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AI worse than humans in every way at summarising information, government trial finds

Artificial intelligence is worse than humans in every way at summarising documents and might actually create additional work for people, a government trial of the technology has found.

Amazon conducted the test earlier this year for Australia’s corporate regulator the Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) using submissions made to an inquiry. The outcome of the trial was revealed in an answer to a questions on notice at the Senate select committee on adopting artificial intelligence.

The test involved testing generative AI models before selecting one to ingest five submissions from a parliamentary inquiry into audit and consultancy firms. The most promising model, Meta’s open source model Llama2-70B, was prompted to summarise the submissions with a focus on ASIC mentions, recommendations, references to more regulation, and to include the page references and context.

Ten ASIC staff, of varying levels of seniority, were also given the same task with similar prompts. Then, a group of reviewers blindly assessed the summaries produced by both humans and AI for coherency, length, ASIC references, regulation references and for identifying recommendations. They were unaware that this exercise involved AI at all.

These reviewers overwhelmingly found that the human summaries beat out their AI competitors on every criteria and on every submission, scoring an 81% on an internal rubric compared with the machine’s 47%.

Melvin_Ferd ,

Here is the summary by AI

The article suggests AI is worse than humans at summarizing documents, based on one outdated trial. But really, Crikey is just feeling threatened. AI is evolving fast, and its ability to handle vast amounts of data without the human biases Crikey often exhibits is undeniable. While they nitpick AI’s limitations, they ignore how much better it will get—probably even better than their reporters. Maybe they’re just jealous that AI could do in seconds what takes humans hours!

DarkCloud , (edited )

“AI” or Large Language Models, are designed by definition to give averaged answers. So they’re not just averaging on the text you give them, they’re averaging it with all general text of the training model, to create a probabilistically average result based on all of it.

There’s no way around this, because it’s simply how such systems work. It’s their lifeblood to produce a “best guess” across large amounts of training data …which is done by averaging out all that language. A large amount of language… Hence the name.

AA5B ,

Artificial intelligence is worse than humans in every way at summarizing documents

In every way? How about speed? The goal is to save human time so if AI is faster and the summary is good enough, then it is a success. I guarantee it is faster. Much faster.

loonsun ,

If you make enough mistakes, speed is a detriment not a benefit. Increasing speed allows you to produce more summaries but if you still need to correct and edit them all you’ve done is add a step where a human has to still read the document to the level where they could summarize it and edit the AI summary. Therefore the bottleneck of a human reading the document and working on a summary is still there. It would only potentially make it slightly easier if the corrections needed are small and obvious.

Hacksaw ,

47% is a fail. 81% is an A-… Sure the AI can fail faster than a human can succeed, but I can fail to run a marathon faster than an athlete can succeed.

I guess by the standards we use to judge AI I’m a marathon runner!

AA5B , (edited )

If I want to get a better sense of lemmy than headlines, that 47% success at summarizing all the posts is good enough and much faster than I can even skim

If I want to code a new program, that 47% is probably pretty solid at structure and boilerplate so good enough. It can save me a lot of time

If I want to summarize the statuses of my entire team, that 47% may be sufficient for a Slack update to keep everyone up to speed but not enough to send to management

If I’m writing my thesis, that 47% is abject failure

Hacksaw ,

If you miss key information the summary is useless.

If the structure of the code is bad then using that boilerplate will harm your ability to maintain the code FOREVER.

There are use cases for it, but it has to be used by someone who understands the task and knows the outcome they’re looking for. It can’t replace any measure of skill just yet, but it behaves as if it can which is hazardous.

Matthew ,

I’d heard that Canada gives out As down into the 80% range but I thought I was being fed a line

Hacksaw ,

Yeah 0- 49% is an F 50-59 is a D 60-69 is a C 70-79 is a B 80-89 is an A 90-100 is an A+

It means that 10-20% of exams and assignments can be used to really challenge students without unfairly affecting grades of those who meet curriculum expectations.

Zron ,

A summary is useless if it’s not accurate.

dreaddynaughty ,

This is an old study, they tested University level adults against the standard Llama2-70B.

Kinda absolete now, the model has completely fallen out of use, for the newer and far better 3 and 3.1 Versions. It also wasnt fine tuned for summarization, and while base L2-70B was OK, it wasnt great at anything without fine tuning.

This clickbait title also sounds like self gratification, the abysmal reading comprehension in the Internet is directly counter to it. The average human found on the Internet doesnt approch the level of literary capabilities, that those ten human testers showed in the study.

Chef_Boyardee ,

To all of you AI haters out there, stay away from the two minute papers yt channel. You’ll get very sad at the actual state of AI.

Gumus ,

Also beware the AI Explained channel, where the creator is full-time investigating and evaluating cutting edge development in AI. You might even glimpse what’s coming.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

Are we talking 10% worse and 95% cheaper? Or 50% worse and 10% cheaper? Or 90% worse and 95% cheaper?

Because that last one is good enough for fiscal conservatives. Hell, the second one is good enough for fiscal conservatives.

dreaddynaughty ,

The linked pdf lists the deficiencies of the LLM responses. They are varied and it sometimes misses the mark completely or cant grasp vital context.

Still pretty useless comparison, they testet 10 university level humans against Llama2-70B. The model has fallen out of use completely by now and was never really great at summarization. The study didnt fine tune it either, so this isnt really representative of the current situation.

There are far better models out, that were either especially trained for summarization or can be easily fine tuned to excel at it. Not to mention the Llama3 and 3.1 series, with the crazy 405B model.

UnderpantsWeevil , avatar

There are far better models out

I’ve heard this refrain a few times. Still waiting for it to pan out.

WiseThat ,

The next update will fix everything, just need this one hotfix and everything will be solved, just wait.

Just one more update, okay? Just one more. One update. Just one.

loonsun ,

Knowing this it seems like a very low quality study. They should probably redo this with multiple conditions.

  • Base Llama 3
  • Tuned Llama 3
  • Untrained human summarizer
  • trained/professional human summarizer
helenslunch , avatar

As someone who regularly uses AI for my podcast, it’s absolutely worse in every way, but it does 95% of the work. Creates chapters, makes subtitles and a summary, and then I come and just clean up the rest. If it weren’t for AI I just wouldn’t bother with it.

I think this is the thing a lot of people don’t understand about AI; it’s not going to replace humans entirely, but it can make a human way more efficient, and make 1 human able to do the work of 3-5 humans.

Architeuthis , avatar

but it can make a human way more efficient, and make 1 human able to do the work of 3-5 humans.

Not if you have to proof-read everything to spot the entirely convincing-looking but completely inaccurate parts, is the problem the article cites.

soul , avatar

For summarization, having the data correct is crucial because manual typing itself is not a large chore. AI tends to shine more when you’re producing a lot of manual labor such as a 10-page document for something. At that point, the balance tips the other way where proofing and correcting is much easier and less time-consuming than the production itself. That’s where AI comes in for the gains in workflows. It has other fantastic uses as well, like being another voice for brainstorming ideas. If done well, you’re not taking the AI’s idea so much as just using it to spur more creative thinking on your end.

helenslunch , avatar

You think it’s not faster to read and correct than it is to write the whole thing?

WiseThat ,

If the error is hidden well, yes. Close-reading a text and cross referencing everything it says takes MUCH longer than writing a piece you know is accurate to begin with

helenslunch , avatar

Absolutely incorrect.

pingveno ,

I’m doing a series of conversations/interviews with my parents’ generation to keep a voice record of their stories. As part of that, I’m doing transcripts that start with the transcript feature of Google’s Recorder. It can do some nifty things like assign speakers to individual voices. I have to clean up the transcripts some, but it’s far less laborious than dealing with a 15-20 minute conversation. I can fix up a transcript in maybe 5 minutes.

helenslunch , avatar


Feathercrown ,

I would expect “faster” to be a way

nutsack ,

or cheaper

GetOffMyLan ,

“I can easily do it on my phone” is also good.

masquenox ,

Artificial intelligence is worse than humans in every way

As if capitalists have ever cared about that…

jaybone ,

No shit.

LifeInMultipleChoice ,

Intelligence vs non intelligence: intelligence is superior… Who would have thunk it lol

Ilandar ,

Ten ASIC staff, of varying levels of seniority, were also given the same task with similar prompts.

This is the key line here. These are likely university educated staff with significant experience in writing and summarising information and they were specifically tasked with this. However, within the social media landscape (Lemmy, reddit, etc) AI is already better at summarising information than humans because most human social media users are fucking retarded and spend their time either a) not reading properly/at all or b) cherrypicking information to fit whatever flavour of impassioned narrative they are trying to sell to everyone else.

Just some very recent examples I’ve seen of Lemmy users proving they are completely incapable of parsing relevant information are that article about an alternative, universal and non-proprietary database called GetGee which everyone seemed to think was an article about whether TikTok should be banned (because the word TikTok was in the title and that tricked their monkey brains) or the update to the 404 Media story on “active listening” in which people responded as if this technology exists and is in use when 404 Media still haven’t been able to confirm either of these things. The second one was particularly egregious because it got picked up by all kinds of tech-related YouTube channels and news sites and regurgitated by their viewers and readers without a single one of these people ever bothering to read the source material properly.

sugar_in_your_tea ,

Lemmy users proving they are completely incapable of parsing relevant information

To be fair, you need to actually read the article to be able to summarize it.

SoleInvictus ,

I had the same thought. Most people I encounter online and in person are not great at summarizing information regardless of the context.

For example: those who don’t summarize the content of a conversation and instead poorly and inaccurately act out the entire encounter, "word by word ". Ughhhhh.

sunzu2 ,

human social media users are fucking retarded

I feel attacked

Glitch ,

Nice to have though, would likely skip or half-ass a lot of stuff if I didn’t have a tool like AI to do the boring parts. When I can get started on a task really quickly, I don’t care what the quality is, I’ll iterate until it meets my standards.

stoy ,

“Just one more training on a social network”

Can’t wait for the bouble to burst.

finitebanjo ,

We shouldn’t wait, it is already basically illegal to sample the works of others so we should just pull the plug now.

stoy ,

The issue with legally pulling the plug is that it won’t stop AI baddies, only good AI companies who respect the law.

The knowledge and tools are still out there.

But when the bouble bursts it will tank AI globally.

finitebanjo ,

good AI companies who respect the law

When those come around maybe we can rethink our stance, but for now we should stop the AI baddies.

stoy ,

Which will only be possible with good old fashioned bouble bursting as I said.

finitebanjo ,

Nah we can start enforcing the laws as they exist. OpenAI is using works of others commercially without permission.

We don’t have to wait.

stoy ,

As I noted, that only works with a limited set of AI companies.

They need to be in the juristiction of whatever government that decide to enforce the laws, if not, there is very little that can be done.

Then, besides needing to be in the right juristiction, the punnishment needs to be large enough that you can’t just budget it away.

Then any country doing this will know that they are deliberately getting rid of an important sector, while other countries will continue running their sectors.

finitebanjo ,

Important? Unlikely.

jawa21 , avatar

This reminds me. What happened to that tldr bot? I did appreciate the summaries, even if they weren’t perfect.

kromem ,

Meanwhile, here’s an excerpt of a response from Claude Opus on me tasking it to evaluate intertextuality between the Gospel of Matthew and Thomas from the perspective of entropy reduction with redactional efforts due to human difficulty at randomness (this doesn’t exist in scholarship outside of a single Reddit comment I made years ago in /r/AcademicBiblical lacking specific details) on page 300 of a chat about completely different topics:

Yeah, sure, humans would be so much better at this level of analysis within around 30 seconds. (It’s also worth noting that Claude 3 Opus doesn’t have the full context of the Gospel of Thomas accessible to it, so it needs to try to reason through entropic differences primarily based on records relating to intertextual overlaps that have been widely discussed in consensus literature and are thus accessible).

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