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greavous , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

This is a reminder that paying for a subscription means t&cs can be changed. You aren’t buying the engine etc just a license to access/use it for a period of time. Stop buying subscriptions!

Immersive_Matthew , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

One of the issue here, and I am in absolutely no way defending Unity, is that legally an executive team works for the shareholders. They must ensure shareholder return no matter what as they are in the hook for it.

Unity’s biggest issue is that they like many successful companies stopped innovating and have moved from a company run by technical people to one run by sales and marketing. Sales and marketing only know how to extract more out of the product they already have and not how to improve the product to make more in honest ways. I would (have) gladly given Unity more money if they offered tools that truly helped me get to market faster as then my win would be their win. Instead their product has become stagnant, slower not faster since 2019 and more expensive. I am getting less for more and it is unacceptable. Unity is a horrible business partner. But I can see why as they are a sales and marketing company now. Steve Jobs says it best in this 2 minute video. He got it. Why are so many other not getting this?

DarkWasp , avatar

That doesn’t mean making decisions that can ultimately hurt the business or their partners though. You can be greedy while not alienating the developers who drive the company’s profits. Decisions like these could make them lose millions or even go out of business.

bennieandthez , avatar

You could swap unity with any company really and it would be the same. once a business goes for an IPO, whatever mission/vision it had turns into making shareholders happy and fast. Profits go directly to shareholders by stock buybacks instead of R&D/salaries, so they have to squeeze consumers more and more with the same products to keep it up. it’s tragically comic that you mention Steve Jobs kinda talking about it when Apple turned into the GOAT of this stuff.

malloc ,

is that legally an executive team works for the shareholders. They must ensure shareholder return no matter what as they are in the hook for it.

Not an excuse for just blatantly fucking over the customers. By implementing this hostile pricing model, company is alienating their customers. Big game studios may or may not cough up the money (or just delay that payments and take Unity to court if threatened). Small companies will just not pay up and either kill their projects or redesign from the ground up using a diff engine. Indie devs will likely just use another engine all together.

It’s a clear money grab that will backfire on them (losing trust of an already small community, and thus money will slowly stop rolling in). Fucked by the loss of sales. Fucking over the shareholders and creating new bag holders. Only winners here are the insiders that dumped their shares before announcement.

C-level execs at Unity smoking crack.

Immersive_Matthew ,

I agree. I think the issue is though that Unity (like many successful companies) have become their own worse enemies. Steve Jobs in this 2 mins video really explains it well. It will resonate what is going on at Unity and why they pulled such a stupid move. Wrong people are in charge and they have no means to make money honestly. Intellectually and creatively bankrupt.

JoMiran , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes avatar

No need for death threats. Unity already committed suicide.

Sibbo ,


orphiebaby , avatar

I hope so, but frankly we’ll just have to see. The people with the money and power usually win.

HawlSera ,

I imagine this policy will quietly be pulled with a statement about how due to “not expecting how unpopular the decision was”

As soon as they get a subpoena from… every AAA developer.

This would include Warner bros, as they own a video game Studio, in fact I believe Mortal Kombat 1 uses unity, and it’s supposed to be what gets their Christmas bonus this year. They would be fools to not already have their people on the case.

rustyfish , avatar

What a grade A burn.

romaselli , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed

This is a great opportunity to tell people about Godot, a free open source engine that has been killing it lately.

hal_5700X , avatar

Here’s link to it,

kescusay , avatar

I was waiting for that.

BolexForSoup , avatar

I’m a dad with a full time job and 2 toddlers. If I wanted to dip my toes into game development for the first time and I wanted to use Godot, what kind of project should I do first? Something that’s great for starting out and learning the absolute basics.

dack ,
BolexForSoup , avatar

Thank you!

Jaarsh119 ,

As typical as it is for the current indie game dev climate, making a ‘Vampire Survivors’ type game is probably a really good starting point for game development. 2D games are somewhat easier to make than 3D ones, so a 2D roguelike could be fun (but get’s very complex very quickly) or a old-school Zelda styled game would also be pretty cool in my opinion while remaining fairly simple.

Here’s are a couple other avenues to learn off the top of my head:

  • Follow along with one or two of the large amount of tutorials they have for the engine and adding new features and gameplay mechanics to them when you feel like it.
  • Think of a cool but simple idea and try to execute it yourself through trial and error, referencing the online docs and asking questions to the Godot game dev community.

It can be super daunting as there is a lot to learn. Try to learn by working on something that you yourself think is fun and that’ll keep you more motivated :)

Rentlar ,

What @dack said for your first game that is a great resource. If you wanted an overview of how the godot engine works later you can start from the Intro

Phen ,

If you have some coding knowledge, this series of videos was amazing:

Not everything he does is right and some things he doesn’t even understand that well, but it gives you a good idea into everything you’ll need and you can then quickly learn how to expand from that.

phx ,

Thank you for this! Last FOSS engine I used was OGRE but it was fairly inconsistent across hardware and PC only at the time.

Z4rK ,

I would have used it if they didn’t focus so much on their own GDScript instead of keeping C# support.

domi , avatar

But Godot 4 has excellent C# support?

Z4rK ,

Only for Godot 3, not 4?

Edit: Godot 4 supports C#, but only for desktop games, not web, android and iOS.

orclev ,

Shoutout to Bevy as well. It’s not as user friendly or polished as Godot but it’s a lot more powerful. If you’re a talented game dev I’m sure you could do some amazing things with Bevy.

anlumo ,

Bevy is a very different kind of beast. It’s basically “here’s the ECS, have fun!” while it rides into the sunset.

My next project will use bevy, but mostly because its API is so ridiculously small that I can map it entirely into my own engine (which then exposes the ECS through my own API). That would be a lifetime’s task with Unity (don’t know enough about Godot to say definitely, but I bet it’s the same, since it has the same architecture).

orclev ,

To be fair it does have a huge plugin ecosystem that handles most of the common use cases, so it’s a bit more than just an ECS, but the docs have some pretty big gaps in them so you could be excused for thinking it’s more bare bones than it is.

AssA ,

how are the AR applications for Godot?

jayandp , to technology in Unity will start charging developers each time their game is installed

It’s kinda amazing how Unity shot themselves in the chest with this one. No, I don’t mean foot, they are now actively bleeding from the torso.

No Dev or Publisher is going to be okay with this, none. This basically leaves Devs on the hook for unlimited liability. Even with their walk back of “only initial installs” doesn’t help. I myself have both a Desktop and a SteamDeck. That’s possibly two installs out of the gate from one customer. Then any time I make an upgrade in the future, or heck maybe even switch Proton versions on my Deck, the Dev could be on the hook for more cash. There’s zero transparency with how these “installs” are detected or counted, so there is no way to budget or plan for the expenses.

Businesses hate unpredictable fees.

They’ll deal with utilities upping rates, because who are you gonna switch to in a monopoly? But if you’re just a tool for them, they’ll ditch you as soon as they’re able and never use you again.

And again, publishers will care about this too, since their whole job is distribution. Any Dev looking to sign with a publisher, even a subscription service like GamePass, will now be asked which engine they’re using, and I bet you 9/10 times the Dev will get rejected if they’re using Unity now. That puts even more pressure on Devs not to use Unity.

Unity will price gouge their existing customers(Devs), but will ensure that nobody ever buys their product ever again. At this point I doubt their reputation will ever recover even if they can walk this back. The fact that they believe they can unilaterally add enormous fees at the drop of a hat means they’ve ruined any trust their customers had in them.

Unity: I can charge you any fees I want, any time I want.

douglasg14b , avatar

Nevermind desktop games.

The real hit is free mobile games. Paying per install can be crippling when you naturally have low retention rates.

You can accidentally success yourself into debt if you don’t have preditary monetization.

I’m building a game ATM that’s meant to be fun and fair, monetization is really low. If it shot up as a front page item for some reason that now went from a huge success to a massive stress point as the number of installs would easily put me into hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt to unity overnight.

Who TF wants to take on that kind of risk? Does this not push mobile games into being even MORE preditary?? Since it’s now impossible to build a mobile game with Unity, and just release it as something free.

Lemminary ,



I don’t mean to be rude, just giving a heads up since it’s written there twice with the same spelling

phx ,

How would they even track that it was “only the initial install”, and what’s the metric for that? If i need to reinstall my OS due to a crash, is that a second install for the game? How about if I replace a piece of hardware that fails, is it considered a new system with a new install?

The whole idea that they can claim additional fees for an “install” is ridiculous.

stevedidWHAT , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes avatar

ITP: Internet dumb fucks do internet dumb shit and send to death threats.

Comments feign an argument for hypocrisy ala “eat the reach is just as bad”

Save yourself some brain cells and move on

Eezyville , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes avatar

Death threats? Really now…

This is pathetic. Why send death threats because a company made a change to their product. Why are these people so entitled? Or maybe they just know there are no consequences to their actions so they behave in a shitty manner. If you don’t like the changes then use a different product.

stevedidWHAT , avatar

First time on the internet? That’s all they do and swat people which results in real deaths. This isn’t anything new, same ol vile behavior that police do handle and do punish for because phone lines are not secure.

Ertebolle , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

Gamers: pointlessly sacrificing the moral high ground since 2014.

pinkdrunkenelephants ,

Fuck a moral high ground

Buffalox , (edited ) to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

Starting on January 1, developers will be charged a fee every time someone installs a game built in Unity after they reach certain revenue or install thresholds.

Obviously death threats are not ok, but for fucks sake, that change is insane. People may install games many times for many reasons, like switching drives, computer, OS or debugging, or corruption, or because they go back to it after not playing for a while.

How is it a good model to charge for repeated installs?

The decision sparked an astonishing backlash against Unity from across the gaming industry,

I bet, this will threaten some people on their livelihood, and if you are 90% finished on a project, it’s an insane change that will force you to switch to another engine, and could kill several projects.

Also as a user, this increases the need and amount of DRM mechanics, which we need less not more of.

I hope Unity will see a massive dive in customers on these policies. This is the kind of decision a company deserves bankruptcy for. And the CEO John Riccitiello deserves to be fired without benefits, and never hired as CEO again.

Edit PS:

The fee is up to $0.20, that’s steep and would mean the end of sub $10 games. This would hurt single and indie developers very much.

Luckily there are other engines, but Unity used to be among the good ones, now they’ve become an untrustworthy player, and that decreases competition for the entire field.

HawlSera ,

This is why we cannot let monopolies control the internet. Between twitter, reddit, and unity…

EnglishMobster ,

Unreal is much more entrenched than Unity is. At the AAA level, more places hire Unreal devs than Unity devs.

Unity is popular with indies because it’s dead simple (Unreal is a complex monster of an engine). But even Unreal doesn’t have a monopoly, between things like Source, Lumberyard (which is now FOSS and run by the Linux Foundation), etc. Not to mention you can always roll your own engine, which many places already have.

captain_aggravated , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes avatar

Dude…Just stop using the software and let the business fail. That’s all you’ve got to do. Unreal engine, Godot, Gamemaker Studio, Source 2, QBASIC, use something else.

Blamemeta ,

Not easy when your entire game is built on it. You’d most likely have to toss out your code and start from scratch.

EnglishMobster ,

Depending on how much money you expect to lose, that may be the more prudent option for some.

At the very least you’d have something to work with - it’s not truly “from scratch”.

I work in the AAA industry and I’ve ported code from one engine to another - it’s not fast by any means, but at the very least you can assume the code that’s there is largely correct. The killers are materials/shaders, porting over design work, and fixing timing issues. If you have netcode that can be tricky as well.

But at the very least you can have the core of your game running again reasonably. It’s how things like Stanley Parable: Ultra Deluxe went from Source to Unity, and how Pokemon BDSP went from the proprietary Pokemon engine to Unity.

Indies and AAs can hire some extra hands to work temporarily with their existing engineers to port and they’d probably lose less money than Unity is charging.

Blamemeta ,

Its the cheapest option, but its still company destroying expensive.

Not_Alec_Baldwin ,

That’s why this is an existential threat for so many studios.

They can’t survive with the Unity pricing, and they probably don’t have the funds to transfer to a new system. So they will have to shut down.

AdolfSchmitler ,

Bro why don’t homeless people just get homes? Problem solved.

sugarfree , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes avatar

The overreaction to online death threats is so stupid. An anonymous 0 follower Twitter account allows organizations and people to instantly turn the PR situation around and become the victims and act like they are personally being hunted down by Mossad.

Edgelord_Of_Tomorrow ,

Death threats are the background noise of the internet, always have been. It’s just part of the PR manual now.

Slwh47696 ,

I remember someone telling me they were going to hunt me down and kill me on StarCraft back in like 2001. Shit hasn’t changed

marth_21 ,

I’ve almost found you, I’ve narrowed your location down to earth. Maybe in another 20 years, I’ll get a hemisphere.

HawlSera ,

To be fair, you are a ghost haunting a computer and have been since the year 2001

lobut ,

To be fair, you zerg rushed me in the first five minutes despite our prior agreement.

Snowpix , avatar

To be faaiirrrrrrr

cevn ,

gl hf nr20

nodsocket , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

Relax it’s just a game

MrWafflesNBacon ,

It’s not a game it’s a game engine, atleast get it right

ShittyRedditWasBetter , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes

A sane response from the gamer community as usual.

StarServal , to technology in Unity temporarily closes offices amid death threats following contentious pricing changes avatar

Shitty Executive: “Oh shit, our terrible idea turned out to be wildly unpopular and we’re getting massive negative feedback! Quick, play the death threats card to make us look like the victim!”

CrabAndBroom ,

Perhaps they could pay a small fee to not receive them.

Or purchase the Happy Customer Times Season Pass, where for 12 months they only receive feedback telling them how awesome they’re doing. Only $39.99 per employee!

*fees are liable to change at any time without notice, new prices may be applied retroactively

ezures ,

20 cents for every death threat not sent? Sure! Whos counting? Dont worry, our propiertary system counts every unsent message, you only need to pay up ^(works every previously unsent message, but only if you got more than 200 000 the past year, we got you)

Bit seriously, why do some people always so eager to send death threats? It almost never achieves anything, gets you on the moral low ground and doesn’t even get to the right persons the first place.

Bye ,

I’m sure there’s a PR playbook somewhere with a flowchart that says, did you screw up really badly and you look like the villain? - yes - There’s public outrage? - yes - say there’s death threats

luthis , to technology in Caesars reportedly paid millions to stop hackers releasing its data | It's the second Las Vegas casino group to be attacked this week.

If hackers are gonna extort, I definitely prefer it’s the casinos they’re extorting

riesendulli ,

You misspelled the mob.

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