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Aggravationstation , to lemmyshitpost in BIRDS.

I think they’re for eating

Gabu , to memes in F#€k $pez

¥0U d0n’7 n33d t0 c3ns0r shit 1n h3r3. Th1s 1sn’t th@t t!kt0k garbage.

Ookami38 ,

|3U7 l7’5 fU||

AVincentInSpace ,

7|2U3 |>/-\7

eluminx , to memes in F#€k $pez avatar

hear hear, i left cold turkey like 4 months ago, haven’t looked back.

Katana314 , to memes in The most secure OS named windows

If Linux was the world’s most popular operating system, it too would have tons of vulnerabilities.

There’s two sides to that statement; one being that increased attention leads to more findings. The second being that in order to become popular, it would need a large set of simplified convenience features aimed for mass consumers; and those are often what lead to vulnerabilities. (Same story pretty much happened with Android)

Ghyste , to memes in elevator

C/funny would be so much more active if this stuff was posted there instead of dumped here as more no-effort crap.

Quit with the shitty non-meme posts.

EmpathicVagrant ,

c/lostLemming needs to happen if it hasn’t already.

PeriodicallyPedantic ,

Does c/funny exist? What’s the syntax for mentioning a community again? !funny ?

RogueBanana ,

That works on jerboa

Ghyste ,

Yep you got it. Thank you for covering the link.

Omega_Haxors , (edited ) to memes in Communist Filth/Capitalist Filth

“Darn that’s a lot of tents, this is starting to become a real problem. Better build more rental properties.”

asexualchangeling ,

In the US it’s more like “better make being homeless illegal”

DragonTypeWyvern ,

“Add more spikes. The skulls… Maybe later.”

SuddenDownpour ,

“But will the homeless be able to afford those?”


intensely_human ,

As a matter of fact yes. More housing supply would be a good thing for all Americans.

Omega_Haxors ,

Not if it gets snapped up by corporate landlords who proceed to sit on them empty. More empty homes than homeless.

pinkdrunkenelephants , to lemmyshitpost in Whelp!

Why wouldn’t people just say, “It’s getting late, this was fun, but I need to sleep so it’s time for everyone else to leave, let’s hang out again next week”?

Why can’t people be simple?

phorq ,

Yeah, I normally say “I can’t clog the bathroom with people listening” and that normally works

sneezymrmilo ,

Hahah I love this one. Gonna have to use this sometime.

punkwalrus , avatar

I have had hosts be this direct, and we all went, “okay,” and left. And came back when invited with no hard feelings. Usually D&D games, but also movie nights.

Stumblinbear , avatar

I just bounce

Even during my own parties or while I have people over. Stay as long as you like, even stay the night if you so desire, but I’m going to my room and passing out at 10pm no matter what, so you do you from that point on. It’s likely I’ll also forget to tell you I’m going to bed

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

What would stop a friend from stealth living with you then?

Faceman2K23 , to datahoarder in That many people need old Ubuntu installations? avatar

Gotta download at least a few actual Linux ISOs to be a real datahoarder.

fork ,

People download fake Linux ISO’s? What even are those? I have no idea. No idea at all.

Faceman2K23 , avatar

Yea I have 100tb of these weird Linux ISOs, I have no idea how they even got there either.

ZeroCool , to lemmyshitpost in New form of government

lol I remember when I posted this yesterday.

Cornucopiaofplenty ,

haha yeah good times

FlyingSquid , avatar

It was funnier when you posted it too. Weird.

AgentGrimstone , to memes in Get out and vote!

No, I won’t get out and vote.

I will stay in and vote by mail.

pingveno ,

I live in Oregon, which has had all-mail elections since the 1990’s. It’s so great being able to sit down with my husband, some endorsements, the voter’s guide, and a computer to make my decision. So much better than scratching my head over half the ballot (well at least the title sounds good) and voting straight for the other half (vote blue no matter who).

Gabu ,

On one hand, I wish I could do that in my country. On the other hand, voting already takes me less than 10 minutes including “commute” (walking down a single block), so it’d probably be a bigger hassle.

FMT99 , (edited ) to memes in Lolololol

I thought this kind of childish nonsense was done mostly by conservatives. So stupid.

edit: for the many of you that didn’t understand, this is not a comment defending the confederacy. Jesus Christ. The point is we all thought “let’s go Brandon” made the republicans look childish and pathetic. Well congratulations, you managed to match them.

Kit ,

Sir this is a meme board. Childish is all we do.

FMT99 ,

Fair point

Kusimulkku ,

I like best your edit talking about how reddit this was, not knowing it was the edit that was most reddit

FMT99 ,

Yeah? Not the endless holier than thou circle jerk? Feels like peak reddit to me.

Sweetpeaches69 ,

Bro’s mad because his grandpappy is buried there 💀

YeetPics , (edited ) avatar

Triggered by the loss of the loser confederates? At least they serve the common good by offering their Graves as public restrooms.

Techmaster ,

Once DJT croaks their graves are significantly going to dry up though.

FMT99 ,

Just keep antagonizing your countrymen. Then they’ll do something to ‘trigger’ you and you them and they you. That way we can all feel smugly superior to each other while the country burns.

Grayox OP , avatar

Confederate Soliders who died in combat are quite literally not my Countrymen lolololol

deft ,

A fuck the country place sucks designed by slave owners and run by fasco-corporatist scum.

B fuck this country

C those fucks who died aren’t my countrymen and anyone who supports them aren’t either, insurrectionists and traitors all of them. If you fly that flag leave my country. My country.

JokeDeity ,

Kek. Tell me you have a Confederate flag on your wall without telling me.

GBU_28 ,

Confederates, by definition, are not my countrymen.

TexMexBazooka ,

We don’t appreciate separatists in these parts

FMT99 ,

Clearly. Something we inherited from Reddit I guess.

TexMexBazooka ,

“No tolerating confederates” isn’t a Reddit thing, it’s a moral thing, if you think the confederacy was alright go to hexbear and get the fuck outta here.

FMT99 ,

I thought hexbear is for tankies? They are pro confederate too?

That said I’m not defending confederates. The fact that no one here can think beyond “my team against your team” goes to show how far the country has fallen. It’s god damn pathetic.

TexMexBazooka ,

If you go for enough on either side of the political spectrum they merge in fascist elitism

FMT99 ,

Yeah but traditionally at least in the US that wad mostly the right’s position, extreme reactionary populism. It’s frightening to see how quickly and gleefully the left is lowering itself to the same level.

FlyingSquid , avatar


YeetPics , avatar

I will always feel superior to a bunch of dead slavers. That’s because I am.

FMT99 ,

I think you’re missing the point.

Whether or not you’re superior is not relevant. Are you (as the conservatives are) willing to burn down the country to spite the “other side”?

FlyingSquid , avatar

Why? Will that somehow make it not entertaining to laugh at Confederates who broke away from the union so they could keep people as property?

YeetPics , avatar

If my disdain for traitors means I’m burning this mf down let me grab my marshmallows.

FMT99 ,

Still missing the point. The fact that the left is gleefully giving up the moral high ground and lowering itself to the republicans level goes to show this country is beyond saving. Looks like Murdoch won.

YeetPics , avatar

Left and right should be pissing on these graves. Idk why you’re gatekeeping the piss.

tilcica ,

tbf, fuck confederates but…they are still dead people.

treat everyone with the same respect you want to be treated with

TheMightyCanuck , avatar

Laugh at my grave. See how much I give a shit lololol

Sheeple , avatar

They didn’t treat black people with respect so

ZeroCool , (edited )

No. I have no respect for the traitors who fought for the right to enslave human beings. Fuck all Confederates and fuck anyone demanding we respect the legacy of those fucking slavers and sing Kumbaya with their modern day bigoted counterparts.

Viking_Hippie ,

Slavers aren’t people.

ryathal ,

There also still Americans, which is what makes civil wars more complicated.

Bighappee ,

No, they quite literally left the Union, which makes them not Americans. They viewed black people as property and were willing to go to war to maintain that status quo. Personally, I wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire.

Madison420 ,

Hey, that’s how you start wildfires, piss on them to save the trees out just rock wall them to make a safe fire pit.

ryathal ,

The union said they weren’t allowed to leave and won, so technically they didn’t leave. That’s what makes civil wars difficult, you have to find a way to live with the losing side after.

JokeDeity ,

Wrong. We should have eradicated them when we had the best chance. Imagine a world where we got rid of all those people. 🥰

FlyingSquid , avatar

The law says you’re not allowed to murder. So if you kill someone and are arrested for murder, did you technically not murder anyone?

workerONE ,

That’s what makes it difficult after murder… Or something

stewie3128 ,

Let them burn themselves out, then piss on them.

JokeDeity ,

In fact their whole schtick was that they WEREN’T American.

WarmSoda ,

Let’s get offended by everything

seitanic , avatar

Respect… dead people? They’re dead…

darth_tiktaalik , avatar

They literally had official government statements that black people were inferior by divine law. The image from op is one hundred times more respectful of others than the Confederates were.

skulblaka , avatar

If I fought and killed over the right to own and abuse another human being, I would hope people would show up to piss on my grave. This is more respect than they deserve.

And don't try to say they were a product of their time, either, because so was Cassius Clay and that man landed on the right side of history after being born to the richest slave owner in America. If he could buck that trend then so could all these other assholes.

TexMexBazooka ,

When you view your life as inherently more than another, it ironically puts you below the bar a bit.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Got it. Treat Pol Pot with respect. Noted.

youstolemyname ,

I’d want people to hate me if I fought to preserve slavery

stewie3128 ,

Nope. Pee on Confederate graves… The few that they’ve managed to bury properly. They died doing a shitty thing for a shitty reason, and we’ve had to deal with the aftermath since the election of 1876 was brokered to end Reconstruction.

They fucked everything up. So, yeah, no respect. Pee on them.

Rawdogg ,

Respect is earned not given out to people who want a human slave

seitanic , avatar

Well, you were wrong LOLOLOLOLOLOL

BetaBlake ,

You know what’s real childish? Being traitors to your own country

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Some treason is pretty based.

This treason? Nah. Fuck these gullible clowns.

Holzkohlen ,

Yeah, like trying to assassinate Hitler that is the based kind of treason.

GBU_28 ,

Should have driven them into the sea

Justfollowingorders1 ,


Childish and cringe is exactly what this is and does nothing for anyone.

FMT99 ,

Well once person out of about 100 that understands this is not about defending slavery. Jesus Christ I thought the level on Lemmy was supposed to be a bit better than Reddit but it’s the same ridiculous circle jerk.

Justfollowingorders1 ,

Double standards are lost on some folks.

wizzor , to cat in Chicken legs

I always have a hard time resisting the urge of grabbing a leg and pretending it’s a car transmission stick shifter.

Jerkface ,

You can… resist?

z500 , avatar

They took the psychopath test and failed

wizzor ,

The judgy look from the cat makes me feel so guilty afterwards. It’s like ‘I trusted you enough to groom my balls in your presence and this is what you do?’

No thanks, just groom your balls man, I get it.

Pons_Aelius , to gaming in What are your thoughts in mobile games?

I stopped playing games on mobile as I have more than enough to play on pc and ps.

Also I hate the free to play skinner box model that took over the mobile industry.

Carighan , avatar

Yeah, there are exceptions like Overboard, Storyteller, the Alien Isolation sidekick game or the whole Lifeline space series, but they’re all lost in an ocean of crap.

dangblingus , to memes in and where did that bring you?

Just don’t assign corporate ownership of the fields and it’s all good baby.

lolcatnip ,

Personal ownership is just as bad. That leads to OG feudalism.

Jax ,

Were I not lazy, I’d be willing to bet if I sift through their comments that I’d find something about landlords being bad.

theangryseal ,
Jax ,

Well, utilizing a little thing called “context clues” you can see that I’m very clearly not talking about the person I’m responding to. I’m talking about the person claiming private ownership would be better.

My point, is the hypocrisy. But I get it, over half of America reads below a 6th grade level. Ya’ll need help getting there.

theangryseal ,

Well, you called it with me. I was denied an education so I could work and support my family.

Horrah. Good on you. Very observant.

dangblingus ,

What hypocrisy have you unearthed?

Jax ,

“Were I not lazy”

I get it, you don’t read.

Roflol ,

If i care for area for years, build, plant etc, someone else can come take it?

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

No, but you should not be allowed to accumulate more than what you can consume when your community is starving

Roflol ,

But you can throw people out of your community? Then some communities will be a lot better off than others

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

Yes, but as long as the “better” community doesn’t interfere and doesn’t try to take advantage of the less good communities I don’t see a problem. And of course doesn’t steal them their area and resources. Or does’t try to expand in ways that they accumulate more goods and resources than they need and can consume

Roflol ,

Hmm, who decides when they have too much area, and stops them from not following rules?

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

Is this a genuine question wanting to find an answer? Only their consciousness can really prevent them or a “law enforcement” that we should first find a way to be uncorrupted. Is this realistic nowadays? Of course not, but we were talking hypothetically I think

FastAndBulbous ,

What should happen is that the people who haven’t sowed the crops could do some work in order to earn access to the crops. Then we could create some kind of system whereby people get rewarded for the work they provide with an abstract token. We could call this money and people could exchange it for goods and services.

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

Yeah so what? The problem is the disproportionate accumulation of resources, goods or money. Which leads to accumulation of more of them, which lead to accumulation of power. There must be a limit on personal concentration of these. Anything above a level that is considered personal should belong to the community. Then there will be no incentive to make people capable of exploiting other people.

FastAndBulbous ,

There would also be no incentive for anyone to produce anything beyond what they personally need, which would definitely lead to widespread food shortages. The more food that is produced at once the more efficient the labour is per crop, which is exactly why farms boomed in size after the industrial revolution and advent of farming machinery.

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

They incentive would be the prosperity of the community as long as people stop seeing each other competitive. Personal gain over dead bodies is only cancer.

FastAndBulbous ,

So you think human beings should change their basic hardwired nature? Obviously humans have a tendency to care for the people closest to them over complete strangers. Humans always will come into conflicts of interest. What you’re asking for is for humanity to basically act perfectly all the time.

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

Sure, they developed this mentality when surviving could also be competitive. When there was not enough food for all and somehow surviving meant that it will not be for all. Now we prefer to destroy tones of food in favor of economy because if there is extra food this means that the price go down

FastAndBulbous ,

I think there is only so much humans can change. We aren’t beings of infinite moral potential and there will always be points of conflict.

the_q ,

Or those that are able to farm can do that and provide the food for those that can cook and provide that for those that can build who can provide that for those who can sew etc etc and all that can be shared with those who can’t do anything because at the end of the day a person’s worth should not be determined by what they can provide.

FastAndBulbous ,

How do we ensure the correct amount of people are doing the correct amount of work? The good thing about markets is that when demand is high and supply is low it suddenly becomes lucrative to do that thing and it attracts people to doing said thing. It becomes self correcting. If you leave people to just do what they most want to do everybody will choose to do what they consider fun rather than what is needed.

the_q ,

What’s wrong with doing what’s fun? Necessity is an interesting motivator. The problem is when capitalists commoditize necessity.

FastAndBulbous ,

There’s nothing wrong with having fun, but if people just did what they wanted to do all the time, society would just straight up collapse.

How likely is it that people’s preferred jobs match up with exactly what is needed?

the_q ,

Squirrels don’t have jobs. There isn’t some overly complex system in place to keep the raccoons doing a repetitive task to ensure that hollowed or trees are available to them. The spiders don’t own those trees and almost exclusively benefit from the raccoon’s labor.

Human society should absolutely collapse if it can’t exist without all the inequality and suffering.

FastAndBulbous ,

We aren’t any of those animals though so I don’t see how it’s relevant to the discussion. We have evolved to form societies, and as such we need to work out the best frameworks given our fundamental human nature.

Other animals are in intense life and death competition with each other generally. There is not a single animal I’d rather be than a human. Non human wild animals have excruciatingly tough existences.

the_q ,

You’re right. We aren’t those animals; we’re apes. Still animals though. Animals form communities. They feel emotions. They have problem solving skills. They communicate. They also can deviate from observed behaviors when food and safety are readily available. You don’t think that’s relevant? Hmm… That says a lot.

There are plenty of humans who are in intense life or death competitions with each other. What you mean to say is that you’re happy being male, likely white and have McDonald’s within driving distance.

FastAndBulbous ,

I think you’ve gone completely off the rails here. You said everyone should be free to just do the job they want. I pointed out that perhaps what people want to do wouldn’t match up with what actually needs to be done. You started banging on about squirrels rather than admit that what I said is actually probably the case.

I’ve never denied humans aren’t in intense competition with each other. I just don’t think it’s relevant to point to squirrels as an example of how humans should work, they clearly are very different from us.

the_q ,

Alright. What needs to be done?

FastAndBulbous ,

What, in the world generally? Do you genuinely want me to list every job that needs doing?

the_q ,

Go ahead and list a few.

FastAndBulbous ,

You’ll forgive me for not doing that just because you’ve entirely missed the point of my argument.

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar

Other animals are in intense life and death competition with each other generally.

Humans on the other hand, travel to the other half of the earth in order to kill other humans because they’re afraid that other humans will destroy their economy in the other side of the earth.

Talk to me more about the superiority of humans over animals. I’m listening

FastAndBulbous ,

I’d rather not engage with you. This conversation has derailed into silliness.

decisivelyhoodnoises , avatar


Zengen ,

If you can’t provide anything at all please tell me what the value of their life is? They better provide some dam good conversations. Cuz if the people are starving? I’m not wasting food on people that can’t contribute anything.

the_q ,

Sounds about right. You vote Republican, right?

You poor soul. You’ve been indoctrinated so hard by capitalism that you can’t value a human life if that life can’t give you something.

I hope you don’t have pets.

exponential_wizard ,

You can still have money and markets. The fundamental problem is the ownership of land and businesses.

dangblingus ,

I wasn’t advocating personal ownership either. But how does that lead to OG feudalism?

lolcatnip ,

Wealth inequality trends to increase over time. Without some system that actively redistributes wealth, eventually a few people own everything of value, and ordinary people are obligated to do whatever the lords want in order to gain access to the material resources they need to survive. That’s feudalism.

the_q ,

You mean like how it is right now?

Zengen ,

Can you name me one single time in human history that this wasn’t just the condition of the human race? Every time humans try to institute a wealth redistribution mechanism it becomes corrupted in less than 70 years and it just becomes feudalism again where the people are impoverished and starving and the only people living well are state officials lol

lolcatnip ,

Every pre-agricultural society? I’m not saying they didn’t have their own problems, but feudalism wasn’t one of them.

TheSanSabaSongbird ,

Small scale hunting and gathering societies are universally egalitarian because it’s impossible for any one person to accumulate significant wealth or to control resources. The way members of such societies gain influence therefore is through virtue and personal merit. This is the social system that we evolved to live in over hundreds of thousands of years, and it’s why we still haven’t figured out an equally amenable replacement in the mere ten thousand years since we adopted agriculture.

That said, for better or worse, agriculture is a trap, and once we adopted it, there was never any going back, so we have no choice but to keep trying with what we have.

fosforus ,

Just don’t overadjust and

foggy , to memes in No doubts

Two answer.

“Chicken” comes before “or the egg.”


Whatever layed the first chicken egg was not itself a chicken, but a few tweaks of the genome away. I this regard, the real answer is “The egg.”

DragonTypeWyvern ,

Definitely the correct answer.

Unless scientists decide chickens are still the same species as their wild counterpart (the red junglefowl), like with dogs and arguably pigs.

Probably won’t bother, honestly.

Thranduil ,

The egg since eggs existed long before the first chicken. Since the question does not specify it HAS to be a “chicken egg” just egg

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