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giotras , to science Italian
1stTime4MeInMCU ,
  1. Overshooting 1.5°C is fast becoming inevitable. Minimising the magnitude and duration of overshoot is essential. Multiple lines of evidence indicate that, due to insufficient mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHGs), no pathway remains that avoids exceeding 1.5°C global warming for at least some decades, except for truly radical transformations. Minimising the magnitude and duration of the overshoot period is critical for reducing loss and damage and the risk of irreversible changes.
  2. A rapid and managed fossil fuel phase-out is required to stay within the Paris Agreement target range. The fast-shrinking carbon budget means that governments and the private sector must stop enabling new fossil fuel projects, accelerate the early retirement of existing infrastructure, and rapidly increase the pace of renewable energy deployment. High-income countries must lead the transition and provide support for low-income countries. All countries should pursue an equitable and just transition, minimising socio-economic impacts on the most vulnerable segments of the population.
  3. Robust policies are critical to attain the scale needed for effective carbon dioxide removal (CDR). While not a replacement for rapid and deep emissions reductions, CDR will be necessary to deal with hard-to-eliminate emissions and eventually to reduce the global temperature. Current CDR is predominantly forest-based, but rapid acceleration and deployment at scale of other CDR methods with permanent CO2 removal is required, supported by stronger governance and better monitoring.
  4. Over-reliance on natural carbon sinks is a risky strategy: their future contribution is uncertain. Until now, land and ocean carbon sinks have grown in tandem with increasing CO2 emissions, but research is revealing uncertainty over how they will respond to additional climate change. Carbon sinks may well absorb less carbon in the future than has been presumed from existing assessments. Therefore, emission reduction efforts have immediate priority, with nature-based solutions serving to increase carbon sinks in a complementary role to offset hard-to-abate emissions.
  5. Joint governance is necessary to address the interlinked climate and biodiversity emergencies. The international conventions on climate change and biodiversity (United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and the Convention on Biological Diversity, respectively) must find better alignment. Ensuring that the allocation of climate finance has nature-positive safeguards, and strengthening concrete cross-convention collaboration, are examples of key actions in the right direction.
  6. Compound events amplify climate risks and increase their uncertainty. “Compound events” refer to a combination of multiple drivers and/or hazards (simultaneously or sequentially), and their impacts can be greater than the sum of individual events. Identifying and preparing for specific compound events is crucial for robust risk management and providing support in emergency situations.
  7. Mountain glacier loss is accelerating. Deglaciation in response to climate change is even quicker in high mountain areas, including the Hindu Kush Himalayas and polar regions. This threatens populations downstream with water shortages in the longer term (including approximately 2 billion for the Himalayas), and exposes mountain dwellers to increased hazards, such as flash flooding.
  8. Human immobility in areas exposed to climate risks is increasing. People facing climate risks may be unable or unwilling to relocate, and existing institutional frameworks do not account for immobility and are insufficient to anticipate or support the needs of these populations.
  9. New tools to operationalise justice enable more effective climate adaptation. Monitoring the distinct dimensions of justice and incorporating them as part of strategic climate adaptation planning and evaluation can build resilience to climate change and decrease the risk of maladaptation.
  10. Reforming food systems can contribute to just climate action. Food systems have a key role to play in climate action, with viable mitigation options spanning from production to consumption. However, interventions should be designed with and for equity and justice as linked outcomes, and implementation of mitigation measures should be done inclusively with diverse stakeholders across multiple scales.
Schdadia , to random German avatar

Ich habe ganz vergessen, dass ich bei First Press Games Chained Echoes bestellt habe. Irgendwie ist es mir heute wieder eingefallen. Es sollte eigentlich im 4. Quartal fertig sein, ist aber schon seit einem halben Jahr unverändert im Releaseprozess 😑 Ein bisschen ärgert mich das, ich bin mir sicher, dass es dieses Jahr nichts mehr wird 😏

bookworm ,

@Schdadia wie kommts,wenn release bereits ein jahr her ist?

ColleenDoran , to random avatar

For your holiday wish adaptations of classic @neilhimself short stories published by @darkhorsecomics ! Two Eisners, the Locus, Bram Stoker, Ringo Award - & Reuben, Excelsior, Tripwire, Rondo nominees.

Oggie , avatar

@ColleenDoran @neilhimself
I have lost track of people I've recommended Snow, Glass Apples to!

There is a fantastic 'audio play' version of it, as well, by Seeing Ear Theater, which is very interesting-

(amusingly I tried to find it under 'listening eye theater' which is -not- the name!).

All these stories are great.

rickirobin , to random avatar

What are some of your favorite pieces of writing about ? Any genre, directly or indirectly related content, but a piece where the writing really stands out to you.

appassionato , avatar

Here's one:

The End of Eden
Wild Nature in the Age of Climate Breakdown

An exquisitely written and deeply researched exploration of wild species reacting to climate breakdown, The End of Eden offers a radical new kind of environmental journalism that connects humans to nature in a more empathetic way than ever before and galvanizes us to act in defense of the natural world before it's too late.


serenissimaj , to random avatar

Can anyone share a reference (any discipline) to a definition or use of 'politics' / 'political' in the non-technical/metaphorical sense (i.e., not about government) to refer to ideological (or other?) underpinnings?

Eg. 'the decision to sack them was political'.

What does 'political' mean here?

Barros_heritage , avatar

In Spain (and not only in Spain), politicians use the word "political" a lot to refer to "ideological" decisions. Both words (politics and ideology) have ended up having a negative meaning: fantasy, falsehood, partisan interests, etc. And there is no doubt that this way of using these words is contributing to the deterioration of political life.

Obviously, any opinion or decision about how things should be is political and ideological. The definition I like best is that of Chantal Mouffe (On the political, 2005, p. 9):

"I distinguish between 'the political' and 'politics': by 'the political I mean the dimension of antagonism which I take to be constitutive of human societies, while by 'politics' I mean the sets of practices and institutions through which an order is created, organizing human coexistence in the context of conflictuality provided by the political".


fivebooks , to random avatar

The best books of 2023, including fiction, nonfiction, history, historical fiction...the list is growing:

mattmaison , avatar
medievalists , to random avatar

Steve Tibble explores the Templars working for King John.

ClaireFromClare , avatar


including this splendid image of holding a model of abbey.

Legend says that he founded it after a quarrel with the order & subsequent nightmare of being beaten by monks. Gratitude & prayers ensued!

🎨 by from the , MS Royal 14 C VII, f.9r.

@medievodons @histodons

elduvelle , to random avatar

So is this the deal with the new @eLife system:
1- you send your preprint
2- it is reviewed (if they so choose)
3- you eventually upload a final “version of record”
4- you send that version (+reviews) to another journal for publication

Has anyone tried that step 4? Do the “other journals” accept to publish something that’s already been reviewed & published by eLife?

Of course, you could skip step 4 but does having an eLife paper under the new system “count” for your CV?

gpollara , avatar

@elduvelle I think it does. It's the equivalent of f1000 research or wellcome open research paper being accepted past peer review stage.

It's a public statement that the paper has changed to the satisfaction of @eLife reviewers, which in itself is a CV worthy achievement, personally.

EU_Commission , to random avatar

United in diversity 🇪🇺

As we mark the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, we renew our pledge to build a more inclusive Europe for all.

Earlier this year, we proposed:

♿ The European Disability Card to be an EU-wide recognised proof of disability. It will enable access to transport, museums, and more.

🅿️ The enhanced European Parking Card to replace national cards and ensure uniform parking rights in the EU.

More →!g7RdtB

glightly , avatar

@EU_Commission This is guarded good news, but it is about disability paperwork, which all disabled people have to deal with quite a bit.

What announcements are there about how accessibility will be extended and improved throughout the EU? How are disabled people being included in leadership in the EU?


paninid , to random avatar
paninid OP , avatar

I linked your sentiment here as nerds of @histodons

kmherkes , to random avatar

Starting my thread with this essay about my books & my cats. I created it a few years ago & keep it updated. It's whimsical, it makes me happy, and it's a good intro to my writing. I hope you enjoy it.

Note: All images in the blog post had alt-text last I checked. Book pages on my site should all have alt descriptions as well. Should. It's a work in progress.


kmherkes OP , avatar

Today in things I'm proud of making: this brand-new blurb graphic for my ongoing series, the Rollover Files.

TL;DR pitch: midlife crisis superpowers. Contains swearwords, moms & teens saving the world, idealism, and good people dealing with bad situations as best they can.

2 belated, bc that's just the way I roll.

26aafa19 , to random avatar
ClaireFromClare , avatar

@26aafa19 Great story!
"Since stone carving & installation were the most expensive items for the overall project, the monks decided to tackle that job themselves. This meant learning the whole CNC stone-carving workflow, all about stone cutting machinery, operating CNC machines, CAD modelling, CAM programming, stone masonry & construction techniques...
not without a few disasters..."

@StoneCarving @medievodons

gavi , to random avatar

Hey, if you're seeing this and you are a published author (indie self-published or otherwise, doesn't matter, so long as you're on fedi) or a writer in general please reply with a link to your work and maybe a gist of what kinda stuff you write.

I'm gonna get some money for the holidays, and since I'm gonna be treating myself to books I don't really need anyway why not support some fedi friends? (consider doing the same too this holiday season) :ablobcatheartsqueeze:

dickrubin716 , avatar

@gavi The Challenges of Being Me is a contemporary young adult that just came out yesterday. This is a coming of age story dealing with the challenges of not knowing who you are, yet still supposed to project confidence about yourself to those around you. I’d be very appreciative if you picked up a copy, or read it on @bookstodon

exploreyourarchive , to random avatar

Happy December! Show us what archives you have for ...

Athenenoctua , avatar

Joseph Fructus, dit Fructus-Rey, est un peintre et dessinateur français (1744-1831) obsédé par son . Sous son autoportrait, il déclare :
"Toujours a dessiné je passerois ma vie,
mon amour pour cet art tend presque à la follie".

Les conservent 2 albums de vues des environs de en 1820 et 1825, qui offrent des paysages inédits à la perspective... fuyante !
(Cote 17Fi 53)


Couverture de l'album à l'italienne relié en cuir rouge et vert, fermé par un ruban de couleur verte. Titre au fer doré sur une pièce de cuir vert, collée sur le plat supérieur de l'album.
Dessin du pont Morand au moment où quatre arches du pont sont emportées par le fleuve. Les piles du pont reposent sur des pieux en bois reliant de manière indépendante chaque arche. Les restes du pont flottent sur les eaux du Rhône. Sur les bords du fleuve, les premiers spectateurs assistent à la catastrophe. Au second plan se dressent les coteaux de la Croix-Rousse.
Dessin du confluent du Rhône et de la Saône, qui montre un paysage composé majoritairement d'îlots. Le pont est traversé par des piétons, des cavaliers te une carriole attelée. À gauche de la composition se situe la pointe sud de la presque-île, avec l'extrémité de l'allée Perrache bordée de peupliers. Au premier plan, deux paysans fauchent un pré sur les coteaux de Sainte-Foy. La commune de la Mulatière est située en aval du pont, tandis que les Alpes sont représentées en arrière-plan.

seanalan , to random avatar

I’m embarrassed to admit it but …

My whole life I’ve been into geography and yet — after 50+ trips around the Sun — it was like two weeks ago that I learned that Appalachia is pronounced Appa-LATCH-ia … not Appa-LAY-chia 🤦🏾‍♂️

Also, Y’ALL (Young Appalachian Leaders and Learners) apparently got issues with JD Vance’s best-selling “Hillbilly Elegy”

abookguy , avatar

@seanalan I read Hillbilly Elegy several years ago. I am interested in your thoughts on the response. On my TBR list! Thanks for posting about it! @bookstodon

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