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TheRealBob , to nostupidquestions in How are lemmy and other fediverse platforms profitable? avatar

Why does everything have to be for profit?

CosmoNova ,

This is the real question we have to ask ourselves. We really need to move away from looking at the internet as just a resource to extract money from, and instead see it through a social lense again. Look what late stage capitalism has done to our digital, social gathering places. Almost everything has become a product that needs to be profitable, to compete for attention and to extract as much data from users as possible and discourse has suffered greatly from it. I mean billions are donated to content creators simply because people want to contribute. Why stop there? We can shape the internet the way we want if we simply contribute and put our heads together. We don't have to make a profit. That's our strength.

Aceticon , to explainlikeimfive in ELI5: In computer networking, what is a port?

Imagine the computer as a shopping mall, which has a name and address (i.e the IP address).

A port is a specific store in that mall, from were you can get specific things.

The analogy even holds further in that for certain “stores”, the same store by name of certain chains (i.e. Burger King) will provide the same service in different malls if its present there (for example, port 80 is were the HTTP service is, by convention) and the same kind of service can be provided in other stores (nobody stops you from having an HTTP service on a different port).

Were the analogy breaks is that unlike with chain store names (which are protected by trademark) there really is no enforcement that a certain port has a certain service (i.e. you can put whatever service you want on port 80 of a computer you control) and certain services being in certain ports is merely a convention.

rubikcuber , to ukcasual in Thursday Complaints avatar
TeaHands , avatar

Dun dun duuuuuuuuun

tkchumly , to asklemmy in What is a good general purpose laptop on the market right now?

My next laptop will be a framework. They offer parts and manuals and it is built to be fixed and upgraded instead of thrown away like almost everything else now.

thegiddystitcher , to asklemmy in Do you speak computer and human? avatar

I code in a few languages and I’ve always wanted to know more than one “human” language but efforts in that area have more or less consistently failed (exception being Esperanto because that’s easy, but since hardly anyone speaks it it’s not exactly useful).

Despite my interest in both I doubt there’s much of a correlation when you look at programmers (or polyglots) as a group, though. For all we call all of these things “languages” there’s a pretty big distinction and difference in complexity and approach between the computer and human ones, it’s a whole different hobby.

I’d compare coding more to other hobbies that involve making things. I knit a jumper, I develop a video game…scratches same itch.

Or possibly problem-solving hobbies. I work out how to adjust a sewing pattern to fit, I solve a tricksy sudoku…again same itch.

Mortalsub , to ukcasual in I'm sitting at a bus shelter and the old woman sitting next to me just farted. I couldn't hear it and I can't smell it, but she sort of leaned over and I felt the vibration through the bench.

This content is gold. This and the Poop post.

fhein , to linux in I don't find any value in Red-Hat but I see their corporate thinking. Who really need them and why?

They’re a pretty big contributor to Linux, so even if you don’t see their work you’re probably using it anyway.

added value that cannot be fulfilled by independent experts or FOSS community

Wrong question IMO. It’s more relevant to ask “without Red Hat, would independent experts or the FOSS community have added the same value?”. Sure, it’s possible that Red Hat has some highly skilled developers that possess unique skills required for their contributions, but in general contributing to FOSS projects is more about willingness to spend large amounts of time and resources on something that doesn’t give you money in return.

Lots of large companies “could” have spent thousands of hours contributing to Linux, but unless they actually do it then it is irrelevant.

zaggynl , to explainlikeimfive in ELI5: In computer networking, what is a port?

If IP addresses are streets, ports are mailboxes.

nqvst , to linux in Spent all night installing Photoshop, lightroom, illustrator, blender and finding a replacement for after effects and premiere pro. See you never windows!

What replacements did you settle on?

0jcis OP , avatar

I decided to go with Da Vinci Resolve for video editing and I might migrate to something to replace Lightroom in future, can’t now, because I have all my Lightroom catalogues at work.

Nuuskis ,

Doesn’t Darktable work for you?

0jcis OP , avatar

I mostly use photoshop to remove objects from photos, place in images rendered with blender and retouch them to look like they were part of the photo, I think Darktabke doesn’t have tools similar to healing brush and patch tools in photoshop. Although photoshop is working perfectly so far, it would be nice to find a native application that is up to the task. I haven’t really tried hard to look for linux alternative that can do that.


Wait, I just looked into it and there are such tools! Thank you for suggestion! I might try it!

russjr08 , to linux in Is Systemd that bad afterall? avatar

I do not think systemd is bad, I (and personal preference here) much prefer it over the older style of init systems.

Quite frankly, one of the things that has always irked me about a portion of the Linux community is that as far as I know, a strength and selling point of Linux has always been the freedom of choice. And yet, people start wars over your choices. For example, I know at least on r/Linux if you were to make a post saying that you liked Snaps over Flatpaks you’d get torn to shreds over it. Wouldn’t matter what reasons you had either.

It is always something. Whether its about Arch vs other distros, Snaps vs Flatpak vs AppImage vs Traditional packaging, X11 vs Wayland, systemd vs Sys V/init.d, pulseaudio vs pipewire, etc.

I never understood why it mattered so much what someone ran on their own computer. Assuming they’re the only one using it, what is the big deal if they choose to run OpenRC, X11, Snaps, and Alsa?

And I get a bad feeling the next one is going to be immutable distros vs non-immutable distros, but I guess we’ll see.

TrontheTechie , to lemmyshitpost in Going to be a busy day

You’d probably be better off building one of those DIY birds artificially, it takes too long to make natural birds from seed.

SilentStorms , to android in What's your lemmy app of choice? avatar

Jerboa for now. The other ones I’ve tried were not information dense, only showing 3 or 4 posts on screen at a time, or had other issues. Looking forward to trying Artemis and Sync.

RandomLegend , to piracy in AI section for megathread avatar

uncensored cracked or otherwise pirated AI stuff

What do you mean exactly? Like give me some examples 😀


ok so ill start by saying im so tired of the limits and boundaries and restrictions that have been placed on AI i could literally vomit so with that what i really mean is this i am looking for a platform kind of like where i can like train a bot to do what ever i want but without any form of policy shit that says hey this violates that bla bla bla it cant be a locally run model because my hardware is well crap lol so if possible on a server somewhere i am willing to even pay for it as long as it is completely uncensored and not break the bank level but more so to where i never again have to here “as an AI language model bla bla bla” i would prefer not to have to pay for it which is kinda why i was asking here but at this point i just dont care anymore as long as it will run similar to chatgpt in the sense that it can actually carry on a convo because i have found a few that were uncensored however they were so stupid that it was like going back to talking to siri or worse completely incapable of processing information at all you say hello and it says “42 is a good number yes” if you get what i mean if you need more info im more than happy to give it just let me know and i really appreciate the help

RandomLegend , avatar

GPU renting sites don’t censor you at all. for example, you can just rent a GPU per the hour, train your own model and you’re good to go. I mean as long as you don’t upload criminal stuff (CSAM, etc.) you can train what you want on there.

Otherwise, training your own models will become easier by the day for home hardware. Look at fast it went for Image AI to be able to train your own model. You can do that with 12GB or even 8GB afaik now. I don’t think it’ll take very long until you can just let your 8GB card chuck away at some training data.


yea its a great service however unfortunately kinda strapped for cash to many bills at the moment so that would be why im on here asking but i really appreciate the advice thanks

RandomLegend , avatar

Well you wont find any “pirated” GPU host… Its nothing that can really be pirated because we’re talking about hardware here.

Afaik google colab has enough VRAM to train and they don’t really at the source material you put in there (again, as long as you don’t trigger any CSAM filters or so)


CSAM filter??? whats that. an yea i figured that might be the case it being like digital hardware i guess i was more thinking like a pirated AI itself ya know because i have to admit i have never come across something that was software that couldnt be pirated until the whole AI thing then its like no one has the ability to say take ChatGPT and track it back to the source code and then duplicate it so it dont need openai anymore thats more what i was hoping to find or at least something of the same general nature like a truly reverse engineered gpt4 model that could be trained on your data and not controlled then use google colab or hell if they have something that monitors it then just get a private cloud and do it that way theirs a whole bunch out of Switzerland that just dont give a fuck what you put on the cloud server am i making sense or just talking gibberish because at this point i beginning to wonder lol

RandomLegend , avatar

Yeah…you’re basically talking gibberish, sorry to tell you.

GPT4 doesn’t have to be reverse engineered, their software is nothing special and the open source programs available are more than competitive.

The part that can’t be pirated is the model itself. The training data that was formed into the model. That you can’t pirate or reverse engineer. You could steal it by hacking them and leaking it. But it would be incredible inefficient to run because OpenAI basically didn’t give a single fuck about efficiency and you need really fcking high end GPUs to run that.

So, to conclude.

ChatGPT “software” is absolutely boring and the alternatives out there are both plenty and in many cases superior. The interesting part is the model, which can’t be reverseengineered and even if, can’t be run on most hardware.

What you want is unrealistic and to be honest, completely unnecessary. We don’t want or need ChatGPT’s model. The open source models that already exist are in many cases better than GPT4; But they’re focused on specific tasks. Yes - there is no single model that can compete with GPT4 as is. But you can get yourself models for focused tasks and those “combined” definetly CAN compete with GPT4.

And the open source softwares like oobabooga are so much more capable than GPT4’s stupid minimalistic webui…

PS: Also, CSAM = Child Sexual Abuse Material


oh no need to apologize at all im cool im just glad to have it explained to be honest i have looked an looked and havent been able to get a straight answer hence why i got on here and was just like ok damnit i want to figure out if this is possible or if im just crazy so yea i get what your saying maybe what i was thinkin is kinda a stretch i just didnt know if i was possible is i really appreciate you explaining to me and after reading that yea honestly your right i have found some way better models here and there an some of roleplay platforms are really cool i guess i was just more curious than anything else lol i guess when you got a bunch of morons running a company that they stole then sold to the worst company to ever exist namely microsoft you really cant expect much beyond build a better one lol i will say i would very much like to see someone get anthropics claude model becuase i swear that bot could roleplay better than any bot i have seen if it just wasnt so damn ethical crazy lol but honestly at this point i have given up hope that it will happen or that it is really worth it lol but either way thanks you have been a huge help in assisting me in figuring out my gibberish lol especially since you really didnt have to so what ima probable do is just get me a digital gpu and build my own bot that suites what i need i did have one more question off the subject of chatgpt i heard something about someone was planning on building a operating system that was fully integrated with an AI LLM to where the model would be able to like directly control the entire OS now that would be cool i mean come on hello jarvis but i cant find any info on it now its just like the game engine someone was supposed to be making and then i didnt hear anything else is was like one trailer on both accounts and then like they dropped off the planet has there been any news or talk about it just wondering

RandomLegend , avatar

First of all…bro…please use punctuation. This completely period-less wall of text was a nightmare to read lmao.

An OS controlled completely by AI sounds nightmarish to be honest. The amount of wrong outputs your typical LLMs generate would steer your PC into oblivion i tell you.

ASSISTED by AI is another thing though. There are already some tools out there that let you turn on some AI overlay that can help you figure out what you want to do. Even for the terminal.

But wouldn’t want that on my PC tbh. First of all, it would make the electricity bill for using your PC pure hell… imagine you have to fire up your GPU to 100% usage everytime you want to do something…


sorry to be honest i have no idea how to use punctuation never learned the only thing i can do punctuation with is when i write code and even then well to be honest i suck at it lol i mean i can do like a period and stuff but thats about it. and as far as the AI it was someones idea they even did like a trailer and stuff. but i mean i think the key to it would be like you said assisted by lol i was more thinking like it just has the ability to like interact with anything on the computer not like fully control it. and also just think of the possibilities. like right now as it sits i use AI as my own personal tech support and it works pretty well but if the bot could actually directly interact now that would be a whole new animal. like think idk black-arch right and you build an AI trained on it and all the programs that it has it would be a master hacking or anything really. it could literally control the code like say for instance your browser and turn your browser into the ultimate version. there is just endless possibilities. now like you said it would definitely need guidance but still the point is to be able to directly interact. ya know the one thing that AI always says it cant do. was that any better? genuine question because thats about the best i got. lol i always hated grammar as a kid super dyslexic and shit so i always reverse everything anyways lol its honestly crazy i can fully understand and break down shit in my head like advanced algorithms and shit and apply them to real world but cant seem to get grimmer shakes head face palming

RandomLegend , avatar

Yes this was better, thank you and well done! Next time, you can try to write your text and paste it into an LLM and tell it to fix tthe punctuation ;-) Should do the trick


dude, so many people bitched and moaned. I literally went and made a bot just for grammar like I really didn’t think it mattered that much. Hell, one of the people on here was a real asshole and I kinda just told him to fuck off lol but see, I guess there’s a difference. At least you pointed it out and why. This dude was like “go back to middle school.” Yea ok, got a 120 IQ buddy. I really just hate punctuation and shit, they’re annoying, but hey that’s what a bot is for lol lmao. But no, I digress. I appreciate you pointing it out and why without trying to degrade. We’re all adults here and there is no need to be an asshole lol.

Pulp , to piracy in AI section for megathread

What pirated ai stuff?


like im looking for a way to get access to an AI chatbot that is completely uncensored like none of the ethics this ethics that bla bla lol that i can use on some kind of server cuz at the moment i dont have the money for the hardware i need to run it weather that be digital gpu or a computer so yea i was looking for something that was pirated or open source or something to be honest i have been going through this for a while and still cant find anything its the first time in my life that i cant find something on the internet that is pirated usually its not hard but they keeping this whole ai thing locked down tighter than a prison hence why im on here asking cuz im hoping someone knows something or can at least point me in the direction of someone that knows any help is most appreciated

Pulp ,

Find uncensored model to use with it

Some here:

Install it on a server, one you pay hourly for or a free Google Colab

There are tutorials in YouTube


ah ok i see i was thinking that hugging face models had to be run on your own hardware also doesnt google colab like monitor everything and stuff someone said something about a filter of some kind?


and also i was more looking for like someone that had found a way to get gpt4 and separate from openai where it doesnt need their api to run anymore because to be honest love the idea of gpt4 but i hate openai this whole ethical bullshit is really annoying so like a pirated gpt4 that could run on like a cloud server or a digital gpu of some kind because most of those are pretty cheap

Pulp ,

oh my god thank you your like the literal best i very much appreciate you

wazoobonkerbrain , to retrogaming in Which obscure systems have you played on?

I had a TI-99/4A! I coded a game for it, you ran around fighting robots and you could find a blaster and a jetpack.

The TI-99/4A had a lot of techical problems which killed its performance. They released a little module that you could insert into the game slot, then you insert the game into the module - this improved the performance drastically. Unfortunately I only heard about it many years later, I didn’t know about it at the time.

Somebody wrote an emulator which lets you run TI-99/4A games under windows or linux and I once tinkered with that and got my own game up and running again.

ArugulaZ ,

Those TI joysticks are just the absolute worst. Most underwhelming video game joysticks I've ever used, by far.

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