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LittleKerr , to mildlyinfuriating in That pattern avatar

Not mildly; this is totally infuriating

Crakila , to mildlyinfuriating in That pattern avatar

Smash it. It's the only way to 'fix' it.

Xylight , to mildlyinfuriating in That pattern avatar

Destroy it.

SeeJayEmm , to mildlyinfuriating in That pattern avatar

This is like the patterned shirt that my wife bought that had the seam down the front and the pattern didn’t line up.


Who the hell puts a print pattern seam on the front when you got two fabric seams right there on the side?

First day shit right there.

SeeJayEmm , avatar

Right?! Sad because the cut of the shirt was nice.

gon , to mildlyinfuriating in That pattern avatar


Blizzard , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

I’m a new user. How do I disable being prompted for a password every time I want change/install anything? I just want password requirement at logon and not when logged on.

BaconIsAVeg ,

User Account Control on Windows was no different, other than being a few decades late to the party.

russjr08 , avatar

Kind of, but to be fair UAC doesn’t prompt you for the account password unless you’re not an Administrator on the PC (in which case you have to enter the password of someone who is). If you’re on a single user PC, you’ll be an admin and it’ll only be a “Yes / No” prompt.

Now macOS on the other hand does require the password, unless you have an Apple Watch (if I heard correctly) in which you can confirm it by pressing a button on it. Or, using the fingerprint reader on the Macs with a TouchID sensor.

Voytrekk , avatar

You will want to modify the sudoers file. In a terminal sudo nano /etc/sudoers. You will want to go down to the line %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL and comment it out by adding # in front of it. A few lines down should be a similar line # %wheel ALL=(ALL:ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL. You will want to uncomment this by deleting the # at the beginning of the line. With nano, you can save by hitting ctrl+O then hitting ENTER to confirm. Hit ctrl+X to exit nano.

Link to sudoers man page

Blizzard ,

Thanks, I tried that before and I think it only worked until I re-logged (?). I’ll try that again, this time will use something else than vi editor to be sure.

Voytrekk , avatar

vi is definitely different being a modal editor. If you are new to Linux, I would suggest nano. It is much easier to understand, even if it isnt as fast as vi can be. Many distros have it installed, and pretty much all of them should have it in their repos.

Agility0971 , avatar

Can you tell what distro you are using?

Blizzard ,

Mint Cinnamon

Agility0971 , avatar

The program that asks for password graphically is polkit. As far as I’ve searched online it only supports bypassing password prompts if you’re admin on the system. It does not have a password less prompt like in Windows. I’m using this and this as source in case you want to disable it all together. I’m not a mint user my self so I cannot validate this without spinning up virtual machine. I would recommend the community just look at whatever I wrote for 24h and mention some issues that might occur. I’ll update it if someone points out any issues.

Open any terminal (sorry) and copy one line at a time into the terminal and hit enter. After the first line you’ll be asked to enter the password. For the consecutive commands password will not be asked. On the last command you’ll open a graphical text editor and make sure certain text is present.

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">sudo su
</span><span style="color:#323232;">mkdir -p /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/
</span><span style="color:#62a35c;">cd</span><span style="color:#323232;"> /etc/polkit-1/rules.d/
</span><span style="color:#323232;">touch 49-nopasswd_global.rules
</span><span style="color:#323232;">xdg-open 49-nopasswd_global.rules

You should now see a text editor appear with a file opened. Copy this and paste it in the file at the bottom. Then save, close and reboot.

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">/*
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> *
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> *  Allow members of the wheel group to execute any actions
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> * without password authentication, similar to "sudo NOPASSWD:"
</span><span style="color:#323232;"> */
</span><span style="color:#323232;">polkit.addRule(function(action, subject) {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    if (subject.isInGroup("wheel")) {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">        return polkit.Result.YES;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">    }
</span><span style="color:#323232;">});

This is a security risk as you might understand, but it’s your computer and you can do whatever you want. If you have any issues just post them here and maybe we’ll figure something out.

Blizzard ,

Thank you, will try that!

The_Shwa ,

It depends on your distro but there is a NOPASSWORD option in some that you can add to a sudoers file. Without knowing your system its probably best to use your search engine of choice to look for answers to that but be warned that it is a security risk.

HeavenAndHell , avatar

Why would you want to disable that? It’s there for a very, VERY good security reason.

lowleveldata , to programmerhumor in Programming Languages

ah yes programming languages are jokes themselves, and not the programmers using the wrong tools for the wrong job

Kryomaani ,

While true, there are some languages that are the wrong tool for every job. JS is one of them. I’ve dreamt of a future where web frontends switched to something sane but instead we got stuff like typescript which is like trying to erect steel beams in quicksand. For web frontends I can understand that historical reasons have lead to this but whoever came up with node thinking JS would be a great backend language has a lot of explaining to do.

ParsnipWitch ,

I am also interested if anyone can tell me the exact time in our history when JavaScript turned from “Don’t you ever use that anywhere on your websites!” into “It’s basically every website”.

abraxas ,

It was when better sandboxing came out and the only valid complaints about javascript became invalid.

I was there. It was a good time.

LeFantome ,


salient_one , avatar

Probably when V8 came out. Also Node.js.

abraxas ,

I happened to be a fullstack developer when the transition happened, so I saw it firsthand. I would say it predated V8 by a year or two. By the time V8 came out, I was already writing plenty of (simple) javascript for applications.

I would say it was more about plugged security holes and Ajax becoming more viable for real-world use. The “don’t ever use javascript” rule came from people disabling javascript because javascript was being used for malware. V8 was a part of that transition and growth, but at least in my memory not the shot that started it all.

There were developers (and books) pushing Rails+Ajax pretty hard in 2007, a full year before V8’s first release in September of 2008.

salient_one , avatar

You’re right! I stand corrected and thank you for sharing. There were already big JS apps (notably, Gmail in 2004) before V8 came out. Yet, am I wrong to think Node.js started the JS obsession that lasted for a while?

abraxas ,

I think that’s a hard question. Node definitely helped evolve it. The idea of isomorphism was slow-growing (and yes, originally pretty rocky), but foundational to what we now see as web development. But if I really had to describe the start of the “JS obsession” by my experience, it would be the AJAX explosion, which led to the advent of the “web-based app”. That very first moment of realization that yes, you can do anything on the web. It might be hard for a developer who started after that time, but functionality used to be relegated to windowed and console apps. In that world, you could imagine how useless javascript must have seemed - why do I need to write code to give “functionality” to what was basically seen as a remote pdf?

But then, I think there’s no surprise to the fact every big company under the sun has some critical contribution to server-side javascript. Back then, most of the dev world were using Perl, Python, Ruby, PHP for their web backends (Java, VB, and C# were used, but too damn hard to write in). At best, those languages were non-ideal but reasonably comparable to javascript. At worst, some of those languages (Perl, lookin at you) were worse than javascript at all the reasons people make fun of javascript now.

It took a while to kick Rails off the “next big thing” podium, but it was pretty quick that Node was showing offerings that were just better than Perl-catalyst or early Python-Django. It’s funny, Rails was the one with fancy ways to ship javascript from server routes (what a shit show that tech was) back when Node was establishing new best practices on non-isomorphic web apps. I remember when Hapi first came out, backed by Walmart. I then went from being a node hobbiest to believing it was the future. 1 year later I was running a scrappy little node team and we had this little $10M+ telephony app (of all things).

salient_one , avatar

Thank you, that was an interesting read!

LeFantome ,


lorgo_numputz ,

I’ve commented to my cow-orkers that “Typescript is the bag they put over Javascript’s face so you don’t have to look at it anymore.”

pazukaza ,

Come on, Javascript is pretty nasty. Trying to read that shit always gives me brain tumors. Why do they need to wrap every fucking thing in a function inside a function inside a function that is passed as a parameter to a function inside another function?

Like, bro, you know people are meant to understand what you just wrote?

It just gives too much freedom and people forget they need to write code that is easy to read for people who aren’t totally familiar with the code base.

They even bring that shit into typescript. Like they are already using a language that is meant to fix that shit and they are like, nope, let me create 5 nested functions just because.

NotSteve_ ,

Can you give an example of the multi nested functions? I was a TS dev for a while and don’t remember anything like that. Unless you mean the promise callback functions. Those were a mess but luckily we’ve mostly moved away from those

pazukaza ,

People creating functions as objects inside of other functions. A few days ago saw a person create a function with two object functions inside, then passed one of the functions as an argument to the other function. Then returned the second function.

It’s hard to find such a mess in other languages. Yeha, functions as objects are cool. Closures are also cool… But why abuse that shit?

NotSteve_ ,

Ahh I remember that sort of JS programming from way back. Do people still do that?? You can just create a class now

dontblink , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed? avatar

You have to use the terminal

HipPriest ,

Anything using the terminal... I once tried to do something on Linux because a friend told me it was great. I gave it another go when it came up on my Chromebook and tried to teach myself. I just don't get it.

I'm not a programmer at all, so anything that involves typing commands is going to baffle me!

dontblink , avatar

One thing i had to learn when i started to understand how big techs really work, of what that would imply (see chat control) and get passionate about free software, free operative systems and freedom of customization is that freedom itself almost always requires work, the question is: is that a work you’re willing to do? for me the answer is a strong YES.

HipPriest ,


But I was just giving my perspective as an outsider who stumbled across this post because messing about with the terminal had the opposite affect on me as someone who appreciates the concept of Linux but doesn't really have the level of passion to learn programming for it.

Lmaydev ,

For the average user all that extra works gives them very little return.

Most people don’t want everyday computer use to be work.

fubo ,

I’m not a programmer at all, so anything that involves typing commands is going to baffle me!

When I was in college in the 1990s, non-STEM students regularly learned enough of the Unix command-line to:

  • check their email with pine
  • chat with talk or on IRC
  • write their home page in HTML using pico or joe editors

The command line is something that millions of people have learned; and you can, too!

Go subscribe to Julia Evans’ newsletter.

TheBaldFox , avatar

YES! I fucking hate it. I shouldn’t have to enter code in order to install a program. I want to go to a website and download the software, click install, and have it actually just work.

I’ve used mint for several years now but it will never be a primary OS die my household because it’s such a hassle to work with.

matt , avatar

You don’t - you just open your distros software manager (which is like an app store) and get all your apps that way.

Been like this for several years.

russjr08 , avatar

Yeah I keep seeing people mention having to use the terminal to install software, and I wonder what distro they’re using and what software they’re trying to install.

Most distros use flatpak, so when opening GNOME Software/Discover you can install Discord, Spotify, Web browsers, text editors, Steam, etc all through it. And even Ubuntu which doesn’t use flatpak by default, all of those apps are in its Snap store as well. Hell, Ubuntu even has software drivers through a GUI in one central place which is very nice.

I’m on Fedora Kinoite right now which really encourages you to use Flatpaks, and the only software I’ve installed through the CLI are dev tools which would be disingenuous to say in this situation stops casual Windows users since they are very unlikely to need Rust, Neovim, various C/C++ libs, etc…

jaykstah , (edited )

On many popular distros there are graphical apps preinstalled for that. The distribution maintainers have repositories with common packages to make it so that you can open an app store and install programs from one place rather than going to different websites and downloading installers.

HeavenAndHell , avatar

Honestly, I’d rather use terminals to install software. Most of the time, it’s actually far fewer steps than just clicking through several screen on top of having to find the application installation file you downloaded.

AnalogyAddict , to programmerhumor in Alphabetically sorted months. But WHY?

Speaking as a UX designer, probably because some "product manager" decided it was too expensive to override the auto- sort that was applied before the designer was brought in to "pretty things up."

There is no tone of bitterness in my comment, honestly there isn't.

Blamemeta ,

Im sorry. Im a front end dev, i wish i could make everything pretty, but theres just too many meetings and too much process for everything to get much done.

AnalogyAddict ,

Haha! Exactly! I do some coding, too, but I can't think like a UXer and a dev at the same time.

It's the "making it pretty" part that makes me bitter. That is the LEAST part of what we do.

It's like asking an architect to come in and fix the building after it's already mostly built. Bad PMs insist on seeing us like interior decorators, but we are primarily architects.

Lifter ,

They don’t want to pay architect salary to do decorating work and I fully agree. Problem is that stuff like this are often overlooked until someone makes a fuss about it, costing PR. The other 90 % of the overlooked stuff is never found though so it’s still a good decision to skip stuff like this.

AnalogyAddict ,

I'd believe that, if they weren't already paying the architect salary to have us do interior design. They hire us, then shackle us.

VirtualAlias ,

Yeah, I was going to say they just left a default alphabetical sort to their global droplist component and called it a day. Probably works fine in most contexts, but this one - not so much.

QuaternionsRock ,

Or shitty SQL.

<pre style="background-color:#ffffff;">
<span style="color:#323232;">SELECT MAX(day_of_month), month
</span><span style="color:#323232;">FROM why_does_this_table_exist
</span><span style="color:#323232;">GROUP BY month
simple , to memes in You thought you were, didn't you? avatar

So you’re telling me that my single puny brain is susceptible to influence and manipulation techniques which have been actively used and perfected for centuries?

Well my good sir, I don’t believe you

quadrotiles , to programmerhumor in Programming Languages

Ok, admittedly I was using typescript but honestly, I really enjoyed using JavaScript. I kinda feel like people who shit on it have never used it much, or aren’t very experienced, or it just wasn’t to their taste and they’re jumping on the hate train that the others like to conduct.

(I also understand this is a joke dw)

gamer ,

I kinda feel like people who shit on it have never used it much, or aren’t very experienced

How much experience do you have? (and don’t even think about lying; this is the internet)

quadrotiles ,

Definitely 2023 years worth of experience. I taught Jesus himself JS. Which, fun fact, doesn’t stand for JavaScript, but stands for JesusScript. I would never lie on the internet.

(4ish years lmao)

gamer ,

4 years isn’t enough to hate javascript. Either those 4 years are entirely in JS, in which case it’s all you know and thus you lack perspective. OR, you spent e.g. 2 years with a different language and only 2 in JS, in which case you don’t have enough experience with JS to have an informed opinion.

Don’t worry though, we all started our JS hating journey like that. Give it a few more years and I promise you’ll be able to hate javascript like the masters.

quadrotiles ,

I never said I had a total of 4 years experience, only that I had 4 years of JS experience.

But yes, I will work on honing my hatred. I hope to one day gain a seat at the JSith council and achieve the rank of master.

Rodeo ,

Let your anger flow through you.

maltroth ,

10ish years here, I don’t hate js. The more modern tools, frameworks and typescript makes it awesome to use for frontend stuff.

rob64 ,

It’s probably also related to when a person first encountered JS. If you learned it pre-2015—even if you’re aware of the changes made in ES6—I can see how it would be hard not to view JS as cumbersome. I personally love to use it, but I can’t imagine that would be true without let, const, classes, etc.

Edit also block scoping and arrow functions!

PRIMALmarauder ,

My feelings toward JavaScript depend on the context in which I’m using it. I really like JavaScript in a React app or Next.js, but I don’t care for it in Views and Razor page in .NET web applications, though it’s getting better.

xtapa , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

I recently changed and could only do it because of ChatGPT. There are a lot of things that work different in Linux, like package managers, the file system in general, the focus on terminal, stuff that works different with different distros. For almost all questions, ChatGPT helped me within seconds. This is even more true, when I kinda don’t know, what my question actually is. Then it helps to give me some good buzzwords to Google for. If I would have done this with just reddit and forums and stack or something, I’d get so much non-helping, gatekeeping, belittling answers - if any.

cybersandwich ,

It’s incredibly powerful when used like this. The real time nature of it is super nice. If you have a quick question, you almost can’t beat it.

Another thing it is great for us explaining what commands do. So if you are following a tutorial or blog and want to double check that a command is safe, it’s great at that.

Foresight , to programmerhumor in Programming Languages

College literally tried teaching us programming with JavaScript…

maltroth ,

It’s an easily accessible language, I started to learn with JavaScript as well. Easy to teach the basics.

GustavoM , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed? avatar

Three words:

Baby duck syndrome.

how it can be addressed?

Without turning Linux into “another Windows”? Well… you (kind of) can’t – Windows users are way too used with the idea of being spoonfed by the OS. And the only “real” way to address it is to tell Windows users to change their mentality and “embrace the new”.

fidodo , to linux in What are the main challenges in Linux adoption for New users, and how can it be addressed?

When you have a problem the solution is fragmented between distros, configuration, opinions, and time as solutions constantly change and they all have subtly repercussions. It becomes very overwhelming to figure out a solution and pick the right one.

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