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TheBeege ,

I’d argue it depends on context. When it comes to corporate budgeting, ‘resource’ is appropriate, as it could be a contracted company, a tool, or an individual. When it comes to actual manpower, I think referring by title is reasonable.

But in the context of hiring and HR, “resource” is the only term they understand, especially if there is trouble making the ROI clear

TheBeege , (edited )

Edit: wait, you might be right. As I understand, net neutrality is for the last mile ISPs, not the L1/L2 providers. So uh… what I explained below isn’t relevant. Eh, I’ll leave it in case people wanna learn stuff.

It was a bad explanation, assuming you had knowledge of network infrastructure things, but it does make sense. I’ll explain things if you’re interested.

Net neutrality is the idea that ISPs must treat all content providers equally. Your phone is not a content provider (most likely. You could run a web server on your phone, but… no). YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, TikTok, and your weird uncle’s WordPress site are content providers. Without net neutrality, ISPs can say, “Hey YouTube, people request a ton of traffic from you on our network. Pay up or we’ll slow down people’s connections to you.” The “neutrality” part means that ISPs must be neutral towards content providers, not discriminating against them for being high demand by consumers.

For the L1 and L2 part, that’s the networking infrastructure. The connection to your home is just tiny cables. I don’t recall how many layers there are, but it’s just “last mile” infrastructure. The network infrastructure between regions of the country or across the ocean are giant, giant cables managed by internet service providers you’ve never heard of. They’re the kind of providers that connect AT&T to Comcast. These are considered L1 or L2 providers. The data centers of giant companies, like Google for YouTube’s case, often pay these L1 or L2 providers to plug directly into their data centers. Why? Those providers are using the biggest, fastest cables to ferry bits and bytes across the planet. You might be pulling gigs from YouTube, but YouTube is putting out… shit, I don’t even know. Is there a terabyte connection? Maybe even petabyte? That sounds crazy. I dunno, I failed Google’s interview question where they asked me to estimate how much storage does Google Drive use globally. Anyway, I hope that gives you an idea of what L1 and L2 providers are.

I’m not a network infrastructure guy, though. If someone who actually knows what they’re talking about has corrections, I’d love to learn where I’m wrong

Philippines lodges its 'strongest protest' against China over a water cannon assault in disputed sea (

The Philippines lodged its “strongest protest” against Beijing on Monday and summoned a senior Chinese diplomat over a water cannon assault by the Chinese coast guard that injured Filipino navy crew members and heavily damaged their boat in the disputed South China Sea, officials said....

TheBeege ,

In case you were innocently using whataboutism without meaning to, here’s a tip to avoid it.

If you’re going to compare to the US or wherever, first ask yourself if that place was mentioned in the comment you’re replying to. If not, it’s whataboutism.

Who is doing the most good in the world, and how? (

My feed is filled with bad news, which is my fault for using the fediverse as a news feed, but it made me wonder: Which organisations, groups or individual people in the world are doing the most good for our world? I'm particularly interested in those who manage to do good on a larger impact scale (quantity or quality), but if...

TheBeege ,

I run a group that does free software programming education in Seoul. There’s a similar group in LA. When I came to Korea, I just set up a meetup account, paid the fee, rented some space, and started teaching people stuff and studying together. Great way to make friends. Been running it for 7 years now. I’ve had about a dozen or so people come say the group has helped them change their career to IT for the better. A dozen sounds like a small number, but it’s a huge impact on those people

So be the change you want to see. If you have a skill that can help people improve their lives, whether it’s career or life stuff, share it! Learning a new skill is hard, and having a community to support you in learning, goes a long way

TheBeege ,

Not the original commenter, but I would guess that the goal would be to reflect the population. Women are about 50% of the population, so assuming all things created equal, they should be about 50% of any other population, like those with a specific job title.

TheBeege ,

100/100 for 22,000 KRW/month (about $16.50 USD).

Other options with my provider:

  • 500/500 for 35,750 KRW ($26.85)
  • 1000/1000 for 41,250 KRW ($31)
  • 2500/2500 for 44,000 KRW ($33)
  • 5000/5000 for 55,000 KRW ($41.31)
  • 10000/10000 for 82,500 KRW ($62)

And that 100/100 is effective. Shit downloads fast

One of many, many reasons I’m not fond of going back to the US. Maybe Europe next, we’ll see. For now, Korea is pretty sweet

TheBeege ,

I work with machines to create lessons for other machines to learn how to figure out you’re sick before you feel sick.

Yeah… that sounds like bullshit haha

TheBeege ,

Ahahaha this is so obtuse. I love it. Bit of a brain teaser to parse that.

Let me see if I’m understanding correctly. Are you software QA or machine learning validation? Or am I totally off?

TheBeege ,

Very cool! Tough jobs. I have a new SQA engineer starting tomorrow. I’m really hoping I can support her well. Wish me luck

I hope all your bugs are easy but interesting and that the customers are kind

TheBeege ,

MechWarrior 2: 31st Century Combat

The Remembrance speaks to us on the evil of man’s will, of the reasons for Exodus, and the Rites of the Traveler. Arcadia is our destiny and our right. Enlightenment is our gift. By the Bloodnames of the founders we must return, return and protect that which is unique among the stars. Terra awaits us as it was written. We are the last of the Wardens, the sole hope for the Earth.

Wolves still prowl

TheBeege ,

I have zero idea what your angle is, but for the benefit of others…

Nazi-ism is a chosen belief system with a core belief in depriving other groups of basic human rights. The depriving other people of basic human rights is the key part.

Hate speech is directed towards people with attributes that they cannot change or religion. Religion gets added in there because changing religion is not a simple thing, and in major religions doesn’t hurt people. (Don’t start citing religious terrorists - that is fundamentalism within a religion and not a commonly shared belief among all followers.

So hating on nazis is cool.

TheBeege ,

The lack of policing ideas is what allowed Hitler to come to power. This is a result of the tolerance paradox. A tolerant society cannot tolerate intolerance, or it will erode into an intolerant society.

TheBeege ,

It’s not a matter of reward or punishment. It’s a matter of the skills required for continued success.

Early startups require big risk-taking, progressing at an absurd speed, charisma to get investor capital, and really just being a little crazy.

Once the concept is proven to be viable and potentially profitable, the focus needs to shift from proving it can work to making it sustainable. This involves less risk, process improvements to avoid issues like getting sued, better money management, more careful time management to avoid burnout of non-founder employees, and generally just being more rational about things.

It’s rare that a person can exhibit both of these sets of behaviors, so companies will often swap out the former for the latter as a company matures. If they didn’t, the founders might unintentionally drive the company into the ground by taking unnecessary risks after finding something that already works.

Does that answer your question, or did I miss the mark, still?

Mastodon and today's fediverse are unsafe by design and unsafe by default (

Even though millions of people left Twitter in 2023 – and millions more are ready to move as soon as there’s a viable alternative – the fediverse isn’t growing.1 One reason why: today’s fediverse is unsafe by design and unsafe by default – especially for Black and Indigenous people, women of color, LGBTAIQ2S+...

TheBeege ,

Maybe I’m part of the problem, and if so, please educate me, but I’m not understanding why blocking is ineffective…?

And block lists seem like an effective method to me.

The security improvements described seem reasonable, so it would be nice to get those merged.

I understand that curation and block lists require effort, but that’s the nature of an open platform. If you don’t want an open platform, that’s cool, too. Just create an instance that’s defederated by default and whitelist, then create a sectioned-off Fediverse of instances that align with your moderation principles.

I feel like I’ve gotta be missing something here. These solutions seem painfully obvious, but that usually means I’m missing some key caveat. Can someone fill me in?

TheBeege ,

This makes sense, especially considering the features the author cited. The by design parts may just be for clickbait purposes

TheBeege ,

Can anyone inform me regarding the purpose of preventing China from producing these more advanced chips? Is it protectionism? Is it anti-China policy? Is there some kind of particular military application?

TheBeege ,

And I’m guessing a smaller chip makes it even harder to detect. Makes sense. Thank you

TheBeege ,

Their arguments assume businesses operate in good faith. We fundamentally know that it’s not true, from overseas child labor by fast fashion to coal mining to IT security. This economist of theirs can fuck off

TheBeege ,

That was a really, really good article. My observations from living here for 7 years match, and I learned some stuff. It’s good to hear that these initiatives are happening. I try to teach coding in English as a non-profit, but I don’t know enough Korean to reach these other folks. I should do more

TheBeege ,

This community is on, which explicitly leans hard left. Maybe a memes community on another instance would be less like this

TheBeege ,

I was going to post something like this. Thank you for your service

TheBeege ,

It makes me sad the site seems to be pushing crypto. Or maybe it’s that crypto bros keep referencing the event? Chicken and egg? I dunno

TheBeege , (edited )

Haven’t read outliers, but I live in Korea. Weak people in authority here is a serious problem. See the Sewol ferry incident:

The culture of saving face and not causing disturbance compounds the problem. For example, some married couples prefer to not know if their partner is cheating so as to not disturb the peace of the family. Fortunately, this is becoming more rare, but it is still an issue.

Edit: Not agreeing with the previous comment. Just mentioning where the idea may have come from. I don’t believe Korean culture impacts plane crash rates. When the chain of command and responsibilities are clear, Koreans make stuff happen. It’s actually quite admirable. And cultural idiosyncrasies aside, people generally try to do what they believe to be the right thing, and not letting a plane crash is pretty right under normal circumstances

TheBeege ,

Ah, sorry. I realize I wasn’t clear at all. I wasn’t agreeing with the previous comment. Just mentioning how it was a problem. This author sounds like they don’t know much

TheBeege ,

Our parents thought “free handouts” weren’t good for us and were only for “bad people” which was inexplicably often black people

TheBeege ,

We do, actually! You should read up on immunotherapy. It’s not for everyone, but it works in many cases.

The metaphor holds up, too. With sufficient time and effort, you can make things work.

TheBeege ,

Unfortunately, the definitions change based on context.

When we’re talking about political and broad economic systems, private means non-government organizations. Public means government.

When we’re talking about a company’s status, public means its equity is traded on a public stock exchange. Private is everything else. So a ma and pop shop is a private company and a private organization. Microsoft is a public company but a private organization.

The rest of you commenters are assholes for talking to HardNut like this. They clearly don’t know these definitions, and rather than educate, you criticize to inflate your own egos and display some bogus superiority. Instead, explain the terms so constructive conversation can happen. Cue the “well it’s not my responsibility” crowd. If you want to promote your own ideas, education is a better method than mockery when it comes to those who aren’t clearly and steadfastly directly opposed to you. And even for those directly opposed to you, the display of educating wins third parties to your cause.

Good on you, HardNut for trying to Google things and figure them out on your own. The context between these two areas is tricky, and your understanding makes sense without the additional context. Sadly, we’re terrible at naming things.

TheBeege ,

Thank you for taking the education angle. I’d like to add another perspective for folks’ benefit. I’m not 100% sure it’s correct, so please correct me if I’m wrong.

Your labor has some value. Ideally, you should be paid a corresponding amount of wealth to the amount of value you generate through your labor. So you do $20 worth of work and get $20 worth of money. This is the ideal.

But how much labor is worth $20? Capitalism takes advantage of this ambiguity. The capitalist, e.g. a business owner or investor or similarly positioned person, pays you $19 for that $20 labor and pockets the remaining amount as profit. Sure, the capitalist likely provides some amount of leadership and direction, which is labor with value, but their compensation vastly exceeds the value they generate. This is why you see CEOs getting >300x the pay of their employees. The labor of these CEOs is not worth that much. One person’s labor literally cannot be worth that of 300 people. (Engineers may pipe in on that point, but please realize you’re in the same boat.)

If you see capitalism from this perspective, it makes sense why you would be angry. You’re literally getting short-changed for your effort. Not cool

So what’s the alternative? Well, there’s a bunch. Personally, I like the idea of employee-owned companies. This way, you get the advantage of pooling people’s resources, and any profit can be invested back into the company to generate more wealth for its employees or be held onto in case of a downturn. Both are better than a CEO’s pocket.

One issue is capital investment. Starting a company is expensive, and many companies take a long time to become profitable. If every company had to bootstrap, we’d see much fewer successes and much slower progress. I’m not exactly sure how to solve this, yet. Would love to hear folks’ ideas

TheBeege ,

All of that can be the same as other stacks except the Apache bit. You can stand up a Go application on Ubuntu hitting MariaDB as its persistence layer. Or Python. Or Node. Or Java. Or even Ruby. Shit, Haskell can do it.

Also, exec is a code smell. Arbitrary code execution is a massive security risk, and the effort to mitigate that risk is often less than explicitly building out the required functionality.

I think you need to explore more technologies, my friend. And read up on some security things

Edit: I now realize you mean exec as in calling out to a shell. All languages have this. Still, the overhead of spawning and managing a new process is often more than just implementing the logic in your application itself.

TheBeege ,

You haven’t read about the founding of modern Israel and the history of Zionism. Please do

(Before accusing me if being pro-terrorist, pro-Hamas whatever, know that I consider both entities unnecessarily violent and evil. But it is important to know why they are that way)

Elon Musk gives X employees one year to replace your bank - ‘You won’t need a bank account... it would blow my mind if we don’t have that rolled out by the end of next year.’ (

“If it involves money. It’ll be on our platform. Money or securities or whatever. So, it’s not just like send $20 to my friend. I’m talking about, like, you won’t need a bank account.”...

TheBeege ,

Sure, but when did bring in your right mind preclude you from being a customer? There are plenty of industries based on preying on idiots

TheBeege ,

I understand the bitterness, but whoever said the commenter wanted to do what capitalists demand? They just wanted to avoid bloodshed.

There are always options like general strikes, massive voting movements, etc. It’s just a matter of figuring out what will work and how to do it.

If you’re arguing that capitalists will respond with violence, that’s fair, but then the blame is on them, not the workers

TheBeege ,

Not 100% sure why, but i love this. Thank you

TheBeege ,

You incentivize the same way unions are growing now. Just show people the benefits and constantly shout it from the highest mountain tops.

So bb, tell me more about those sweet, sweet employee-owned companies for other readers’ benefit.

Tell me more about how employee owned companies are better at long term planning. Tell me more about how they’re concerned about balancing profit for survival’s sake with societal good. Tell me more about how they participate in the benefits of the free market via competition while not becoming all-consuming, profit-driven monsters. Tell me more about how they avoid stakeholder-chosen, sociopathic leadership in favor of leaders wanting the best for the company’s mission and its employees. Tell me more about the coffee shop branch that was shut down by its company and reopened as an employee-owned cafe. Tell me more about AAA. Tell me sweet nothings, bb

(And yes, I’m explicitly not talking about communism because it’s an emotionally charged concept, and i want to focus on things maybe people don’t know so much about)

US military says Chinese fighter jet came within 10 feet of B-52 bomber over South China Sea (

A Chinese fighter jet came within 10 feet of an American B-52 bomber flying over the South China Sea, nearly causing an accident, the U.S. military said, underscoring the potential for a mishap as both countries vie for influence in the region....

TheBeege ,

Don’t dare say Winnie the Pooh in China, friend.

TheBeege ,

I live in Seoul, which has superb public transit. It can work if designed well.

Busses have their own lanes to ensure traffic minimally affects them. Bus-train transfers are well managed. High density means that mass transit ends up being faster due to traffic concerns. Speed limits are quite low, which also makes vehicle accidents less lethal.

As for prohibitively expensive, that’s only if you don’t sufficiently tax your corporations ;)

So basically, vote for local and national government that will create an environment where public transit works

TheBeege ,

Chicken and egg problem. Crime highly correlates with poverty. People perceive transit as being a poor people thing because it’s cheap. Only poor people take transit. You get the gist.

Also, the incidence rate is probably lower than people’s perception. I lived in San Francisco for about 3 years and only experienced one incident while taking transit everyday. Of course, transit doesn’t have the problem mentioned above, so maybe it’s not the best example.

I tried taking transit a couple of times in LA and in my hometown in a suburb in Florida. Transit is underutilized in these places (read as, people see it as a poor person thing). It was surprisingly… uninteresting. It was just getting from A-to-B. People mostly just sat on their phones or stared out the window or chatted. Was quite nice.

So maybe grab a friend or two for safety, since you’re concerned about that, and give it a shot. I think you’ll be surprised.

But if you’re in LA or New York, the trains are super dirty. So uh, i recommend not one of those. No idea where you’re located

(Edit: I’m assuming you’re in the US because that kind of opinion is quite common there.)

TheBeege ,

Like everything these days, it depends. I live in Seoul, where the density is arguably too high. If you get on the line 2 train, which encircles Gangnam and the business and tourist districts, you’re gonna be a sardine. If you hop on line 3 far enough east, it’s totally chill during rush hour in August. Literally. Air conditioning. Wifi and cell signal. It’s luxurious compared to LA.

I think it’s just a matter of city planning. In Seoul’s case, I think they didn’t properly account for population growth and how much the inner-circle areas would boom. Outside of line 2 and some key transfer stations, public transit here absolutely is relaxing. I brag to my friends in the states about it all the time

TheBeege ,

That whole culture is cancer. A lot of Koreans here think country music is typical American music, and i have to explain to them how that whole culture is super, super fucked and how they need to turn off that fucking music

TheBeege ,

Good point. That stuff is chill. I dig me some Johnny Cash now and then, too

TheBeege ,

Correct. There is no authority in language except French. So your pedantic arguments are also flawed. Your own argument works against you

TheBeege ,

Sorry, what is called the Lingua Franca? I missed which part you’re referencing

I only made the French comment because the French government has an official entity granted the authority to define the official French language.

TheBeege ,

Ah, you were referencing English. Thank you.

Ah! I learned something recently about lingua franca. It was a combination of French and Italian jargon.

What are today’s lucky 10,000?

TheBeege ,

Your reference to academic debate in a previous comment is hilarious. Academics know how to stay on topic.

The original comment you replied to was referencing Israel’s behavior as terroristic. You provided a counter argument that nation states cannot conduct terrorism based on the definition of the term terrorism. When provided with evidence supporting the opposing claim, you say the evidence is not valid because it is not authoritative. You then say there is no authoritative source for such evidence. You then use a classic goal post argument method of saying, “even if your argument is invalid, that doesn’t work because x,” rather than focusing on the original argument. You also misuse appeal to authority. Appeal to authority as a fallacy is only a fallacy when the item in question isn’t explicitly defined by that authority. When you moved the goal post, you operated under the assumption of your continued argument that dictionaries are authoritative. However, your language is imprecise enough that you’re going to claim you didn’t make that assumption.

That is not proper academic debate method. That is political debate method. This is the kind of shit that makes it difficult to make meaningful progress today. But hey, since we’re not doing proper academic debate anyway, I’ll indulge in some ad hominem. You’re a terrible person for trying to confound a serious issue with irrelevant pedantic arguments and arguments in bad faith. Fuck off. No one cares if “terrorism” - as defined by you as some authority on words - can be applied to nation states. A nation state committed an act meant to cause terror in civilians (in order to take their land). People understood that as the intent, which is the purpose of words anyway.

TheBeege ,

I don’t get all the hate and vitriol for StackOverflow. Sure, some people are assholes. Welcome to humanity. At least the system provides for voting to suppress the shit takes and general assholery.

SO combined with Google is usually enough to help me find an answer that either gives the context I need to make a solution or a straight up solution. If people are posting and expecting a super detailed, correct answer in a matter of hours, I think their expectations need adjustment.

I’ve posted very few questions and had decent responses for the majority of them. Is my experience uncommon?

But yeah, layoffs suck, and I hope they find a way to be profitable. Hell, if they do a Patreon-esque model where people can just throw money at them because they appreciate the service, I’d subscribe. (If a similar thing exists that I don’t know about, please link)

TheBeege ,

Not exactly what I was hoping for, but that works. I can also do a bit of answering, per the comments. Thanks!

TheBeege , (edited )

If I’m talking about liking red cars then point to a car, and you say, “that’s not red, that’s mauve,” you’re being an ass.

If we’re shopping for paint together, and i say “i like this red,” and you reply, “i think that’s mauve,” you’re trying to be specific in our communication about a common task.

Right now, we’re talking about cars. Chill out

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