There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

Moneo , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

My insurance has chiropractors as a separate category with its own maximum $. Meanwhile physio & every other athletic therapy excluding RMT gets lumped into a single category. It’s fucking bullshit and I can only assume someone was payed off to make it happen. $500 a year of insurance $ I can’t use without endangering myself.

ForestOrca , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" avatar

YSK that Medical Doctors are also not Chiropractors. This is why the letters after their names are different. M.D. means Medical Doctor, and D.C. means Doctor of Chiropractic. The major differences in their educations being Surgery, and Drugs for the MDs, and Nutrition, Physical Therapy, Manual Therapy are studied more by DCs. Depending on licensure laws both can order imaging, laboratory testing, and prescribe massage or physical therapy. Also the MD will only have 3-7 minutes to spend with you, and the DC will have much more time to do intake, history, therapy, and to explain what is going on with you and what can be done to improve your situation. Here's a fun fact for ya, some of the injuries attributed to joint manipulation, and this is well documented, were from barbers, kung fu teachers, and yes, MDs and PTs who went to a weekend course in manipulation, instead of the numerous semesters of learning that a DC will have as part of their normal coursework.

@NataliePortland, what's your issue? Why do you care so much about this particular topic?

betterdeadthanreddit ,

Yeah NataliePortland, why do you care that people are getting ripped off and, in some cases, injured or killed for no benefit? They’re not even you, it makes no sense.

ForestOrca , avatar

I could start spending my time bashing various professions, I suppose, but I've got better things to do. However, since you are obviously interesting in people being ripped off, injured or killed here's this, the first article that came up on search from PubMed:

Our prescription drugs kill us in large numbers


Our prescription drugs are the third leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer in the United States and Europe. Around half of those who die have taken their drugs correctly; the other half die because of errors, such as too high a dose or use of a drug despite contraindications. Our drug agencies are not particularly helpful, as they rely on fake fixes, which are a long list of warnings, precautions, and contraindications for each drug, although they know that no doctor can possibly master all of these. Major reasons for the many drug deaths are impotent drug regulation, widespread crime that includes corruption of the scientific evidence about drugs and bribery of doctors, and lies in drug marketing, which is as harmful as tobacco marketing and, therefore, should be banned. We should take far fewer drugs, and patients should carefully study the package inserts of the drugs their doctors prescribe for them and independent information sources about drugs such as Cochrane reviews, which will make it easier for them to say "no thanks".

It is a free article, so you can read the whole thing, if you wish to be better informed.

The second one is from US News and World Report:

Death by Prescription


betterdeadthanreddit ,

No professions are being bashed here, just liars and thieves. One can be a professional thief, of course, but it’s not a respectable line of work and I won’t waste too much time hand-wringing over what they and their supporters feel about what I say.

Here’s one simple test: for a risk to be acceptable, there must be a benefit which can be achieved through taking that risk. Low risk, high benefit is good and high risk, low benefit is bad. I’m not going to defend the whole prescription drug industry because obviously it has its share of shitheads. Still, the broad range of products tends to fall on the favorable side of the risk/benefit balance when used as intended which is something I can’t say for no-benefit practices like chiropractic, osteopathic or any of the other imitation medicine offerings out there.

Rhynoplaz ,

I’ve been cracking nearly every joint in my body for my whole life. So, I understand that it can feel amazing when you get 10 good pops down your spine.

On two occasions (over 40 years) my neck was so stiff, it caused incredible pain to move it at all.

Both of those times, someone I know recommended a chiropractor. Each time, I went in for an initial appointment and a follow up, and every single time, I left feeling exactly as miserable as when I walked in the door.

The first guy karate chopped my neck, which made it hurt more for the rest of the day. And the second guy just put some electrodes on my back and left the room while the machine zapped me for ten minutes. Neither of them ever claimed to know what was wrong or how to fix it. They just said, “We can try this and see how you feel. 🤷🏻‍♂️”

I’ve seen no evidence that they can do anything more than what I was able to figure out with a chair in 4th grade.

OutlierBlue ,

They just said, “We can try this and see how you feel.

They know they’re giving you a placebo. Sometimes it “works”, other times it doesn’t.

stallmer , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

One of my best friend’s fathers was an MD before retiring.

The cadaver he used in med school: broken neck during an “alignment” at a chiropractor’s office.

Anecdotal evidence for sure, but definitely a story that I think of whenever someone talks about going to a chiropractor.

victorz ,

One of my best friend’s fathers

How many fathers did they have?

stallmer ,

Touché. Ya got me!

SocialMediaRefugee , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

Even if they made me feel better it is so temporary that I’d have to come again, and again. I’d rather go to a massage therapist who could also get the rest of my body too without the risk of vertebral artery dissection.

The best thing I’ve found for my back is slow, varied motions and stretches. I do tai chi and qigong and they really loosen me up.

nicetriangle , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"

I went to a chiro for a while and it did help but I think it was mainly because they'd have me do a fairly comprehensive set of stretches at the beginning of each visit. I stopped going to the chiro but I keep doing the stretches.

kibiz0r , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective"
insomniac_lemon , to youshouldknow in YSK that chiropractors are not medical doctors and "Systematic reviews... have found no evidence that chiropractic manipulation is effective" avatar

It seems to me that atlas orthogonal adjustment is more of a real thing offered than just getting your neck twisted, then again as someone who probably needs that (I had whiplash many years ago) I have no idea if the places near me have the equipment for it (or x-ray stuff needed) so that along with paperwork/scheduling has stopped me.

sculd , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone

Ah…the good old wikipedia drama. I remember some said wikipedia is playing an MMO, and I completely agree.

I used to do translations for pages until I realize there is so much drama going on.

jarfil , (edited )

I think in this case MMO is another word for “people will people”.

IRL people talk behind each other’s backs, online they sockpuppet, spreading rumors and half-truths, or even outright lies. It’s always been like that, but places like Wikipedia have better transparency tools to track them down, better than trying to track what some people talked about over a cup of tea, or while walking their dogs in the park.

sculd ,

Oh I agree with you.

I will give some more info on what I saw at wikipedia, which arguable is common knowledge.

After I translated pages, I noticed people coming in to make small edits. I don’t mind those, but is baffled that people seem to be making meaningless changes all the time. Not to mention I am pretty sure I am more knowledgeable on said subjects than those “editors”.

I later realized that the number of edits and the number of edited pages count towards some arbitrary numbers which people can use to claim and move up the ladder of admin rights. It all made sense on why there are so many minimal edits performed by individuals. They are looking for low hanging fruit.

It soured my feelings toward wikipedia. I thought of it as a good volunteer project. Turns out some people play it as a numbers game. And they have enormous influence on the site.

Those people than use their power to suppress whatever they don’t like to see on wikipedia, similar to what OP posted.

By the way, to understand how absurd wikipedia’s system is, please take a look at the following news:

Why Emily St John Mandel asked for help getting divorced on Wikipedia

Aatube OP , avatar

Well, edit count actually doesn’t matter at all in the scheme of admin rights, but some people think it to be some part of their ego. Getting admin rights is apparently exhausting and people usually oppose territorial people from getting admin. Also I’m curious how meaningless the edits were, copyediting is also important.

sculd ,

That was more than 10 years ago. Maybe the changes are indeed meaningful and maybe I was too young at that time. And I honestly don’t mind people making changes.

What made me quit was accidentally reading about wikipedia dramas and realized I was participating in a giant MMO in text. It was not a good feeling.

I do volunteer work to feel good. (Yes, really.) I still sometimes do volunteer work. Just not on wiki.

jarfil ,

I know about those, and I have to partially disagree.

The number of edits limits were introduced to filter out people who had no clue, or wish to have a clue, about how Wikipedia worked. I remember having to spend some time on the latest edits page looking for vandalism, or searching for misspellings, or helping people with the formatting of their articles, to get to a minimum number of edits needed for some vote. I learned a lot during that time, and I think it was a reasonable way of achieving it.

Where it started getting out of hand, is when over time the minimum number of edits got increased, and increased again, and again… getting into silly amounts more fit for a bot than for an actual human.

I haven’t looked at it for several years, probably lost my voting rights long ago.

Why Emily St John Mandel asked for help getting divorced on Wikipedia

This isn’t absurd, it’s one of the safety mechanisms to keep a minimum of quality to the information included in the Wikipedia: to be a tertiary source.

Anyone can be a primary source; they might be the ones with the most knowledge… or some rando making stuff up. Wikipedia doesn’t have a panel of experts capable of judging this, or even people in charge of verifying the identity of anyone, so instead it simply rejects all primary sources as a rule.

Because of that, Wikipedia is based on secondary sources and their reputation, on people deciding to analyze, and verify more or less, what someone else is saying.

It isn’t absurd, it’s the only way to run a project where everyone can edit everything, including people totally clueless of the subject at hand… who can nonetheless report on the analyses done by secondary sources, help with the formatting, spell checking, or double check the validity of sources added by others.

I am pretty sure I am more knowledgeable on said subjects than those “editors”.

That’s the thing: you may be pretty sure, but Wikipedia has no way of knowing whether that’s true, and doesn’t even try to.

If you are more knowledgeable, you’re free to become a primary source and publish your stuff, whether through academic means or simply on a website.

If you’d rather apply your knowledge to analyzing the articles of others, you can become a secondary source just as easily, start a WordPress or Medium blog and go ahead… but don’t forget to cite your primary sources.

Wikipedia is the entry point for people totally clueless about a topic, aimed not towards presenting knowledge, although it does some of that, but mainly towards presenting where to learn more.

It isn’t a perfect system, ideally you’d hire a panel of experts and have them curate all content… but that comes with a whole set of problems, that would never have let Wikipedia reach the size it has as fast as it has.

Keep in mind the original Encyclopédistes took 19 years to publish a single edition with little over 70,000 articles, while the Wikipedia has grown to 6.7 million articles in just 22 years (Size of Wikipedia as of Nov 2023)… plus some more in a bunch of different languages.

Aatube OP , avatar

I agree. They weren’t talking about protection though, they were talking about edit counts–ism

jarfil ,

I’ve checked it now, and I see the permission systems have been changed since I was last seriously active on Wikipedia.

Somewhat ironically, I’ve now found a years old notification for a deletion vote… which I couldn’t take part in, because at the time I was busy almost dying. Funny how these things work.

sculd ,

This is a very convincing argument.

I guess this shows the difference between projects run by hired staff and a volunteer project who had to guard against bad actors.

Since I have only worked on one side it is easy to miss out on the reason those safeguards exist.

And btw I am publishing as primary source as well ! Maybe that is more suitable for me!

interolivary , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone avatar

As someone who only tried making some random corrections here and there and wasn’t all that “in” in the whole editing world, over time the experience was miserable enough that I simply don’t bother anymore.

More than once I tried correcting the Finnish version of some pages on a specific subject that had pretty blatant misrepresentations of what the source material actually said (as in they actually ended up claiming the opposite of what the source or the English page said), and my edits were reverted by some “power admin” who was treating the pages on that subject as their personal fiefdom. They refused to have any sort of rational discussion about it, and it turned into them just using obscure (to me, anyhow) Wikipedia policy references to get their way and I simply couldn’t be arsed to figure out how to get around this particular asshole.

As someone here in the comments said, “people will people.” Too many Wikipedia admins are in it simply for the feeling of power, and Wikipedia’s frankly quite complicated policy is used more as a weapon against people who dare encroach on their turf rather than as rules for ensuring good-quality pages.

Edit: also, am I the only one who keeps accidentally clicking on Lemmy’s “delete comment” button when meaning to edit a comment? Why in the everliving fuck doesn’t it ask for confirmation?

PoolloverNathan ,

also, am I the only one who keeps accidentally clicking on Lemmy’s “delete comment” button when meaning to edit a comment?

You’re not, but clicking it again undeletes it.

interolivary , avatar

… guess it’s better I found that out now rather than later 😅

Aatube OP , avatar

I’d love to take a look

interolivary , avatar

It’s been a good while so I’m not sure I could even pinpoint the articles anymore, and I honestly don’t really care at this point

Lols , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone

this is an extraordinarily terrible title

Aatube OP , avatar

read the sign

Shardikprime , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone

Whack if truthfull

Usernameblankface , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone avatar

Is it the same person who runs awkwardtheturtle account?

Sorry to anyone who had their PTSD triggered by seeing that username

OldWoodFrame ,

Everybody who isn’t you, is Unidan.

Excrubulent , (edited ) avatar

You just reminded me that everyone on reddit is a bot. Which… is getting closer to the actual truth these days.

SARGEx117 ,

Here’s the thing…

Solarius ,

I’ve had personal experience dealing with them and they’re by far the worst and most narcissistic individual I’ve had the displeasure of interacting with.

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

What’s their deal? I never paid much mind to that whole side of reddit when I was on there. They just modded a bunch of subs or something right?

Usernameblankface , (edited ) avatar

They modded several subs, including r/advice and /offmychest. They were incredibly touchy and prone to calling people stupid for not understanding their convoluted rules. I got banned for responding to a post that they deemed to be on the wrong sub. They didn’t have time to create a copy-paste to redirect people to what they thought was a more appropriate sub, but they did have time to write individual replies about how stupid I am and how I should have learned (not to question them, I guess?)

BarrelAgedBoredom ,

Yikes, that’s peak reddit right there

monsieur_jean ,

Makes me think, how many fediverse accounts has awkwardtheturtle created yet? How many instances are run on his servers? :D

sour , avatar

does awkwardtheturtle know about the fediverse

frickineh ,

Are there enough of us here to give them the attention/drama they clearly crave?

Kecessa , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone

The fuck is that title?

Aatube OP , avatar

Bastardized By Yours Truly

Kecessa ,

But why? “Extremely banned”, what the fuck?

Aatube OP , avatar

In addition, extensive evidence was presented during the case, backed up by analysis from Jayen466 in the workshop, that Wifione was likely a reincarnation of an editor who was blocked for extensive sock-puppetry in 2008, after abusing dozens of accounts to conduct a similar campaign over a period of several years which included threatening editors who persistently challenged the abuse. Arbitrators were sufficiently satisfied by the evidence of sock-puppetry that they passed (by a majority of ten to two) a finding of fact stating that Wifione was likely a sock-puppet, and thus that the account was created in violation of a block.

Kecessa ,

No, I mean those two words don’t fit next to each other, your title is just shit!

Aatube OP , avatar

That part isn't my title and your wording is shine. Rise, boy, adverbs can describe gerunds.

JustZ , avatar

God dam.

Gargantu8 ,

What is going on?? Lol

AtmaJnana ,

Maybe OP is the banned admin trying to obtain some notariety from it. /s

Aatube OP , avatar

After reading HPMOR I now like to confuse people

Kecessa ,

The way they’re arranged is yours though, the original makes it much clearer what was meant.

Aatube OP , avatar

Hmm, how so? I don’t really see that.

Kecessa ,

Original from your link:

Admin bewilderingly unmasks self as sockpuppet of other admin who was extremely banned in 2015

The only thing you needed to add was “Wikipedia” as the first word and you had a phrase that was clear to everyone. You butchered the title.

Aatube OP , avatar

So your suggestion is that I should add "other" before the second occurrence of the word "admin"?

Kecessa ,

No, my suggestion is you should have left the title as is and your only modification should have been to add “Wikipedia” at the beginning to make it clear what community was concerned.

Aatube OP , avatar

People don't necessarily know what "sockpuppet" means, and the placement of "bewilderingly" makes it sound a bit like the admin was bewildered.

Also, Capitalizing Every Single Word Is Very Fun.

Kecessa ,

Ok, you’re just a troll, goodbye.

Aatube OP , avatar

Aatube OP , avatar


Search engine optimisation (finding of fact)

  1. Wifione has edited Wikipedia to the advantage of the IIPM and to the detriment of its competitors, in a manner consistent with attempts to optimise search engine results. (See Jehochman's evidence and Harry Mitchell's analysis.)

    Passed 12 to 0 at 12:11, 2015-02-13 (8 years, 8 months, 25 days ago) (UTC−5)

Sock puppetry

  1. Following a review of Jayen466's evidence and a historic CheckUser result, the Committee considers it likely that User:Wifione is a sockpuppet of User:Empengent, formerly Mrinal Pandey. The User:Wifione account was created and operated while Empengent (talk · contribs) was blocked.

    Passed 10 to 2 at 12:11, 2015-02-13 (8 years, 8 months, 25 days ago) (UTC−5)

Endless disputes

  1. Commentary – varying from constructive criticism to ad hominem remarks – about Wifione has been posted in many forums on many occasions over five years without resolution. Forums include: Wikiquette assistance ([11], [12], [13]); the Administrators' noticeboard, ([14]); the Administrators' noticeboard/Incidents ([15], [16]); Jimmy Wales' talk page ([17], [18], [19], [20]) and Editor review/Wifione [21]).

    Passed 12 to 0 at 12:11, 2015-02-13 (8 years, 8 months, 25 days ago) (UTC−5)

Basically notorious.

Gargantu8 ,

Threw me off so hard!

Darkenfolk ,

Extreme baby! sounds of explosions and massive fireballs

The guy was not just ‘perma banned’, they rolled out the fucking carpet for him while there was heavy metal playing in the background.

Extremely banned™’ was the closest way to even begin describing how utterly hard the guy was banned.

1847953620 ,

Bannedly Broken 🥵

mojo ,

It means banned but like giga banned

1847953620 ,
1847953620 ,

as opposed to gently banned a little bit

raptir ,

I love that you take ownership of your mistakes. I’ll be putting this in your annual review.

Rentlar , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone
HawlSera , to technology in Wikipedia Admin Unmasks As Alt Account Of Admin Who Was Extremely Banned In 2015 To The Great Bewilderment Of Everyone

I mean I thought something wasn’t right, a lot of Articles have been rather sus lately

Aatube OP , avatar


which articles? talk about them on their article talk pages

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