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TheAlbatross ,

Don’t really matter until he stops sending them bombs and billions tho innit

100_percent_a_bot ,

He already restricted visas for extremist settlers in the west bank. Making all further aid dependent on curbing the fuckery in this area is probably the way to go. It’s pretty unlikely that the US can do more than delay strikes by Israel when it comes to further actions in Gaza, they don’t have nearly as much control over them as everyone makes it seem.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot @TheAlbatross

No, but the US can sure as hell stop contributing to it. Then, they can go further and stop protecting them at the UN.

100_percent_a_bot ,

Why would they do that? The UN is like 50 Muslim countries, pretty much all of them theocracratic dictatorships. They usually vote as a block against Israel which is pretty bs considering there is one jewish state with one voice.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Israel is committing genocide, we don't give a flying fuck about their opinion

100_percent_a_bot ,

Assad killed like two million people in his own country, many of them with fkin nerve gas. Where are the people calling this a genocide? Where’s the condemnation by the Arab league? They don’t give a shit and they wouldn’t say a word if it was Egypt who was taking out hamas in Gaza right now.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot One issue is that we're funding Israel's genocide. You skipped over that part. Conveniently.
It's time to cut Israel off

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,

Comparing Netanyahu to Assad is very apt, I agree

100_percent_a_bot ,

Guy who gasses hundreds of thousands of his own people and bombs them with barrel bombs from helicopters = guy who happens to contribute to the death of 28 k people (at worst) because terrorists choose to hide behind their own women and children. Smartest lemming

aberrate_junior_beatnik ,

I agree that dropping dumb bombs on populated areas is wrong

100_percent_a_bot ,

It isn’t if they do the proper strike assessment. If killing civilians was their goal they’re doing a very shitty job at it considering they dropped over 20k bombs on Gaza.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot That's horrible!!! How many billions did America give him to do that?

... Awkward

100_percent_a_bot ,

About 12 billion from what I can find

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot We gave Israel 12 billion to massacre Palestinians you mean

100_percent_a_bot ,

No you guys spent like 12 billion on “humanitarian aid” for the Assad regime

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Oh, so we didn't send the missiles and bombs?

Like you and the US are sending to Israel for their "defense" against 6 years olds

100_percent_a_bot ,

Why are you this unhinged lmao

Just let them take out hamas so this shit show called Gaza can move towards becoming a semi functional state that doesn’t shoot rockets on Isreal all day every day

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Given the 30,000 innocent dead people it's ridiculous to suggest that this is solely about Hamas

Why do you support the genocide of the Palestinian people? That's vile

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot btw, most people shoot at their foreign occupier, it's considered "self-defense"

100_percent_a_bot ,

How is arbitrarily shooting rockets in Israels general direction and occasionally hitting your own hospitals self defense? And how is this helping anyone?

Over the past centuries they fought their fight, lost over and over again and are now in a dead end. Now hamas has to be thrown out so the Palestinians vote someone in who can actually be negotiated with.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Considering Israel has been the one refusing to negotiate and sabotaged the formation of a Palestinian state, your comment reeks of ignorance

But if you think that legitimate Palestinian resistance fighters should have guided weapons, I'd support that after all their colonizer does

100_percent_a_bot ,

Negotiating with a party that was specifically founded to destroy Israel is pointless. Also Palestine could be a state if Abbas didn’t fuck up the negotiations by demanding more and more and walking away with nothing in the end.

Them not having better weapons is something I’d consider a skill issue. They suck at politics and have to rely on Iran and jihads because everyone else in the area will loudly condemn Israel while quietly doing fuckall and endorsing Israel curbstomping hamas.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot That's hilarious considering that Israel is the one that doesn't recognize Palestine...while the Palestinians (as part of the Oslo Accords) recognized Israel

And no, they would have had a "provisional" state.. whatever the fuck that is. Stop lying.

As for the rest, literally irrelevant to Israel's military Occupation of them. That's Israel's fault and the own the sole blame for their own actions.

Are you an Israeli?

100_percent_a_bot ,

That’s usually how it goes. They’d have a provisional state that gets more and more jurisdiction and responsibilities over time, finally becoming a state at some point. That is unless they do unhinged psycho shit like instigating countless terrorist insurgencies and constant rocket attacks. No one should have to put up with any of this.

That Gaza is still occupied is the fault of Palestineans doing unhinged psycho shit. Casting yourself as a victim doesn’t work if you’re a crybully and everyone can see your insane behavior.

My nationality is not important to any of my beliefs on this but no, I’m not Isreali. I don’t even think they are flawless or anything, quite the contrary but there’s being a flawed democracy and being whatever the hell Gaza is supposed to be.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot There's no such thing as a provisional state. Israel was never a provisional state That's literally bullshit. That is typical israelially propaganda

The Palestinians including Gaza because we're also talking about the West Bank here too is occupied by the Israeli, no one else only them. The Palestinians are not Occupying the Israeli. You keep trying to skip over that part. But now we can add genocide to it too

100_percent_a_bot ,

That’s absolutely not true, provisional states are very much real. There was a provisional German state after the collapse of the German Reich that existed from 45-49, before the creation of East- and West- Germany. There also was the British mandate for the area after the collapse of ottoman empire. So in a way there also was a provisional Israel.

The rest you write here is jibberish to me, but sure, the Isreali have been genociding Palestine for 70 years, more than doubling their numbers in the process. Seems like they are the least competent genocides in history.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot and now you're just lying.

Worse throwing out irrelevant topics to push your pro-genocide agenda. You would make a worker at Auschwitz

100_percent_a_bot ,

Bro just look it up. At least be informed when pretending to care about specific things.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot The nice thing is that I'm properly informed, not ignoring facts and reality because you need to push a genocidal agenda

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Also Israel used terrorism ( the Israeli Irgun terrorists)just fine to kick the British army out so that "provisional" bullshit you're trying doesn't fly

Nothing you've said justifies genocide

100_percent_a_bot ,

Yeah would be really bad if they were actually doing a genocide then

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Yeah, 30,000 dead , destruction of culturally significant locations, educational facilities, cemeteries, unrelated civilian infrastructure with no plans to restore any of those things while committing ethnic cleansing

Israel is committing genocide, just it was done by Nazi Germany to their ancestors, they just haven't hit the millions of fatalities... yet

100_percent_a_bot ,

You must be some kind of neurodivergent, right? There’s no way anyone who’s somewhat well adjusted (or at least well medicated) is this unhinged and this historically illiterate. No, even mathematically illiterate. Israel has killed like half of hamas already, while maintaining a combatant to civilian death ratio somewhere between 1-3 & 1-4. This is remarkable since hamas is doing their best to get their own civilians killed by colocating ammo and fuel dumps within civilian infrastructure (warcrime btw) and running their command centers within hospitals (also warcrime). The idea that Isreals military is conducting a genocide is laughable, considering they could have murdered everyone within there within weeks, yet they somehow don’t.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Ah, when you starting losing you start attempting to insult the winner of the debate, it's obvious you're lying. Nearly 30,000 dead is indiscriminate, and intentional.

Remember, Israel isn't killing Hamas.. they're making the next generation of radicals. Just like Nazi Germany did.

Also, all of the Palestinians are forced to live in their Israeli made concentration camp, that Israel is now bombing.

Your problem, is that your lies aren't working anymore.

100_percent_a_bot ,

I don’t recall insulting myself. And no, you’re lying when you say that Israel does indiscriminate bombings and just willy nilly killing civilians. Not even the ICJ case you’re probably soying out over tries to allege that. If they were, there would be at least half a million dead by now.

The people in Gaza are already radicalized and have been for years - jike nazi Germany before the war. That’s btw a way better nazi comparison. Just like nazi Germany, the hamas regime is now bombed into submissions and despite everything I’m hopeful that things will continue like with post ww2 Germany with hardcore deradicalization programs in cooperation with the surrounding states.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot but I do like your use of the word " cry bully" as the Israeli or the biggest crybullies on the planet.

They're settlers attack innocent Palestinians, while they settle lands that aren't even theirs and the Israeli military backs them up.

At the end of this, the nation of Israel has to go the way Nazi Germany went

100_percent_a_bot ,

Also at worst Israel is a regular old bully, beating everyone up who provides them with a reason. But Palestine is like that little skinny shitstain in the back of the class, launching spitballs at the biggest kid in class and tripping him after school which makes him go absolutely ballistic.

Personally I have a hard time being sympathetic with these people, considering they still support hamas despite of the suffering they brought to the Gaza strip. There will probably have to be large deradicalization programs for them once this is over. So yeah, as we speak Palestine is literally going the way nazi Germany went, being bombed into submissions and having their will to fight broken.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot Israel is a genocidal, terrorist, colonizing nation. Fixed it for you. Removed the whitewashing

100_percent_a_bot ,

Isreal good, Hamas bad. Palestineans useful idiots. See, I can be reductionist too.

toallpointswest , avatar

@100_percent_a_bot And dishonest

reverendsteveii ,

He already restricted visas for extremist settlers in the west bank

I’ll tell that to that mother in Rafah who’s trying to scrape what’s left of her kid into a bucket, having gone there because Israel told her it was the safe place to evacuate to after she followed Israeli orders to evacuate to Khan Younis and was bombed there as well…

livus , avatar

They do though. As well as essentially paying them to do it, they sit on the UN Security Council and veto everything raised against this genocide.

mathemachristian ,

Israel exists by the grace of the US. Cut off aid and it ceases to be.

100_percent_a_bot ,

Yeah… No

Deceptichum , avatar

He did it for 4 people.

The order initially imposes financial sanctions and visa bans against four individuals, and US officials said they were evaluating whether to punish others involved in attacks that have intensified during the Israel-Hamas war.

LaoisheFu ,

He must be exploding with frustration; every second article about him is about his growing frustration. It must be frustrating to be that frustated.

reverendsteveii ,

There seems to be this thing where the mainstream media tries to appease anti-murder voters by insisting that Joe “I Am A Zionist” Biden is really trying hard to find a solution to this and he’ll get there eventually, but in the mean time his hands are tied and he has to keep picking up the tab for Israel. But like, really guys, any minute now he’s gonna stop because secretly he agrees with you that this is wrong. He just can’t stop now. Like, he could. He could just stop sending them money. But he can’t. But he will soon. But not now. Because he can’t.

Corkyskog ,

Doesn’t congress send the money? Also although I think Zionism is inherently flawed thinking, but you can be a zionist and not support genocide. Nothing about being a Zionist implies the state must grow or do anything in particular other than being a Jewish ethnostate.

A two state solution was and is the only way there will be a modicum of peace, and no, it will not be fair.

mathemachristian ,

He bypasses congress to send military aid.

Also how do you get an ethnostate on other peoples land without genocide?

dubyakay ,

Don’t alter the headline. He bypasses Congress by not sending aid but rather by selling the weapons. Israel is paying for it, even if it’s wholesale prices on ammunition components.

mathemachristian ,

Thats aiding them.

HandBreadedTools ,

It’s literally not, like actually. Google it.

That said, dude didn’t illegally bypass Congress, they gave the president that authority in the 70s and expanded upon it under bush. I don’t agree with it, I think he shouldn’t have done it and that it shouldn’t even be possible. It is absolutely something to legitimately critique Biden for, but it is not bypassing congress in some loophole thing.

mathemachristian ,

It literally is, like materially. My point wasnt that he is doing something illegal, my point is that he is aiding Israel by giving them bombs at discount prices.

rhamzeh , (edited ) avatar

The existence of that ethnostate was built on the nakba and the continued subjugation of Palestinians and their Jewish allies.

Want an ethnostate? Go take it from Germany. God knows they deserve it at least.

Zionism requires the wiping of a culture and people to replace it with another. There is no form of Zionism which is not genocidal.

NoneOfUrBusiness ,

Zionism needs a Nakba and an Apartheid state, otherwise it wouldn't be Zionism. So no, being Zionist means in one way or another supporting genocide.

dangblingus ,

Zionism in 2024 is the belief that nobody other than Ashkenazi Jews are allowed to live in Palestine. However you get to that point, well that’s just secularism! /s

Arthur_Leywin ,

Good heavens Biden is frustrated! Oh Lord what’s about to happen??!!! 🤯

Heir_Of_Isildur ,

He’s about to become dismayed

dangblingus ,

“don’t. stop. you don’t need all those carbs. that cheesecake was for everyone…”

ReginaPhalange ,

To those wandering, WE ARE TOO! FUCK HIM SO SO SO MUCH!



febra ,

All for the camera of course. Behind the scenes he doesn’t give two craps about whatever Israel does.

PanArab ,

Stop sending weapons then.

Rapidcreek ,

Honestly, dissing Bibi is practically a national pastime in Israel now.

But that doesn’t mean there’s any consensus there for peace and reconciliation They’re scared, and frightened people don’t always do what’s right. We should be able to relate, considering what we did after 9/11.

Palestinians are scared too, with good reason.

And fear, as always, is the mindkiller.

Obviously Biden knows his private grumblings will be made public. That White House only leaks when he wants it to. Feature, not bug.

Cinner Bot ,

Most concise comment award.

dyslexicdainbroner ,

Looks like a plastic surgery ad…

Maalus ,

With the amount of surgery Biden has had, it could well be

AbackDeckWARLORD ,
Rentlar ,
RedditWanderer ,

These titles always make me imagine Biden waking up one morning in presidential pyjamas saying: oh man, really frustrates me! Anyways…

ShepherdPie ,

“Anyways… here’s 50 billion dollars to buy more weapons and munitions.”

Deceptichum , avatar

Let me just skip congress on this for ya.

rxbudian ,

It’s like telling someone not to gamble while giving him money/credit for the slot machine

holycrap ,

Is he frustrated with Israel or with the political capital this is costing him?

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