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ivanafterall , to memes in unexpected avatar

Let's just say Rita owns a mask made of half a volleyball with a hand-print on it.

jaybone , to memes in unexpected

I thought Wilson was lost at sea. Was he found too?

mundane , to programmerhumor in Can't bear to review one more PR today

We decided that everyone in the team is allowed to approve changes. If no one has reviewed your change within 24 hours you are allowed to approve it yourself. It will usually come up in the daily sync that a self approval is imminent, which usually leads to someone taking a look.

the_post_of_tom_joad ,


veroxii ,

Surely this will just devolve into “no reviews ever”.

DragonTypeWyvern ,

More like “Jerry reviews everything”

mundane ,

We very seldom resort to self approvals. Everyone in the team see code reviews as important. But also that progress trumps code review.

PowerCrazy ,

Self-approval leads to a road of sadness. For example, a theoretical company needs to self-renew an ssl cert. No problem, the cert will be stored with the rest of the secrets and retrieved in a secure way on deployment. Unfortunately if you don’t store the cert key in a secure way, the deployment still works fine and you don’t need to figure out the “onerous” encryption process.

So you push the private key to the company git repo, and then deploy the cert! Done and Done.

mundane ,

We have well established ways to deal with secrets. Also, everyone is responsible enough to not self approve changes where they do things they are uncertain of.

rwhitisissle ,

If you don’t establish an encryption mechanism for secrets that allows for automatic, in memory decryption on deployment from the start of your project, then your project is run by incompetent developers/ops specialists/architects/management/etc. and deserves to fail.

docAvid ,

which usually leads to someone taking a look

Nevermind the idea that one reviewer is somehow sufficient, this sounds like pure fantasy. Did you forget a “/s”?

mundane ,

Who said anything about only requiring 1 reviewer? And no, I did not drop an /s. You should try working for a healthy team where everyone takes collective responsibility and where the teams progress is more important than any one person’s progress.

docAvid ,

I get the feeling you feel like I was somehow calling you out. I want to clarify the the intent of my message was more in the spirit of “wow must be nice” than “you’re making that up”. But also I’m just interested in how different your experience is from mine.

Who said anything about only requiring 1 reviewer?

I must have misunderstood. You said “If no one has reviewed your change within 24 hours you are allowed to approve it yourself.” To me, that sounds like, after 24 hours of no review, one self-approval is considered sufficient. That, in turn, seems to imply that before 24 hours, one non-self-approval is probably sufficient, no?

You should try working for a healthy team where everyone takes collective responsibility and where the teams progress is more important than any one person’s progress.

I’ve had team members in the past who are very self-focused, they tend to close a lot of tickets and look good, then get promoted out, leaving an unmaintainable mess behind. Allowing that is generally a failure of leadership. But right now, that’s not our problem, and what you describe is pretty much how we operate.

I’d love to work on a team where everybody took code review a lot more seriously, believe me, it’d be nice, but my team does generally get everything approved, with at least two non-self approvals, in under 24 hours. If something is getting ignored because people are busy and it’s a large change because we aren’t perfect, and there is some reason to get it in soon, it just takes a quick request on Slack to get the needed attention.

What I found surprising about your description was more that the potential of a self-approval coming up would, in itself, get people’s attention, rather than somebody reaching out personally and asking for a review.

Our big weakness is review quality, not quantity. It’s crazy the number of times I look at something and see the two or three approvals already, start going through it, and find issue after issue. I see that on other teams as well, where there’s usually only one or two devs who ever really make any comments on a review, it seems to be very common.

altima_neo , to reddit in ... avatar

Is it really a secret that Spez was getting paid a ton and the mods were working for free? I mean CEOs always get paid way too much, or else they wouldnt bother taking the CEO position.

Also, Im pretty sure all those reddit moderators were doing it for the feeling of power. I mean, why else would you have career mods running hundreds of subreddits while power tripping over everyone all the time?

soggy_kitty ,

I do pity those mods who do it for free.

7heo OP ,
altima_neo , avatar

Honestly. They should be paying to be mods. Lol

soggy_kitty ,

It would take a madman to disagree

niktemadur , (edited )

Look at it from the other side.

They were there when their subreddit was starting very, very small. Over time, with great effort and as a labor of love, their community grew to numbers they never dared to imagine possible, a successful buzzing community that gave them great frustrations and thrills, anxiety and joy. In a very real sense, this is their baby, they have been through thick and thin together. To hand this over to some indifferent, greedy and abusive asshole… the thought is too much to bear.

These people are suffering. They have a sense of belonging to a community that is being held hostage. To accept they were tricked and are being exploited is a horrifying thing to do.

CaptainBlagbird , to memes in unexpected avatar

Bonus fact: Her name is Rita Wilson.

Wait wtf, that’s true, I thought this was a joke :O

wise_pancake , to programmerhumor in Can't bear to review one more PR today

Ughh I’m currently waiting on a review and I’ve pinged people multiple times but nothing. It’s blocking all my work for the rest of the week.

GBU_28 ,

Be sure to call out in standup

kryptonianCodeMonkey ,

Me: “So, I completed this time critical task a week ago, had it QA tested, and it’s been awaiting approval since Tuesday. I’ve posted my PR with links in the dev chat, I’ve pinged each of you individually each day as well. It is still awaiting approval before I can merge and pick up a new card from our backlog that is dependent on these changes. If literally anyone has the bandwidth to do this review, please do. I’ll post the link here again as well, to make this super convenient for you all, as well as the Jira card for reference, and the changes and requirements themselves are extremely straight forward. It should only take 5-10 minutes, tops. And I will be sitting here useless until it is done. Somebody, please, for the love of god…”

My team: crickets

Scrum Master: “Thanks for the update, kryptonianCodeMonkey… next up is…”

wise_pancake ,

That about sums it up. Even escalated to my boss at this point, still crickets. It’s not even a big or complex PR.

Dagnet ,

Sounds like paid time off to me!

kryptonianCodeMonkey ,

If your company doesn’t review productivity, sure…

Strykker ,

And then you have a great big fuck off stack of documentation you can slap in their face with proof that it’s someone else’s problem.

Unless you aren’t actually pinging all the people you say you are.

wise_pancake ,

Hah I was dicking around but it got approved during my lunch :(

Dagnet ,

Oh well, better luck next time!

GBU_28 ,

“manager, person_a and person_b are the reviewers on my time sensitive PR. I’m blocked. You are aware of everyone’s priorities, can you indicate prioritization of tasks and delegate how we should act?”

folkrav ,

Every time I see these comments, I wonder if I was just lucky with my scrum masters and most actually suck, or if it’s confirmation bias. We don’t have a scrum master where I work, but my whole job as lead is keeping things rolling, and this would be just unacceptable.

kryptonianCodeMonkey , (edited )

My Scrum Master is nice, but her role seems to mostly revolve around enforcing documentation standards, coordinating refinements and retrospectives, tracking metrics on task completion, and maintaining our Jira board. She doesn’t have a lot of involvement with the specifics of development, delegation, or how we execute our tasks.

uranibaba ,

That sounds like a great boss, someone how is involved with what should be done but not always how, as long as the team deliver what is requested.

agressivelyPassive ,

Yeah, I also wonder what kind of shitty culture they have in these teams? I mean, who would leave a coworker hanging like that? That’s just a collective dick move.

veroxii ,

Oh I can see your problem: everyone is still waiting for JIRA to load.

Nath , avatar

We have big red magnets representing blocked to put on the board. We have to speak about every single blocker every stand up and what the team’s path forward is to unblock the thing. If it’s waiting for vendor, then that’s all we can do. If the ball is in our court for any blockers, and its still there tomorrow without a really good reason, there is hell to pay.

theneverfox , avatar

Well on the flip side, I somehow ended up doing legacy projects with a dude that has been coding for decades and is still actively developing in VB and Weirdly, the guys not dumb - he asked me for an API and I blew his mind with generics and cut the code down by a third. I then introduced him to the concept of (primitive) components, he isn’t quite sold on the importance of code reuse, but every time I delete 1k lines of old code and replace it with a 20 line function my soul grows

When we do code reviews, it’s basically pair programming sharing screen… Usually we just push everything and wait for bug reports, because this crazy ass company has been using a reference book, a calculator, and hundreds of people were manually re-entering things by memory into QuickBooks until January 1st this year. They were thousands of dollars off in the second week… We thought it was a bug. It was all user errors

He’s been working on this system for 15 years, I ran into a table with 126 columns the other day. Somehow, this dude manages to swim through a database with hundreds of tables and just as many triggers with rawdog sql.

It’s fucking wild…I split my time between that and working on my virtual assistant that brainstorms it’s own development with me, and an app that I’m trying to make into a unified fediverse client.

I know what a tight ship looks like and I push for best practices when I think there’s something to gain worth the fight, but the sheer spectrum of software dev is incredible. My legacy guy told me about what’s been taking all his time lately today - he has to build a system to screen scrape from an emulated IBM mainframe… And I spent my morning working on a unified activity pub interface and my evening testing my weird observation that LLMs speaking UwU seem to perform significantly better

My point being, there’s a sweet spot between methodology/process, and it’s very rare to hit it. And also, software dev is playing in realms beyond human comprehension, and no matter how orderly if seems it should be, every senior dev who still writes code is superstitious, and often correct to be so

Notify the people you have to notify for your blockers, then embrace the absurdity

Thank you for coming to my Ted talk

Gork ,

And actually stand up. Otherwise it defeats the purpose.

wreckedcarzz , avatar

The guy in a wheelchair: >:(

sabreW4K3 , avatar


SpaceNoodle ,

I’ll review it

Baku ,

You get paid hourly? If so sounds like you shouldn’t say anything and get paid to do nothing

wise_pancake ,

I’m salary, but my boss loves nothing more than firing people.

Baku ,

I mean you’ve done your job and even reminded them everyday that they need to do theirs for you to do yours. Take screenshots and if they try to sack you, straight to court

wise_pancake , (edited )

I live in a place with at will employment, so they can fire me whenever they want.

I get paid double my last job, but it’s like Netflix, a lot of people get fired from Netflix.

LazaroFilm , to memes in Winning the lottery avatar

WinRAR. It’s really whips the Lammas ass.

myrrh , to lemmyshitpost in Remember the trailblazers while we enjoy the Jeanaissance


XTornado , (edited ) to programmerhumor in Can't bear to review one more PR today

I would be fine with it if my job was just that review stuff.

But man when you are in the middle of something and you have to review something because they need it soon… It’s annoying as fuck.

jol ,

Reviewing code is part of your job. But you also deserve uninterrupted focus time. Just block focus time blocks in your calendar and check if your peers need reviees 2-3 times a day.

Thcdenton , to programmerhumor in Can't bear to review one more PR today

God damn it.

desmosthenes , to lemmyshitpost in Remember the trailblazers while we enjoy the Jeanaissance avatar

is this jreal?

boogetyboo , avatar

Yes. It was a special jime. Although it was ridiculed back then. Even with their jeanetics they couldn’t pull this off.

theodewere , to lemmyshitpost in Jean Jacque Rousseau avatar

it is the Nature of Man to shitpost

cumskin_genocide , to reddit in ...

Jannies are gonna janny. When resetera was sold off and the jannies still decided to work for free you know that they get paid in power. Same with the reddit jannies and the api fiasco last summer.

rageagainstmachines , to reddit in ...

Whose fault is it though? I get that collective will is hard, but you as an individual have the power to move, organize, mobilize, whatever you want.

The company doesn’t value you? Move. Why are you giving this company free labor?

For the “prestige” of being a (“anonymous”) reddit mod? Give me a break. There’s better things to do and be prouder of in life.

Stop giving this company time, money, and attention. And tell others to do the same. Otherwise, you’re digging your own (and everyone else’s) hole.

Yes, it’s unfair, but it’s an unfair system. So let’s all do our part. And let’s also organize and mobilize on that. Can’t be done by continuing to feed it.

niktemadur ,

Absolutely. I quit Facebook about a dozen years ago, Reddit was there to take its’ place.

Then my final visit to Reddit was on June 11th I think it was, the moment the first protest started I quit Apollo for the very last time.
Somewhere around this time, probably earlier, I did the same with Twitter.

This time, it was Kbin/Lemmy that were there, the only viable options, still tiny and awkward, the sudden influx still only a fraction of what Reddit has, yet it flooded the system like a bucket of water falling on top of a fly.

And yet here I am, and so are you, and many others. The variety and portions of content are still much smaller than Reddit, but this place has something that Reddit also had: a quality community, apparent from these discussions, or go look at the art in ArtPorn or TrafitionalArt, or sure, absolutely why not - the shitpostings.

This place pushes that intellectual button for me. And now I also give myself time to do the NYT Crossword and watch physics/cosmology videos on YouTube.

chicken ,

I think a lot of them just want whatever community or information hub their sub represents to exist at all, but they know their userbase isn’t actually committed enough to migrate to another site against the grain of network effects.

rageagainstmachines ,

That network wasn’t built overnight either, though. The same way it was built little by little over time, it can also be dismantled.

I understand the chokehold of network effects. I really do. But what’s the alternative?

chicken ,

Dunno. But I think it’s worth keeping in mind that people give spez free labor because he actually has the leverage for it, for now, and the unfairness of that isn’t their highest priority. What I’d like to see is better tools to help users have an easier time using more than one site/network at once, so the prospect of contributing to something other than Reddit is less daunting for typical users. I’m on Reddit, Lemmy, and some other sites, but I don’t really expect most people to be comfortable building a routine of checking a bunch of different sites regularly, or switching entirely to a site without the amount/quality of stuff they want just out of spite or altruism.

TheFrirish , to reddit in ...

I’m definitely going to short this stock

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