would have done S E X Y with their names, same as the Tesla models, hes insane.

bric ,

And for reference, X AE A-XII is meant to be pronounced “ex ash archangel”. Which I’m sure is obvious to everyone that reads it lol

metaltoilet , avatar

Or normalizing the practice of choosing your own name if you don’t like yours. (though maybe that wouldn’t work well for younger kids)

DonJefe , to memes in build your own lunar lander avatar

You forgot to add a raspberry pi for the on-board computer. Even though, that would probably be way more powerful than the on-board computer they used, haha

TimeSquirrel , (edited ) avatar

Where you need to be pointed, how fast you're going relative to something else, how long your burn needs to be, and when it needs to be. You don't need much "computer" to figure that out.

You can totally navigate space with just a pencil, paper, a slide rule, and a sextant. Like some kinda steakpunk steampunk space pirate.

zakobjoa , avatar

Let’s make steakpunk a thing please.

Zron ,

There was a sextant on the early orbital and the lunar missions.

Buzz aldrin wrote a paper on navigating in space using a sextant and paper. If I remember right, the analog tools were brought along in case the computers failed, as the return capsules needed a specific reentry angle and velocity, or they’d either burn up in the atmosphere or bounce off into space.

Rehwyn ,

Watched an interesting video recently about the computer used in the Apollo lunar missions. Of course even basic processors now are more powerful, but it’s still impressive how rock-solid stable the Apollo computers were.

phatskat ,

OP wouldn’t need it because their point is to say that the lander was just made from household items and staged to look like it was on the moon. To them, there’s nothing functional in that photo.

mihor , to memes in Remember me comrades! avatar

Yezhov who???

Cjwii , to memes in Remember me comrades!

Fuck tankies, get money

fuck tankies, get money

Fuck tankies, get money

Fuck tankies, get money

Lordbaum ,

Fuck tankies, abolish money (and the state and the class society when we are already on it)

DBVegas , avatar

What magical step do you think is going to get us to abolish money and have a classless moneyless society? You need a vanguard communist party to use the state apparatus to destroy the bourgeoisie in a transitory socialist phase before achieving communism (said classless moneyless society).

Lordbaum ,

Sorry for the late response but what always puzzles me how do you enforce freedom I mean these are more or less contradicting things. The only way I can imagen people getting liberated is by first liberating themselves and then cooperate with like minded individuals to create a grass roots organization that’s destroys and replace the old system. And not just replacing it’s leadership. I mean we tried it, but it ended up being spoiled like the former leaders/system1. ( if more or less worse is debatable) it even crushed like minded individuals in the process. What I want to say people can only be free if they want to be free and if you give them a chance to develop them freely and that the means mark the ends. I myself don’t know the complete plan and picture how a revolution will happen and how it will look at the end, but I have some ideas in my Head which I will work (for example promoting an gift and library economy as well as helping some orgs) to help my comrades and support the revolution. I just ask you to not make the same mistakes that our ancestors did, comrade.

rjs001 , avatar

Go back to your Fox News

irmoz ,

What makes you think they like fox news?

Perfide ,

Bruh what part of that made you think they watch Faux News?

Oh, lemmygrad. Away, tankie

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Do you support the US sending cluster bombs, rockets and tanks to Ukraine?

Perfide ,

Sure do. Ukraine can certainly make far better use of them defending their homes, than the US ever did using them for anything.

If Russia didn’t want Ukraine using cluster bombs, rockets, and tanks, they shouldn’t have used them first. Fight fire with fire.

culpritus , avatar

This Film Is Dedicated To The Brave Mujahideen Fighters Of Afghanistan

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Okay tankie

A nazi-loving one too, how neat

If Ukraine didn’t want Russia using cluster bombs, rockets, and tanks, they shouldn’t have tried to do a genocide in the Donbasvivian-shrug

wanderingmagus ,

Slava Ukraini and kill the bear. Ready to set condition 1SQ for strategic nuclear launch. Hooyah America. Come and get some.

Flinch , avatar

hitler-detector beep beep

AOCapitulator , avatar

You do realize Ukraine is using those cluster bombs on their own territory right?

For the next 30 years Ukrainian children will have their arms blown off playing catch with friends in the park, and you’re cheering

“Defending their territory”

You’re a gutless bloodthirsty pearl clutcher

BurgerPunk , avatar

Why do you think you’re a communist?

Flaps ,

Sounds pretty tankie to me

Egon , avatar

abolish money (and the state and the class society when we are already on it)

And how do you propose we actually go about doing this?

rubpoll , avatar


Krause , avatar

fuck tankies

abolish class society

lenin facepalm

Perfide ,

You can be a communist without being a fucking tankie. Fuck off back to lemmygrad.

WideningGyro ,

I’d love for you to explain exactly what you mean by “tankie”

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

I think it means someone who likes doing whippets, not sure why they’re bringing it up here tho

ikilledtheradiostar ,

That’s a wook.

Tankie Is a guy that likes propane over charcoal.

Perfide ,

Nah, we both know what I mean, don’t try to sealion this. You can fuck off back to Hexbear.

ThereRisesARedStar ,

The point is it tankie is an amorphous McCarthyist insult. No one knows exactly what you’re saying because most of the people who use it aren’t on exactly the same page. I’ve been called a tankie for supporting Cuba’s new family code and the intensely democratic process behind it and for saying the taean work system is a good system.

ShimmeringKoi , avatar

Yes, we do.

You mean “Woke”

captcha ,

“Woke” on foreign policy…

BurgerPunk , avatar

We really don’t know. Unless your definition is someone who supported the Soviet Union sending in tanks to put down the coup in Hungary, then its pretty devoid of meaning

Flinch , avatar

buddy, we’re already on Hexbear, that’s how federation works

HornyOnMain , avatar

Tankies are people who main Roadhog, Reinhardt or DVa

IceWallowCum , avatar

It’s always just leftists who aren’t western brand “leftists”, i.e. completely averse to action and change.

Libs will demonize all forms of action and analysis of oppression and then wonder why things just keep getting worse despite them doing a lot of useless, performative things. In the lack of a correct theory, it always comes down to “it’s those damn Asians!!!”

CompassInspector ,

There are 2 types:

  1. Marxist-Leninist - followers of the ideology of the Stalinist counter-revolution. These people are still around but are barely relevant anymore since the fall of the USSR.
  2. Terminally online leftoid who thinks they’re a Marxist-Leninist, is really just a soc-dem who hates America and likes soviet aesthetics. Believes a ton of mutually contradictory shit because they don’t take communism seriously and get all their info from memes and other terminally online leftoids.
420blazeit69 ,

The pure (libertarian) socialists’ ideological anticipations remain untainted by existing practice. They do not explain how the manifold functions of a revolutionary society would be organized, how external attack and internal sabotage would be thwarted, how bureaucracy would be avoided, scarce resources allocated, policy differences settled, priorities set, and production and distribution conducted. Instead, they offer vague statements about how the workers themselves will directly own and control the means of production and will arrive at their own solutions through creative struggle. No surprise then that the pure socialists support every revolution except the ones that succeed.


kneel_before_yakub , avatar

Fuck off back to reddit where western chauvinists are welcome

BurgerPunk , avatar

How? By not supporting any AES or any revolution that succeeded?

yogthos , avatar

the least deranged westie has logged on

btbt , (edited ) avatar

I say as I am evicted from my sewer apartment because the money I get from my McDonalds paycheck has lost 95 percent of its value in a year (I’m so glad that i live in the land of the free and not some tankie shithole like China)

StarkillerX42 , (edited ) to memes in Freedom units 💯

I certainly know what degrees Celsius are, but I have no idea what Celsius degrees are supposed to be.

MrShankles ,

Annotation? Idk, I can’t read as is

BeHappy ,

I thought that was the point Americans allegedly wouldn’t understand. Glad I wasn’t the only one that noticed the error in a meme trying to make another culture looks like idiots.

SonicBlue03 , (edited ) to memes in Freedom units 💯

Most kids don’t get degrees.

WarmSoda ,


gamey , to memes in understanding games is a form of systemic analysis avatar

Why is the richkid class locked for me?

FleetingTit ,

Your parents need to buy the DLC first!

gamey , avatar


Mcballs1234 , avatar

Nah the poor kid class builds the story better

jarfil ,
pigup , to memes in Machinists, engineers and people of common sense unite !

They were trying to design a caliper holder that fits the jaws in that orientation, obviously. They need to fix this, send it back.

PseudoSpock , to memes in As an owner of children, I approve this message avatar

Please don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, and if you do, please for the love of all that might be holy, don’t do it in business and first class!

Colour_me_triggered ,

Rich people deserve to suffer. Always fly first class with your kids and give them caffeine pills before the flight.

GreenMario ,

Based and energy pilled.

PseudoSpock , avatar

People in business class or first class are almost never rich. Sky mile programs, travel credit card point programs, gaming point relationships between airlines and affiliates can make business and first quite affordable. And for when it can’t be affordable, if someone is paying for it, it’s not usually for luxury. I try to always send my wife at least business class so she is treated MUCH more as a human being than she normally has been in coach, as she is a minority and disabled. Rich people charter planes or own them. Those in business class are usually people who just plan ahead better than you. And if you’re jealous of that, then you’re a jealous piece of something.

abc , avatar

People in business class or first class are almost never rich. Sky mile programs, travel credit card point programs, gaming point relationships between airlines and affiliates can make business and first quite affordable.

person who flies so much they are able to game point relationships between airlines and affiliates: actually I am living in poverty and not what you’d call rich. 🤡 🤡 🤡


Firipu , avatar

Please don’t leave your house, and if you do, please for the love that might be holy don’t do it in areas actually inhabited by people.

PseudoSpock , avatar

Please tell that to parents who can’t keep their kids polite in public. Being a child is not an excuse to be a monster.

kneel_before_yakub , avatar

Babies cry. It’s what they fucking do, you misanthrope

PseudoSpock , avatar

That’s why you keep them at home.

oregoncom , avatar

Your parents not letting you go outside is why you grew up into a redditor manchild who whines about literal babies. Your presence is 1000% more irritating than any baby. I’d tell you to stay at home but you never leave the basement anyways.

mister_monster ,

I’m going to do it and then laugh at your annoyance.

PseudoSpock , avatar

Up to you. May or may not go well for you. While I won’t do anything to you except an unkind look, you don’t know who else we’re flying with and what they might be going through. You really want to risk you or your child’s well being just be right? Have you seen the crazy’s on planes lately? I’ll tell you this, if someone does read you the riot act or worse, I sure as hell won’t come to your aid. And despite wanting to film such a happening to see you miserable or worse, I won’t, because I won’t want to contribute to giving you evidence you could use against your attacker(s). If you think it’s terrible I wouldn’t try to protect your baby, not my fault you were such a terrible parent that the child would have been better off being aborted than being your child.

mister_monster ,

If someone attacked me or my child on a plane I would fuck them up real bad.

PseudoSpock , avatar

While we popcorn and watch your inflight entertainment.

Honytawk ,

Ah, so you are as unmannered as your kids, good to know.

ShrimpsIsBugs ,

Lol. I’m also not the biggest fan of children, but what are the parents supposed to do? Not having vacation? Leave them home alone? Throw them out the window on the drive to the airport?

_CottonCandyUnicorn_ ,

Don’t have vacations or visit family even if it’s for a wedding or funeral. Stay inside your house until your kids graduate high school to be sure. Having a life is not worth the possibility of inconveniencing other people for a few hours every so often. You’re ruining other people’s lives if you do so.

riceandbeans161 ,

get a sitter. If you can afford a holiday, budget for a sitter.

Or don’t have holidays until the snot factories are old enough to behave if you can’t afford a sitter. You chose to have children.

Firipu , avatar

Let’s see who will pay for your retirement and medical care eventually… (unless if you live in that US hellscape ofcourse)

CaptFeather ,

If that’s all you’re having kids for please do not have kids.

Firipu , avatar

Oh yeah, one hundred percent. The only reason I got kids was to make sure they can take care of my retirement.

Just as I’m taking care of my parents. I have totally absolutely 100% not broken off all contact with them because of their shitty behaviour. No sir, absolutely not.

CrabLord , avatar

Had me in the first half, not gonna lie.

SuddenDownpour ,

If you’re having kids with the express intent that they care for you when you’re old, you’re already doing it wrong.

riceandbeans161 ,

well most likely be dead before anyone under 30 reaches that age.

Enigma ,

Yes, because it’s perfectly normal to leave your young kids with strangers for a couple weeks while you go on holiday, or visit family.

cheenis ,


  • Loading...
  • Enigma ,

    For a night, for a couple days maybe but for weeks? Hell no, that is not what babysitters are for. And you’re delusional if you think so. A parent who leaves their kids with a stranger for weeks is not a good parent and could be brought up on child abandonment charges.

    CaptFeather ,

    Then don’t go on vacation until they’re old enough to be well behaved lmao

    Enigma ,

    The same can be said for adults.

    CaptFeather ,

    Couldn’t agree more lol

    coaxil ,

    Why do you need to fly for vacation? When did flying for vacation become mandatory?

    Enigma ,

    It’s not. But it’s much easier to deal with kids on a 2hr flight than it is to deal with them on a multiple day drive. And just because I have kids doesn’t mean I have to choose the more difficult option. I say this as a parent who has driven across the country with my kids, multiple times.

    ArcticLynx ,

    But it’s much easier to deal with kids on a 2hr flight than it is to deal with them on a multiple day drive

    “I’ll make everyone’s flight miserable because I don’t want to experience the bad consequences of my choices”

    And just because I have kids doesn’t mean I have to choose the more difficult option.

    you did choose the more difficult option the moment you chose to have children. having children comes with inconveniences and because that’s your choice to have children you have to deal with the consequences, not others

    Enigma ,

    Lmao yes, I have to make my life more difficult because I chose to have kids. That makes perfect sense.

    ArcticLynx ,

    ‘your choices, your consequences’

    not ‘your choices, everyone else’s consqeuences’

    it isn’t that hard to understand is it? your entitlement is insane

    Enigma ,

    Lmao dude. Get off your high horse. Your comfort doesn’t trump mine and vice versa. If anyone is entitled here, it’s you, believing that parents have to always go out of their way to make sure everyone else is comfortable just because they have kids and you don’t.

    ArcticLynx ,

    parents have child => parents are inconvinienced by child => others who have nothing to do with parents and their child should be inconvenienced instead of the parents

    following your logic, complete strangers should have to pay the kindergarten for your child. after all just because you chose to have children doesn’t mean that you have to be inconvenienced (by paying money for it) and others don’t, right?

    Enigma ,

    First of all dipshit, you do pay for kindergarten. Via taxes. What are you, 12?

    Like I said, my comfort doesn’t trump yours and your comfort doesn’t trump mine. Either deal with the fact that kids will be on flights or stop flying. Or become a member of congress and try to pass a law barring kids from planes.

    ArcticLynx ,

    First of all dipshit, you do pay for kindergarten. Via taxes. What are you, 12?

    of course tax money is used to pay for kindergarten too but at least in my country you pay something like 15 euros per day yourself

    also, I could’ve said babysitter too. or clothes. or food. or something else, it doesn’t matter. my point still stands

    Like I said, my comfort doesn’t trump yours and your comfort doesn’t trump mine. Either deal with the fact that kids will be on flights or stop flying.

    Like I said, your choice your discomfort and my chioce my discomfort. Either deal with the fact that cartain choices have consequences or make different choices

    seriously tho, you’re making your self-made problem everyone else’s

    that’s like me burning my car and saying “yeah I made the choice to burn my car and I knew of the consequences, but why should only I have to pay for the damage and not others as well? their comfort doesn’t trump mine”

    coaxil ,

    You require a multiple days drive for a vacation?

    Enigma ,

    Oh, I was speaking for other people. I’ve never actually been on a vacation.

    CaptFeather ,

    They can pick a vacation where they don’t have to fly… They chose to have kids and that comes with a lot of baggage.

    veng ,

    Why would they care about your opinion enough to not go on holiday where they want? If you want to fly without the chance of noisy kids then fly first class, or better still, private jet.

    No? Can’t afford? Suck it up then lol, people are going to live their lives regardless of a bit of noise that you can easily cancel out with headphones.

    ArcticLynx ,

    No? Can’t afford? Suck it up then lol, people are going to live their lives regardless of a bit of noise that you can easily cancel out with headphones.

    hell yeah, fuck them poor people

    CaptFeather ,

    Lmao How about the parents suck it up and choose a different vacation where they’re not subjecting the public to their terrors? I didn’t choose to have kids, I should not have to put up with other people’s kids. Too many people have kids who have no business being parents.

    jcit878 ,

    last flight I was on had a crying kid and a guy who kept trying to slip booze into his coffee and had to be confronted several times.

    guess who was the most annoying one.

    point is, flying fucking sucks, most mature adults realise this and just get through it despite the discomfort. complaining about it like an entitled prick demanding certain people can’t fly is frankly pathetic

    CaptFeather ,

    Screaming children are half the reason flying sucks. If your kid does not do well in public, pick another vacation or have someone watch them. Part of the responsibility that comes with having kids.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Usually, yes. Stay home or have a sitter or nanny. If it’s a family emergency or tragedy, benedryl for the child before the flight. Do NOT change the child outside of the plane’s lavatory. Premium economy, not business class, as premium has some perks for bringing your baby, is more affordable than business class. Daytime flights if possible. Red-eye’s people want to sleep. Be prepared, binkies, blankets, diapers, quiet toys, etc. Try to fly when you will have the most energy, hard to parent if you yourself are sleeping from exhaustion. (not always a choice, we know.) Insure your flight. If the baby is sick, colic, or especially if it has inner ear problems, don’t go or again, arrange care for the child. No need to make the baby suffer, and in turn making you and everyone else miserable, too. Many people will not be kind if the child wasn’t feeling well and kept them up 14 hours, which will be hard on you in addition to your own exhaustion.

    foksmash ,

    If you have to fly business with the rest of the poors that can’t afford a private jet, you don’t get to complain.

    Flyberius , avatar

    don’t do it in business and first class!

    Lol. If you’re wasting those sums of money to fly, I hope you do get noisy kids right next to you.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Here are some reasons for business class and first class:

    • Certainly treated better by staff when flights are delayed or cancelled - They took excellent care of my wife and her food and lodging needs when her flight was disrupted by a volcanic eruption at her intended destination.
    • The airline lounge - food, drinks and comfortable places to wait while stuck at airports
    • More and heavier checked bag allowance - Super important if bringing things to family
    • Laying down on long international flights to sleep
    • Most importantly, if you are a person of colour or disabled, the staff treat you a hell of a lot better - Shouldn’t have to pay more to be treated like a human being, but on a lot of airlines, you do

    So it’s not a waste, especially when my wife is flying alone 7600km, 10,500km, and even 11,700km as both a person of colour and a disabled person to deal with family tragedies. For you to want to screw with people for that… Yeah, don’t care for you.

    Flyberius , avatar

    There’s plenty of people who have to do all of that and don’t have crazy amounts of money to blast on a plane ticket. My heart is not bleeding. And all this over someone bringing a child on a plane.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Children are usually fine. Let me be more specific. Babies. Babies are often a problem on flights. Often it’s because of the cabin pressure hurting their ears because of their under developed eustachian tubes. All babies? no. But a lot of them. Learn how to help manage the child’s ear pain if you must bring them. Otherwise, you’re just being mean to your baby.

    As for your plenty of people / heart not bleeding comment. Nice to meet you, Karen.

    raven ,

    What should people do exactly? FedEx their kids?

    Yes, PSA bring teething toys and gum if your child is old enough to help equalize their ear pressure that’s fine, but kids are people too and they have a right to travel with their parents. The flying experience is aggressively uncomfortable and kids complaining isn’t even the half of it.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    No. Just don’t go. You chose to raise a child, part of that includes not dragging them where they don’t belong until they are old grown enough to behave. If you have to go, arrange care for the child while you are gone if they aren’t mature enough yet. Bringing a baby on a plane says, “I refuse to pay money to take responsibility for my choosing to have a child, so I’ll bring it with me and put that burden on everyone trapped with me on a plane.” Gee thanks.

    Flyberius , avatar

    Could you just not go instead?

    PseudoSpock , avatar


    Adkml ,

    Thanks for explaining to everybody why you deserve to be treated better than everyone else because you have more money.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    I don’t. Paycheck to paycheck. Learn to use the tools of airline mile programs, credit cards with points, and airline mileage affiliate programs. Use your brain, not your money.

    Adkml ,

    K I did all that and decided with my brain I’m gonna bring my kid too and I don’t give a shit if the rich assholes in first class complain even if they insist they’re “paycheck to paycheck” after airing a list of grievances about how they hate having to interact with plebs on an airplane.

    I mean seriously you said in another post rich people own planes. If everybody who doesnt own a plane isn’t rich I’m gonna go ahead and say you’re completely out of touch.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    I said charter or own. Wealthy people often charter. Who said anything about interacting with plebs? This thread is about mother freaking babies on this mother freaking plane! :) Now, if you think the definition of plebeian is just someone who has a crotch goblin traveling with them, that’s a totally different problem for another post. Your assumption first class is only for the rich is in error. It might be someone with some savings, but very likely not rich. What is your definition of rich?

    Now, as to you being angry and just wanting to use your child to piss off other people, keep that doing that. See how that goes for ya. While rare, parents have gotten themselves banned from airlines for being terrible people. Let’s see if you fit that bill.

    dat_math ,

    Really putting the pseudo in pseudospock, there lol

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    What, did you think I was the real McCoy? ;)

    SuddenDownpour ,

    I’m going to go with the very opposite opinion. Don’t fly with your kids, especially babies, but if you do, do it ONLY in business and first class. Working class people have enough shit without having to deal with your baby.

    PseudoSpock , avatar

    Uh, we’re working class people who are paying to avoid your baby.

    Scrof , to cat in Best. Cat. Ever.

    They’re not wrong.

    ebenixo , to memes in Lemmy since the reddit collapse

    Correct. Fake progressives who are in effect right wingers because they vote as a block continually for war and Wal street over working class people. They’re experts at gas lighting as well.

    db2 , to lemmyshitpost in How fleeting are human passions

    Quack quack motherduckers

    JaymesRS , avatar

    Thank you very much, Mr. Ducksworth. Quack, quack, quack, Mr. Ducksworth!

    bdonvr , to memes in Lemmy since the reddit collapse

    Lmao that hat reminded me of this (short) video:

    Edit: Piped doesn’t seem to be working? Maybe an issue with Shorts.

    Also check out his other shorts, he never misses, legitimately great content.

    krolden OP , avatar

    hahaha thats great

    Kleysley , to memes in Can you Americans pass the test?

    The answer is 42.

    thepiguy , to memes in True story

    Get a cheap OBD2 scanner. They cost like €5 for Bluetooth ones and will tell you what error codes you are getting. A lot of them are not serious, and would save you a lot of money.

    grey , avatar

    I’ll have to remember this one.

    Reverendender ,

    Seconded. I was freaking out about a week ago. Turns out the gas cap had come unscrewed.

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