There have been multiple accounts created with the sole purpose of posting advertisement posts or replies containing unsolicited advertising.

Accounts which solely post advertisements, or persistently post them may be terminated.

gedaliyah , avatar

Is this the most downvoted post on Lemmy?

Vanth , avatar

My extremely progressive by American farmer standards uncle, who has driven a Prius for non-farm travel for over a decade, would probably stare at this article silently, turn, and walk out to the barn to continue working. Just about the harshest response that man ever gives.

ekZepp , avatar

What a funny account. Created in July and only full of tech articles posts with zero comments


asap , avatar

Doing the Lord’s work, that’s an easy add to the block list.

MagicShel ,

Their posts are largely well received and commented, but yeah it’s a little weird. I can think of a few possibilities for this, but whatever they’re doing doesn’t seem like typical user behavior. They don’t seem to be shilling for Tesla because I see at least one semi-negative post.


qaz , (edited )

I’ve checked and they posted an article from “ibtimes” 26 (!!) times

Some further analysis shows that all 3 are using the same name server provider (AWS) and have the same registrant name (a company called PERFECT PRIVACY, LLC). Techtimes and HNGN are also both hosted at Google Cloud, but ibtimes is hosted at AWS. Making it seem like the account is attempting to increase backlinks to their sites. But it could also just be a coincidence of course.

Edit 2024-08-16: They posted another article from IBNTIMES.

MagicShel ,

It could be those are just preferred news sources for them. If I were in the habit of reading news and posting what I thought was interesting, I would probably browse a handful of sites and maybe you’d be able to see a similar pattern.

But I can’t figure why they never comment. Not even to add clarifying information or links or whatever.

qaz , (edited )

We can ask and maybe get their first comment in the process. !rosschie

MyOpinion ,

Sounds like a good fit for a paid for piece from Elon.

Telorand ,

I guess the Fortnite publicity stunt isn’t going so well.

CosmoNova ,

I don’t play the game so I’ve got no stocks in this, but why on earth did Epic even agree to it? Tesla must’ve put a ridiculous amount of zeroes on that paycheck. I mean you might as well put Hitler’s car in it at this point.

Telorand ,

Also, the reception from players has not gone well.

BruceTwarzen ,

I don’t understand what the best case scenario is on a ad campaign like that. 12 year olds think that cybertrucks are cool and make their parents spend 100k on one?

CaptainKickass ,

Alternative headline:

Farmer inexplicably spends over 100 grand buying trash

yggstyle ,

Go easy on the farmers it’s not their fault John Deere has conditioned them to do that.

givesomefucks ,

The sole positive is he can plug a welder into it…

But it’s a hell of a lot cheaper to just put a generator in the bed of a real truck. Plus you won’t accidentally use all your battery welding and be stuck. Since you can’t just bring out a new battery, you’d have to tow it back.

Telorand ,

Also, it costs $100k. No sane farmer is spending $100k on a work truck that’s inevitably going to get really dirty and banged up.

owenfromcanada , avatar

And won’t survive things like… getting sprayed with water.

Plopp ,

You’re being unreasonable, it’s a farm not an ocean! Ever seen a water farm? Didn’t think so.

superkret ,
helenslunch , avatar

It’s called surface rust, and totally normal on stainless steel surfaces. Happens on Deloreans too and they’re fine 50 years later.

Absolutely hilarious how people’s hatred for Musk completely erases any sense of objectivity or rationality.

BruceTwarzen ,

It’s just rust bro, it’s actually cool that your 100k truck rusts out of the factory. When it rains you just reset the car and it only takes 4 hours, who cars, don’t you have a phone to watch 2 movies?

Kaboom ,

I don’t know man, a lot of work trucks can get to six figures pretty easily once you start adding utility beds and the like. Especially if you start with a one ton.

Telorand ,

I agree, but those people don’t tend to be farmers, in my experience (or maybe I only know poor farmers).

RagingSnarkasm ,

Those are required features for interstate commuters.

Source: I used to have to commute on the interstate with them.

BruceTwarzen ,

Have you seen the bed of a cybertruck? It’s barely usable

Kaboom ,

Not talking about the cyber truck. I’m talking about actual pickups. The Fords, the Chevys, the Rams, and the like. Stuff people actually use for work. You can’t swap the bed on the cybertruck

HangingFruit ,

It rhymes. Was it intentional? lol

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