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Something_Complex , to world in Greece illegal immigrant boat disaster: More than 300 Pakistanis dead in Mediterranean tragedy, official says

And everyone posting attention to some millionaires in their submarine doing this as an option instead of as a need to get a better life, escape hunger or poverty.

toxic ,

Possible rescue story is more interesting than hundreds dead. It’s sad but we hear about death all the time at this point.

basequal ,

TBF the boat disaster could have been a rescue story as well if someone cared enough. There are two major countries naval fleets in the Atlantic, whereas the story is much different in the Mediterranean.

JasSmith ,

Europe has been dealing with illegal migrants just like this for decades. It's not a new story. The arguments have been made a million times already. Governments argue they need to stop these illegal crossing because they're dangerous, and they're shouted down by activists who believe there are no borders or something. There are billions of poor people in the world. They can't all fit in Europe. I'm sorry, but not every poor person deserves the right to life-long social security in a European country. We would collapse.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Honestly this sort of smug superiority cloaked in a thousand years of oppression is so fucking obnoxious.

Why is Europe so rich? What allows you to afford those social systems? Could it have been the systematic pillaging of the economies of the places whose refugees you now so smugly ‘decline’ helping.

The way you frame keeping people from dying at sea as some great burden to the state is fucking disgusting.

You fucking disgust me, frankly.

JasSmith ,

Why is Europe so rich?

Democracy, free speech, rule of law, the Enlightenment, less corruption, a proletarian work ethic, secularism, and more. The fact that you people think the only reason the West is doing well is because of acts from hundreds of years ago demonstrates such a superficial understanding of history it boggles the mind. Ethiopia and Liberia were never colonised, yet they perform just as well as all the other colonised African nations. This demonstrates that colonisation alone is clearly only one of many factors impacting prosperity in the region. As someone who grew up in Africa, allow me to explain how nations are run: corruption. In Nigeria, for example, where I have some experience, it's not even called "corruption." It's just how they do business and politics. "Gift giving" is just good manners. With such a set of values in place, you should not have any doubts about the reason for the lack of African prosperity.

I should remind you that all African nations have practised various forms of colonisation and slavery throughout history. Depending on the definition of the word, very few nations on Earth have not. Your Noble Savages trope is as tiresome as it is factually incorrect. At some point these nations will have to take responsibility for their current circumstances. Blaming other nations won't solve their problems, and we're going to close the doors soon.

AngrilyEatingMuffins ,

Jesus Christ I actually hate you. This smug, know-nothing (in every sense) bullshit is why everyone hates Europeans.

Literal white supremacist talking points, too. So that’s cool.

Europe invents fascism, racism, homophobia, has nonstop wars for thousands of years, still has kings but y’all motherfuckers try to pretend you’re the bastion of all that’s good in the world.

Fuck. Off.

JasSmith ,

You sound like a toddler having a temper tantrum. Are you used to echo chambers where everyone agrees with you?

StillPaisleyCat OP , to quarks in Sources (likely AMPTP) say ‘final deal’ sent to WGA for consideration avatar

Here’s a bit more cautious perspective in a round up of reports from The Daily Beast:

But sources familiar with the matter told NBC News, Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter on Saturday that one major sticking point was the language surrounding the use of artificial intelligence. According to Variety, those negotiations had largely come down to matters of fine print, signaling that a breakthrough may be close.

But sources familiar with the matter told NBC News, Variety, and The Hollywood Reporter on Saturday that one major sticking point was the language surrounding the use of artificial intelligence. According to Variety, those negotiations had largely come down to matters of fine print, signaling that a breakthrough may be close.

Maoo , to quarks in CNN analysis of WGA strike outcomes and impact avatar


This is the typical anti-union shlock that wants you to think of yourself as a consumer rather than a fellow worker. They even assert the tired cliche, “the strike might make your [X] more expensive!”, entirely without evidence, which is literally management’s line. They then proceed to quote several executives/business ghouls and their opinions without critically examining them. Not a single union voice was cited.

Every victory for worker solidarity benefits everyone else - everyone except the execs, of course.

StillPaisleyCat OP , avatar

I think this is a misread. Management is getting the blame in this article for making everyone worse off including themselves.

The unions aren’t being blamed at all in this for the strike. If anything their commitment is credited with bringing AMPTP back to the table early.

The article links back to earlier reports from May that AMPTP had a deliberate union-breaking strategy, and planned to refuse to negotiate or to come to the table before late October.

It’s not anti union to point out how management bad faith behaviour and refusal to negotiate is negative for an industry and the broader economy that surrounds it.

Strikes are a blunt and costly tool, but an essential tool. When they last for months as this one has, and one party has been refusing to negotiate on many terms for even months before the strike, everyone in the industry suffers. One of the key points in this article is that AMPTP has managed to lose the PR war of this strike, as they very much deserved.

CNN has been consistently reporting on how the AMPTP has been refusing to bargain, and it’s in this context that it’s weighing the costs of the strike. In comparison to the Hollywood-based media that are owned by the content conglomerates (e.g., Deadline) this is much more neutral reporting.

Maoo , avatar

Management is getting the blame in this article for making everyone worse off including themselves.

Anti-union shlock includes chiding management for not succeeding at various goals. An anti-union lawyer could’ve written this article, for how it reads.

The unions aren’t being blamed at all in this for the strike. If anything their commitment is credited with bringing AMPTP back to the table early.

I pointed out that the framing is inherently anti-union, emphasizing readers’ status as consumers rather than fellow workers. When strikes are framed entirely by their costs to you, it already sets up the union and workers to implicitly take blame. The last section is literally titled, “the consumer”. The last sentence is, “The real bottom line: We’re all almost certainly going to be asked to pay more for what we watch, wherever and however we watch it.”

Where is the heading, “the fellow worker”?

This is in every union buster’s handbook. It happens all the time. There are actual several framings of this vein throughout the article. Another is claiming that there will be less money to go around after the strike/TA, literally in one of those lopsided quotes from management and then uncritically repeated by the author two paragraphs later.

I’m not seeing anything in the article about bringing AMPTP back to the table early.

The article links back to earlier reports from May that AMPTP had a deliberate union-breaking strategy, and planned to refuse to negotiate or to come to the table before late October.

Links back to a previous article of someone from management anonymously saying they wanted to bleed the unions with a longer strike, yes. The only commentary made by the author is the claim that it didn’t work (obvious, since there’s a TA), that it ended up being bad PR. Also a good example of the light chiding a union-busting lawyer might give, lol. Though to be clear, it may not have backfired at all. Attempting to threaten and/or scare striking workers, to decrease their morale, is always in the playbook, and I’ve never seen management lose an opportunity to lie in order to achieve this. The union will usually use it as an example of how shit management is and try to rally against it even when it succeeded in scaring and demotivating a large chunk of the workers. I’ve seen it happen many times.

I don’t think the author is knowledgeable enough nor intentionally acting like a lawyer for studio execs, I think he’s just repeating framings handed down to him by those execs - framings that went through their lawyers. What he is guilty of is using, almost exclusively, their framings.

It’s not anti union to point out how management bad faith behaviour and refusal to negotiate is negative for an industry and the broader economy that surrounds it.

The article doesn’t say that.

Strikes are a blunt and costly tool, but an essential tool. When they last for months as this one has, and one party has been refusing to negotiate on many terms for even months before the strike, everyone in the industry suffers.

Incorrect. Execs never suffer, they just see slightly less good numbers in a war chest. Striking workers face hardship, yes, but then when they win, which requires sticking out long strikes, they receive all the benefits. It’s only the “consumer” that “suffers” the aftermath. See how the framing has gotten to you!? The tropes come for all of us, which is why we have to practice recognizing and opposing them.

One of the key points in this article is that AMPTP has managed to lose the PR war of this strike, as they very much deserved.

Yes, which reads like a friendly chiding of an ally’s loss. Really, I think the author is just lazy and either doesn’t know how to analyze the issue or avoided doing it, instead relying on lines from management.

CNN has been consistently reporting on how the AMPTP has been refusing to bargain, and it’s in this context that it’s weighing the costs of the strike. In comparison to the Hollywood-based media that are owned by the content conglomerates (e.g., Deadline) this is much more neutral reporting.

CNN is corporate garbage that must be consumed with a very critical lens.

Burn_The_Right , to world in Satellite images of China, US and Russia nuclear test sites show increase in activity | CNN


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  • Muehe ,

    Well probably. After all the permanent members of the UN security council released a joint statement that nuclear war would be bad (sic) roughly two month before the invasion of Ukraine began. With the clarity of hindsight it looks a lot like everybody knew what was going to happen and they wanted to reassure each other.

    Madison420 ,

    Probably, if you read the whole thing it says the us has been continually expanding theirs since 2018, you can’t really be too surprised that all the other major powers would too.

    Hanabie , to world in Satellite images of China, US and Russia nuclear test sites show increase in activity | CNN avatar

    Are there no actual news, do we have a need for panic articles yet?

    Chainweasel ,

    There was just a news story posted about Bruce Willis’ dementia and people in that thread were complaining that it’s not “real news” and that there must not be anything going on in the world at the moment.

    Swim , to world in Satellite images of China, US and Russia nuclear test sites show increase in activity | CNN

    i wonder if this has anything to do with the rise in cancer

    instamat OP , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport

    Text of the article:

    Hong Kong CNN — An American politician has been arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun into the city, according to a charge sheet seen by CNN, in what he has called an “honest mistake.”

    Washington state senator Jeff Wilson was arrested on Saturday at Hong Kong International Airport and charged with possession of a firearm without a license, the charge sheet states, an offense punishable by up to 14 years in prison and a fine of more than $12,000.

    Wilson appeared in the Sha Tin Magistrates’ Court on Monday and was granted bail, according to public broadcaster RTHK.

    The Republican state senator, whose full name is Stephen J. Wilson, said he did not realize he had packed his pistol in his briefcase while he and his wife were traveling for a five-week vacation to Southeast Asia, according to a statement posted on his website.

    “It was an honest mistake. And I expect the situation to be resolved shortly,” Wilson said in the statement.

    Wilson said he “discovered the weapon mid-flight between San Francisco and Hong Kong.”

    He “did not realize his pistol was in his briefcase when he passed through airport security in Portland, and baggage screeners failed to note it,” the statement added.

    Wilson said in the statement that when the plane landed in Hong Kong, he “immediately went to customs officials and called their attention to the issue.”

    In an emailed reply to CNN, a spokesman for the Transportation Security Administration said the “TSA is aware that a passenger on a flight departing from Portland International Airport Saturday passed through security and traveled with an unloaded firearm in his carry-on bag.” “The individual was arrested upon arrival in Hong Kong. TSA takes this situation very seriously and is currently investigating the circumstances,” it said.

    “The penalty for bringing a firearm to a TSA checkpoint may be as high as $15,000, and those stopped are ineligible for TSA PreCheck for up to five years,” it added.

    CNN has reached out to Portland International Airport, San Francisco International Airport and the US Consulate in Hong Kong for comment.

    Hong Kong’s Customs and Excise Department told CNN via email that it had no comment to make given legal proceedings are underway.

    Wilson faces his next court hearing in Hong Kong on October 30, RTHK reported.

    Under Hong Kong’s strict gun control laws, no one is allowed to possess any arms or ammunition unless they have a license from the Commissioner of Police. Licenses are only given to police officers, armed security guard services and operators of exclusive shooting range clubs.

    Gun violence is very rare in Hong Kong, unlike in the United States where firearms are now the No. 1 killer of children and teens.

    In Washington state, open carry is allowed for both long guns and handguns without a license, which means individuals can carry a firearm in many public areas, although private property owners may prohibit firearms on their property. However, a license is needed to carry concealed firearms in the state.

    Wilson noted in his statement that his pistol was registered in Washington state and that he holds a concealed pistol license.

    Blastasaurus ,

    Some TSA heads rolling at PDX.

    NumbersCanBeFun , avatar


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  • FuglyDuck , avatar

    Naw. They’re going to do some simulator training. Which game was it again thst hadade controversy because it had the player shooting up an airport?

    Corgisocks ,

    Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2

    MagicShel ,

    “TSA is aware that a passenger on a flight departing from Portland International Airport Saturday passed through security and traveled with an unloaded firearm in his carry-on bag.”

    Always be covering your ass. Point out that the gun was unloaded, as if this would have gone completely differently if there was any actual danger. Don’t fucking act like this wasn’t abject failure just because everyone got lucky and there weren’t bullets. You don’t get to take credit for that.

    Zoomboingding , avatar

    How… HOW does a GUN going through security not get noticed!? That’s the ONE thing that needs to be found.

    That said, I respect that it was promptly reported and genuinely hope that it was a mistake. I’ve accidentally flown carrying a pocket knife.

    robocall , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport avatar

    5 week vacation for a guy in public service?!?!

    Blackout , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport avatar

    Packing a gun and taking it to China is not an honest mistake. Its beyond stupid. This person should have to deal with the local punishments which are severe. The excuse "I forgot" when it comes to dangerous weapons should be inadmissible.

    vamp07 , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport

    Let the finger pointing begin.

    Snapperhead , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport

    And yet my wife gets stopped due to her bracelet triggering the alarm through the scanner.

    DaMonsterKnees , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport

    Would it be crass to suggest I think I know his ideological alignment?

    Snorf , to news in Washington state senator arrested in Hong Kong for carrying a gun through airport

    Responsible gun owner forgets he has a gun. Way to go senator!

    HerbalGamer , to news in ‘No Way To Prevent This’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

    Why a CNN article with the Onions headline?

    SturgiesYrFase , avatar

    Telling you man, we’re in the Biff-universe, gonna keep getting harder to tell the difference between the onion and reality

    awnery ,

    you don’t have to get weird with it. fake headlines are definitely not cool. also the real headlines, definitely not cool.

    Treczoks ,

    Because the Onion's headline is the core truth behind all this.

    Fondots ,

    Whether it’s the core truth or not

    ▶ 4. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.

    I believe the mods of this community usually choose not to actively enforce that rule, but if I’m in a news community, I want news, not memes and jokes. If we want to discuss it and even joke about it, that’s what the comment section is for.

    Illecors , to news in ‘No Way To Prevent This’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens

    Sensationalising headlines is not cool and against the rules of this sub.

    vivadanang ,

    headline is accurate as fuck, dunno what you’re talking about. it’s 100% accurate.

    Fondots ,

    Accurate or not

    ▶ 4. Post titles should be the same as the article used as source.

    I believe the mods of this community usually choose not to actively enforce that rule, but if I’m in a news community, I want news, not memes and jokes. If we want to discuss it and even joke about it, that’s what the comment section is for.

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