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AuthorityClassError , (edited )

Not surprising really. They’re just getting rid of all the woke IPs because nobody buys this political crap anymore. It should be telling that they chose to destroy Volition rather than try and sell it off, that’s how bad the market value is for the Soy Saints.

Edit: Pissed off the wokies I see, cry harder into your soy lattes boys, woke is finally going broke.

AuthorityClassError ,

Well, you’re right there. I did care about the franchise and I’m sad to see it go. But I’m not sad that the assholes who turned it into political propaganda are now without a job. But hey, I bet you’d be equally pissed off if someone turned your favorite piece of franchise into trans hate/deadname simulator featuring Ronald Crump eating hamburgers while telling you that sex before marriage is a sin.

AuthorityClassError ,

Well, I gave it a shot and as expected, you lack the ability to see past your box. Maybe one day. Maybe.

AuthorityClassError ,

Last time I got a letter from one of the health orgs, I took the time to look up the person signing it who was a specialist on the topic. Turned out the bitch lived in a house worth enough that if I had it and sold it, I’d never have to work another day in my life. So, I googled her email and found it and then signed her up to a bunch of spam sites and nasty german scat/fisting.

AuthorityClassError ,

Well, then I did my part to help out medicine!

AuthorityClassError ,

Where I live, it’s definitely not a a crime, just a very big asshole move, which I completely own. But if you want to flip the script, I do have a big disclaimer on my mailbox outside my house that says “NO ADVERTISING/SOLICITING PLEASE”. One dick move deserves another in turn if you ask me.

AuthorityClassError ,

So basically by your own admission, it’s not even illegal where you live, which makes that your opinion. Which makes you a bullshitter. That kind of makes your own little halo slide a bit to the side doesn’t it? Because what you did right now was spreading misinformation online with intent to shame. But you can’t shame me, because as I wrote before: I fully accept my actions and recognize them as a dick move. By my own morals, I find it absolutely acceptable of a response.

But on the other hand, if you want to play devil’s advocate and paint strawmen situations, imagine someone who has severe anxiety about letters. Wouldn’t it be hypothetically a really big dick move to spam them with your shitty beggar ads while you sit around in your fucking house worth more than their life’s salary, enjoying your luxury?

You see, once you start snowflaking, it never stops.

AuthorityClassError , (edited )

Do you know the definition of an extremist mindset? The ability to think that you’re a perfect example of a good citizen, while acting like the people you hate. You are a perfect example of “the ends justify the means” while accusing me of the same. Hilarious. And you’re using phrases which accuse one of a crime, and then you refuse to admit you fucked up. Glorious. You know the difference between you and me is? I’m at least aware of the fact that I’m an asshole.

AuthorityClassError ,

Again, you don’t get to define what words mean here. You deliberately misuse legal criminology terms for something that is an asshole move in an attempt to make them seem more serious. Nobody is buying this kind of shit argumentation. And mind you, the only person that seems upset here is you who’s foaming at the mouth and making up your own reality.

If anything, I probably could report your comments for defamation of character and have them removed. But I won’t, because I think your comments are important for others to see. Because this is what happens when extremism goes to far. Yes, I’m an asshole, but you, you literally go online accusing people of crimes they haven’t committed because their moral alignment doesn’t jive with yours.

So, unironically: Thank you very much for being my conversational partner in this illustration of what the mindset of an extremist person is like. I really hope you don’t chicken out and delete your comments once you realize that your mask is truly off for the world to see.

AuthorityClassError ,

Ah, MS constantly trying their very best to force everyone into their shitty cloud service. No thanks, I’d rather use Libreoffice and for quick jots, notepad. Hell, I’d rather even use the old MS-DOS EDIT than touch any office product.

AuthorityClassError ,

While I love me some ++, I find that notepad just loads faster for me. Although I will say that for scrap code snippets for projects, it’s pretty damn good.

AuthorityClassError , (edited )

Reading all the comments defending a $70 game with zero day DLC is just bewildering. I mean, HOW MUCH of a fucking cuck do you have to be to not only accept it, but to DEFEND it? You people deserve all the shit you get for being peasants. The rest of us sail the high seas, YARR!

AuthorityClassError ,

Actually, more accurately: ‘Theft’ is when capitalists could make more money fucking you over, but couldn’t. *Actual *theft is when capitalists make more money by fucking you over and then pay the fines for it as a cost of business.

AuthorityClassError ,

This whole “dollar per hour” crap is just another simp tactic that nobody is buying anymore. But hey, if you wanna talk costs, how about the fact that we’ve been paying $60 for games for around two decades now despite the fact that physical distribution and media creation isn’t a thing anymore? Or how about the fact that for most games, we’re renting them since they’re locked by invasive DRM? How about DLCs being a standard now and games being obviously incomplete? GAAS? Shouldn’t that be cheaper since it’s basically gone the next day?

If you want variation towards more expensive, why aren’t you considering all the factors that make shit cheaper? The answer? Because you’re simping hard like some 13 year old console fanboy. The only reason the megacorps that make AAA games need that much money is because they’ve fallen into the classic trap of having too much upkeep and flab.

Indies have proven beyond the shadow of a doubt that you can make awesome games with much smaller budgets.

AuthorityClassError ,

Man, your simping and long diatribes are really amusing as hell. Me mad? No, not really. I actually enjoy calling out simps like you and watching them trip over themselves trying to white knight hard for corpos who don’t give a shit about you as customers. Please, do write more, I’m sure someone will make this into a great copypasta someday.

AuthorityClassError ,

Ooof, I hit a nerve there didn’t I? It’s OK though, I’m just some rando on the internet, no need to get worked up about it. Go talk to some friends, touch grass, you’ll be fine kid.

AuthorityClassError ,

I understand greed perfectly well. I mean, you could write a comedy sketch about it at this point. “No Sir, we absolutely did not create these absolutely fabulous pieces of gear during the development of the game. Nope, not even a pixel! And this gun? This terrific looking and powerful gun that makes all the guns in the game seem meek? Totally something our gun designer thought of when he was taking a piss the SECOND after we stopped development. And this quest line that perfectly fits together with most of the game and completely changes the introduction of our sequel? Well…that’s just us being VERY good writers and not at all greedy bastards who cut off important bits of the story so we can nickle and dime you for it!”

Then you would have someone coming in and smack them around with a trout, because reasons.

Oh and in case you think I’m hyperboling, the examples in the sketch are all taken from actual bullshit that’s happened already.

AuthorityClassError ,

Since everybody on this comm seem to be circlejerking, let me how to tell you how to get rid of this POS. Shit’s called BGAupsell and resides in Windows\Temp\MUBSTemp, set yourself as owner of the file via your admin account and then delete it and replace it with an an empty EXE file that you assign ownership to yourself with. Then you write protect it and you’re done. If you just delete the dir or the file, it’ll come back next major update.

NOW, to really give MS a punch in the dick, you’re also going to want to disable the search menu ad as well:…/how-to-disable-bing-in-the-window…

And all of you fucking *nux newfargs, grow up. Also, don’t fucking drink and root you lusers.

AuthorityClassError ,

facepalms in having told the newbie not to drink and root

You’re the reason most of us don’t really tell others that we run Linux.

AuthorityClassError , (edited )

It’ll work until they do something else. It’s the same old shit as always, update and pray that it holds together and that by the Torvalds none of your fucking repos are deprecated or out of date.

Edit: Hit a fucking nerve with that one haha. Rage harder n00bs. Downvotes don’t mean shit here. Go back to Reddit you fucking losers.

AuthorityClassError ,

Yeah, you clearly are a newbie if you missed the obvious flag that my username presents. I’m a fucking old sysop you nimrod. I know Win, *Nux, Netware not because I want to know, but because my fucking job requires me to know. And you know what you figure out after a while of messing around with all of the crap that exists? Nothing is pure.

So yeah, you be 16 year old me and repeat my own mistakes. Rant about corpo crap without even knowing what a job is. Rant about fucking principles when you still afford them. Also give me the spiel about how FOSS is superior to closed source because arbitrary reasons. If you live long enough, you’ll get the nuance to stop spouting crap that doesn’t mean shit outside of your bubble.

Seriously, you are literally teenage me. I’m so glad I grew out of this phase. But man, you seriously need to pick up a fucking sysman every once in a while and stop sniffing the farts of the in-crows of popular lin distros.

AuthorityClassError ,

Yes, keep rehearsing the old propaganda. Doesn’t mean shit to the normie that still uses Windows because they’d rather have support than shitty half or undocumented systems that do shit they’re not supposed to at the worst time. For what it’s worth, you’re completely right. 100%. But reality makes all your right irrelevant. So, rather than fucking around and trying to convert people, maybe just lay off the bullshit and leave them be? Or … you know, git gud and help out?

AuthorityClassError ,

I didn’t so much give up as I was forced to reconcile the false narratives posed by the bubble I was living in versus getting the fucking job done at the end of the day. Having to actually work according to legal standards, KPIs, milestones and visions really makes you realize the limitations of certain systems and the pitfalls of them. That only comes with experience.

And I don’t fucking *need *communities to tolerate me, because I don’t care. Again, you’re speaking like some teenager on Twitter that’s worried about likes more than someone whose got insight. If I need a *nux server for anything, I’ll use it. But I’m not going to let blind FOSS bullshit idealism bar me from getting the job done at the end of the day.

Now, if you had any brains you’d realize that smugly telling windows lusers to switch their OS is only going to piss them off. If you REALLY wanted to be a suave motherfucker, you could tell the users how to fix their shit and then tell them WHY shit like that happens (99% because win is a mono system, which *Nux isn’t) and then suggest a distro that would work for a switch, maybe link to some handy guides or shit like that.

But no, you’re 16 year old me instead who giggles at Tux memes and tells people to switch when they ask for help. Fucking cringe.

AuthorityClassError ,

No, companies need frigging assurances. They need timely SLA metered support with seasoned professionals who are certified in their specific areas. The public sector then needs that AND legal coverage as they have a completely different noodle to cook at the end of the day.

And it somehow needs to be a lot cheaper and easier to use for lusers and somehow integrate with everything else.

AuthorityClassError ,

They insert themselves everywhere nowadays. Still doesn’t mean goth is the same as furry.

But yes, horse dicks Harry, Horse dicks everywhere.

AuthorityClassError ,

Yeah, there are certain topics where the bot suddenly switches to lecture mode which is very obvious. I wouldn’t really call it a liberal bias, more of a programmers culture bias. They obviously messed with the default product to push certain topics and avoid others. That’s why I consider it a useless product. When someone publishes the first LLM that has a true unbiased nature, that’s going to certainly change some things.

AuthorityClassError ,

When they all started touting these services back in the 00’s I was like “Why are you morons falling for this shit for?!” Because that all the shit inherent to such a platform was gonna happen sooner or later. Then a few years later “QQ - my fav show got removed from the service and now I can’t watch it” or “XYZ got censored!” or “These services are getting worse all the time.”

The whole time, I’ve been sitting on my metaphorical Queen Anne’s Revenge and laughing at them. And of course, now that they all want to come back, I’m gleefully throwing down the gangplank!

AuthorityClassError ,

The only winning move is not to play. To the sea my friend, TO THE SEA!

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