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FlyingSquid , avatar

Maybe he’s worried that his dad wasn’t satisfied with killing JFK and needs to kill again.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I can’t figure it out. I mean everyone down in Cancun loves him!

FlyingSquid , avatar
FlyingSquid , avatar

I love what she’s doing. That said-

“That book that you guys have, it deals with racism,” she said on a recent Tuesday. “It’s going to be something with which you’re unfamiliar. That you need to spend time to research to fully understand.”

I doubt they’re unfamiliar with racism, what with being raised by white conservative southerners. They probably heard the N-word a thousand times before they could say it themselves.

Of course, they’re very unfamiliar with being at the receiving end of racism, something that Ta-Nehisi Coates can teach them a lot about.

FlyingSquid , avatar

You don’t have to give us the exact page, but can you please give us the chapter number of “Between the World and Me" which claims that all white people are guilty of racism and need to repent?

FlyingSquid , avatar

Between the World and Me is a book-long letter to Coates’ son about his own experiences with racism. Why would that be taught in social studies? I read Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man in English class. It dealt with racism just as much as Between the World and Me. It wasn’t taught in social studies because it’s literature. So is Between the World and Me. You don’t read literature in social studies, you read it in English. In fact, I don’t remember ever reading a book in high school social studies that wasn’t the textbook. What did you read?

FlyingSquid , avatar

I couldn’t even imagine an English teacher refusing to teach any books that involve history. I would get my daughter transferred to a different class because that is not a good learning environment.

My daughter is in middle school. They were given three book options to study. One of them is an award-winning autobiographical graphic novel about two child refugees in Africa. I suppose the person we’re talking to would say that would only belong in social studies too. I mean it involves Africa and war and it’s a true story. Does any of that belong in English? (Yes.)

FlyingSquid , avatar

I do not want CRT, for example, to be thought to 8 graders either, especially in literature classes

Well that’s good, because it’s usually only studied in a graduate-level law school course. Good job buying into that Republican rhetoric.

FlyingSquid , avatar

In other words, you have no idea if it actually says that. You’re just guessing based on whatever right-wing outrage about it you’re reading about on line.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Which is exactly why they need to read this book.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Weird, the word ‘guilt’ doesn’t appear on that page. In fact, that doesn’t in any way look like a summary that claims that all white people need to feel guilty and repent.

Can you quote the section of the summary that you believe makes that claim?

FlyingSquid , avatar

I was being a little facetious. The teacher obviously meant that they had never been the object of racism. I was just saying that because they’re white, white and Southern, they probably have plenty of racist relatives. So they’ve experienced racism, they’ve just never been harmed by it like someone on the receiving end.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Please quote the part that is dog whistling. I already asked you for a quote. You do know how to copy and paste, don’t you?

Biden can't beat the MAGA meme machine online, Clyburn says (

Republican candidate Donald Trump’s supporters have built a “MAGA wall” online of memes and social media noise that is overwhelming news about Biden’s economic and policy wins, making it impossible to get Democrats’ message across, Clyburn said in a recent interview in his hometown of Columbia, South Carolina....

FlyingSquid , avatar

MAGA memes are shitty. They all look like they’re made by the 70-year-old Facebook reader they’re designed for.

They also do the ridiculous fascist thing of trying to paint Biden as an incredibly crafty, incredibly dangerous sleepy dementia-ridden old man and their fans do not see any contradiction there.

FlyingSquid , avatar

And it’s the only oppressed group I ever hear this about.

You never hear that all of the bigots who hate Muslims secretly want to be Muslim. Because they don’t. They’re just bigots. But somehow, according to some people, every homophobic bigot out there secretly wants a big cock down their throat.

Too pretty? Easter poster depicting a handsome, fresh-faced Jesus prompts criticism in Spain (

A poster in the southern Spanish city of Seville that depicts a young, handsome Jesus wearing only a loincloth has unleashed a storm on social media, with some calling it an affront to the figure of Christ and others posting lewd remarks and memes poking fun at the image....

FlyingSquid , avatar

Handsome, fresh faced, and not especially Semitic.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I don’t know about as real. I’ve seen pictures and movies of Bugs Bunny. I know what Bugs Bunny sounds like. Also, if I do something Bugs doesn’t like, he gets revenge. He doesn’t send me to a fictional land where I burn for eternity.

Bugs definitely seems more real to me.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I am very confused about a creature that is both an eagle and an owl who is from both Europe and Asia.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Unlike Trump, he’s not rich and famous enough to get away with murder.

The Soft Landing Is Global, but It’s Cushiest in America: Economies all over the world are lowering inflation while avoiding serious recession — but growth in the United States stands out (

The world is starting 2024 on an optimistic economic note, as inflation fades globally and growth remains more resilient than many forecasters had expected. Yet one country stands out for its surprising strength: the United States....

FlyingSquid , avatar

But according to American Community Survey (ACS) data from the Census Bureau, 522,752 US households lacked complete plumbing access in 2021. Of these households, 347,943 didn’t have a bath or a shower, 419,971 lacked hot or cold running water, and 246,884 had neither.…/us-households-with-plumbing-povert…

But sure. Homes in colder parts of the U.S. can keep heated. They might have to use a wood stove and keep themselves in the one room the wood stove heats, but they can keep it heated.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Please explain exactly how showing you the results of a census that explains that half a million people in America do not, in fact, have running water make me delusional?

Are you claiming I created the website I linked you to? Because that would be delusional.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Why would Zuckerberg care about child safety? He doesn’t have any children and he only cares about things that have an effect on his life.

FlyingSquid , avatar

This same person told me in another thread that the reason guns should be legal in the U.S. is protection against bears and mountain lions- which almost never attack anyone. Like less than 100 times in the last 50 years combined. They can’t even come up with a good argument for adults to have guns.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yes, that would definitely be one of the many, many better arguments for guns than ‘protection against bears and mountain lions.’

FlyingSquid , avatar

Which is a valid argument because people out in the country can get bitten by snakes and be too far from a hospital. The only time he mentioned poisonous snakes was when he said people need guns to protect themselves from rattlesnakes in Dallas.

FlyingSquid , avatar

I do know of people who hunt with handguns, but it is definitely rarer. I honestly don’t have any issues with hunting if you eat what you hunt. If you just do it to massacre an animal and just leave it where you killed it, fuck you, but I have no issue with responsible hunting practices.

That said, it’s my understanding that bow hunting is the fastest, and thus most painless way of killing an animal.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Fair enough. I’m not a hunter. That’s just something I’ve been told before.

FlyingSquid , avatar

If it makes you feel more secure, I won’t judge you, but you should know that-

Statistics suggest there have been over 180 fatal bear attacks in North America since 1784. While the majority of these fatal attacks have been carried out by wild bears, some are the result of bears held in captivity.

In contrast-

over 100 people drown every year in bathtubs.…/CPSC-Releases-New-Study-On-Bathtub-And…

FlyingSquid , avatar

Fair enough. Like I say, I’m not judging you. If that’s what you need to feel secure, that’s what you need to feel secure.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Except your chances of having a bad encounter with a bear are almost zero. Because bears almost never attack humans. Which is the point.

FlyingSquid , avatar

“Help! I’m trapped in the mountains! I’m freezing and starving to death.”

“I understand, sir. But for a small fee of just $30 a month, your computer can be protected from viruses.”

A Vermont mom called police to talk to her son about stealing. He ended up handcuffed and sedated (

What happened next that evening in May 2021 is the basis for a lawsuit by the mother alleging that Burlington police used excessive force and discriminated against her unarmed son, who is Black and has behavioral and intellectual disabilities....

FlyingSquid , avatar

Why do you want people uncomfortable with you having a gun? Do you have some sort of need to instill fear in people who aren’t doing you any harm?

FlyingSquid , avatar

This is what they wrote:

POC, LGBT and women: “We’re the biggest gun purchasing demographic because we see what’s coming.” That’s our right, and everyone but white liberals seems to be exercising it.

Did I make you uncomfortable? Sure as hell hope I did. The problem is our culture, not people like me.

Seems like maybe you didn’t read it.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Ah, insulting me rather than explaining what I supposedly misread. Sounds to me like I didn’t actually misread anything and you just want to attack me for not being afraid of guns for some reason.

Sorry, I’m still not afraid of guns and you can’t insult me into being afraid of them.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That’s not what they said.

Again, this is what they said:

POC, LGBT and women: “We’re the biggest gun purchasing demographic because we see what’s coming.” That’s our right, and everyone but white liberals seems to be exercising it.

Did I make you uncomfortable? Sure as hell hope I did. The problem is our culture, not people like me.

I don’t know why you’re trying to gaslight me when this is the second time I’ve pasted what they said.

Now I guess you’ll insult me again?

FlyingSquid , avatar

and youre suggesting they shouldn’t have them.

That is a lie.

Why are you lying?

FlyingSquid , avatar

That is another lie. I asked them a question and you started arguing with me.

Stop lying.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Oh, but we have the best healthcare system in the world (which is why I’m thousands in medical debt despite having good insurance with no sign of a diagnosis or treatment) and you have super long wait times in other countries (which is why I had to wait almost a year to get a new neurologist when my old one retired).

But hey, we keep the health insurance industry making money for its shareholders, so there’s that.

FlyingSquid , avatar

One thing they are awesome at is armies and weapons.

You say that, but we couldn’t defeat a bunch of horse-riding semi-nomads with Kalashnikovs after 20 years in Afghanistan.

FlyingSquid , avatar

It kind of feels like a year-long savings account. Once a year, we have enough money to do something like pay for new gutters.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Savings accounts get interest. Paychecks usually don’t get deposited in them and people don’t have enough left over to save much anyway.

FlyingSquid , avatar

“There” being a country 1600 km from Iran. I don’t know why you keep pretending Jordan is part of Iran, but it isn’t. There’s a whole huge country between them. See the map I provided.

FlyingSquid , avatar

That is definitely lasanyer, because no one makes lasagna with one giant sheet of pasta on the top and bottom.

FlyingSquid , avatar

It has relevance to what counts as an original artwork.

This is what you said:

It is original art, even the images in question have differences

No it is not. They do not have enough differences to be considered original in any court of law.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Again, VCRs and hard drives can’t create content. They can only capture content. AI can create content, but it is not always original. Which is the problem. No one is trying to sue them over things that are credibly original.

It is no more legal for you to tell an AI to make you a picture of the Joker as it is to ask a human artist to do it. And if the human artist did it, WB/DC would be within their rights to take them to court because it would violate both trademark and copyright. They usually don’t, but they are within their rights.

You can ask a VCR or a hard drive to draw you a picture of The Joker all day. They won’t because they can’t.

If AI was only capable of creating original artworks, this would not be an issue.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Nope. Camcorders do not create content. They record content. Camcorders do not create anything. That is a ridiculous claim. I cannot point a camcorder at you and have it make you look like Heath Ledger.

AI creates content. It can make things that literally don’t exist. If I tell it to make me Heath Ledger as The Joker fighting Jack Nicholson as the Joker, it can create it. A camcorder can’t. A VCR can’t. A hard drive can’t. I have no idea why you don’t understand the difference between creating content and recording content.

I also said nothing about the AI itself being illegal, so I also have no idea where you’re getting that from. I said it is violating copyright and trademark when it creates such images. Because it is.

Hence the lawsuits. Hence the lack of such lawsuits against camcorders, VCRs and hard drives.

FlyingSquid , avatar

Yes, there was a lawsuit against VCRs. It had nothing to do with original content.

AI trains on images (fair use)

Nope, that is not in any legal definition of fair use.

same as a brain, hard drive, VCR and an HDD.

What prompt do I enter to get a VCR to make me a picture of Jack Nicholson’s Joker fighting Heath Ledger’s Joker?

Do I press both rewind and fast forward at once to access the secret content generation menu?

FlyingSquid , avatar

You dress up and film it with your buddies and record it to a second gen tape lol?

Which means it is not creating content. It is recording content. Which was my point.

And yes training is fair use, it better be, I train my brain on images all the time.

Please back this up. Your brain is not a computer. Furthermore, even if it was, someone else would be training it and you cannot legally train someone else on copyrighted material that you have not licensed, which is why schools have to license textbooks and a teacher that teaches from an unlicensed textbook can be sued. That’s the entire impetus for the Open Textbook Library. The Open Textbook Library would literally not need to exist if training material was not protected by copyright.

You see, the problem here is that you keep claiming things that are the opposite of what these companies are getting sued for doing. And yet those suits aren’t getting laughed out of court. Doesn’t that tell you that maybe your ideas of how the law works here are wrong?

I have been studying U.S. copyright and trademark law for over 15 years. How long have you been studying it?

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