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PersnickityPenguin ,

Can we just give nukes to Ukraine now and stop the war?

PersnickityPenguin ,

Well you know, they really didn’t have a choice. Better just to guide users over to an alternate platform like here instead while laying low.

PersnickityPenguin ,

One great option instead of going cold turkey is just to drastically reduce your meat intake. Eating red meat from cows and white meat for pigs also has a disproportionately large environmental footprint compared to say chickens or turkey. Chickens and turkeys are also fairly stupid and undeveloped from me consciousness perspective if that is your reasoning for going vegan, so one could argue that it is objectively less bad to eat a stupid bird/decendant from a dinosaur (they had their day) Rather than our mammalian cousins who may actually deserve to roam the earth unfettered aside from the occasional lion or hyena attack.

I digress.

That being said, humans have evolved over this millennia to occasionally or more often feed on the flesh of air vegetarian cousins. There is nothing inherently wrong with that, as many species that have existed and exist today are in fact carnivorous. It is of course the rapacious nature of mankind and its insatiable appetite for consuming as many resources possible that is the biggest problem, aside from our over abundant numbers that are largely responsible for wholesale destruction of the natural environment on our planet.

I have opted to reduce my meat intake by about 75% or so and to limit my red meat intake and mostly eat chicken and eggs which are interestingly don’t directly cause the death of the chicken. You could opt to follow this strategy to help mitigate your environmental impact, or you can take it a step further and support your local small family farm by doing a direct purchase of meat from your local farmer of choice. That way you can have your meat pie and eat it too by subsidizing local Farmers over the giant agribusinesses that are really responsible for fucking over our planet.

If you have read this far thank you very much, I appreciate your interest in the subject. I grew up on a small family farm where we raised approximately 60 sheep every year and even though it was very sad to have them slaughtered, they were all grass-fed locally raised animals that never saw anything close to a feedlot. Well killing animals is never pretty, killing has been a core part of humanity since its inception including our ancestors like the chimpanzee.

One other thing, vegan meat substitute like impossible Burger is actually a really good option for burgers. Almost nobody in my family and friends who I’ve had tried them can even tell that they aren’t really meat.

PersnickityPenguin ,

My only problem with lab grown meat, is what if it actually ends up using more resources and energy then raising a cow or chicken?

What happens if lab grown meat is so successful that say chickens or cows go extinct? That’s an interesting idea. I feel like that could be a Black mirror episode.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Very poorly which is why ruminant animals like sheep and cows have three or four stomachs - they need the extra digestive cavities filled with very interesting bacteria cultures to process all that tough cellulosic material.

However, people do eat grass, at least a seed, in the form of various cereal grains like wheat and barley and rice. Those are all grasses!

Fun fact of the day…

PersnickityPenguin ,

Soy has the downside of causing men to have a imbalance of hormones, as soy proteins can mimic estrogen and cause men to undergo physiological changes.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Straight to the Nazi fallacy eh?

You must be fun at parties

PersnickityPenguin ,

There’s a lot of food that is not meat-based that people can eat. For instance, Thai food is generally vegetarian.

The problem is that Americans tried to substitute meat dishes with meat-like vegetarian dishes, which generally don’t taste all that great. In fact, one could argue that many traditional American dishes don’t taste all that great to begin with which is why the lots of meat.

A simple dish of spaghetti or pasta with a tomato, pesto or aglio e olio are great options.

Also, one needing necessarily 100% remove the meat. Is 75 or 80% reduction in meat intake allows one to continue to eat meat, while still vastly reducing the amount of meat you’re eating. Since one’s impact on the global economy and meet consumption as a totality is infinitesimal, the reduction itself is significant even if you don’t completely eliminate the meat from your diet.

I think most people would find this a hell of a lot more palatable than going cold turkey vegan and even banning honey from your diet, which many of my vegan friends have done. As well as not eating any sugar because they claim that sugar is made from animals somehow…

There is a lot of misinformation in grandstanding when it comes to diet politics which just borderlines on the silly.

People should do what they can from a realistic perspective, well not killing themselves or making themselves miserable from their political driven lifestyle choices. I know quite a few vegans and vegetarians who have decided to quit being a vegan or vegetarian simply because over the long haul it made them unhappy and eventually they wanted to eat meat again. Now they eat more meat than I do who I would consider myself a light meat eater.

PersnickityPenguin ,

I hear you. I started buying lots of beyond burger patties from whole foods and I actually find them pretty delicious so I’ve typically buy them instead of ground beef. Unfortunately my wife keeps buying ground beef so I end up eating that occasionally but it’s nothing to get worked up over.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Tyson foods is not what we would consider a " local farmer ". There are many hundreds and thousands and tens of thousands of local farmers around the world who do grow and raise animals for market.

Since the guy you responded to mentioned a local farmer, one would assume that he is buying from a smaller probably family farm who are raising animals on a much smaller scale than the feed lots that the big agribusinesses run.

PersnickityPenguin ,

The problem is agribusiness. They treat animals with no respect in a terrible a terrible manner, unlike most small-scale farms where the farmers often have a personal relationship with their livestock.

Factory farms whether it be chicken, hog or cattle often end up putting the animals on a feedlot or in a high density chicken farm with literally millions of birds under one roof. This leads to a slaughterhouse that is a horror show. It was a book written a hundred years ago called The jungle, look it up. It’s been an issue for a long time and it is inhumane.

It’s not to say that killing animals is pretty, but it can be done in a more humane fashion starting by respecting the lives of the animals while they are alive.

The flip side is that if we were to actually close down all of the farms and raise no livestock for me, there’s a good chance that these species will functionally go extinct.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Weren’t the Reddit mods recently complaining that the instance was run by communist or something?

PersnickityPenguin ,

That’s a good question. I’m new here too so I don’t have the answer, but isn’t there some sort of filter? I’m not sure if that would do the trick or if it just filters everything else out.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Hardly. If Russia fucks around with turkey again, turkey will shoot down a few more Russian jets… like they did last time.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Yeah but that’s literally thousands of miles away. It would take Wagner weeks of driving from Sudan to get to South Africa, and then they would get blown to pieces.

PersnickityPenguin ,

But they actually are… Down in Miami, wealthy people are fleeing the beachfront property and buying up housing where all the poor people live, which also happens to be further from the beach. There have been a number of documentaries and news segments on this trend which you can easily find on YouTube.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Of course it is, but consumers generally don’t make the decisions about resource procurement and manufacturing. They only drive the demand. However, demand is also heavily shaped by both the cultural zeitgeist as well as marketing, which is in turn funded by corporations.

So in effect, it all comes down to corporations.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Probably the last one for the next 200,000 years or so…

PersnickityPenguin ,

They were probably eating all the tuna, which tipped off the tuna boat to go find out what happened to all the tuna.

PersnickityPenguin ,

I think you’re thinking of rabbits. Rapid meat is too lean for humans to survive off of it, there isn’t enough fat in it. Fish does not have that problem they have high levels of omega-3 fatty acids and other oils.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Yet the unemployment rate was much higher during the last recession, we hit somewhere around 25% overall unemployment rate until they stopped counting workers who simply left the workforce.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Gary Kasparov too

PersnickityPenguin ,

When dialogue fails, war follows.

Russia does not seem interested in dialogue whatsoever

PersnickityPenguin ,

So obviously NATO needs to also supply Ukraine with tactical B61 bombs, right?

PersnickityPenguin ,

Dude, it’s not the United States fighting against Russia here. It’s the Ukraine military, which is held together on a shoestring budget with donations from NATO. The Ukrainian armed forces military structure is based on Soviet doctrine, with large parts still reflect the Soviet era force structure. Little has changed since then, although they have adopted in NCO structure like you see in NATO forces.

However, many reports out of NATO in the United States have pointed out that Ukraine armed forces still have a long ways to go before they can be ready for NATO integration. Not to mention that the huge variety of equipment that they are currently running, which includes massive amounts of Soviet era weaponry armor and aircraft, on top of a hodgepodge of NATO equipment simply exacerbates their issues.

PersnickityPenguin ,

That’s not an “outburst,” that is simply being open and transparent. What does a things that I really respect about Zelensky is how open, transparent and honest he is when discussing national issues. He has done a lot to rain in corruption, it obviously the resistance against the Russian invasion.

Western leaders would do well to take notice of what he has done and to heed the warnings about outside influences corrupting their own populations and politics.

PersnickityPenguin ,

I disagree. In the case of Taiwan and China, it will be the United States Navy in conjunction with the Marines and Air Force that will help defend it.

In the case of the United States and NATO militarily intervening to help defend the Ukraine or Eastern Europe, it will largely be the United States army and the US Air Force in conjunction with our allies that would assist.

Those are two different and largely not overlapping forces in the United States military that would be in play. On the one hand, you have the Pacific fleet command in play, and the other hand you have the European NATO headquarters.

As far as the United States needing to go into a war economy to support prolonged and direct conflict that did not go nuclear, however, that could be a completely different issue. I will let the experts speak to that one.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Crossing 100 miles of open ocean and landing troops on one of the limited beach areas on the island of Taiwan, which are bordered by builds up urban areas and mountains is going to be one of, if not the most difficult military operation ever to be attempted.

Considering the sheer amount of anti-aircraft missile systems that Taiwan fields, as well as artillery and heavy weapon systems it will be ridiculously difficult to land troops there. But if China wants to throw hundreds and thousands of ships to the bottom of the ocean and lose tens of thousands of their own trained soldiers, I guess that’s their prerogative.

They would be much more likely to win if they simply embargo the island permanently, but that would induce the wrath of the United States Navy and risk direct confrontation between the PL n and one of our fleets operating probably in a similar manner to the grain fleets coming out of the Ukraine right now.

Which means politically speaking, this is all a big game of chicken with the potential to cause nuclear devastation in both China and the United States. And potentially Japan.

PersnickityPenguin ,

It’s a proxy war fully initiated by Russia. They did the same bullshit to us in Vietnam, and they stuck their dick into Afghanistan back in the 1980s. Same shit sandwich, different decade.

If Russia doesn’t want to get wrecked, they are free to withdraw anytime they like. No one is forcing Russia to invade another country and to murder thousands of people.

number of innocent newcomers asking "what is this sublemmy about?"

Many an innocent bystander passing through here, asking “what is this sublem about?” I think this question deserves to be escalated to the highest level. What are the chinesium turnbuckles that tenuously hold this rusty, fraying cable to the next cable? What holds up the saggy clothesline that is NCD? What keeps us from...

PersnickityPenguin , (edited )

Actually it does, Ukraine literally asked United States for assistance, as well as applying for NATO membership. Additionally, the US offered verbal security agreements during the dissolution of the Soviet Union which Russia is currently egregiously breaking.

And there’s the fact that we have a fascist country engaged in a year long land war in Europe, which threatens to stabilize all of Europe and drag us into a world war. That is Putin‘s decision solely his decision.

United States countries to ask for help and they did.

PersnickityPenguin , (edited )

Because if you do not stop the violence, it will continue. Ukraine is defending itself from an invasion. Providing the tools to resist the invasion saves lives. If Ukraine were to stop resisting, Russia would murder millions of people like they have already tried to do.

Following that, Putin and his cronies have declared that they would invade Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Czech Republic, and every former member state of the Soviet union. Many of these nations are currently NATO member states which would directly kick off of a Third World war and which lead to nuclear war in Asia and Europe.

Russian can peacefully and the war that anytime by withdrawing. Why haven’t they? They are the instigators and they can end it.

PersnickityPenguin ,


Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine on February 24, 2022, Russian armed forces have used cluster munitions in attacks that have caused hundreds of civilian casualties and damaged civilian objects, including homes, hospitals, and schools.…/cluster-munition-use-russia-ukraine-war

PersnickityPenguin ,

Straw man much there buddy?

PersnickityPenguin ,

Do you know that some of us actually have friends who have been killed by Russians in this war and we are not particularly fond of allowing pro fascists to twist words and create straw man arguments to give the illusion that they are just and right and have the moral high ground, when they in fact do not.

This is Ben and Jerrys all over again.

PersnickityPenguin ,

The US, Russia and Ukraine are not signatories to the cluster munitions treaty, so it does not apply to them. This is a voluntary treaty.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Russia has already dropped thousands of cluster munitions, thermite incendiary bombs, cruise missiles, ballistic missiles, drones, artillery, tank rounds, and small arms fire directed at civilians. Not to mention deploying millions of land mines.

Thousands have already died. When will Russia stop? Ukraine has repeatedly asked and demanded the war to stop.

PersnickityPenguin ,

I’m not convinced of that, the fact is that a cluster shell will be more efficient at wiping out dispersed and entrenched troops. Each shell as a waiter area affect using DPICM than a single HE shell.

PersnickityPenguin ,

Yeah, the problem here as I see it is that just the same as Twitter, this social media service is still owned by a single owner corporation who is running the service for a profit and they will eventually sell user data or bastardize the service. Ive been on the internet for 30 years, social media and websites come and go and so does their popularity.

Which raises another point, how are the bills being paid for with any of these services, including lemmy? TAANSTAFL.

PersnickityPenguin ,

My many years of experience on the Internet has taught me that once the unwashed hordes of the public show up and start slinging shit around, that’s when your website dies if you like having intelligent discourse on it.

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