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zinderic , to programmerhumor in Web projects be like

XML or JSON - does it matter? Turtle is a turtle, same principals apply, just different structure. What happened to server side rendering? Oh, we do that with fancy frameworks and ton of JS now. All good.

Tartas1995 , to programmerhumor in Web projects be like

Yeah! But to be fair, it kinda works in the reverse too

cosecantphi , to memes in until we meet again! avatar

Talking to someone who justifies this kinda shit is always a trip. They’ll say that people who aren’t earning a living wage just need to work harder and pick up a marketable skill to improve their situation. But you can simultaneously get them to agree that many of these low wage “unskilled” jobs need to exist for society to continue functioning, so which fucking is it?

The answer is that the capitalist parasites and their horde of boot lickers believe it’s totally acceptable for there to exist an underclass of human beings born to work until their bodies give out for the enrichment of their superior employer.

They can’t afford to live a dignified life doing the shit I need them to do? That’s fine, just toss 'em into the hole when they stop working and replace them with the next generation.

Honestly man, I’m getting real sick and tired of pretending to be above violent retribution when it comes to these people. My blood fucking boils each and every time I need to look my boss in the eye and pretend to smile as they say farcical shit like “we’re all a family here” or “let us know if there’s anything you need” while paying me exactly the minimum wage and hiring the exact number of employees it takes for them to avoid giving any of us enough hours to qualify for benefits.

Anyway, Stalin had the right idea with gulags, and we should bring those back. Thanks for coming to my TED talk

hemko ,

Anyway, Stalin had the right idea with gulags, and we should bring those back.

Very edgy. Straight outta 4chan

cosecantphi , avatar

lmao this lemmitors comparing Hexbear users to 4channers shit never gets old. When you liberals meet someone far to your left it must really break your brain for you to lump us in with fascists.

You know what I almost never see referred to as edgy out of hand? People who don’t want to fully abolish the US prison system, which to this day kills far more people far more often than the Soviet gulag system did shortly after the end of WW2. And that’s really strange considering the US prison system is designed from the ground up to maintain a pool of slave labor by incarcerating racial minorities on bullshit drug offenses. Personally, I’d much rather prison be used to keep dangerous reactionaries from causing trouble while they’re being reeducated.

hemko , (edited )

Look mate I don’t live in USA, I have nothing to do with USA. I was commenting on your stupid ass glorification of forced labor camps in soviet shithole

And you clearly don’t seem to have problem with US prison system, only that wrong people are sent there. You’re as full of shit as the people you think you’re criticizing. You’d rather be yelling at people not loving your dear dictators than actually trying to do anything good for the world.

cosecantphi , (edited ) avatar

Don’t worry, you may not live in the US, but you’re definitely an American in spirit.

And you clearly don’t seem to have problem with US prison system, only that wrong people are sent there. You’re as full of shit as the people you think you’re criticizing

Soviet Union: Sequesters fascists and counter-revolutionaries for reeducation after Nazi Germany murdered millions of people while invading the USSR with the express purpose of genocide.

The US: Uses drug prohibition as a bullshit excuse to systematically arrests racial minorities in their millions in order to continue enslavement after the abolition of chattel slavery. The conditions are so brutal that the death rate for modern US prison inmates exceeds that of the Soviet gulag system just a decade into recovering from the devastation wrought by WW2.

Lemmitor turbolib: Wow, these are morally equivalent. If you replace the words “fascist comprador looking to resume the brutalization of the working class” with the words “black people” then you tankies are starting to look an awful lot like 4channers!

wizardbeard ,

I’ll spell it out for you a little clearer, since you don’t seem capable of understanding it on your own.

Your entire attitude fucking screams “I have nothing good going on in my life, so I’ve adopted an extreme viewpoint that easily allows me to feel superior to others”.

You see this shit on all sides of the political spectrum. An example you’re likely familiar with and hate would be fanatical/fundamentalist Christians. Nothing truly going right with their life, so they adopt a belief system that gives them an outlet for their hate/anger/frustration where they don’t have to feel bad about it because they are targeting the “bad guys”.

Someone who was in a good place in life wouldn’t be posting shit online calling for putting people in fucking gulags.

You can use all the excuses and mental gymanstics you want, but at the end of the day, you’ve adopted an idealogy where extreme actions are justified and right to take against your “enemy”, and where anyone even slightly advocating for you to slow your roll is instantly redefined as an “enemy”.

You just did that. You start spouting shit about Americans, and when the guy said he wasn’t one you just said that he effectively was one anyway and kept down the path you were already on. That’s absurd.

Anyway, your entire defense for your statements here is that your bad guys are the real bad guys. That’s the beginning and end of it. That type of self righteousness is something to be feared, not something to be championed because you’ve “found the right target”.

Please note, I’ve not made any statement on whether you’re wrong or right in your targeting. That’s a separate discussion.

It has been demonstrated time and time again in historical record the world over, that the fervor of people like you can and will be abused, and shifted towards wider and wider classifications of “targets”.

Anyway, I hope your life situation improves enough someday that you no longer find the need to be a self-righteous asshat on the internet calling for people’s torture. I’m blocking you, so I won’t be around to see it.

FuckyWucky ,

i think billionaires should be shot, not sent to gulags. gulags are for non-bourgeois liberals.

ComradePupIvy , avatar

THIS, this is the correct way of doing it, Gulags are not for the highest level offenders

CedarLion ,

People who have been fucked over by the system often adopt a position to advocate for radical system change? Wooah, very insightful. If you care about people who are negatively affected by modern systems, then that makes their opinion and lived experience more important, not less.

You even admit that the user may be targeting the right people, so your point is what? That violence is unjustifiable? That strongly believing in a cause leads to disaster? They’re not true points, but they’d be much better starting points for constructive discussion, so you can just say whatever you actually mean.

People making such pretentious, word-salad arguments as yours should not be throwing around the term ‘self-righteous asshat’.

Arcturus ,

I have nothing good going on in my life, so I’ve adopted an extreme viewpoint

Correct. Oppressed peoples tend to support “radical” movements that would improve their lives, and this is a stupid comment for trying to make that sound like a bad thing.

WldFyre ,

That they think would improve their lives, you mean.

Poison_Ivy , avatar

God are you people so fucking stupid, just a bunch of unwarranted self importance and navel gazing nonsense all crammed into a skull cavity the size of a thimble.

TeddyKila ,
Ram_The_Manparts , avatar
Wakmrow ,

My life situation is great, actually. I still think gulags are appropriate.

robinn_IV , avatar

Please note, I’ve not made any statement on whether you’re wrong or right in your targeting. That’s a separate discussion.


disposable_cracker , avatar

Your entire attitude fucking screams “I have nothing good going on in my life, so I’ve adopted an extreme viewpoint…”.

You mean to tell me that people who are chewed up and shat out by the current order are willing to take drastic measures and radically change the world!??! surprised-pika

Mindfury , avatar

Have you considered kinetically prosecuting yourself?

CyborgMarx ,

Honestly dude if I lost a debate as hard as you did I wouldn’t be spouting this psychobabble diarrhea

you believe in stuff and that’s bad cause I don’t believe in anything” is never the place you want to be in a discussion, you basically admitted you have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about and because your opponent does that somehow makes them mentally ill??? jesse-wtf

Seriously get a grip

Goadstool , avatar
anarchoilluminati , avatar

So are only people who are “in a good place” in their lives capable of having “extreme” political beliefs? How do you justify who is in a “good place” and who isn’t? Do you think it could ever be related to political or economic forces? Or are “extreme” political ideologies all universally forbidden? How do you qualify what is “extreme”? Are people who are not in “a good place” only able to have conservative positions that maintain status quo or are they only able to be apolitical? How do you think maintaining status quo or not having any political beliefs would help their “life situation [improve] enough” if there is no change to their politico-economic reality which directly impacts their life situation? If one is in a “good place” what kinds of political beliefs would they typically exhibit or are they allowed to have?

Your entire attitude fucking screams “I have no real political analysis but suffer from a great sense of narcissism that leads me to a false sense of intelligence which makes me think I can paternalistically psychologize others’ entire lives without knowing them so that I can justify sharing my ignorant opinions that communicate that I believe I have a better life than others do and that makes me a superior person” so that gives me hope you won’t be able to help yourself from responding further. Also happy to pay you with Hexbear gold for a similar psychological analysis and thorough breakdown of my political potential if it saves me a trip to the therapist, kind stranger. Thanks.

Catfish , avatar

How hard is it to have a brain-eating amoeba?

robinn_IV , avatar

You’d rather be yelling at people not loving your dear dictators than actually trying to do anything good for the world.

You were the one who scolded them for being “edgy”; so weird how you immediately switch things up when anyone could simply scroll up and see what really happened. And Stalin, the famous dictator who attempted to resign four separate times and who the CIA admitted was not in total control of the USSR.

Dirt_Owl , (edited )

Hey I’m not American either and you’re still a dumbass that doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Lmao

And you clearly don’t seem to have problem with US prison system, only that wrong people are sent there.

No shit? What, you want to send the wrong people to prison? Good one bozo.

You don’t know shit about the Soviets, don’t pretend red scare propaganda wasn’t a thing.

I’m sure life in Russia was great under the Tzars and now under capitalist Putin/oligarchs.

Dirt_Owl ,

Nah, you’re just being a weenie.

SoyViking , avatar

This is where the idea of “personal responsibility” is useful for liberals. Flatly admitting that they want a desperate underclass is too mask off for them to feel like good people so they invent a way of blaming individual victims rather than the economic system.

The poor has a theoretical opportunity to pull themselves up by the bootstraps so when they don’t do that it’s really their own fault. Of course that theoretical opportunity doesn’t translate into actual opportunity for most people but that’s fine, as there’s enough window dressing of meritocracy to make the opportunity look real if you are careful not to go into too much detail.

This is also the reason why liberals hate discussing real-world examples. Their logic only works in abstract thought experiments where they get to control the variables. Saying that everyone has the opportunity to succeed is a lot easier than saying that Bob, who has a set of very concrete and undeniable material conditions, has the opportunity succeed.

DessertStorms , avatar

You really had to go and ruin it by praising Stalin right there at the end, didn't you.. 🤦‍♀️

(to be clear - eat the fucking rich, but that's not what gulags are for)

Arcturus ,

eat the fucking rich, but that’s not what gulags are for

The “fucking rich” / bourgeois are to be shot, not sent to gulags. That’s for the idiots supporting capitalism.

mononomi , to lemmyshitpost in First post

How do I block this

Leah96xxx ,

Just block or defederate from threads

Dirt_Owl , to memes in until we meet again!

Yes, and fascists will happily say that’s a good thing. They like it. They’re sadists.

They’re morons that don’t understand how social species survive and thrive.

Omega_Haxors , to memes in Facts

“Dopamine Detox” and “NoFap” guys are trying to get you frustrated so you’re easier to radicalize. This is a long and storied fascist recruitment tactic. The worse you feel the more likely you are to find community within their circles, and that’s when they get you.

velox_vulnus ,

Is there any drug that can at least give temporary relief? I’m really in need of one.

Omega_Haxors ,

Buy some supplements that contain Vitamin D and Iron. Most people are deficient and it affects their mood. I got some meal replacements that basically contain everything and it’s kept me in good spirits while everything is going to shit. I should be depressed, but I’m not.

EDIT: Iodine too. The over-the-counter stuff is called “kelp” and the reason they don’t put it in multivitamins is because it metabolizes into a substance that in excess will give you gout. Iodine is hard to get from your diet so having supplements every now and then is important.

velox_vulnus ,

No worries about the iodine, we always buy iodized salt and consume fish once or twice a week. However, I do think that I may some sort of calcium deficiency. I’m going to look into L-Tyrosine and Vitamin D. Currently, I’ve been taking Omega-3 capsules, but I don’t consume it regularly. And most probably, I’ll need a little bit of sunlight too.

Farvana ,

Tyrosine. It’s a dopamine precursor. By itself, it mildly increases focus just enough to get non-preferred tasks started. It also makes completing tasks much more rewarding, which can start a positive feedback loop that leaves your space much more livable/less depressing.

velox_vulnus ,

There’s so many different variants (Amazon India), some of them are really cheap and some are really expensive, how do I pick one? While searching about this particular amino acid, I also came across something called a nootropic stack, do I have to be careful about how much capsule/tablet I should be consuming? Should I also be pairing it with some other tablet? Right now, I have a few omega-3 capsules which I do not consume regularly because it makes me gag. Should I stop with it?

Farvana ,

Supplements suck that way, sorry. I’ve found a couple brands that work for me (Nature’s Way, Horbäach), but I’m no supplement expert. I’d try to find a mid-price option that didn’t seem too sketchy.

As for nootropic stacks and whatnot: never heard of them, although they seem interesting. I personally take 2g of tyrosine along with vitamin D and a vitamin B complex (plus a couple medical rx). I would start at 500mg-1g, and add more after a week if you felt you needed to. I have taken tyrosine with omega 3s but never regularly; I didn’t notice an interaction at the time.

Cysioland , avatar

The NoFap rhetoric is just about how to use the “personal responsibility” addiction rhetoric for everything that gives you pleasure

FoxFairline , to lemmyshitpost in Me trying to insert a flash drive at night avatar
fl42v OP ,

There also was a cool one with a monitorhead

Plopp , to lemmyshitpost in Me trying to insert a flash drive at night

A classmate of mine once couldn’t use the ethernet cable in the lab because the RJ45 on his laptop was all mangled. Because he was gonna watch porn at night. Porn he had on a USB stick to hide from his wife. He wasn’t very happy that day.

Cryan24 , to memes in Beercycling

Note to self, avoid Danish beer.

jadedwench , to programmer_humor in You can certainly change it. But should you?

laughs in evil PLC programmer A little forces enabled, a change here, and maybe just move this wire over there while I am at it…

fossphi , to memes in Beercycling

Where is the second guy from the right side looking? (゚_゚)

answersplease77 ,

Sus af

TheDarksteel94 ,

“Nice cock, bro”

Raxiel ,

At this guy.
Brad McGuire

Titou , to linuxmemes in "But my friend runs a PinePhone as a daily driver"

Who’s gonna tell him Android is based on Linux ?

Pantherina ,

Android is Linux, they literally use the Linux kernel. They replace most other stuff, but Linux it is.

They even work towards mainline kernel support, making updates easier for longer times.

Android is a good example, why “Linux” is not a good term for “Desktop Gnu+Linux”.

PotatoesFall ,

Nobody because everybody knows this. Android is still not what people mean when they say linux

hyperhopper ,

Uhhh it definitely is. I literally have a Linux terminal running on my Android phone.

MystikIncarnate ,

You’ve missed the point I’m afraid.

While people know that Android is based on Linux, a fact that isn’t in question, when people say a “Linux” phone, they’re not discounting that Android exists or that it runs Linux, they mean to infer that they’re discussing non-Android Linux phones. If they meant Android as a Linux phone, they would have said Android.

While android is in the set of “Linux”, not all things that are in the set of Linux are Android.

Since we have a specific word for GNU/Linux - Android devices, but almost all Linux based alternatives to Android for mobile devices is basically referred to simply as a “Linux phone”, it can be, and should be, assumed that the speaker is referring to Linux phones which are not Android.

It’s a nuance of language and technically not wrong to say that “Android is Linux” but that’s not what most of the readers understood to be the speakers intention.

That was the correction that the previous poster tried to portray.

Simply put, most Linux enthusiasts and community, doesn’t really consider android to be “one of them” since, though it’s Linux at its core/kernel, almost everything built on top of it from there is some bastardized/closed source software, or relies on something closed source. Most of the things people want to run on their phone (browsers, camera software, even the dialer), is almost entirely written, controlled and closed source by Google. While some of the “guts” of the OS might be open source/GNU versions, the interfaces are largely all closed source software that Google has published to run on top of Android specifically. This doesn’t fit with the philosophy of GNU/Linux, and therefore Android is largely not included when speaking about Linux, at least for Linux enthusiasts.

frathiemann , to linuxmemes in "But my friend runs a PinePhone as a daily driver"

Daily drivin Manjaro (Plasma mobile) on my Pinephone Pro for over a year now. If you are not into the whole “taking pictures all the time” thing you can easiy use it as a daily driver. (This message was typed on it)

pH3ra OP , avatar

I respond to you just because yours is the last of the “I daily drive a PinePhone” comments, but this is meant for everyone with the same opinion.

Do you, in all honesty, feel comfortable enough with your device that you would confidently run a business solely through it?
I’m not an influencer, so my job isn’t “taking pictures all the time”, but still I wouldn’t rely on a Linux phone to run my business because I cannot risk:

  • to miss a phone call, a text or an email;
  • to run out of battery if I’m outside my office all day long;
  • to have a faulty GPS should I use a navigator to meet a client;
  • that Bluetooth disconnects mid-call for the 5th time in a day while I’m driving;
  • that I have to take a picture to collect information and the latest update borked the camera.

All of these things happen frequently on a Linux phone, and if you have a job where you can live through it good for you, I envy you TBH.
On the other hand, keep in mind that it’s not just the “Instagram people” that need a reliable device.

Adanisi , avatar

I couldn’t run a business on any phone, frankly. That’s what computers are for.

Also the GPS worked fine for me.

Let me guess, Manjaro or another unstable distro is where things broke for you? Mobian did not break things on update, much like Debian on desktop. I know the person you replied to uses Manjaro, but if you want a stable experience you really shouldn’t.

And most people aren’t running a business, so there’s that.

I don’t deny that the user experience isn’t great, it is development/early adopter hardware, but it’s definitely usable as a daily driver.

pH3ra OP , avatar

It depends by what job you have: a plumber, for example, could probably run their business entirely with their phone.
But we’re missing the point, I’m not saying a smartphone can replace a PC, whether it be Linux, iOS or Android. I’m saying that If you need to do all the tasks that are required by a “modern day job” and you need to do them well, then I’m sorry (I really am) but Linux phones aren’t ready yet.

And most people aren’t running a business, so there’s that.

Most people don’t have the skill to troubleshoot a Linux phone, why don’t we count them too in the statistics?
Then, I used “running a business” as just an example to indicate the “urgency of a functioning phone” for whatever reason: it might just be that you have a relative you have to take care of, or that you are a doctor/nurse that can be contacted on every moment, or that you’re an a job hunt and cannot miss the call… I can go on for hours on why in A.D. 2024 a person from whichever social context cannot afford to be off the grid

lemmeee ,

Most people don’t have the skill to troubleshoot a Linux phone, why don’t we count them too in the statistics?

This community is called linuxmemes. You are talking to GNU/Linux users here. For everyone else it’s going to be hard, obviously. It takes time to learn to use a completely different operating system.

LovePoson , avatar

That’s what separate work phones are for :/

LovePoson , to linuxmemes in "But my friend runs a PinePhone as a daily driver" avatar

Meanwhile me absolutely running a dualboot Oneplus 6 with lineage and droidian that has had kupferos, mobian and postmarketos in the past… (yes, i distrohop my phone, so what?)

redcalcium , to lemmyshitpost in Me trying to insert a flash drive at night

Me trying to insert a USB cable to a port on the back of my PC below my desk.

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