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meco03211 ,

Close. It was the school of hard knocks. Equally shitty.

meco03211 ,

The only one pulling shit out of their ass is you and your ridiculous pearl clutching slippery slope bullshit. If you don’t do stupid shit, you won’t get in trouble (and before you go all pedantic douche, I’m meaning in the context of gender discrimination and harassment).

meco03211 ,

And they do. But the US uses its political and economic influence to make it difficult to get anything to be able to explore nuclear tech for countries that aren’t totally stable. We can and should exercise that power when they threaten us, despite them being mostly empty threats.

meco03211 ,

I look at it like a discount. It’s 20% off. My wife can get mad when I buy things cause they’re on sale from Sam’s club. Not perishable stuff, but like soap or deodorants or canned goods. If something is on sale for $8 that’s normally $10, I’m getting a 20% discount on it. Or it’s like an investment. You’d be crazy not to invest money in something that was guaranteed a 20% return in less than a year.

meco03211 ,

It’s not gay in a three way. Just find two other dudes and have all the sinless fun you can have!

meco03211 ,

You don’t understand. I’m special. Those signs aren’t meant for me. They’re meant for the not special people. Now please take my picture as I pet this ornery looking buffalo. All my followers will love it.

meco03211 ,

Don’t look for unbiased sources. Those are nigh impossible to find. Instead, pick the facts out of the biased sources. Then dig into the implication of those facts.

For instance, it is a fact Obama wore a tan suit. Then some news sources and biased actors went off the fucking rails at how awful it was. It was such a sore spot for them, it garnered its very own Wikipedia article. And what is the implication of a tan suit? Nothing.


So you can look at those biased sources and ignore any apocalyptic prophesying. Find the facts. Not the fluff.

meco03211 ,

It is actually true though. Just the FAA’s definition of “near collision” is much much looser than what a lay person would think.

meco03211 ,

That shouldn’t be the case. Where that breaks down in more formal contexts is circular definitions. You don’t want to define one word using others that simply reference the defined word in their own definition. All words can be defined using the other available words. At some point it would become circular, but that’s of no consequence in the scope of all words.

meco03211 ,

Reminds me of this news story by the Onion. It was ruled that a young white woman would have to stand trial as a black man.

meco03211 ,

I’ve never understood that. How is serving sentences concurrently at all the same punishment? Are there cases where someone has two sentences that can be ruled either to serve consecutively or concurrently? Who makes that decision and what goes into it?

meco03211 ,

At least for the base autopilot (AP), the only system I’ve experience with, this is not true. My car doesn’t know it’s on a road with cross traffic. It only knows it’s on a road that it can see lane lines to differentiate lanes. It doesn’t even know which direction they are supposed to travel. If I cross the center line, I could activate AP and it would keep me centered in the lane with oncoming traffic. This was all thoroughly explained to me when I bought it. I had no misconceptions about it’s capability.

It really feels like the people who are so opposed to it are working off some major disinformation which only muddied the conversation when they state things that are plainly wrong or misuse terms.

meco03211 ,

Wouldn’t it be more like SARS back in the day? Before covid was cool. Pretty sure I heard we were on the brink of an epidemic but thanks to smart people and less wilfully proud ignorant douche bags, it didn’t.

meco03211 ,

You don’t want things falling on you. Having nothing above you kinda negates all that danger. Absent that, being in a sturdy structure is best. In California, most structures are built to withstand quakes.

meco03211 ,

Either bad bot, or this bot needs the ability to update if the title is corrected (or include the original title).

Can you correct titles on lemmy? I know you can’t on reddit.

meco03211 ,

I predict a fresh round of “suddenly died” from the antivax crowd without looking at this video or any other context.

Zapata resident files lawsuit against sheriff’s office claiming excessive force [to the point of requiring amputation] (

“His leg bent backwards in the opposite direction that your knee is supposed to bend, so forcefully, that his leg, you can hear it on the video, it makes a horrible crunching popping sound, and it just splits the leg all the way off, except for just a little tissue in the front,” said Barrientos. “The deputies had to apply...

meco03211 ,

I dunno why you’re getting downvoted. I agree. It’s unfair to animals to be compared to such vicious and nasty creatures.

meco03211 ,

Now now. He could die a grisly death due to exposure or wild animal attack when he attempts to go off grid to hide.

A driverless car in San Francisco drove right into wet concrete and got stuck after seemingly mistaking it for a regular road: 'It ain't got a brain' / The site had been marked off with constructio... (

A driverless car in San Francisco drove right into wet concrete and got stuck after seemingly mistaking it for a regular road: ‘It ain’t got a brain’ / The site had been marked off with constructio…::The site had been marked off with construction cones and workers stood with flags at each end of the block, according to...

meco03211 ,

Also, almost all safety numbers for transportation are meaningless unless normalized to miles driven. They also commented about these issues being “everywhere” then goes on a long diatribe against self driving cars. I rarely see anything about them likely based moreso on the media I consume. They clearly have a bias and the media they consume has likely been tailored to support that. Them seeing many articles on crashes or accidents is anecdotal at best (as it is with me having not seen many articles).

meco03211 ,

Damn. I’m imagining the absolute ass-ton of litigation for a slow-moving, self-driving car injuring a construction worker on the job who purposefully stood in the way of it to try to force it to stop.

meco03211 ,

Every time one of these things happens, there’s always comments here about how humans do these things too. Two responses to that:

First, human drivers are actually really good at driving. Here’s Cory Doctorow explaining this point:

Just saying “humans are good” is a flat statement with no impact. They would need to be better than self driving cars for that to mean anything. The reason this is always pointed out when news pops up of a self driving car having an accident like this, is because those stories don’t make headlines for someone like you to use as an anecdote.

There’s like a few hundred robot taxis driving relatively few miles, and the problems are constant.

This is where you didn’t normalize to miles. Amplified by the next sentence…

I don’t know of anyone who has plugged the numbers yet, but I suspect they look pretty bad by comparison.

You don’t know the numbers. You just feel strongly about it. That’s not evidence.

meco03211 ,

A lot of the ones that make it out to be greater than it is are just wishfully thinking. They imagine a place where they don’t need to make any changes while everything else must conform to their ideals and bend for them. They imagine trump is the answer to this. They typically have the simplest of beliefs and solutions that would fail even the slightest scrutiny.

meco03211 ,

And it’s so easy to get around that too. Just say “the Police killed a woman…” That is an absolute fact. Not saying murder which is a crime that they haven’t yet been found guilty of.

meco03211 ,

I wish reporters would flip this on the cops. “Two officers, with no active warrants, killed a woman.”

meco03211 ,

I wouldn’t necessarily be convinced of that. I’d put that in a similar category as climate change. It might catastrophically ravage the world, but I think humans would survive. It’s not the same punctuated event as nuclear fission. If a crazy person got control of nukes early in, they could wreak havoc on the world. Initial blasts kill tons of people, radiation would likely not be fully understood and fallout changes the global landscape before humanity can realistically react. Contrast that with global warming and microplastics, we know (we as in humanity in the broader sense) these are issues. It might need to get to the catastrophic ravaging before enough people are convinced, but eventually it will happen. And the intervening time won’t cause humans to go extinct. Sure billions might die, but not all.

meco03211 ,

Implantable devices can’t be compostable. Catheters and other things that will go inside your body cannot be compostable. That’s not the easy solution you think it is.

meco03211 ,

The packaging could not be either. Sterility has to be assured for the shelf life of the device. Those are typically years. These materials aren’t just cheap or convenient. They’ve been vetted over decades of research and testing.

Now this isn’t meant to rain on your parade. Just showing how even the best intentions can fall short. Tossing out solutions in areas you aren’t familiar with can just muddy discussions.

meco03211 ,

So will they need to refile charges to get the video? Or get the video and then decide to refile or not?

meco03211 ,

Superiors not understanding what the job entails helps. Superior says do task A. Old guy not too computer savvy takes a long time to do task A. Of guy retires and a new young girl gets the role. Superior says do task A. New young girl does it in a few minutes and has extra time. I’ve run into that a lot.

meco03211 ,

Sometimes those jobs that can be automated are already. At a previous job a coworker had been asked to prep a weekly report. When he took it on, this would take him half a day. I wanted to work on some excel macro skills so I worked with him to figure out what was needed. Wrote an ugly ass macro that worked for what was needed. I told him in no uncertain terms he should not tell anyone about the time savings. He should use it as he sees fit.

Same job different person. HR business partner called me into her office. Had an excel file open. Ultimately what they were asking was for a simple formatting issue. I’m talking like merge and center or using the format painter. A couple times. It took her longer to explain what she needed than it took to “fix” it. She exclaimed that it probably would have taken her hours to figure that out… there were also salaries on the spreadsheet…

meco03211 ,

That could go either way. Had a job where a guy retired and they suddenly found out no one knew what he did but it needed to be done. There were legit conversations about offering the retired guy contract work just to teach someone what he did. In that case the manager had the bullshit job that could have been eliminated.

meco03211 ,

And those alerts don’t come if you’ve overridden the system by putting a weight on the wheel or something.

meco03211 ,

I don’t understand why they’d sue Tesla.

Money. Tesla has much more money than the drunk.

meco03211 ,

Because people can’t pass out with just cruise control? He didn’t have 2.5 seconds. According to the article he had 45 minutes of multiple warnings.

meco03211 ,

presumably the people actually working in and running the hotels want them there - or else they would be closed

It might not be up to them. I imagine some places are run by shitty corporate overlords that don’t give two shits about the devastation.

meco03211 ,


Is that a typo or the actual term?

Do you exerience back spasms pain so intense it makes you black out?

Today was the second time this year I’d thrown out my back. The back muscle spasms are so bad it puts me in entirely different state of mind. It’s due to the amount of brain piercing bursts of pains I experience. Transferring from the floor to the couch almost had me black out. It only takes the slightest move to trigger the...

meco03211 ,

You uh… you might wanna see a doctor about that.

meco03211 ,

I dunno about you, but I’m certainly not voting for Hunter Biden in 2024.

meco03211 ,

In a dire situation you can live in your car. You can’t drive a house.

meco03211 ,

I remember that Bible verse fondly.

And yay, Jesus said unto the people, “I have taken these loaves of bread and water and turned them into a feast for all^1^”

^1^ Does not include anyone with a slightly darker skin tone^2^ or from outside of the greatest country ever^3^ or poor or lame or weak or obese or ugly or that doesn’t fit my perfect description of a person^4^

^2^ Unless that skin tone was achieved through baking oneself under harsh UV rays (real or artificial).

^3^ Obviously I mean the United States. That totally existed in biblical times you pedantic asshole.

^4^ Even if I don’t personally fit this description, this absolutely applies to me as well. I can be fat and poor and worthless, but fuck all you other people struggling with life. Be born better.

meco03211 ,

As long as OP doesn’t put any of their own money in though, are they really at risk of anything? Maybe the friend is trying to pump the numbers for users, but it seems analogous to casinos giving you money to play. If you just use their money and never your own you don’t lose and it’s a net loss for the casino.

meco03211 ,

“I’m sorry” begins to repeat statement “No I heard you. I’m just sorry.”

meco03211 ,

Houses are not the greatest example I think. It’s almost like saying a gentle breeze can move a massive sailboat. Better examples would be like rail cars that can be picked up. They don’t break apart into smaller and lighter pieces and have a much higher weight to surface area ratio so they don’t behave like sails.

People who back into parking spots: Why?

To me, it seems objectively easier to pull into a parking space forward and then back out of the space when you are ready to leave. You don’t have to line up with the lines while driving backwards, and it’s easier to keep from hitting other cars as well. So why back in? To me, the only advantage I can think of is that you...

meco03211 , (edited )

Is this purely “backing in” or does nose out qualify? I have gotten in the habit of parking away from the doors wherever I go. As a result the back of the lot is usually empty, allowing me to pull through a spot to be nose out in the next. I do this because it’s so much easier to be perfectly set in the parking space. You can usually see in your rear view the lines of the space behind and perfect depth with the back up camera.

meco03211 ,

Anyone know the reason behind such a regulation? What advantage or bonus do banks enjoy by sidestepping it?

meco03211 ,

Saying the suffering is the point gives them far too much credit I think. They lack the fundamental capability to understand the impacts of their decisions and position. They can’t go past the basic and horrifically oversimplified “murder is wrong”. They won’t entertain situations in which the life of the woman could come into play. They can’t fathom why anyone might not consider a fetus a person. They legitimately don’t understand that they could be wrong. So how on earth could they be wrong?

They cannot process the full depth of the situation. So they revert to the simplest interpretation they can manage.

meco03211 ,

I’m sure some places still have antiquated and unconstitutional laws on the books that might prohibit exactly that. Easy to put on paper but would fall at the slightest bit of opposition.

meco03211 ,

I’d assume it’s more of a ploy for trump to appeal on the basis of ineffective counsel.

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