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ftothe3 , to worldnews in Drone video shows how perilous the situation was for those stranded in the Pakistan cable car

“The owner of the cable car company in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province was later arrested by police on multiple charges including negligence and endangering valuable lives.”

… Are some some lives that aren’t valuable?

Astroturfed ,

From my knowledge of Pakistan, women or anyone not ethnically Pakistani. They would not be valuable lives.

Sharkwellington ,

…sheesh. 😬

SiyahGuraag ,

WOW, Your Ignorance and Discrimination amazes me. I myself am a Pakistani, and I have no love for it. But what you say is wrong. You’re saying No Woman’s life is valued in Pakistan? How can that even be possible? and it’s a bad place for women to be, there are definitely better places. It, however, is not as Black and White as your comment makes it out to be. It’s not like some barbarian country where Woman are raped, and Killed everyday, on the streets or something. I would also request you to educate yourself that Pakistani is not an ethnicity, it’s a nationality. Sindhi, Punjabi, Pashtun, and Baloch are some of the ethnicities found in Pakistan. So, you read one Negative News Headline, you’ve just made up your mind that Pakistan is full of savages and barbarians. Dear, sir, Please educate yourself, and don’t be so discriminationatory.

Astroturfed ,

So upset that I don’t love your xenophobic Islam based country…

SiyahGuraag ,

I have not met one person here that was Xenophobic towards foreigners. You seem to be Xenophobic, dude. You have this discriminationatory and a wrong image of a country and you don’t want to admit that you’re wrong. I also want to admit that I have no love for Pakistan, I hate Pakistan, because I know it’s rulers’ evil doings and corruption. You seem to think that every common person living in Pakistan is a Barbarian, and hates women. Please, educate yourself. Why the FUCK would I be upset? Fuck Pakistan, there I said it. I care not one bit for Pakistan as a country. I just don’t want people on Lemmy to have a negative image of a country without knowing anything about it.

Astroturfed ,

So, you admit it’s horrible and are mad because other people know that? Weird opinion.

SiyahGuraag ,

You’re a hateful person, Sir. Please seek help. No one hates women here. The average Pakistani, whether or not Literate, doesn’t hate women and values their lives. Islam has nothing to do with this. I know in what aspects it is horrible. You think we’re savages, don’t you? You’re a hateful person, and it is hurting my brain to know that people like you exist. Funny how you think we’re Xenophobic, yet you think we’re savages. WOW, Seek Help and Education.

Astroturfed ,

So sorry I rustled your jimmies with reality.

GnuLinuxDude , avatar

lol holy shit there it is. get a fucking grip, dude.

CaptFeather ,

Maybe it’s just poor wording that implies life in general is valuable?

ImpossibleRubiksCube , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

Plane crashes. For when falling out of a window just doesn’t send a strong enough message.

victron , avatar

Suicide by 5 shots to the back of the head wouldn’t cut it either.

ImpossibleRubiksCube ,

Forensic experts agree that he fired one bullet, then fell backward on top of the other four.

SpookyGenderCommunist , to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

Yo, they fucking Lin Bioa’d him for real

420blazeit69 ,

They Lin Blow’d his ass out of the sky

Syldon , to news in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

This is quickly going to be come Russia’s Epstein moment imo. Prigozhin has faked his death a few times now. He had a wardrobe full of disguise gear in his St Petersburg house. He could quite easily just vanish into Brazil.

riley0 , to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

I’ve been following this on Russian- and English-language sites. Nobody but BBC alleged Russian responsibility, and they cited no evidence. Remember when Boris Johnson personally tanked peace negotiations?

Atomic ,

No, everyone else just says it between the lines instead. Hinting at it if you will.

Maybe it’s just dangerous to be above the ground in Russia. So many people are mistakenly falling out of windows these days.

riley0 , avatar

I have to ask, who else these days? b/c I fear we are demonizing Russia, Russians, and Putin the same way we demonized Iraq, Arabs, and Saddam Husein before our awful foray into that country. UK and France have been actively discouraging Ukraine during peace negotiations. See for yourself.…/Peace_negotiations_in_the_Russ…

Atomic ,

Yes, poor Putin, the innocent victim in all of this, he doesn’t deserve to be demonized. Quite frankly, it’s Ukraine’s fault for being invaded.

and just to make it incredibly clear. That was sarcasm. Because I’m a little worried you wouldn’t be able to pick up on that.

riley0 , avatar

Ah, poor NATO citzen, having their spoon-fed, govt-approved view of the world challenged by someone who actually pays attention to what the rest of the world says. Wallow in your ignorance. I’m done.

Atomic ,

As a matter of fact. I’m not a NATO citizen. Try better.

Magnus ,

A plane with a lost wing that looks to have been hit by a missile with photos of it falling from the sky and videos of the explosion as it hits the ground on Russian soil. Russia tanked peace negotiations when they didn’t leave Ukraine.

There is more evidence about this than evidence of Putins butthole. I guess the only people who will really know are the salad flipping pro Russian propagandists.

riley0 , avatar

Show us the evidence.

pewgar_seemsimandroid , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

when communism die

floofloof ,

Communism in Russia died in 1991.

pewgar_seemsimandroid ,

ye but xi ji bing exist

HornyOnMain , to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

Hexbear and default lemmy libs coming together to laugh at prigozhin getting merced is so goddamn funny lmao.

Literally the no more brother wars meme

ImmortanStalin ,

Gotta take a moment to appreciate the little things

aport ,

Default lemmy libs are happy the leader of a war-crimes-for-hire org is dead.

Hexbear smoothbrains are happy that daddy Putin murdered a political rival.

We are not the same.

HornyOnMain , avatar

Nah i’m happy that another war criminal Nazi is dead, literally no hexbear user likes either prigozhin or putin

aport ,

Oh, I must have had you confused for another group. Thanks for the correction.

HornyOnMain , avatar

All hexbear users are communists or anarchists of some kind and like we don’t like the west particularly much and users from the instance have been getting into a lot of arguments about politics with default lemmy users - but we also really dislike neoliberal anti-communist gangsters like Putin, and we fucking despise Nazis PMCs like Prigozhin so in this moment it’s a common enemy dying so both groups are happy

bagend ,

Nah people just lie about us.

Awoo ,

Hexbear smoothbrains are happy that daddy Putin murdered a political rival.

This nonsense is like screaming that Charles Dickens writes books about scifi robots in space. It just demonstrates that you’ve completely failed to do even the most basic level of effort to understand what the actual beliefs of anyone on Hexbear are. You just completely make up your own reality based on some cartoon you have in your head.

Like seriously, go and talk to people first before stating such wrong things so matter of factly.

aport ,

Ok, thank you for the correction. My mistake was believing what others had said about hexbear rather than reading posts in the community myself.

spectre ,

Stop by the news megathread sometime and see/ask for yourself. You probably won’t agree with a lot of stuff (and even that’s partly cause there’s layers of irony caked onto the walls), but it’s not quite as bad as you think.

brain_in_a_box ,
voight , avatar

Putin 🤝 Hexbear 🤝 Lemmy

MossyFeathers , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

The thing I find strange about this is, why was he in Russia to begin with? I thought he was last seen in Africa just a couple days ago. How’d he end up on a plane flying between Moscow and St. Petersburg?

gonzo0815 ,

I’m not sure but I think they might have some airports in Africa.

lagomorphlecture ,

That doesn’t sound right. I’m pretty sure you can’t get there by boat either. I can’t really imagine him walking to Russia that fast so this sounds like fake news.

chili1553 ,

big;;;; if true

MossyFeathers ,

gasp but that’s… That’s… impossible! But I was told Africa was all mud huts and wooden spears!!!

Joking aside, I know Africa has airports, but since Wagner has been supposedly moving their operations to Africa to fight against groups like ISIS and al Qaeda I’m a bit surprised that he wasn’t busy setting up operations there. I would think he’d want to be overseeing the operations there since it sounded like they were going to be making that their primary mission now.

Maybe daddy Putin got angy because the move was pulling soldiers out of Russia to fight in Africa. Then he called him for an in-person scolding, and when the scolding didn’t get through to him, Putin had to make an example of him.

Another possibility is that it wasn’t Putin, but instead another military leader who got pissy about Prigozhin being daddy’s favorite, in which case we might see another person fall out a window.

Or maybe it’s all a hoax because Prigozhin knows his life will probably end when his usefulness expires, so he faked his death to try and avoid Putin’s wrath after the war is over.

gonzo0815 ,

I think Putin just waited for some Wagner bosses to be on the same plane. Prigozhin has been successful in Niger and felt safe to fly with Utkin. The leftovers of Wagner will now be integrated into the Russian military.

stebo02 , avatar

I’m not sure but maybe him being in Africa was a lie? Maybe to make Putin think he’s not in Russia anymore?

skillissuer , avatar

he recorded a video yelling about something somewhere in sahel two days before incident, and next day he went to russia

why would he stage it up? wagner has known activities in africa

gonzo0815 , (edited ) to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

I wonder if there is a correlation between drop height and importance of the persons he’s killing.

Asymptote ,

Oh that’s why I fell over my kids’ toys. I’m unimportant but it WAS Putin!

stebo02 , avatar

would that mean your child is a Russian spy?

Asymptote ,

Not spy necessarily, but ruthless tool of the Russian system.

gonzo0815 ,

Great, so we already have two data points now!

urfavlaura ,

time to interpolate

drekly ,


uis , avatar

Insert “I like to extrapolate” meme here

CaptainFortissimo ,

dude, wtf? That literally happened to me today. I was bringing my kid a bowl of strawberries when I stepped right on top of a little toy house. Me on the floor. Strawberries all over the place. And all my kid could say was “wow, that was scary,” and then went back to playing. Savage.

UnlimitedRumination ,

Your kid is metal af

CaptainFortissimo ,

4 year olds, man. They’re ruthless.

teuast ,

it’s cause your kids ain’t putin their toys away

Asymptote ,

From time to time people like to try to bring levity and light to their lives by telling jokes. These jokes can make people smile or laugh and are generally considered as a good thing to make peoples lives better and more bearable.

I hope that helps.

teuast ,

yes, i know, i was doing that. i know how to spell “putting.”

Asymptote ,

omfglol, do I have egg on my face now

I thought you were autistic and my reply was indeed an attempt at spelling it out for a fellow autiste

teuast ,

fair enough lol no worries

designatedhacker ,

Here’s hoping he had a dead man’s switch that releases tons of kompromat.

uis , avatar

Well, Navalny didn’t fall, but Putin attemped to poison him

hexabs ,

He didn’t want to birth a martyr

halfempty , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

Well, Putin rigging an airplane crash is a bit more creative than the usual "jumped out of a hotel window" scenario...

Badass_panda ,

“No it was totally an accident, no way Putin would kill a whole plane full of people just to get this one guy!”

uis , avatar

There were from 3 to 10 people on plane

MeredithTheAngel , avatar

Perhaps Prigozin always booked ground floor apartments

Olympus , to worldnews in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

I am shocked I tell you. Who could have predicted such an accident

gravitas_deficiency , to news in Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin feared dead after Russia plane crash



Xeknos , to news in Wagner boss Yevgeny Prigozhin feared dead after Russia plane crash avatar


VediusPollio , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia avatar

These Russian characters sure are dramatic. When this is all over I hope we get some good documentaries and movies about this whole special military operation fiasco.

Ew0 ,

Russia 2: Prigozhin Boogaloo

uis , avatar

Team Fortress 2, Electric Boogaloo update

Badass_panda ,

It may have taken 64 years but at least we got The Death of Stalin out of that one guy’s enthusiastic genociding, it isn’t all bad

alvaniss , to world in Wagner boss Prigozhin killed in plane crash in Russia

It would have been really nice if he had gotten a life sentence in prison instead of that. Just too simple escape for the terrorist. Also it was very stupid to trust dictator’s words when you are half way through the coup of his country

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